
My Name Is... NO {PO}



1 Year
06-29-2016, 09:10 PM

Sulk, grump, stomp, and repeat. That had become Itri's life within this pack. What was it called again? Ice something.... ice was right! It was so damn cold up here, that he hardly wanted to leave the comfort of his den. He just wanted to curl in a ball and let the rest of the world keep on living. But Esarosa... she really wanted him to be here and to be happy. So screw it all, he should go out there and mingle with all the dumb wolves that called this frozen wasteland home. He stomped out of his den and into the freaking cold, his silver eyes narrowing as he glanced around. Welp, he saw no one yet. There, at least he tried! He was about to go back into his little dug out, but he knew that if Esa was there that she would kick his butt. Fine, he would go take a little walk and see if he could find anyone that way. Shaking, he felt like his necklace and bangle were stuck to his fur as he trotted from one tree to the next, kicking up the white powder with every step he took. He had a rather sour look on his face, which wasn't something that screamed 'come and talk to me!' Or even 'I don't bite'. Well he did bite. Obviously not well... his left armpit burned with the thought of his last and only battle, it really didn't end well for him. But he had done some damage back! Yeah, so there. He did sink his teeth into things sometimes. Just... not lately. He growled and kicked at the snow harder, when a gust of wind came and knocked it right back into his face. Sputtering, he paused with his front legs spread wide as he shook his head back and forth. This stupid place! Stupid, stupid snow! Everything could go jump off a cliff, that's what they could do. With a final huff to get all the snow out of his nostrils, he flopped to his rump and just gave up on walking.

Art by Fox



1 Year
07-06-2016, 01:05 AM

She had been sneaking around in the snow for a while. The small little thing blending in slightly with the snow. Though her lightly colored pelt stood out regardless - her dark silver gray eyes searched over the snow. When her ears rose with a thumping noise. It was... another wolf! A small gasp escaped the princess' throat. He had something strange around his neck, and seemed awfully grumpy. A small thing like her could get eaten up rather quick, so the pup debated just leaving back for home. Perhaps drag one of her brothers with her. Ahhh, they were in the same pack - regardless of how much of an enemy she saw him as it was imporant to broaden her horizons right! So she would be of use in the future right now she was nothing.

The fluffy little pup started towards the male, standing directly in front of him as she sat down. Appearing poised and proper like any lady should. "Why are you so upset? The snow hasn't done anything to you." of course Ash could be mistaken. She was born in the cold - so it didn't bother her at all. Well it had been cold at first, but her father said it just meant she would get stronger by getting used to it. She was graced by the gods after all! She wasn't anyone important unless she made herself that way.
