
This Is Who We Are


06-29-2016, 08:15 PM
{{Ooc:: Just to be safe, because I'm not sure where this thread will go, marking it mature. :P It is private though!}}

The day began to greet her, sun warming her face and waking her from her slumber. Thanks to the unusually mild winter Maria had slept outside with Shadow within Southern Boreas. Though the trees did not yet bear fruit Maria suspected, come spring, this overgrown orchard was to be full of wonder. Insects too, but sweet treats for those who were tempted to take a chance at trying the delicious spoils of the earth. In all Maria was in much higher spirits, looking forward to the coming season so that she might be able to rebuild her arsenal of herbs.

She respected Shadow too. Not just as a friend, but because he was not swayed by her heat scent that had been lingering through winter; the season of her birth. The male was truly kinder than he thought of himself, respecting her boundaries and protecting her. His wounds were doing better too, thank goodness, and Maria found herself able to rest a little easier. The lush grass of the orchard, still more green than brown, had lured decent prey to the area. She could only imagine how it would be in spring and excitement rushed through her.

Maria turned her dark blue orbs on Shadow, holding back a yawn as she gently nuzzled her cheek. The femme had grown closer to the uniquely marked male. It could be said that she definitely looked up to him, respected him... And more. Her heart raced when she was near Shadow, and, whether it was because of her season or something more, she wanted to stay with him for many days to come. “Shadow?” Maria asked softly. “Do you want me to go hunting this time?” Would he wake? Or would she have to slip off and surprise him?



2 Years
06-29-2016, 08:34 PM

The ebony male would stay silent, only to be awoken by the sounds of Maria moving around. How he wished he could get a couple more hours of sleep, but he was never really one to sleep for that long anyway which was a bit odd to some. His ruby-colored orbs shimmered slightly from the morning light that glistened inside the den. He could barely make out the yellow maiden due to the fact his eyes were fuzzy from just waking him. Shadow brought his cranium upward, shaking the sleep from his head as he looked to her.

So, she wanted to go hunting? Shadow was rather protective over the woman, and the thought of something happening to her while she was out crossed his mind. However, some food would be nice since all they have been living off of were small rodents or fish that Shadow caught. His crimson eyes would focus in on the ocean blue of Maria's, nodding his cranium in response to her question.

Speech Thought Others


07-02-2016, 10:33 PM
Maria let out a soft giggle as Shadow shook the sleepiness from himself. She didn’t realize how protective the man was over her, or that she was naive to believe she’d be fine out there on her own. The woman was too trusting of the world, but one day she’d learn the truth of danger. It seemed her previous close encounter when she first met Shadow had been forgotten. Was the woman merely forgetful, naive, or a mix of both? With a warm smile the female dipped her head to Shadow and turned on her heels, setting out across the orchard.

It was only a matter of time before she spotted their potential prey; a young fawn, born too early for the spring season, trailing along a small herd that was making their way through the edge of the orchard’s territory. Her stomach rumbled, though she was mindful to watch the stag that was in the group. She started to edge closer towards the little one, hoping to separate it from the herd and come back with it as her prize. Wouldn’t Shadow be proud then!

But something was stirring on the breeze... And it seemed the winds of fate might not be on the side of the predators today...



2 Years
07-17-2016, 11:10 PM
Shadow thought he would focus on Maria today and see how she did with her hunting. Though, he made sure to keep the wind in check as well, for wherever they were located and the wind was blowing in their general vicinity, it was obvious that the chances of catching some prey would be slim to none for them. He kept in the shadows, watching the dame with interest as he focused his attention on her target. A young fawn happened to catch his attention, obviously knowing that that was the prize she was going for. It was a smart choice as he gave a small sigh. The wind would be blowing right toward her, however, since he was away from the wind he would have a higher chance of catching the prey.

He would help Maria out if needed. Since the wind was blowing toward her and the deer would obviously catch her scent, if it looked like she was having trouble with the matter, Shadow would have to keep up with both the herd and Maria. Though, if she created a diversion, he would be able to catch the fawn since the herd would be worried about Maria more, though, he would also worry about the woman too, for he wanted her to be his future mate that was for certain.


08-06-2016, 05:18 PM
Determination filled the golden girl as she pressed in on the herd, but the wind’s change brought her scent right to them. Chaos erupted as the herd began to scatter, startling the she-wolf as she watched deer leap this way and that. The she wolf could see the fawn slipping away to catch up with it’s mother too. Darn it! Claws digging into the ground Maria did her best to spring after them, feeling frustrated with herself. She couldn’t control the wind, but if she hadn’t hesitated then the fawn might have already been in her jaws.

The pounding of hooves hitting the ground hard caused a thrumming sound in her ears as Maria ran, doing her best to catch up with the creatures. Hunger drove her, as well as the thought of being able to catch something for Shadow. Snorts and bellows of fear were around her as she started into the middle of the herd where the mother and fawn were, a dangerous place for a wolf to be. Especially with a rather strong looking buck coming up on her left side...