
i don't want to wake up alone anymore


08-11-2014, 08:27 PM

It had only been a week since the night she had turned over to Abaven as Bass' warrior. And everything...being so near him and so close to many new wolves was so thrilling. Just the thought of it sent excited chills up her spine. She hoped Song didn't care about her leaving was only one member gone. After all, they had many other wolves. So Wren was pretty sure the queen wouldn't mind much. It was the woman's own choice anyway! That pack was soft-hearted...kind. They wouldn't dare challenge for her. Pft. It was just silly thinking about it.
The girl was still fixing up her little den beneath the massive boulder. It was comfy and the dirt that formed the floor of it was soft and comfortable. Even more comfortable than her old Ludicael den. The little tan girl also felt safe and protected with Bass nearby. It was also exciting. To speak to him, or to nuzzle up into his soft fur- she just had to walk a very short distance and peek her head into his den. But she was more than sure not to pester him. For example...she hasn't spoke to him in about a week. So she felt she was doing pretty good so far.
But her heart still ached to feel his warmth again. It was just so horribly addictive. But she fought the temptation, and focused on the more important issues. Like finishing her den so she had someplace to sleep...and getting something to eat. Because good god...hunger tore at her stomach like angry badgers. She hadn't had something to eat since yesterday morning-...and she could feel herself growing weaker every minute her stomach was completely empty. --- The babe had finally finished, and slowly she made her way out of the dark space. Only to sit in front of the entrance and snap her jaws together firmly.
Her eyes danced across the distance...across the beautiful scenery that lie before her. The rapids, the many rows of trees. And those mountains in the very back. Yes...she loved the mountains. It made her want to run off to climb them. Climb them to the very top. A smile extended her lips slowly, and her forelegs gave out beneath her, dropping her small body to the ground. She tucked her chin in between her forepaws and huffed softly. Now to wait...wait for something interesting to happen, perhaps? Like a butterfly to come fluttering by? Or a rabbit to bound across her vision?



7 Years

08-12-2014, 12:09 AM

Or a wild bundle of flying white fur! Bass had come over to check up on Wren, she had been a little quiet since joining his ranks and he wanted to make sure that she was okay. So when he saw her laying there, a smirk split his ebony lips and he dropping into a crouch, stalking forwards her. He was downwind, it was perfectly set up. Pouncing, he aimed for the ground right in front of her, tucking the front half of his body in so that he hit the ground, rolled, and bumped into her side. Laughing, he splayed his body on top of of hers for a moment before he rolled over, landing on his back to Wren's right. Looking over at her he flashed her a grin, chuckling as he bumped his nose of her cheek. "Hey there." He mused, wiggling on the ground beside her with this random serge of energy.

Bass let out another chuckle, his tail wagging on the earth and swatting against her hip. "How has everything been going? I haven't seen you around for awhile, I just wanted to make sure that you were settling in okay." He said, is deep vocals locked down with concern. It was unusual, he had been expecting to see her a lot more since she came to Abaven. But it had been a week now and nothing. Was it not what she had been looking for? Perhaps she felt like going back to Ludicael? He was unsure, and just wanted to make sure his dear friend was settling into her new home.


08-12-2014, 12:47 AM

Suddenly, a big mass of fluffy white fur landed in front of her, causing a brief gasp to leave her lips. The sudden pounce had scared her a bit- but it didn't take her too long to realize it was Bass. He rolled across her splayed form, and she released a soft chuckle that tuned in with his own. Her tail thumped excitedly against the earth as he rolled over to her right, and offered her a casual nuzzle. And immediately she returned the affection, giggling as his tail slapped against her hindquarters. She moved her head in and drew her salmon-hued tongue across his cheek before lowering her head again and listening to his soft greeting. The woman glanced up at him and grinned.
The boy seemed full of this strange energy...but that made her happy. It was better then seeing him as a droopy mass of fur that was sad and depressed. After was a good start to bond with him a bit more. To get used to seeing him more often then she did back at Ludicael. So, the boy had asked her if she was doing okay with being in Abaven, and Wren replied with a giggle. "Sorry- I'm trying to get settled. I also don't think it's very nice of me to pester you all the time. Your a king- you deserve your privacy and alone time." Again, she lifted her chin, scooting closer to her friend and draping her head over his neck.
Her eyelids fluttered shut for a moment...before they opened again to take in the beautiful scenery before the pair. She had visited Abaven before...but never has she experienced such a beautiful display. Never in her life. It was breath-taking and she wanted to tell her friend about it. Yes. "Bass...Abaven is so beautiful. Yeah I've been here once or twice but this is I can't find words to explain the glory of it all." She found a sigh leaving her lips as her eyes skipped from tree to tree, mountaintop to mountaintop. Why hadn't she seen this before...? Why didn't she take the time to just stare for a moment. To savor the delicious beauty...



