
How Long

Sparrow I


7 Years
07-01-2016, 08:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2016, 08:54 PM by Sparrow I.)
How long had she been in Imperium? It was winter when she had left Abaven, but spring had definitely set in. The snow had started to melt and the fresh grasses were starting to spring up. Slowly, everything had been turning green. It was funny, this was the first time she had seen the seasons change in these lands. This was the view Ashmedai and the rest of Imperium had grown used to, wasn't it?

She felt like she wasn't living her own life here. She was someone different. What if she had been raised here. Would she know how to fight better? Would she have been a warrior? She laughed a little at the thought. Sparrow, the little warrior. Life could have been so different. She knew that didn't mean it would be better, really, but she couldn't help but wonder.

Maybe it was time to move on. She had been here for a while already. She was getting comfortable living in a life that would never be. Imperium was gone. Even if the other members were around, they obviously had no interest in being a pack, whatever had happened. Just like that, the strongest thing Sparrow could think of had crumbled. It made her feel like a survivor in a way, but it also made her fell kind of empty.

Okay, it was definitely time to move on. Yup, there was nothing to see or do here, so it was time to move on.

Sparrow got up and shook her coat, exiting from the little area she had been resting. She took in a deep breath of air. Where to next?



7 Years
Dire wolf
07-02-2016, 11:06 AM
Angelus' hackles rose as he spied an unfamiliar wolfish form in the Range. He lurched to his paws and was on the verge of flinging himself towards the intruder when it finally clicked that she wasn't an intruder at all. The pack was gone and any Tom, Dick or Harry was free to come and go here. This revelation caused his rising anger to stall and nearly sputter out. He couldn't help but still feel a bit miffed at what felt like an intrusion. Didn't they know where they were? Where was the respect? Angelus let a sigh slip between his clenched teeth. To him, this was home. This was hallowed ground set aside for him, his family and his pack, and it had been since birth. Even though the pack was gone it was hard to shake that feeling.

With an irritable flick of his tail Angelus set out to intercept the intruder stranger. He wasn't sure what his intentions were and he didn't know what he was going to say when he got to her, but he was going anyway. He'd know what to do when he got there...maybe.

As he got closer the woman began to look more and more familiar. At first he couldn't place her, but then it clicked. She was from Abaven, wasn't she? He'd seen her before, he was sure of it. Maybe. He squinted. Yeah, maybe. Ah, now he got it. She was one of Rhythm's relatives and she'd visited before. He didn't think they'd ever met formally, but he was certain he knew who she was now.

Taking a chance, he called out, "Kinda far from home, aren't you?"

Sparrow I


7 Years
07-06-2016, 10:11 PM
"Kinda far from home, aren't you?"

Sparrow jumped. How were others always sneaking up on her? Was she really that air headed? The tiny wolf spun around to a flash of a familiar color. The slate coat seemed to stand out in her vision as the rest of the world fell away. Her heart skipped a beat. It couldn't be. Did he come back?


As soon as the words left her lips, she knew she was wrong. There were no freckles. This wasn't Ashmedai. Sparrow shook herself, mentally and physically. Her eyes seemed to refocus. That coat was familiar, and that stature was undeniable. It had to be Ashmedai's older brother. She had seen him before the war, and at the party after. She knew him.

"Sorry- Angelus, right?"

Sparrow's eyes glanced over his figure. He really was large. She had so much she wanted to know. Did he know where Ashmedai was? Surely he knew what happened to Imperium- and maybe about the other members. She wanted to ask him these things so strongly, she stepped forward, her lips twitching with the question right behind them.

She couldn't.

She couldn't ask him these things. Not only would it be rude, but... well... it would be really rude! Sparrow bit back her questions and quickly thought of something else, "How... How are you doing?"

It was lame and very diluted from what she wanted to ask him, but it would have to do for now. Sparrow glanced up- well, really craned her head back to look up- and offered a tiny smile. She was trying to be polite and not too curious about his... everything; his pack, his family, his stature, everything.

'How are you doing' was a fine place to start.