
Xanilov Adoption



4 Years

06-29-2016, 06:52 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2016, 06:01 PM by Peregrine.)

Man. Wellp. Here we are. Here's you and here I am typing this out... Huh. Alright, well, let's get into it! Welcome back ladies and gentlefolk! For those of you unfamiliar with the Xanilov family and their history click this link here to view a google doc that'll catch you up.

So here we go. The Family Tree is (of sorts) is here. For now there is one litter available for adoption, with no restrictions on gender or personality, however I would prefer more family oriented personalities. Valeriya would have raised them to support and protect their family no matter the cost, thats really the only stipulation I'm gonna put in place. I'd like to see them posted with at least once a week. After a month of inactivty you run the risk of them being reclaimed. Furthermore, I didn't think I'd ever have to state this quite so clearly: Let it be known that while a character's personality is your own their design and history are of my own creation, please do not replicate or reuse. Anywhere. In any fashion. I will find you. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

Essentially, Valeriya left Boreas after finding her family scattered and her mother Raisa having gone mad. She left to strike out on her own, and eventually fell victim to the curse of the Xanilov heir, to try and ressurect what they'd lost. At age 3 she had collected a band of loyal followers, and had her first litter of pups with one of several 'courtesans.' Two pups, now one year old, grew up amongst their packmates, but only a few months after a second litter was born to another male whispers of a plague swept through the land. Valeriya cut off all ties to rogues and other wolves, but it was not long before the first of their wolves fell. Knowing she could not risk the health of her children, and knowing of the terrible fatality rates this illness tended to carry with it, called forth her most capable warriors to escort them back to Val's homeland, where hopefully they might find familiar faces to shelter them. (If there are not enough applicants willing to purchase pup passes I will consider aging them up, we'll see!)

Designs can be found Here, please reply below with an application if you're interested!

Design 1: OPEN
Design 2: LUNS & DOMARI
Design 3: KEA & VASKA
Design 4: OPEN
Design 5: REQ & ALARIK
Design 6: TEA & DEMYAN
Design 7: OPEN
Design 8: OPEN

<b>Character Name:</b>
<b>Age:</b> Pup (5 months, born in late autumn) or Yearling (also born in autumn)
<b>Personality:</b> Gimmie at least 200 words, I'd like to see some thought put into it.</b>
<b>Plans:</b> Anything in mind? What would you like to see befall this character.</b>



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
06-29-2016, 07:02 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2016, 07:40 PM by Tealah.)
Character Name: Demyan
Design: 6
Gender: Male
Age: Pup

Demyan is an arrogant, self-assured wolf even as a pup. He's got that cocky swagger like you wouldn't even believe. He's always right, even when he's wrong, and he has no problem telling you that to your face. Snarky, sarcastic, and snippy, he runs his mouth constantly with no filter for either compassion or profanity. At least what he says is funny. Usually. Sometimes. To him, anyway. It's a constant stream-of-consciousness of jokes from him and usually at your expense, with no attempt whatsoever to keep the profanity to a minimum.

Demyan also has very little concept of his own mortality, nor does he generally care enough about others to worry about theirs. This coupled with his arrogance and an insatiable curiosity can lead to some very dangerous situations, for Demyan can't resist poking sleeping bears - both metaphorical AND literal. He jumps into things with an utter disregard for consequences of any sort.

A brawler through and through, Demyan will gleefully roll into any battle no matter how big or small. Particularly in defense of his family, though don't expect him to hesitate if the opportunity comes up to whale on one of his siblings. I mean come on, the guy may be loyal to and love his family, but he's no saint. If anything he qualifies as a bit of a bully and comes across (rightly, in most cases) as a selfish jerk, though his selfish-jerk attitude can be turned to his family's advantage fairly easily since no one messes with his family except him.

Demyan is ambitious to the core, though certainly not through any altruistic intentions. No, his ambition stems entirely from a disdain for his inferiors, who can't possibly be allowed to hold a higher rank than he, and a quite simple need to show off how amazing he is in every way.

