
What was promised to me



7 Years
Extra large
08-11-2014, 11:45 PM

ooc: Any higher rank will do as you see fit Eve ^w^, and then Quelt will not challenge to raise ranks but rather will work on working with everyone for it. This is just him trying to get the dice rolling for himself and his "family". Set before the irune challenge because idk what he's gonna do after that.
Quelt stood near the rapids with a intense look in his eyes, now was the time. His rippling muscles stopped as he raised his head in a call for the alpha Bass. He wanted a higher rank it was obvious. He had settled his family and now it was finally time he did something for Abaven and made them his family as well to trust every single one of them. He wanted them to know his name, and to feel safe with him working beside everyone else. As he flicked his tail back and forth he let a smile rest upon his snout, there was no harm in this challenge after all. It was all friendly.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



7 Years

08-12-2014, 12:16 AM

When Quelt's call rank out, he had an idea on what he was asking for. Stretching his body outside of his den, he loped easily to the rapids and dipped his head at the slate blue male. "Quelt, what is it that you call for?" Although he was pretty sure it was for a higher rank like the had talked about, he wanted this to be official. He felt like it needed to be said out loud so that there could be no questioning in it all. If it was what he was thinking, it was a serious matter. All signs of the jester part of Bass slipped away, this was alpha business and he showed it. His head and tail were high, his muscles stretching and preparing for what was to come. He had hoped to give the first rank challenge to Motif, but she had gone off on a task for them. Studying the older male before him, his brow rose in question.



7 Years
Extra large
08-12-2014, 02:37 PM

More serious expression would come across his face when Bass arrived. Of course they had to do this officially, and now it was his time to express what kind of leader that he could be. His thick muscles strained underneath him as his different colored eyes stared at Bass who asked the question. Was Quelt crazy for aiming so high? But this was all for Abaven and everyone else, the ambitious part of him was calling for this even if it would be considered early by others. They had lost Emma, and somehow he felt that it was also his responsibility to make up for that. "I'm challenging for Naharar." he said in a clear and confident voice.
As much of a nobody he could be, Quelt was determined to become more active than ever in the pack. He would outstretch his paw for them, even more treat them like family. After all there was so much preparation to do to gain a pack still keeping the promise to Hajime after all. The huge wolf would stand tall, fluffy chest puffed out as his tail swiped behind him.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



7 Years

08-12-2014, 04:41 PM

The rank was heard, and his brow would rise. It was not what most asked for, a tier one ranking was as high as you could get. He didn't doubt his ability, but he was still surprised by it. "Then meet the challenge. If you win, the rank will be yours. If not, me and Motif will then discuss what rank you will hold." He wanted to make sure that she was okay with it as well, this was not something to take lightly. Stepping back and taking a deep breath, he awaited Quelt to move first. This was his challenge, he would make the first move.



7 Years
Extra large
08-13-2014, 02:29 PM

Quelt listened to Bass, before nodding his head to show that he understood. He was excited, but now it was time to get serious, even if he lost if he showed his skills there was a chance he would rise with his perseverance. Then Bass began to prepare himself, the smaller male inviting as Quelt's hackles raised making the fur around his neck fluffy. He crouched slightly, opening his jaws as he felt his blood beginning to rush through his body. Legs separating to become balanced among his large body weight. Bass was smaller and lighter, Quelt would have to use his strength in a whole new way in order to defeat the youth. His ears went to pin against his head, and eyes narrowed locking on his opponent. Knee's bending slightly, his plume would stay level to his spine as he debated what his first move would be.
Quelt's toes dug into the terrain as he suddenly launched himself forward. Aiming for a slide at Bass' left leg, his jaws opened to try and clamp down on the forelimb and pull up to flip the youth if he were to gain a grasp. His first thought being to try and make Bass loose balance and fall over to either side. The beast would tuck in his chin slightly to protect his neck, and kept his ears pinned to avoid them being grasped onto. Toes splaying into the dirt to keep his balance and position. While most of his weight was centered forwards into Bass.
1/2 Bass v. Quelt for higher rank

Attack: Quelt is trying to lower himself to slide over to Bass' left leg opening his jaws to clamp down on the middle of the forelimb and pulling up in an attempt to unbalance Bass and flip him over.

Defense: Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, toes splayed hackles raised. Chin tucked tail level with spine weight pulled forward.


[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



7 Years

08-19-2014, 07:03 PM

As the two males stared each other down, he was able to work on setting his own defenses. His legs bent slightly as his toes spread, claws finding a grip in the earth below him. His ears pulled back against his skull as his neck and tail aligned with his spine. Bass rolled his shoulders forward, lowering his chin to his chest to protect his vitals. Lips pulling back in a snarl, his eyes squinted as both actions folded the skin around his face to aid in sheltering his golden eyes. Finally, he evenly distributed his weight, fully ready for Quelt's charge.

