
Looking for Judges!

Head Judges


07-15-2016, 06:19 PM
Hello hello! You may have noticed that Ardent is currently short on active judges. We’ve lost a few and real life is taking it’s toll on those remaining. In addition half our judging pool also doubles as staff. So now we are asking for applications! Think you have what it takes to be a judge? Hop on in and let us know! Applications will be open until August 5th at 5PM Ala time, after which judges and staff will collaborate to pick the applications we feel are best suited to beginning the training. Copy and paste the code into your post and let’s get started!

Please note! Being chosen for training is NOT a guarantee that you will become a judge. If by the end of training the trainers don't feel like you will be ready to be a judge, you could be dropped from the course, or held back for remedial training. So work hard and put your best foot forward!

1a. <b>How long have you been on the site total?</b>

1b. <b>If you left the site at any point and returned, how long have you been on the site since your most recent return?</b>

2. <b>How much experience do you have with using the fighting system here?</b>

3. <b>Are you able to commit to completing the training program, including judging example fights and all five required training fights, in two months? (Assuming there are enough fights to judge in those two months of course!)</b>

4. <b>Are you able to commit to judging a fight several times a month?</b>

5. <b>Do you believe you are capable of judging with complete impartiality no matter who the participants are?</b>

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
07-15-2016, 06:41 PM
1a. How long have you been on the site total? Uhhm. 1.5 years active, I think?

1b. If you left the site at any point and returned, how long have you been on the site since your most recent return? A year!

2. How much experience do you have with using the fighting system here? I'd say... moderate? Definitely not advanced, but I'm not a total beginner either.

3. Are you able to commit to completing the training program, including judging example fights and all five required training fights, in two months? (Assuming there are enough fights to judge in those two months of course!) Yes, yes, yes, yes.

4. Are you able to commit to judging a fight several times a month?Yes! Except... for the two months I'll be gone. But other than that, yes!

5. Do you believe you are capable of judging with complete impartiality no matter who the participants are? Most definitely. I don't care who's participating, I just find judging interesting and fun c: I will be just as harsh on friends as I am on acquaintances.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

07-15-2016, 09:08 PM
1a. How long have you been on the site total?

Since the beginning, since Ardent began so however old it is.

1b. If you left the site at any point and returned, how long have you been on the site since your most recent return?

I semi-left in october because of a tragedy but other than that I returned very quickly. So maybe more than a year if you do not count october.

2. How much experience do you have with using the fighting system here?

Since I've been in Tea's fight club when it was up, and reading up spars - DM's along with my own reading judges stuff more thoroughly I've been very immersed in it and I do feel judging would make it even better. I've been fighting actually since the fight system was implemented.

3. Are you able to commit to completing the training program, including judging example fights and all five required training fights, in two months? (Assuming there are enough fights to judge in those two months of course!)

No problems here, I'm on almost every day even if I'm not talking in the chat box orrr posting.

4. Are you able to commit to judging a fight several times a month?

Whenever I can grab one I'd be more than willing, hopefully my training goes well.

5. Do you believe you are capable of judging with complete impartiality no matter who the participants are?

Yes, it might not seem that way but I have no bias. When judging, since I dealt with it in rl with dance competitions and the like, you have to look at both of them equally and from there.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-16-2016, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2018, 01:38 AM by Dragon.)
1a. How long have you been on the site total?
Initially since 2013 when it was ala, couple months after it moved from the old old site.

1b. If you left the site at any point and returned, how long have you been on the site since your most recent return?
Couple years c:

2. How much experience do you have with using the fighting system here?
Plenty of experience, I'm always trying to find spars, and while I'm not the best, I think I've won more then I've lost and I'm always looking to improve.

3. Are you able to commit to completing the training program, including judging example fights and all five required training fights, in two months? (Assuming there are enough fights to judge in those two months of course!)
Yep, no problem there!

4. Are you able to commit to judging a fight several times a month? absolutely, no doubt about it. I'm online all the time (even if you don't see me #NinjaSkills), so I'd complete any I take on rather quickly and thoroughly.

5. Do you believe you are capable of judging with complete impartiality no matter who the participants are?
Definitely. I'm not a biased person really, I rp with everyone (or try to), and I'd be completely fair in judging and everything.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
07-17-2016, 11:30 PM
1a. How long have you been on the site total?
Erhm... 2 years?