Growing up he was conditioned to (begrudgingly) believe in the importance of family and to (equally begrudgingly) give them his loyalty and respect. He will - groaningly and with a show of great reluctance - accept a lot more from family than from anyone else and will - in public - give them his complete support and... sort-of obedience, particularly his elder two siblings who he'd learned early to look up to. Of course in private it will be a completely different matter, with him reverting immediately to his abrasive and bullying self.

As he grows to adulthood Demyan will discover the joys of the opposite sex, and come to consider himself something of a stud. God's gift to women, that's Demyan Xanilov. If you don't think so, well clearly that's a problem with you and not with him. Maybe you should get your eyes checked.

Plans: Demyan is unlikely to join a pack at all. He's not interested in being under someone else's authority and since none of his siblings or immediately family have a pack now that they've been by necessity exiled from Ebony he wouldn't accept anything less than that. He'll stick close by his older siblings until old enough to strike out on his own, and until and after he will be wrecking merry havoc in Ardent. No one will be allowed to forget the name of Xanilov again.

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
06-29-2016, 07:02 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2016, 07:15 PM by Birna I.)
You fiend you....

Character Name: Dómari Xanilov
Design: #2
Gender: Male
Age: Pup (5 months, born in late autumn)

Personality: Look out world here comes Dómari Xanilov!  Yea!  Active and energetic Dóm approaches life head-on.  Straightforward and uncomplicated this wolf likes to get right to the point.  He doesn’t care for pussyfooting around an issue and finds it baffling when others don’t say exactly what is on their minds.  Dómari can be a bit slow to finish what he starts but he is nothing if not determined.  Stubborn and courageous Dóm will work towards his goals and once they are set there’s not much that can can change his mind.  

A wolf of physicality, Dómari is a natural athlete with the inclination to use his body to get things done.  He’s not given to long, drawn-out emotional moments and he isn’t very big on planning ahead.  Instead, Dómari prefers to live his life simply and when negative emotions start to plague him Dóm isn’t interested in talking about them.  He prefers to get bad feelings out through physical interaction whether it’s fighting, hunting, swimming or some other activity.

Dómari’s greatest weakness is his impatience.  Nothing ever seems to happen soon enough with this wolf.  There is an inherent impatience with getting what he wants that’s only exacerbated by the fact that he lives in the moment and has a hard time waiting for things to happen.  Whims of the moment take absolute precedence in his life and seems to make others think he enjoys trouble and confrontations… which he does, to a degree.  Dóm doesn’t want his life to grow stagnant.  He’s always seeking out new activities.  While it’s true that he’s easily bored with environments that are to peaceful, he isn’t one to constantly seek out fights.  Dóm tends to be more forthright than outright aggressive.  He has a youthful and direct manner that sees what it wants and generally goes for it.  At the same time though, there is rarely any malice in his intentions.

Dómari loves to start new things and has a terrible time sitting still.  His first instinct is to do rather than think.  Planning ahead?  Forget it.  Dómari simply charges forward without much ado.  There’s a basic quality of bravery in Dóm’s determination that is unmistakable.  He generally knows what he wants and the quickest way to get it.  He had no problem taking shortcuts if he has to but generally his actions are on the level.  Dómari is not the kind of wolf who resorts to underhanded tactics, it’s just not his style.  He’ll rarely sulk or play any drawn out game of manipulation.  You can pretty much know what he wants at any given time.

Confident and independent Dómari has no problem just putting himself out there in the world.  He loves to make an impression in whatever he does.  Nothing emboldens him quite like a brand new day and a brand new start.  Dóm enjoys a challenge and is happiest when his life is moving forward and active.  However, his seeming confidence is quite variable and Dómari is often plagued by periods of self-doubt and these up’s and down’s can lead to periods of moodiness and temperamental behavior.

While a competitive wolf Dómari generally puts most of the pressure on himself.  He feels a tremendous drive to make himself better, and no, he doesn’t know why or what for… at least not yet.  Oddly enough, despite his mostly outgoing disposition, Dóm is a fairly defensive wolf who can be quick to take things personally.  It doesn’t help that he feels the need to face his problems right away instead of mulling them over.  If he doesn’t face the problem right away he feels he can’t get on with other things.  Thankfully, his flare-ups in ill mood are generally short-lived and tend to end as quickly as they ignite.