7 Years

08-13-2014, 12:09 AM

His friend touched his cheek with her tongue, and he just grinned at her from his unusual position. He was after all a jester, he couldn't help but play little tricks from time to time. It helped to keep everything easy and fun, even in the hardest of times. Bass knew when it was time to play, and when it was time to be the Alpha. It was a very fine line, but he was learning still. He was growing alone with Abaven, learning as it did every step of the way. Members like Wren helped keep it alive, and these little interactions were important. Even though the two already had a strong bond, he didn't want to become a stranger to any member in his pack. That is why he tried to have a bit of fun with everyone, to show them that this wasn't all diplomatic.

When she brought up pestering him he just scoffed at the woman, his eyes rolling. "You never pester me Wren. Plus, isn't that my job as Azat? To handle you little buggers?" His vocals were teasing as he playfully swatted at her ear, laughing. He didn't get any quiet time, the only alone time he got was when he was sleeping and even then he was woken up at times by a mix of members with different problems. There was no rest for alphas, but the reward was so much greater than the struggle that he went through. Her head hung over his neck and he wiggled, licking whatever was closest to his mouth. He needed times like these to wash away all the stress that surrounded him day after day.

Everything grew quiet, the sound of the rapids taking over everything else. His eyes slipped closed as he enjoyed the warmth of his friend and the feeling of the sun on his alabaster coat. The grass tickled his spine, burrowing into his fur until they almost blended with the white coat. Wren's voice broke the silence, telling him that this land was beautiful. Opening his eyes he looked at the rapids in his upside down view, smiling softly. "It sure is, which is why I chose these parts. But there is danger within the beauty. Those rapids are unforgiving, and those snakes do have quite some bite." He said somberly.


08-13-2014, 01:06 AM

Bass explained to the woman that she wasn't the only one who would be pestering him. And...she knew he had a point. She just didn't want to believe it. There were many others in Abaven that asked many things of Bass. Important or not, they were always standing at Bass's den, waiting for their questions to be answered and their requests to be completed. The thought of her joining that group of wolves made her heart feel green and icky. Bass deserved better, as her friend and as her leader. He was the protector of a large, delicate group...why couldn't he have a break? Did all these other wolves have to pester him all the time? She could feel her throat growing dry with guilt and she fought herself dearly to stop thinking of the situation.
But with a quick lick of affection from her friend, she sighed and allowed her lips to play a casual smile yet again. Bass always made her smile...and to see him made her worries become simply transparent. She knew that he was constantly busy with Abaven and all the other packs out there. And she knew as well that everything about leadership was so stressful and exhausting. Especially with his own family/pack coming up to ask him questions and requesting numerous things of him. But she knew that he wouldn't give their friendship up. If he did though- Wren wouldn't be able to do anything but understand. He was the Azat. The king.
After she spoke, he mirrored her, and her lips formed into a soft frown that filled with a small amount of disappointment. That was the funny thing about the world thing they lived in. No wolf could judge a book by it's matter it was heaven or hell. There was also something wrong with the beautiful things...nothing was perfect. And Wren understood that without a doubt. So what Bass said didn't really surprise her. It just made her frown. "Yep...that's the funny thing." The woman practically copied off her own thoughts, ears pulling back against her skull as she continued, "Nothing is perfect. Every good has it's bad." The dame buried her nose into his soft fur, huffing and curling up closer to her friend.
Her eyes slowly flickered open and she scanned the distance again, ears lifting and flicking softly to the humming of the rapids. Then, she turned back to her alpha, smiling and drawing her tongue along his muzzle again. This time with a bit less affection and more playfulness. " Bass, what's your favorite color?" It was a sudden question that didn't even bind in with their previous topic...but with all these colors surrounding the pair- she wanted to know which one Bass favored the most.




7 Years

08-19-2014, 11:07 PM

Thankfully his soft touch had brought forth that smile upon her maw again. He didn't like to see his friends upset. Life was too short to dwell in the sad parts, there was so much happiness to be seen in such simple things around them. If all they did was focus on the shadows that covered the earth, how would they see the beauty that shimmered in the light? It just didn't make sense, which is why the boy hated to dwell on the rotten cores of things. Sighing softly, he offered her a smile of his own, golden eyes shimmering in the morning light.

Wren spoke of perfection, to which he scoffed softly and swatted at her lowered ear. "If everything was perfect, would we even know true happiness? Sure we wouldn't know pain or sadness, but then what would we have to compare our joy to? Would we simply be content for the rest of our lives?" He mused, flipping over so that he now rested on his belly beside his dear Wren. "We wouldn't realize how happy we were, because we would know no better. Even though there is darkness, there is light because of it. Without darkness, the light would not be as brilliant as it is now." His words were thoughtful and so beyond his ears, deep meaning soaking in the young boy's musing.