Quelt came for him, the older male had 4 inches on Bass. He wasn't afraid though, even though he was young he knew his way around the battle field. He watched as Quelt dove for his left leg. Bass picked it up quickly, meaning that Quelt's teeth sunk into his left legs ankle, just above the paw. Because his hold was lower, when Quelt pulled his leg up, he was able to keep his balance, quickly shifting his weight to make up for his tripod stance. It was not a comfortable position, and he did not intend to keep it that way for long. Bass let out a growl, attempting to rip his paw out of Quelt's mouth. The bites had been only minor at that point, but if Bass was able to rip it from his grasp he would tear Quelt's teeth further down his ankle, making them more moderate unless his opponent let him go.

Bass would try to place his paw back on the earth, fixing his weight to again be even on all four paws. He slightly favored his front left paw, but not enough that it would greatly effect his balance. Bass attempted to move his head towards Quelt's, jaws opening in hopes to bite into Quelt's left shoulder, teeth hoping to make a moderate bite. While trying to do so, he attempted to lift his non-injured front right leg, trying to scoop it behind Quelt's left front leg, trying to hook it around the back of his elbow, hoping to pull forward and knock the limb out from under him.


Round 1 of 2

Defenses: {legs bent}, {toes spread}, {claws dug into earth}, {ears pulled back}, {neck aligned with spine}, {tail aligned with spine}, {shoulders rolled}, {chin tucked against chest}, {lips snarling}, {eyes narrowed}, {weight balanced}

Attacks: Trying to bite his left shoulder, hoping to be moderate bites, attempting to hook Quelt's front left leg and pull forward, hoping to trip the male or make him stumble.

Injuries: Bite to the front right leg, severity pending.



7 Years
Extra large
08-19-2014, 07:46 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2014, 10:13 PM by Quelt.)

The beast made contact with Bass? ankle, clamping down and when he jerked up the damage was less. His plan to throw the man?s weight off failed, but that was anticipated. A fight was all about the in moment processes. Quelt?s body shifted as his jaws let go of the man?s ankle, keeping his toes splayed out into the dirt. Blood smeared his snout, filling his nose with the metallic scent. Bass would move quickly to disrupt the beasts concentration. Suddenly finding his left limb jerked over, instantly Quelt began to react.
Bass? jaws then layed claim to his left shoulder, painfully digging deep within the skin in their close proximity. Quelt?s ears still pinned as he let a painful growl involuntarily leave his throat. Making sure they were locked, the slate beast finally opened his jaws and made aim for the side of Bass? neck. Trying to use his right limb if it had landed it?s earlier mission to aid in pushing Bass to the left side. His back toes splayed into the dirt, knee?s bent slightly to keep his balance. Quelt tried to push his weight into Bass as well.
With his scruff rolled forward, tail tucking beneath him and abdomen muscles tightening he tried to lift his body. The pain in his left shoulder jolted him to make a sudden movement with his right limb. The appendage coming to try and rest just on Bass? ribcage for balance. His abdomen was tightened tightly as he raised on his hind legs with some sort of leverage in the rather uncomfortable position.
2/2 Bass v. Quelt for higher rank

Attack: After getting locked with Bass, Quelt is attempting to bite onto the side of his neck and push him to the left side. His right paw attempting to rest on Bass's ribcage to help push.

Defense: Eyes narrowed, toes splayed and knee's slightly bent. Abdomen muscles tightened strongly, ears pinned scruff rolled forward. Tail tucked to protect from potential kicking or other damage to abdomen.

Injuries: half inch deep shoulder wound, possible pulled muscle in left shoulder.


Edit: permission given by eve, to switch the second and third paragraph.
[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



7 Years

08-19-2014, 10:32 PM

As soon as his paw was let go Bass very quickly reset his balance, letting out a gruff sound as the pain shot through him at his quick placement. Quelt had let go of his paw, meaning that the wounds had stayed minor, but it still hurt to put full weight on it so quickly. His move to pull Quelt's front leg out from under him worked, but the older man seemed to react to the loss of balance a lot quicker than Bass had thought. He had hoped for it to take a little longer, to allow Bass more time to reset his own defenses. However, it looked like he had to act on the fly. Ears pinning flat against his skull, his lips pulled into a snarl as his eyes squinted, further protecting them. Bass' shoulders rolled forward as his chin tucked towards his neck as his muscles tightened. Claws digging into the earth and balance still centered, he slightly bent his legs and raised his tail to align with his spine. Bass looked up at Quelt, watching carefully for his next move.