Plans:  Dómari will seek to hang with his siblings and go galavanting around Boreas and Auster looking to stir up some trouble, meet new wolves, get into a scrap here or there.  He’s not terribly interested in joining a pack.  Are you kidding?  Why, he and his siblings have all the freedom in the world!  Time to explore and go on adventures!  However, if his siblings decided that a pack is the way to go then he’s in but he’ll still be prone to wander.
[Image: 262ny8g.png]



5 Years
06-29-2016, 07:53 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2016, 07:02 PM by Jackson.)
Character Name: Zarek Pyotr Xanilov
Design: 8
Gender: Male
Age: Pup

Personality: Lawful Evil
To start, most know that he is an observant creature. He has an odd habit of watching whatever is around him. He will take the time to take in his surroundings and tries to remember everything he can. If he could he would burn everything he sees within his mind. Within both lives he is vary in tune with his senses and what is called an Eidetic memory. He remembers specific images, sounds, or objects even if he has only been exposed a time or two. It makes him somewhat unique and a great person to travel with. He also likes to watch others, from a distance. He likes to observe any type of creature and he doesn't make himself known. It can be unnerving to most, but he won't change. He likes to take everything in and look for small things that could help him no more about the creature.

He is also a mostly independent wolf despite his deep loyalty to his family. Zarek knows how to live alone and in all honestly he prefers it. He is able to find himself food, shelter, and water. He also doesn't need or thrive on the company of others. He can survive and keep occupied without the need of others. He can even push others away from him and will seclude himself He prefers to work alone, but if his family is present he will not hesitate to spend time with them. Family takes the highest importance in his life and he will drop everything to do something for a member of his family or to spend time with him. He finds it oddly comfortable despite his lack of need in company of others.

Some also call him a predatory creature and a survivalist. He has a rather high prey drive that can even be seen towards other wolves. He will stalk, he will creep, and with his blood lust he will hunt down other wolves. He gets a thrill out of a good chase and he'll get a thrill out of tracking down an injured animal. He craves it even and seems to desire it. He can also be like that with fights, his blood lust seems to wire his brain this way. He craves the shed of blood and will lap up pools of blood from the ground. He savors the taste of blood, more then the taste of another flesh. He is also more stuck in some ways that are instinct, pure instinct. He has the mindset to survive and will do what he can to insure his survival. This doesn't mean he cannot include others in this trait. Cannibal may be a possibility for him later on down the road.

Zarek is also vary headstrong and it won't take you long to notice it. He does things his way, or no way at all. The only exception would be when he is with his family members. He is stuck in his ways and it is vary difficult to sway him out of it. If you try you will find that he is also a fighter and a strong one at that. He won't give up easy and will use every ability he can to beat you. Even if it is a dirty move he will make it if it ensures his survival. He is also calculating and can be considered rather intelligent. He tries to plot out his moves accordingly to ensure he survives.

Plans: He will find his way to Yfir to be with his Uncle and hopefully his siblings. I'm not sure he will stay because he will be rather independent in personality, but if he mesh's well then I can see him staying with Yfir unless of course one of his siblings plans to start their own pack in the name of their family. He will work on his skills and become a fighting and surviving machine.
[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
06-29-2016, 08:40 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2016, 05:09 PM by Lykos I.)
Character Name: Vaska
Design: Uhh #2. If Luns gets #2 instead, then I'm okay with #4... but #2 is my preference.
Gender: Female
Age: Puppeh since the yearlings are taken already c:
-- As a pup --
Unlike most other pups, Vaska isn't the most playful of creatures. She's bold, daring, challenging... but also serious, and absorbs what has happened to their pack and where they were going a lot better than others would have. She understands, albeit roughly, what's happened and what has made them move, and it makes her upset, clingy, and determined to prove her parents proud... even if they were no longer around due to the plague.

