
Of Archangels And Primos



12 Years
Extra large
06-21-2016, 11:15 PM

It was about time he’d gotten out this way. He knew Bass had come calling not long before he and his mother had come down with the latest cold, but now that he was the Archangel, he wanted to assure himself of the terms between Celestial and Abaven. So he’s taken off, leaving Creed at the helm, and headed off to the East. It was his first really definitive move since being made the Archangel. Apart from talking to Leo, he hadn’t met with any of the other alphas on his own, and he would be rectifying that very shortly.

He slowed as the place he remembered his mother stopping at to call for Bass came into sight ahead. As he came to a stop at the borders, he lowered his head, taking a few light whiffs of the scents there. Bass’ was still dominant among them, and that cheered him greatly. There wouldn’t be the awkwardness of having to assess a new face, and having to guess at the personality behind it.

Cinder had stayed home, helping watch the pups, so for Regulus, this was a solo run. He stepped back, lifting his muzzle to the sky and sending a rich, baritone call for Bass, voice respectful of the Destruction. Not a demand, but a polite request for a moment of his time. As the call rolled off on the wind, he lowered his haunches to the ground, posture easily erect, tail flicking to curl about his left hip. He was patient; when the wolf you wanted to talk to was an older, more experienced alpha, patience and respect was the way to go.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



7 Years

06-26-2016, 02:46 PM

It was nearing the end of winter, and there was still no sign of Starling. He let out a large sigh, his front paw twirling in the small lake in the plains. It had hardly gotten cold this year, it didn't even feel like winter had come and gone. That meant his kids were another year older, and he was one season closer to turning six years old. Gods, where did all the time go? He could have sworn he just turned two a year ago. Now he was done with more than half of his life. And what a time he had had. So much had happened, creating Abaven, finding and losing Wren, his kids. He honestly wouldn't change anything for the world, besides maybe the heartbreak of his mate vanishing on him again and again. But he didn't wish that he had never met her, he wouldn't have gotten his wonderful children if they had never reached that point in their relationship. Bass just wished that he could have shielded them from all the terrible things in this world, to shelter them from pain. But would they have grown into the wolves they were today without it? He let out another puff of air, cut away from his musings by a call ringing out for him. He turned his head lazily towards the border, not wanting to do alpha things today. But duties called. He groaned as he rose to his paws, shaking the earth from his coat. The ground was free of snow today, but that didn't make his joints ache any less. Damn, he was just sinking into his rule of an old man.

He had thought that the voice of the caller seemed somewhat familiar, and when he neared it was hard to miss the bright red wolf on the dull landscape. He smiled softly, this was Surreal's boy that he had met awhile ago. "My my, how you've grown!" he teased as he neared. He was a giant in his own rights, and Bass was no small man. He looked up at Regulus before he settled on his rump in front of him, still on his side of the border. "What brings you here today?" Bass asked, a sudden touch of concern entering his vocals. Had anything happened to his mother? He knew that she was carrying pups not too long ago, they would have been born by now. But for him to be here... he wasn't bringing terrible news with him, was he?

"Talk" "You" Think



12 Years
Extra large
07-10-2016, 06:14 PM

He wasn’t kept waiting too long; soon enough Bass’ pale form came into view, the brown patch on his nose and the lines under his golden eyes marking him for who he was, even if that Leader’s grace of experience and authority hadn’t underlain each step. Regulus sat straighter, though he never lost that easy going posture, or the warm smile that answered Bass’s gentle teasing. “I have grown quite a bit, I suppose.” The fathomless sapphire eyes twinkled cheerily, before he quickly assured Bass of his mother’s wellbeing. If inadvertently.

“Well, I know you and my mother had words, but since I’ve stepped into her place, I wanted to speak with you myself, to see where Abaven and Celestial stand. You said once that if we helped during the Hellstrom siege, Abaven would be allied with the Pack my mother raised. I’d like to pursue that friendship. Now that we have pups in the pack – three, two girls, one boy – we could use all the friends we can get... I hope I’m not being too forward…”

He paused, running his mind through his thoughts, then added thoughtfully, “Also, I think Varda needs to see her family, and know that they aren’t all gone. One of her close friends – and he was also one of our Legionaries – went missing not long ago; she’s taking it hard. Have you seen a white wolf with yellow eyes and dark markings around his eyes? His name’s Miksa.” His eyes searched Bass’ face for any signs of recognition.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



7 Years

07-25-2016, 11:52 AM

He was surprised to hear that the young man had started to lead his mothers pack, but all the same a smile touched his lips. He too had been young when he first created Abaven, and they were the longest standing pack for awhile. He held pride in that, even if the activity hadn't been so great as of late. Regulus seemed a wise, strong man, and he had come here to speak of the standings between their two packs. Bass nodded his head, but he couldn't help keep picturing the red brute as a tiny little puppy. Oh how fast time moved, he could see that in his own children. Time was a cruel mistress indeed. Snapping out of it, he focused on the important matters before him. "I see no reason why a friendship cannot remain between us. Had there been any changes to Celestial since you took your mothers place that I should know about?" he asked, golden eyes appraising him. He knew how fast rules could change, even the whole ideal of a pack could shift overnight with a new alpha in charge. If they had strayed too far from the path, then he would have to think long and hard if he wanted to stay associated with them. He had no doubt that Regulus was a good, kind wolf though. He didn't think that he would be a dark, cruel wolf. But looks could be deceiving.

Bass' smile grew when he mentioned the new life in the pack, his eyes sparkling. He missed having pups around, everyone was older now in Abaven. "Tell Surreal I say congratulations. Puppies are a wonderful gift, and I hope I can meet them some day," When he mentioned Varda needing her family, he became more soloum. He knew the feeling well, most of his siblings had left him and others he had no idea where they were. He slowly nodded his head, but he could not recall the male he was speaking of. "I'm sorry, Regulus. I have not seen him, but I will keep my eye out for him and let you know."

"Talk" "You" Think