Bass's teeth bit into Quelt's left shoulder and he was able to grab hold of him. Growling through the blood that stained his white and brown muzzle, Bass made no signs of letting go. But Quelt's counter was quick, the brute's own jaws locked into Bass' left side of his neck. The bites were moderate, extending into his neck about 3/4ths of an inch into his flesh. Bass had no choice but to let go of Quelt, hoping that in turn Quelt would let go of Bass. He didn't have much of a chance to dwell over it though, before Quelt's right front limb pushed into Bass' left side, the larger male trying to push him over. With Quelt's teeth still gripping his neck, he had no choice but to move with the push, although he stepped towards the right instead of towards the ground. Splayed toes and his dug in claws helped him stay balanced on the earth, but now the two males were standing shoulder to shoulder just about, Bass' left shoulder pointing at Quelt's right shoulder.

Before Bass had a chance to counter attack, Quelt's paw that was still pressed to Bass' left side now aided the blue male to rise onto his hind legs, getting out of the uncomfortable position that Bass had forced him in. However, it gave Bass the perfect plan of action. Bass attempted to move his body a step to the left to bring him back to his original position, attempting to lower his head like a battering ram. Bass then tried to jolt his body forward, wishing to propel his head right into Quelt's gut. He hoped to sent the male onto his back, and to wind his opponent as well. After his attempted surge forward Bass attempted to bring his head up slightly, aiming to open his jaws and sink them into Quelt's exposed stomach, although he did not seek a hold. His jaws tried to close, on skin or on air. If Bass did manage to grab a hold of Quelt's stomach in a bite, he would try to quickly let go unless otherwise stopped. If Bass' headbutt worked, the force of the blow would leave him slightly stunned for a moment, and would most likely result in a headache. Again Bass would try to lift his front right leg, seeking to hook it around Quelt's back left leg, pulling back in hopes to further his chances at sending Quelt onto his back. Bass shifted his weight once again to adjust his tripod stance.

Round 2 of 2

Defenses: {ears flat}, {lips snarled}, {eyes squinted}, {claws dug into earth}, {weight evenly distributed}, {legs bent}, {shoulders rolled}, {neck tucked to chest}, {muscles tightened}, {tail aligned with spine}

Attacks: Trying to ram his head into Quelt's gut, as well as attemtping a quick bite to the stomach. Trying to hook his right front leg around Quelt's back left leg, hoping to further his actions to get Quelt on his back.

Injuries: Minor bites to his front right leg on the ankle, 34ths of an inch bites on his left shoulder, headache pending on head attack

Note: I gave permission for Sei to edit her above post to switch paragraph two and three.

The Judge


08-22-2014, 06:51 PM


Round 1

7 for clarity how is he sliding toward Bass? is he on his feet, his belly? his action is not clear and would effect the outcome of his attacks (-1), where on Bass' foreleg is he attempting to bite? (-1), what angle did he approach at/where is he attempting to be positioned? Is he head on, or facing Bass' side or what is he trying to do? be specific (-1)

8 for powerplaying. "his jaws opened to try and clamp down on the forelimb and pull up to flip the youth if he were to gain a grasp" Biting down and pulling up are two separate actions and both must be attempted, and since his attempt at flipping him would depend on getting a grip on his leg it's a minor conditional as well (-2)

10 for defenses hackles raised +1, crouched +1, legs separated +1, weight balanced +1, ears pinned +1, eyes narrowed +1, knees bent +1, tail level +1, tucked chin +1, toes splayed +1

3 for attack. Bite to foreleg +2 (deducted for clarity), pulling up on leg to unbalance +1 (deducted for PP/conditional and for clarity as it would be ineffective depending on body position)

10 for injuries.First round

Round one QUELT Total: 38/50


9 for clarity- where on Quelt's left shoulder is Bass trying to bite? (-1)

8 for powerplaying. the attack with the right paw makes the assumption that Quelt let go and Bass could put his left paw back down and is at best a conditional (-1), since the elbow is actually quite close to the chest it would be difficult for Bass who is four inches smaller than Quelt to lift his paw up that high to attack unless you assume Quelt is crouched down at that point and would be inneffective otherwise(-2)

10 for defenses. legs bent +1, toes spread +1, claws gripping +1, ears pinned +1, neck aligned +1, shoulders rolled +1, chin tucked +1, eyes narrowed +1, weight evenly distributed +1

3 for attack. +2 shoulder bite (deducted for clarity), +1 paw swipe (deducted for clarity/realism)