She's determined to protect her family at all cost, adopting the noble attitude and bearing that was ingrained so early into the girl's childhood. As the firstborn of the second litter, she feels that it is her duty, and she will do whatever she can and must in order to guard her family, and assist her older siblings in lessening the burden.

-As an adult-

The first thing that will strike you about Vaska is her noble bearing. She is proud of her family, her heritage, and her lines, and she takes that very, very seriously. She is determined to act like the royal that she is; she will not drop down to the level of lesser wolves, or those who are murderers, torturers, and other such disturbing nonsense. She, of course, can condone the actions of murder or torture if the motives are pure - for example, if one decided to hurt any member of her family, including the ones she feels are worthy enough to be adopted in.

Of course, that would be a highly idiotic thing to do anyways, even if she wasn't willing to less than spectacular ways of retribution to those who harmed those she loved. She has a long fuse, normally, but so much as hint at threatening her family, and you will regret that immensely. She has no concept of mercy for those who harm the Xanilov family, nor those whom she has pledged her loyalty to.

However, normally she has quite a long fuse. Patient, tolerant, and even kind, she is willing to be a guiding figure for her siblings, and anyone else who needs it. She's a bit more serious than most others, preferring less play and more productive activities. Even so, she understands that play on occasion is productive: it relieves stress on the mind and makes those around her happy. Thus, to her, it's worth to indulge in it... on occasion, anyways.

Blunt and to the point, Vaska's not afraid to speak her mind - whether it be her opinions or emotions. After all, she believes that if you're being an idiot, you deserve to be told that. However, this side of her is reserved strictly for family and close friends. It wouldn't seem proper if royalty were to be so crass and crude as to say that to the general populace and to strangers, and she by no means wants to hurt her family's standing. Xanilov is a royal name, after all, and it would do good for each member to carry him or herself as befit their status.

roughly: noble, vicious at times, patient, regal, blunt with family, high honor, caring for friends, family, and any who are under her family's care

Plans: Honestly, she'll go wherever the majority of her family goes. If the family splits up, she'll be quite conflicted, and will likely turn to the twins for assistance. She desires to see the restoration of the name Xanilov in the lands, and wants all to know who her family is, and respect them. She'd love to see the restoration of Ebony, if it turns out they can't return to the pack in the other lands.



8 Years
06-29-2016, 10:52 PM
Character Name: Alarik Xanilov
Design: #5
Gender: Male
Age: Pup (gotta have those fluffy little Xanis)

Personality: In his youth, Alarik is a bit of a dreamer. When he and his siblings tumble around and explore, creating fantasies in their small and yet limitless minds, Alarik is the type to imagine that he is a knight. He climbs the tallest mountains and slays the fiercest dragons. He rescues the fairest princess of all and wins her heart. But most of all, he makes his family proud, and makes them known throughout the land. From the outside, these fantasies are probably pretty amusing to observe, because like most pups Alarik never seems to get used to the disproportionate size of his paws. He is clumsy, but that is understandable. Besides, he always strives to make up for his physical inadequacies by being as sharp as possible mentally. Alarik is that child who always tries to appear composed and a bit superior, using words like "acquaintance" and "epitome" and "indubitably", probably without even knowing what they mean. But hey, at least he'll sound smart.

Beyond all of these things, Alarik will have a big heart. He will be very sweet and loving, especially with his family. And he'll always be up to cuddle, even if he protests a bit to preserve his pride.


       Intelligent - Though Alarik is quite big and strong, he still considers his most valuable asset to be his mind. He has a thirst for learning, and has since he was born. Through his childhood and into his adult years he will have the ability to learn new things quite easily, and he will always have a very eloquent and articulate way of speaking. This is something he is proud of.

       Ambitious - It is not in his nature to back down; why should he? All his life he has been taught that he belongs to a mighty and awe inspiring line of wolves, and he will strive to be one of them. He will have an amazing sense of determination, especially when it comes to fights and questions of loyalty. Alarik will also be ambitious in the sense that he will always push himself to learn new things and acquire new skills.

