
holy water cannot help you now



5 Years
08-11-2014, 08:48 PM

There is desolation. That is all this place has known, it is obvious. Ash covers the ground like a blanket, thick and fine enough to cling to the thick caramel coat of the Viking princess for days to come. Her deep blue orbs scan over the decimated landscape, drinking in the destruction with a calculating, almost bored expression. She knows this kind of chaos, she has wrought such disaster on many occasions. Her long, powerful limbs stand strong and still beneath her, pillars of strength that have yet to fail beneath her bulk. Tall, acute audits twitch as a bird calls out in the distance, sounding distressed before it falls silent again. It fled, the only obvious, albeit cowardly conclusion to be drawn. There was no scream of impending death, therefore the avian fled. A grunt of disdain enters the cool, midnight air swathed in mist as she audibly displays her opinions on the bird's decision. The moon, high in the sky, displays itself at the height of it's cycle, fat and proud. The behemoth's snout tilts up to face the nearly ebony sky, optics flashing with the silver light of the lunar surface as she gazes up at it. Her expression became thoughtful then, wondering what the moon has seen this night of her family, how they fare. Most likely, they have fallen far in her absence. Serves them right.
The sound of approach reached her audits just in time, and long banner would sweep over her heels once, before rising over her hocks, curling over her rump. Slowly, the beast would turn to face the stranger, cornflower blue optics quickly locking onto the face of the male. Much can be told by scent, and the warrior was quick to deduce that this certain man had recently been with a female. A brow would raise, and she would stare down the smaller male. Her thinning coat shone in the moonlight, and she noticed his did as well. It held an unusual palette, a deep orange coating his frame. He was handsome, with eyes like the moon that hung in the sky above them. Slowly, a smirk would crawl onto the broad planes of her face, revealing the tips of her massive fangs as she hungrily looked over the male. The ebony outline of the odd mark around her left eye stood stark against her golden fur, no doubt adding to her fearsome appearance as her appraising gaze swept over the man. "What brings a pretty face like that out into the desolate wilderness alone?" Rumbling melodies would purr, the giantess making no effort to hide that she would not mind feeling his flesh against her own. "Don't you know there are dangers out here? One would not hesitate to eat such a lovely creature for a midnight snack." She hummed quietly, taking another step closer, staring him down with a wolfish grin upon her severe features.

Thanks to Chrono for making this sexier than Captain America art for me!



5 Years
08-11-2014, 09:43 PM

He had been watching her, his silver eyes watching her yellow coat stride towards him. She was larger than him, which was abnormal for him. He usually loomed over most, but now it was the other way around. At her vocals he just snorted, his orange head rocking back and forth in a head shake. "I was about to say the same thing, Sun Queen." He said, his own fangs showing off in his toothy grin. He wasn't scared of her, no one could ever hurt him. Even if she did attack him, he would enjoy their little dance together, a mashing of their bodies in a more violent matter. He just wanted to touch this Sun painted woman, claim her like he had the last bitch. She would just be another notch in his belt, he probably wouldn't even think about her again after this. Unless she fought him, he always remembered the fighters.

"Oh darling, I am one of the dark creatures that linger in the dark. Why else would I be standing here, watching the Sun Queen dance?" He asked his voice a soft coo as he pulled his body towards hers. He did not touch her just yet, but stood just close enough for them to feel each others body heat. He was teasing, toying with her. He loved to play games, games that he knew he could win. His silver eyes locked with her blue ones, two beasts playing metal mind games. She had an interesting eye marking, but he really didn't give a fuck. She could have had kitten whiskers for all he cared, as long as there was something for him to hump he didn't give two shits.



5 Years
08-11-2014, 10:10 PM

A throaty chuckle would pour from her maw as she took in his first comment, and she looked down at him, holding his moonstone orbs. He moved closer, his snout very nearly brushing against hers, their chests radiating heat that was soaked up by their other's body. Long salmon tongue would escape her maw, and would run over her jowls as she watched his features dance while he spoke. She would gladly devour him, right here and right now. He mentioned being one of the creatures that lurked in the dark, and a thunderous laugh shook the muscular bodice of the golden woman, trickling into the air with a stream of mist. Muzzle would lower, inky lips brushing against the fur along his orange lobe. "I can hardly see the resemblance, sunset prince." She would coo, thunderous tones a seductive whisper now. She could see in his eyes, as her gaze flicked to his as her crown rose again, he was prepared to manipulate her. The orange man was prepared to mold her to his will, should she decide to reject him, to flee him in pathetic fear of what pleasures he might bestow.
Well, it seemed that pretty face was about to turn to shock, his seductive games useless. She was no na?ve young thing, no willowy little princess without a brain in her head and her legs locked at the knee. Far from it. Should he suddenly fear her, she would instead take from him what he was hinting at. One did not play with the Viking princess, if they offered, they had better be prepared to have it taken from them, whether willingly or by force. "You will do more than watch, my sunset prince." She purred again, and her chest would suddenly bump against his, banded forelimbs propelling her suddenly, smoothly forward and having every intent to knock the male onto his back, creating a cage of her powerful limbs on all sides of him. A wicked grin would come to play upon the broad planes of her face, and she dropped her cranium once more. Their noses would very nearly touch, and she would pause, tail dropping slowly to sway across her heels. "Won't you, my mercury eyed one?" She crooned, raising a brow at him in question. There would be no such thing as foreplay with her, unless she needed to convince him of what bounties he may reap.