10 for injuries. First round

Round one BASS Total: 40/50

Round 2


1 for clarity- Where on the neck is he aiming for? what side of the neck? (-2), what part of his shoulder did Bass' attack land? (-1), what effect did Bass' paw swipe have? You mention it landed and Quelt reacted but then failed to say what effect it had or what his reaction was (-1), When he attempts to push Bass "to the left" which left are you referring to, Bass's left or Quelt's left? (-1), Where is Quelt positioned in regards to Bass? You make no mention of him having moved to his side or facing his side but he is pushing him to the left? (-1), Your post is completely out of order so your attacks make no sense as they are, for example his paw is pushing on Bass before he even attempts to raise it (-3)

9 for powerplaying. assuming they are locked together when he attempts to bite Bass -1

6 for defenses. toes splayed +1, ears pinned +1, knees bent +1, tail tucked +1, scruff bunched +1, abdomen tensed +1

3 for attack. bite to neck +2 (deducted for clarity issues), pushing with paw on ribcage +1 (deducted for clarity issues)

7 for injuries. deep shoulder wound -3

Round two QUELT Total: 26/50


5 for clarity- Where on Bass' neck did the bite land? (-1), where did Quelt's paw land? (-1), How did Bass move to get into that position? It is unclear how stepping to the right would bring him shoulder to shoulder with Quelt (-2), what exactly was his original position? It was never stated and therefore this is unclear (-1)

5 for powerplaying. "Bass's teeth bit into Quelt's left shoulder and he was able to grab hold of him. Growling through the blood that stained his white and brown muzzle, Bass made no signs of letting go" you can't assume you got a hold, you can only attempt to keep the hold (-1), Too much movement from moving to the side and then back into his original position without giving Quelt a chance to react between (-1), "aided the blue male to rise onto his hind legs, getting out of the uncomfortable position that Bass had forced him in" Bass cannot have forced him into that position as he was never actually given a chance to react to it (-2), two consecutive attacks with the same the head, the headbutt and then a bite with no time react between (-1)

9 for defenses. Ears pinned +1, eyes narrowed +1, facial skin wrinkled +1, shoulders rolled forward +1, chin tucked +1, claws gripping +1, balance centered +1, legs bent slightly +1, tail level with spine +1

8 for attack. headbutt (lol butt) +3, bite to stomach +3 (deducted for PP, added for possible major wound), leg swipe +2

7 for injuries. minor bites to ankle -1, moderate bite to neck -2

Round two BASS Total: 34/50


QUELT: 64/100

BASS: 74/100

And the winner is...

BASS! QUELT must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


QUELT- deep bite to left shoulder 2ooc weeks to heal, might scar

BASS- minor bite wound to left ankle 3ooc days to heal, moderate bite to left shoulder 1ooc week to heal


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

Clarity is what's killing you. You need to get really, really specific about what you're trying to do. Rather than "he attempted to bite his neck" it should be "the top right side of his neck near his ears" or "the bottom left side of his neck down near his shoulder" because although it's up to your opponent in the end where it lands, it's up to you to make it clear where you are trying to get it. Likewise, you need to micromanage your angle and positions. You can't say for certain where your opponent is going to be in their next post but you can certainly have your wolf -attempt- to approach at a forty-five degree angle to their left shoulder at a sprint. Also, you get to make the decision where your opponent's attacks land as long as it's reasonable - be as specific about where that attack lands as you should when aiming an attack.

Particularly watch how much movement you are doing in a fight. You can't make so many big movements in one post(one side and then back again, forward and then spinning around ninety degrees or something) because your opponent isn't given the chance to respond. Likewise, doing two attacks in a row using the same limb even if it's in a different manner does not give them a chance to react to the first one. They could attempt to grab hold of your face to counter your first attack but then there is confusion because of your second attack with that same body part. Trying to keep it to one attack per limb is a decent rule of thumb. Complex attacks with many simultaneous parts rather than "this, then this, then that." Also, like Sei you should make certain to be specific both about where your attacks are aimed, and where your opponent's attacks are landing.

- By [Tealah]



7 Years
Extra large
08-22-2014, 08:35 PM

Quelt finally gave in, settling himself down. He painfully flopped onto his side, he laughed a little. "Looks like I need more training, thank you Bass, you are an excellent fighter." he wheezed a little. His shoulder bleeding out and his arm hurt, he would probably be limping on it. The muscle strained and sore now. Quelt had leaned too far into the man, leading for a possible scar that would remind him that he just needed to better himself. He shut his eyes for a moment and took in a deep breath.
"Thank you for the fight my friend." his bi-colored orbs looked over to Bass. Black tail wagging back and forth even with his pain he was happy. In all that he was going to do through he knew it very well. Paws stretched he made sure not to use his left paw.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]