
Spring blossoms



9 Years
07-18-2016, 01:37 AM

Well, this was a little further from home that he was used to, but he was still in the southern part of the continent, so he supposed it wasn't too far to travel. But, he knew he shouldn't stay out long; he had to get back to Myriad and get back to work after he'd explored a bit. He wasn't sure what he'd find out here, but it was worthwhile to know his way around, he was aware of that. As he paced through the lands, the fruit trees became more and more prominent, and their light blossoms flitted in the breeze. He'd never seen so many trees of the like all in one place. It was rather interesting, although he wasn't sure yet what purpose it would serve him since it was so far from home. Flicking his tail dismissively, he allowed his large paws to carry him further into the Orchard, passing the time. What else was there to do in a day? At least he was on his paws moving around, rather than lazing about in one place.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



2 Years
07-18-2016, 01:56 AM
The caramel and chocolate maiden trotted about the orchard. The small blossoms from the trees really made the maiden think about where she was located. The season had to be Spring, no doubt about it since new life happened to be around every corner now. Her oceanic blue optics shimmered in the sunlight, her eyes staying focused on the sun as her eyes burned from the intensity of it's blindness, making it almost impossible to see anything for a couple minutes.

"You'll never take me alive!" She barked at the sun, almost as if it would respond to her, and with a deep, menacing growl she ran farther away from the sun's light, trying her best to stay in the shadows in hopes that the sun would not find her. With a small sigh, however, she would turn her cranium and happened to see a grey-colored brute nearby. Was he a spy too? Was he working so hard in trying to find her? With a growl, she ran in front of the brute, "Who are you and what do you know?!" She barked, her eyes narrowing as she focused on him, "Don't play dumb either!" However, some of the birds would tweet their beautiful melodies as she turned her cranium to the birds, "Get it out of my head!" She howled, believing that the tweeting that the birds were making was something that was going on in her head as she fell backward onto her back, whimpering in both anger and confusion.



9 Years
07-19-2016, 07:40 PM

His light boredom was abruptly disrupted as he heard sudden shouting in the distance. Only one voice could be heard, and he wondered who it was shouting at. It didn't sound like an argument, nor even a fight. Xephyris had paused in place, tilting his ears to the wind as he listened for any other indications of someone nearby, when the offensive female burst into the opening and charged up to him with a growl. Instantly on the defensive, his paws shifted until his body was frontally aligned with her, hackles rising and legs bending as he prepared himself to face this threat. As she began barking at him, as if he knew who she was, his lips curled back in a furious snarl, revealing his ready fangs. He wasn't going to waste any time chit-chatting with her if she was here for a fight.

But then, her attention suddenly shifted, and she began shouting nonsense - at what, he couldn't determine, and he didn't care either. His sharp silver eyes were focused on her, watching her intently. It was starting to become apparent that she simply wasn't right in the head, and all of her shouting really had nothing to do with him at all. So, although he was still on-guard, and he chanced a little glance around him for any signs of an ambush, he eased up just a little. Attacking her would serve him no purpose - he may have loved to spill blood in a good battle, but he was honorable as well. There would be no pride in fighting with someone who was incapable of fighting back or defending themselves.

However, as she fell onto her back and began whimpering, he wondered what he should do. He almost felt a little bad for her, although he found her random shouting obnoxious. How did she survive out here by herself? She was so noisy, she would surely chase any prey away. Slowly, quietly, he approached the young woman and stood over her, his cold silver eyes trying to seek contact with hers. "I assure you, I've no idea who you are and I don't care who you are," he rumbled, his tone serious to let her know he wasn't fooling around, "But it appears to me that you are suffering a great deal, and I would not be opposed to putting you out of your misery if that would help." To him, her existence didn't seem to serve any purpose, and he thought she must surely live a miserable life. Still, he'd give her a chance to speak, if she understood him at all, and he wasn't going to make any decisions for her. But he definitely was going to defend himself if she got violent with him.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]