
Never Kissed A Girl



3 Years
06-19-2016, 04:19 PM
The roar of the rapids blotted out all other sounds. It was impossible to stand overlooking the raging river and let your ill thoughts continue to plague you. The river demanded attention. That was precisely why Pipit enjoyed this particular stretch of river so much. No matter how many time he'd visited he always had to take a moment to admire the power that the river possessed. Those few moments spent in admiration were exactly what he needed to throw off whatever was troubling him that day or whatever problem he was mulling over.

For Pipit the river offered a much needed break. It was for that reason that he found himself there late one afternoon. The sun was just beginning to set as he settled down on a damp, rocky outcropping that overlooked the rapids. The problem today was more or less an existential crisis. He'd asked himself several questions about purpose and been unable to answer them satisfactorily. The first and perhaps most important was whether or not he had any real purpose. There was very little substance to his life. He wasn't particularly close to any of his family, he had no friends and he had no goals to strive for. Pipit spent his days patrolling the border and doing what it took to survive. He spent his days largely consumed by his own thoughts. Earlier today while doing what he always did, Pipit had had a revelation. Others spent their days interacting with one another. They made friends, they actively worked to better their pack standing, they went on dates. What did he do? He did his work, he minded his own business and when the day was done he went to bed alone.

With a sigh he sank to his belly and hooked his paws over the edge of the outcropping. What exactly was he doing with his life? The brute was three years old and had absolutely nothing to show for his time on earth. He'd never even kissed a girl. Today the river wasn't working for him. Pipit couldn't shake the thoughts that plagued him.