5 Years
08-11-2014, 10:35 PM

It seemed like this one was another like him, games were nothing but things to play with lesser beings. Had he finally found someone who would match him step for step? She laughed at him, calling him a sunset prince. Ah, good, names were not important to her. He never shared his name, not one bitch he had met knew his true calling. Her voice was all kinds of fiery, setting his desire into high drive. He wanted her glowing yellow body and he wanted it now. For once she was more than just a pretty face, because she was just like he was. It was a rare thing for him to compare another to himself, because Charaz was the shit. No one was better than him, but this babe was drawing up pretty close to him. A breath of a laugh pushed through his grinning maw, their bodies coming closer.

They took in each others body heat, the waves seeming to surround them in their own little private bubble. It was only these two beasts against the world. For once he was surprised, the Sun Queen pushed against him and he was suddenly looking up at her with a big grin at his maw. With his new vantage point he leaned his head forward, covering her chest with harsh little nips, his teeth pushing their way through her golden fur to nick her sensitive skin. He didn't want to just watch, a growl rumbling in his throat she she stood over him. "Let me up and I will show you." He crooned, his paws reaching out and gently pushed up on her belly. As soon as he was allowed up, better believe that he was going to march around her, to her ass and hop on those sweet curves. He would show her a good time.



5 Years
08-11-2014, 11:00 PM

He wasn't afraid, which was only slightly disappointing. If that hint of adrenaline in his blood had registered, she wouldn't have given him the chance to get up, she would have simply taken it from him, right there. However, when he began to cover her flesh with gentle bites, a rumble started to build in her chest. Her sunset prince crooned to her, pressing against her bodice with a paw to put emphasis on his soft command. She chuckled again, a deep sound that reverberated through her body and met the air in a puff of fog. She would obey his command, but she would not be quick about it, no, she would drag his desire to the surface, she would make him pound her with tooth and nail to be let up so he might take her. Knees would bend, her bulk falling just short of his bared stomach, and she would leave a burning trail of kisses and nips from his throat, slowly and methodically, down his belly. Lower jaw would then rest itself against his chest, cornflower gaze taunting him. She weighed quite a bit, it was unlikely he would have the ability to muster enough strength to lift her off of him yet. "Don't you dare be gentle, I will tear you open if our voices do not echo from every surface." Husky lyrics would command with a low growl, making her sound every inch the princess who ravaged packs with the ferocity of hundreds.
"Do you understand, my sunset prince?" She would rumble then, drawing herself close again, letting her body slide against his until they were nose to nose again. If he promised her less than sweet agony, she would scar that pretty little face so bad none would desire him again. Pillars would then straighten, the behemoth rising so that she may free the metal eyed man from the prison of her limbs. Powerful paws would slowly take steps backward, her cobalt gaze never straying from his metallic pools. Finally, she would stand in the moonlight, and she was indeed ready for the sunset orange brute to prove himself to her. Under her golden derma, her scar latticed flesh would tremble with excitement and desire. The beast was eager, and she wanted to know if this man was worthy of perhaps even finding her like this again. Imperceptibly she would shift, height sinking in the slightest so the man wouldn't have to strain himself... too much. Caramel plume would sweep out of the way, and the hunger that glimmered in her eyes as she stared the man down was almost feral.
.:Fade to black:.
OOC: Too lazy to make another (probably horrible and short) post so I'm just putting the fade to black there xD

Thanks to Chrono for making this sexier than Captain America art for me!



