
There's No More Chances


06-29-2016, 08:33 PM

Somehow he had survived.

He should have died from that illness and yet... Here he was... still breathing.

...Gods above why!?

Allen felt both relief in the fact that he had lived and yet, at the same time, he eyed the sky with that question of “why?” Why had he been left alive, when his family...

Perhaps it was punishment.

The old gentleman hung his head with grief, her once brilliant dark green eyes dulled with emotional pain. Guilt ate at him. He could picture Bass’ face in the back of his mind, mingling with that of his wife, son and daughter.

Allen trembled.

He could feel his lips quivering as he stood there, his head lifted towards Eastern Boreas. A place he’d once called home... But could no longer. He knew what Bass had said when they last saw each other. Regardless of the death of his son.. His mate... The disappearance of his daughter... Allen doubted he had a home in Abaven any longer.


He knew that he had to see Bass at least once more. The Gods must have kept him alive for this, Allen realized.

The brute cast a look at himself in a nearby puddle. He looked a royal mess, fur knotted and lack of luster... He looked old... Endless old as he gazed at himself in the water. Allen doubted himself. He doubted everything. But... He was alive.

...and the living had to do one very important thing; live.

So paws started to carry him Eastward, towards the lands of Abaven, towards his old friend. He doubted very strongly that Bass wanted to see him after all this. But Allen would at least give his apology. Whatever Bass chose to do with him after that, be it run him out, denounce their friendship, the man knew he had to face him once more.

It seemed to take ages to reach the plains that Abaven first claimed. Allen gave a weary sigh, his dull gaze shifting over the lands. But he was mindful of the borders, keeping a respectful distance and then some away from them. This placed had been full of memories... Good and bad.

Allen let out a weary sigh. It was time.

Raising his muzzle to the sky he howled for one wolf alone; Bass.