1b. If you left the site at any point and returned, how long have you been on the site since your most recent return?
1.5 years ish

2. How much experience do you have with using the fighting system here?
Not a whole lot, but I like to think I've done alright so far. And I studied many fights before I even dared attempt my first.

3. Are you able to commit to completing the training program, including judging example fights and all five required training fights, in two months? (Assuming there are enough fights to judge in those two months of course!)
Honestly, I'm not sure, but I really want to give it a try!

4. Are you able to commit to judging a fight several times a month?
Again, not really sure, but I would like to believe that I can do at least 1-2 a month. And if it was a special event I could do more!

5. Do you believe you are capable of judging with complete impartiality no matter who the participants are?
Absolutely! I'm very good at following criteria strictly, and I wouldn't dream of handing out points to someone just because I like them, or their character, or even if I know that person knows better. You make a mistake, you don't get the points! :P Fair is fair!
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]


07-20-2016, 11:05 AM
1a. How long have you been on the site total? Uh, I wanna say 2/3 years? I'm not really for sure.

1b. If you left the site at any point and returned, how long have you been on the site since your most recent return? It was kind of a leave, but I went missing over the last few weeks because of something stressing me out. I came back yesterday.

2. How much experience do you have with using the fighting system here? My characters have been in a few fights, and I studied a lot of them beforehand.

3. Are you able to commit to completing the training program, including judging example fights and all five required training fights, in two months? (Assuming there are enough fights to judge in those two months of course!) I can try!

4. Are you able to commit to judging a fight several times a month? I can try to.

5. Do you believe you are capable of judging with complete impartiality no matter who the participants are? Yep!



3 Years
07-30-2016, 04:05 PM
1a. How long have you been on the site total? 4 years now

1b. If you left the site at any point and returned, how long have you been on the site since your most recent return? About 3 weeks? I left for a month due to travel

2. How much experience do you have with using the fighting system here? I have some experience; more from reading fights than participating, although I have been in a few.

3. Are you able to commit to completing the training program, including judging example fights and all five required training fights, in two months? (Assuming there are enough fights to judge in those two months of course!) Definitely. I'm on Ardent every day, even if I'm not posting. This would be a really good way to fill my time.

4. Are you able to commit to judging a fight several times a month? Yes, definitely.

5. Do you believe you are capable of judging with complete impartiality no matter who the participants are? Yes. I deal a lot with having to be impartial in real life, being a Scout Leader so I have plenty experience, even with friends.



7 Years
Extra large
10-06-2016, 09:35 AM
1a. How long have you been on the site total?
A few months! I was on awhile back when I first applied for Brutus, but I only made a couple posts before life whisked me away. I'm back now (permanently, as I've quit my other roleplaying groups) and I'd like to say my activity is consistently rising!

1b. If you left the site at any point and returned, how long have you been on the site since your most recent return?
A few months, I totaled how much time I've actually spent on the site rather than when I first came to it. I came back to the site on August 11th, before that I was here on Brutus around October 15th of last year. So I've been reading/following Ardent for about a year, as I would snoop in to read for 'bedtime stories' occasionally.

2. How much experience do you have with using the fighting system here? TO BE HONEST, ahaha. Hardly any? I've been in three spars so far, the third is currently still ongoing but since my first, I've been reading a lot of past spars and learning moves and defenses so I can go in prepared from now on.

3. Are you able to commit to completing the training program, including judging example fights and all five required training fights, in two months? (Assuming there are enough fights to judge in those two months of course!)
Yes. I am disabled now, and outside of cleaning the house and taking care of the pets I will say that I have quite a bit of free time. When I'm not sick, I'm usually available and I don't expect that to change in the next few months. \o/

4. Are you able to commit to judging a fight several times a month?
Yessss! This is why I'm applying. I want to help knock out those judgement requests. :) I know with holidays coming up especially that it might be difficult to get them all done, so I want to help.

5. Do you believe you are capable of judging with complete impartiality no matter who the participants are?
I'm relatively new to the site, in a way that I am sort of getting to know everyone in it. I'm recognizing characters and player names now, but I honestly don't feel that I could offer any sort of biased opinion in judgement. Regardless, even if I was familiar with a lot of the players on this site, I have enough professional experience to confidently say that I can keep my opinions separate from my work.

cesar may enter any of brutus' threads