5 Years
08-14-2014, 01:56 AM

He was expecting for an easy way to get up, but instead her bulk landed on his belly, forcing the air out of his lungs. Taking in a heady breath after a moment, his ears pinned as a faint growl rolled in his chest. He pulled his neck forward, aiming his teeth to lock onto the flesh just below her left ear. If she wanted to play this way, fine. But she would not be leaving without a few marks. He let her go, her soft kisses setting fire to his already hot flame, rising higher and higher until it would destroy them both. He needed her, and he needed her now. There was no more playing around. Charaz was growing violent the more she toyed with him, this was supposed to be the other way around. He was the one who wrote the rules, not following some random bitches commands. Just because she was bigger didn't mean that she could throw herself around. She told him not to be gentle, and a hoarse bark left his jaws. As if, gentle was not in his nature. He only played it at times to get what he wanted, but that wasn't needed with her. There would be blood drawn, that was or sure.

She slid her body on his, a deep moan vibrating in his throat. It was hard to talk with her weight forcing most of the air out of his lungs, so he instead tried to lock his jaws around her right cheek, his tail lashing between her legs like an angered cat. As soon as he could get up, there would be no more waiting. At last she got off, breath rushing into his lungs and he drew in the sweet, fresh air until his lungs felt as if they would explode. A deep, guttural growl left his mouth as he pressed forward, her fine ass put on display for him. He didn't mount her right away, but instead covered that booty with harsh nips before he reached up, his forelegs grasping onto her hips as he propelled himself forward, his dagger like teeth fighting to find a hold on her yellow scruff, hopefully locking in and pulling back as he joined their body in a violent matter.

-fade to black-

Panting, the male rolled off her form, sweat making his orange fur cling to his skin. Her blood tainted his mouth, the sweet taste making him only want more. Snorting out a breath of air he covered her bodice in a mix of nibbles and licks, fire and ice on her skin. He was sated for now, but who knew how long that would last? He was unsure if this Sun queen would leave him, or stick around for round two.



5 Years
08-15-2014, 01:57 PM

The male had stuck true to his word, leaving them both nothing but two sated lumps of wolf covered in ash and sweat. A hum of contentment left her maw, legs folding beneath her as cornflower orbs fluttered mostly shut. The male continued to cover her form in affectionate nibbles and kisses, though in her sated and calm state she would grow closer to finding them annoying. A massive yawn would take over, and her massive jaws would stretch to reveal pearl razors and a long salmon tongue. While rest seemed appealing, she would rather return to her home and rest there. Falling asleep while he was still there was too... intimate. She wasn't really interested in forming a relationship like that. However, a relationship where they made love when they desired it seemed rather appealing to her. The tears in her skin and the ache in her muscles, the rawness of her throat, she enjoyed these pains. They were a sign of true satisfaction. The orange man looked close to sleep as well, but she wasn't particularly interested in that. A normal woman would watch her lover with twinkling eyes and admire every little aspect of them. Pathetic. She would rather leave him now and return to her duties in Ebony. With the festival nearly over, it was high time for her to continue doing whatever needed to be done back at home.
Heaving herself to her paws, the behemoth snorted as she shook clinging ash from her golden bodice. Cobalt gaze would fall upon the sweat soaked form of her lover, and a wicked grin would curl her onyx lips. "If you would like to do this again, you may find me at my den in the Rock Garden." She would rumble, turning back toward home. It was a lovely night, and she would also be returning to a lovely queen who didn't seem to fall victim to her charms. Not to worry, she had time to wear away the walls. She would have the granite regent some day, if it was the last thing she did. Muzzle would point over her shoulder, and she would pause. "Thank you for the well spent night, my sunset prince. ?anga? til vi? hittumst aftur." (Until we meet again.) She would coo into the night, sure he would hear. If he didn't, it didn't exactly matter to her. With that, the giantess lumbered toward home, craving now a nice long sleep. She would check the borders in the morning, and maybe bring a feast to her comrades.
.:Exit Sigyn:.
OOC: oh no horrible post I'm sorry more Sigraz threads in future?




5 Years
08-16-2014, 09:17 PM

He watched with half lidded eyes as she stood, covering his form in more ash as she shook it from her being. Chuckling, his eyes locked onto that wonderful rump of hers and it swayed from side to side. She told him where to find her if he ever wanted this again, and he looked towards her pointed nose. Ah yes, he would remember that if there ever came a time that he ran out of woman to fuck. That would probably be never, so perhaps a rainy day? Her words came out in a language that was not known to him, so he had no idea what she said. Nor did he really care, he just wanted to sleep. Sore muscles screamed for some rest, and he could no longer put it off. The ash made his position comfortable, his orange fur being swallowed by the blackness. It made him laugh, seeing that he was literally disappearing from sight. All the more skills to surprise one with. Smirking, his silver eyes shut as he finally rests.

-exit charaz via sleep- And yes! All the threads.