       Romantic - Or, perhaps this should say hopeless romantic. Alarik, despite his attempts to hide it, will always be a sensitive soul. He still dreams of rescuing that fair princess and winning her heart, after becoming the hero of his classic tale. Someday he wants to find the perfect woman, and court her fantastically with gifts and breathtaking words and shows of affection. It may take him a few tries, and he may end up with a broken heart or two. But when at last Alarik finds the one, she will want for nothing and feel special every day of her life. He will make sure of it.

       Thoughtful - Rash and impulsive are two words which will never be used to describe this man. He never runs headlong into any important decision, preferring instead to think things through and weigh his options. It is interesting, really, how such an emotional individual could still have such a logical and analytical side. But Alarik really just wants to be responsible, and never wants to make a mistake that might take honor away from him, or worse: his family.

       Chivalrous - Alarik, if nothing else, will always be a knight in shining armor. Especially to women, he will be courteous and kind. He will always be sure to show respect to authority. This was the way he was raised, to be a gentleman while still being strong and unyielding, especially in the face of danger.

Plans: Alarik, from a young age, will understand the importance of his family line and its resilience. He will grow up to want nothing more than to honor the family name, and to see them all go down in history. He will always be the kind of boy to dream big, to hope for glory and a chance to show his courage and his might. As an adult, these dreams will remain, though they will of course become less starry eyed and more rooted in reality. He will want to always be honorable, a gentleman, but never weak. He will want to find a mate for himself so he, too, can bring to the world new and precious life which will then build upon his family tree. He will never be as close to anyone as he is to his family. In the end he will hope to have lived a full life, to have been courageous and kind, and to have left a legacy.

Wow. That got kinda long.



7 Years
Dire wolf
07-02-2016, 11:31 AM
Character Name: Rune (possibly her nickname?)
Gender: Female
Age: Yearling
UNPREDICTABLE - Adaptive and farsighted, Rune can and will change her mind at the drop of a hat. This changeability stems from an understanding that the world doesn't run on a “one shoe fits all” mentality. Everything and everyone is different, and situations and circumstances are ever evolving. In Rune's mind, to have the best odds you need to be the most flexible and if that means completely changing tactics at the last possible second, so be it.

RULE-BREAKER - Rune does what works, whether that be solely for her own gain or for everyone involved, and she doesn't care if doing so goes against the wishes or rules of others. She's not opposed to leadership and she has no interest in “sticking it to the man” but if she has a better idea and the means to see her plan to fruition, you may as well just step back and let her do her thing, because she's going to do it even if she has to toss you out of the way first.

CONFIDENT - Nothing about this woman suggests that she is timid or easily cowed. Rune exudes sureness. She's not fearless per se, because fearlessness suggests a certain amount of foolishness that Rune finds unpalatable, but it would fair to say she toes the line between confidence and arrogance. Rune knows that she isn't infallible, but she's well aware of her strengths. If you've got it, flaunt it, right?

CAREGIVER - Something she will remember fondly for the rest of her days is the immense joy she felt upon learning she was going to be a big sister. That feeling and the one she felt upon seeing her little siblings for the first time made a huge impact on Rune. She loved them immediately and took pride in looking out for them. That love for little ones and the willingness to care for others that came with their rearing became deeply ingrained in her personality.

SAUCY - The sarcasm is strong in this one. Calling her cheeky would be an understatement. Rune is bold and largely unafraid of what trouble her mouth might get her into. She loves a laugh and doesn't care where she gets it or at whose expense; that being said she's an equal opportunity comedian and if that means poking fun at herself, hey, a laugh is a laugh.

TROUBLE-MAKER - Rune has some, shall we say, destructive tendencies. Wolves are fun to mess with and sometimes for shits and giggles she'll push their buttons. If presented with the opportunity to
Plans: To be sassy af



4 Years

07-04-2016, 08:09 AM
Congratulations to...
Tea & Demyan, Luns & Domari, Kea & Vaska, and Req & Alarik, with older sisters Sindre and Sigleif being played by Laz and I!

The newest Xanilovs have been selected, and will be brought into Boreas shortly!! (Bluetick, if you'd be interested in making a Queen's Legend instead feel free to PM me, I still loved your app!)