Her tongue broke his serious thoughts, causing Bass to let out a soft chuckle, head turning to focus on that multi-hued face of hers. She asked what his favorite colour was, his golden eyes blinking a few times as he was a but shocked at the question. His head tilted as he looked into her minty eyes. "Green." He said, looking away from here and at the many green things that surrounded them. "Green reminds me of the Spring, which is now. Its new life, the soft green of buds breaking free from the brown bark. It means grass, which we all need to survive. It represents not only new life, but life itself." Bass was apparently a scholar now, his words pensive. "What about you Wren? What's your favorite colour?"


08-20-2014, 12:06 PM

The fluffy white man began to speak like an old, wise elderly, trying to explain to a group of pups how the world worked. But it turned out to be interesting. It was all confusing, but he was absolutely right. Without bad, good wouldn't exist. Like he said, what would their be to compare to? After all that explaining, Bass answered her question and explained why. She just giggled softly and swatted at his rump with her tail, smile still glued firmly across her inky lips. The man seemed to suddenly grow all thoughtful and specific- but it was amusing and cute rather than strange.
Wren grinned smoothly as he mirrored her question to her, and she immediately responded. "Coral." She paused as he did, and casually readjusted her maw to set nicely on his back. Then she continued. "Because when I was little, my father used to take me out every evening to watch the sunset. And I always used to admire the orangey-pink colors that appeared in the sky..." The woman huffed and shut her eyes slowly. "He kind of...went crazy after my mom died of a sickness. And I ran away. That's when it became my favorite color." The young woman huffed and rolled her shoulders, ears lying back against her skull.
The multicolored girl didn't tell very many of her history. It was really just a crazy blur that she'd rather not talk about. But- she didn't get into the details. She just felt the need to explain why her favorite color was coral. Since he explained why his was green. Wren opened her minty green eyes yet again and drew her tongue along his ear, shaking her head slowly and letting a smile split across her lips. "But things are better now. I'm here with my best friend." She leaned against him and sighed, tail curling around him as she awaited a response.



7 Years

08-21-2014, 02:44 PM

She was quick to answer his question back, although her tale held more sorrow in it than his had. Turning his head to look at her he offered his sympathies, his eyes holding a sad note in them. Family was the only thing that seemed to be constant in ones life, to have it torn apart was something that he would never know the pain of. Bass was very lucky to have a tight-knit, large family who all stuck up for one another. He had already made some strong relationships with his family members, and he was very close to his siblings. He longed for his brother to settle down with him, and for Rhythm to join then again, but he was lucky to have his two sisters with him here, both holding a respectfully high rank. And now he had Wren, he was truly a very blessed man.

the girl licked his ear, telling him that things were better because he was here with him. He chuckled, leaning back to rub his nose on her shoulder. The girl curled around him and he just allowed the silence to spread for a moment longer, a soft sigh leaving his lips. "Wren?" He asked softly, his golden eyes inspecting her face. He knew that deep down, these two were more than just friends, there was a closer bond than that. Neither of them seemed to want to admit it, but both knew. Was ignorance bliss here, or was there another reason that they -- or at least himself -- were avoiding admitting it? They called each other friends, best friends even. But was there more to it all? Casting his gaze away from the multi-toned female, heat rushing to his cheeks. "Do you care for me?" He mumbled, unable to meet her eyes as his alabaster cheeks grew hot. It was something that he had been wanting to ask, but every time he thought of it his knees grew weak.

The Azat was unsure if he was ready for a full on relationship, but there was a part in his heart that yearned to love someone truly. But were Wren and Bass meant to be just friends? Every time they grew closer to each other, they seemed to snap apart quickly, awkwardness replacing the once caring feelings that roamed about them. Would this always linger, or through time would it dissipate? There was no way of knowing until they truly explored it. Cecily popped up in the males mind. He knew that she occupied a very special place in his heart, but she was still so young, they were both young, Wren as well. Was love something for adults and grown-ups, and not children? Bass had giving up being a pup as soon as he took on a pack, but was he truly ready for everything that came with it? They were nearly two years old now, basically fully grown. However, Bass didn't want to force things.

