
Pens And Needles


07-02-2016, 10:35 PM
The man had lingered away from southern Boreas for too long. Memories filled him upon coming here. He thought of his children. He thought of Arian and the path he chose. Yes he’d slain Sin... But at what cost? The silver and gray man felt a burden heavier than any he’d ever bore on his shoulders. The burden of death. Cypress could hardly believe what he had done. For what? Revenge? Then why did it feel so bitter, so cold, so tasteless in his mouth?

Revenge, he realized, wasn’t something to be savored. It was something indeed cold and tasteless... Something as bitter as defeat. For one only went for revenge after losing something dear. It didn’t bring that something back... So why had he...?

Cy shook his head, coming to a stop by pack borders. Were it not for the strong, familiar scent of the alpha he might have ignored the place completely. But... The scent belonged to Rivaxorus II. His son. He sighed. How long had it been since he’d seen them...? Since he lost ‘ponine’s trail. He closed his eyes. Perhaps... Perhaps she’d found them too. At least then he’d know she could be safe. Tilting his head back he called for Riv, and any of the other children that might have made it here. He had to know...

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

07-03-2016, 04:04 AM

Rivaxorus hadn't felt tired in some time. Some days he just got like that though, as the male rose himself from his den. A call stretched on his ears, and it stopped him in his tracks. Out of all days to hear it, this was the one. His heart raced against his chest, he forced himself to swallow it and approach the borders to the source. The large male would stand directly in front of the man who had sired him. Ears perked forward, his expression sullen. As he tried not to breath heavy, he tried not to think of much of anything at the moment.

He didn't know whether to be angry, to be happy, or what. As he swallowed his own words he breathed a bit carefully. Rivaxorus had one, very simple, very serious question for his father. "Why?" he asked rather pained. His eyes furrowed towards him, looking a little confused. He wasn't angry Cypress was here, in fact there was a lot of things he wanted to talk about with his dad. Yet suddenly he was flashed with pain he thought was forgotten. A hole being bore into his heart that had been patched up by the pack and wife to be he had.

Rivaxorus wasn't sure what he was expecting from his question. What exactly was he asking why to? Rivaxorus lowered his head and sighed, "I.... missed you." he muttered looking off to the side. What was in the past was the past, and he knew that if he didn't give his father a chance he would be no better than his sister. He shook the feeling free, his mis match eyes matching those of his father just in an opposite direction. Like looking into a mirror.




5 Years
07-03-2016, 02:00 PM

Some time had past since the meeting with his father and he had hoped he would come here, to reunite with Riv and hopefully the family would begin patching up. He had high hopes for it and if it didn't happen... Well who knows. He had tried several times to find Holly after their first meeting, but there had been no luck and he was fearful that she was gone for good. Soon the call from his father came to his ears and he smiled, his tail wagging back and fourth.

He took off towards the source at a fast pace, but tried to remain neutral knowing that it was touchy with his other siblings. He hadn't been around through all the family drama so he had to remain in support of all of his family regardless if there feelings were the same as his. If it was up to him his father would be apart of the pack, but Riv was in charge and it was his decision and he would not argue with him.

He slowed as he closed in on the gathering and saw that Riv was already there. His tail wagged lightly, but he remained quiet as Riv spoke to Cypress.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]


07-22-2016, 07:38 PM

Cypress waited, though not very long. When he saw his son, having grown so tall and strong, Cypress wondered if the other might be sore with him. He surely had a right to be, disappearing as he had. Why. That was the question that reached his ears. “Why what, my son? Why did I come? Why did I fight Sin? Why did I leave?” He supposed they were all very valid questions and as he asked each in turn his voice was soft, touched with a bit of pain. Especially that last one. He lowered his own head, giving a soft whine as he took a step towards his child. “...and I missed you.”

Cypress glanced towards Jackson as his other son arrived, giving a small nod to him before looking back at Rivaxorus. “I will answer all of those questions in time Riv, if you will let me.” The older wolf tilted his head to the side. “But first a question of my own, if you don’t mind. Has... Has ‘ponine come here?” His words were worried... And he hoped with all of his heart that his child had made it somewhere safe. If it was here it would be all the better.