"Wren's Speech"
"Bass' Speech"


08-21-2014, 03:38 PM

It was just silence from then on after she spoke, and it was a relieving silence. Especially after explaining a chunk of her backstory. It gave her time to get over it and to remove it from her mind. She had Bass, she had Abaven, she had everything she could ever want. The explained event was nothing but a memory now. Bass nuzzled her shoulder gently and spoke, causing her to raise her head with curiosity of what he had to say. The woman hoped he wouldn't begin to sympathize her. The discussion was over now...she wanted a new topic. And evidently that's what she got. "Do you care for me?"
She watched his head turn right before he spoke while thoughts and words began to rush through her mind. Of course she cared for him. She had cared for him ever since they met. But...he knew that already, didn't he? Wren, finally relaxing, leaned her nose in to press up against his hot cheek, a smile playing across her inky lips. A few gentle words left her lips as she continued to nuzzle up to him. "Of course I do, Bass." Her tail thumped softly against the earth behind the pair, her soft minty eyes lighting up. "I always have."
The woman huffed softly and continued to lean up against her friend, words continuing on. "Yeah, I've always cared for you. More than I should...but I've just never had the guts to admit it. You've always been there for me since day one...and you've always been my best friend. Maybe even more than a friend..." Heat rose to her face, her eyes slowly rolling shut again. Wren, at first, didn't see them as more than friends at all. Whenever they seemed to get touchy and flirty, things got awkward and they were driven away from eachother every time. So she gave up. But now...things were different.
And she knew Bass felt the same. Wren hid her hot face into the soft fur on her friend's neck, eyes still glued shut as she began to grow nervous. What if he meant something else? What if she just ruined the friendship between her and Bass? Her breathes grew quicker, and she anxiously waited for his response.



7 Years

08-22-2014, 12:15 AM

To him it felt like forever until she spoke, her cold, wet nose pressing against his heated cheeks. He let out a low rumble at her words, but stayed silent. Had she understood the true meaning of his words? He knew that they cared about each other as friends, that much was evident with the very position of their bodies. She nuzzled closer to him, and he allowed his golden gaze to slant towards her more, meeting those minty green eyes of hers. His favorite colour. Had she noticed that when he spoke it, that he had been looking right into her eyes? Was Bass even admitting his full feelings for this girl before him? He was unsure, he didn't know. He was unable to understand the full extend of his truest feelings for Wren. He didn't know if he was ready to admit it to himself -- or her -- as it was.

The girl went on to explain her feelings in more depth, her eyes closing off to him. He leaned forward and lightly bumped the top of his snout on the bottom of her jaw. "Look at me." He cooed softly, wanting to stare into their green depths once more. He didn't want her to shut herself off simply because she was afraid, because his heart was hammering in his chest. "I lo -- care for you too Wren. You are the closest person to me, and I feel an actual ache when I am away from you for too long. Is this normal for friends, or our we being fools in not admitting this to ourselves?" He asked softly, almost uttering those three words that he wasn't fully ready to say. His heart yearned for her, but he didn't want to chase her away. He wanted to chase this like the summer breeze, to see where it would carry them before they would fully commit to each other, if they ever did.

Wren buried her head in his neck, and he licked her on the top of her alabaster head, wrapping his form closer around her. Bass hummed softly as he nuzzles her ear lobe, only wanting to be closer to her. Was this simply much too fast for them? They were just shy of two years old, but that was no valid excuse. He was a fool if he thought that he didn't truly respect and love this woman, but his willingness to say it was quite... low.


08-22-2014, 10:12 AM

"Look at me." Almost instantly the woman raised her head out of his fur and opened her eyes. There, she stared deep into those golden eyes of his and huffed softly. The man also explained his feelings for her and the words made her smile yet again. It made her heart thump faster in her chest. Yes...they've both kept their feelings locked inside them. They were fools. But Wren didn't want to force things...and she didn't think Bass wanted to either. After all, they were still just one. Maybe two in a few days. But either way, there was so much time her and the man had. Why force through it all now?
Wren's eyes remained open, but she continued to nuzzle into him, heart skipping a beat as he drew his tongue along her forehead and began humming. The humming was beautiful...but she felt the need to respond to his question. Only softly. "...I think we might just be fools, Bass." A sigh left her lips, tail curling tighter around him as he nuzzled into her ear. But before she got lost in his comfort, the woman added, "But I don't think we should take this all...too quickly." Her eyes traveled up to him, words but a whisper as she spoke.
It was almost embarrassing to suddenly say that they shouldn't just skip into everything. But she was sure Bass knew what she meant. There was no doubt she wanted him, wanted all of him. She wanted to love him without hiding it. But...again, it was just pointless to push through it. Barely out of a year and they already were becoming this close. No...they had more time. To get older, to spend more time with him? She wasn't exactly sure. All she knew was that they couldn't take their relationship to another level so quickly. But it didn't mean they couldn't be affectionate and loving toward one another, like now.
The woman tipped her maw up and drew her tongue along his lower jaw, giggling softly and returning to her position that was leaned up against the man. She tucked her legs beneath her and sighed- although, her eyes remained open, because she knew that Bass loved to look at them.