
Round and Roud



2 Years
08-11-2014, 12:57 AM
The young black pup had been here only two times. The sounds of the wind echoed throughout his lobes as his right eye was a topaz blue, and his left a lime green. They scanned the land, eyes looking throughout the burning landscape as her hung his salmon colored tongue out, trying to cool off every ounce of his body that he could. He wished that Dayton was there to help provide for him, but he had not seen the russet man for a while and tried his best to search for him, but nothing had come up of him.

"Man, why did there have to ever be a desert?" He asked himself and continued to walk, his paw pads burning and cracking from the sun that beat down across his small form. Dehydration had started to take his toll on him. Aeolus knew that if he does not find water soon, he would die.

He soon came upon an oasis. Without hesitation, he ran to the water and began to lap at it as fast as he could, like a roadrunner trying to run away from a predator. His ears stayed erect so he could watch for any sounds of predators, and so far nothing came up. Once he had his fill, the young brute lied down upon the shade, thinking about what he would do next.


08-11-2014, 01:20 AM
It hadn't been too long since the young dame was able to crawl from the enveloping warmth of her family's den. Of course, alongside her mother, father, and siblings. And...boy, was she excited. So excited, she had wondered off pretty far just to explore the world some more. Even when her mother and father had informed her to stay near or within Olympus territory. It was all so tempting as a pup her age. It was like you were trapped in a cage, unable to release yourself or to squeeze through the bars. So, you trick the guards and sneak out. Eunomia didn't think of it as sinful though. Just...a pup's curiosity! Pups wanted to explore. With their parents holding them back...well, c'mon, they'd have to see something like this coming. So with that lovely theory of hers she didn't worry too much about getting into deep trouble with her parents.
It had been about twenty minutes since she wandered away from home. Yeah-...she was pretty lost. But she wasn't focusing on how far away from home she was! She was thinking about how beautiful this place was. She had arrived at a marshy-looking place...she had seen tons of birds flying overhead or nesting on the ground. But she was smart enough to stay away from the nests...since she'd rather keep her eyes than have them plucked by a angry mother bird. Though...she was on her place to a nice little island at the center of it all. There, a tree grew out of the earth, caressing it's branches and leaves over an empty spot in the shade. Just for her.
The young dame bounded through the mud carelessly and listened to the beautiful songs the birds sang her above. Truly, they made her drift off into a different reality. Like a made her want to stay here. Want to wrap herself around the whole area and claim it as her own. Yes...her own little kingdom of birds. But...there wasn't a slight chance of that happening. The thought made the little princess laugh, as she had finally arrived beneath the large tree. Her little paws made her way over to the firm trunk, and casually would she flop down beside it and extend her body over the roots. And to think...she was so oblivious to the presence of another yearling...

ooc is fun!

Template by Kite on SoulsRPG



2 Years
08-11-2014, 01:30 AM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2014, 01:33 AM by Aeolus.)

Aeolus would soon become shocked when he had seen a young yearling like him approach before the small oasis. She seemed a little younger then him, but she seemed oblivious to the young brute's presence. The young dame seemed to be in her own little world. A chuckle erupted from his throat and came out of his mouth, his tone echoing in his lobes. The sound of his chuckle vibrating his spinal cords.

"Well, you seem to be alone. Why are you out here without someone to help you if you get in trouble?" He would ask the fae, a somewhat look of kindness yet surprise showing in his eyes. The sounds of the birds overhead annoyed him as he snarled and barked out in a low and deep voice. The birds, hearing this, soon gave out a call of their own and flew off. They surely seemed as if they were going to kill him, at least that was what it was like. His eyes shown kindness when he looked back over to the little dame. "My name's Aeolus, and may I ask your name?"



08-11-2014, 01:52 AM
It wasn't too long til she noticed the unfamiliar aroma of a boy. A boy...her age? Nearby? Immediately, her mind escaped the happy world she was wandering around in, and she quickly widened her stance and lowered her head to align with her spine. And every so often, she would shift to the side a bit, magenta an milky white eyes scanning the distance. But- all she could see was birds, old bird nests, etc. Until suddenly, a voice exploded to her left. "Well, you seem to be alone. Why are you out here without someone to help you if you get in trouble?" The shock sent her sideways and scrambling away, ears pinning back against her skull. But it was only that boy she smelt earlier. Sighing, she would move to her paws and ruffle out her mocha coat casually. Though just as she was about to answer, he began to bark at the beautiful birds above.
"Stop! Stop, they are beautiful and you are scaring them away!" Her little legs threw herself toward him, her main goal being to shove him only gently while he let out his alarming barks. To make him stop, of course. She loved the birds and their was touching. Amazing. And with him scaring him off- well, her lullaby immediately ends! Eunomia, if hopefully shoving him just slightly, would hobble back to her previous position to take in a gulp of air. They all flew off- she was too late. Tears welled up in her eyes...but she held them back and sat with a firm growl.
"How could you? They were would you like it if I scared you off, huh? Just because you talk so much?!" Immediately would the young dame allow herself to shoot to her paws. Then, she would slacken her jaw to begin barking angrily at the young boy, getting closer and closer within each bark. She was definitely letting her anger and disappoint get out of hand...but she didn't know how to ask why he scared the birds off without growing hot and mad.

ooc is fun!

Template by Kite on SoulsRPG



2 Years
08-11-2014, 02:00 AM
Aeolus would hear the dame's disappointment and rage echo through his lobes. His ears were pinned back and sadness was in her eyes. When he was with his old family, making a female angry or sad was something that would not be tolerated and was a terrible thing to do. He hung his head. The ebony pup sat upon his haunches and heaved a small sigh, sadness still showing on his face. The thought of his old family brought sadness to him again as he began to cry silently to himself and tears fell onto the sandy floor beneath his paws.

"I'm sorry...but I have hated birds for they have picked off the remains of my family...Ever since they were killed off by a epidemic that could not be cured and I the only survivor....All I could see in my dreams was them not being alive and seeing their limp bodies...and the birds picking them off as another food source for them," Aeolus would whimper and he lied down, wrapping his tail around himself and a loud whimper would escape his throat.

"Forgive me for my rude introduction and my behavior toward you and the birds that you cared so much for. But they have brought terrible reminders of me watching them eat what was left of my family..." he knew he was scaring the pup in a way and soon shut his trap as he looked away, turning his cranium to the side as he continued to cry to himself once he was finished speaking with the young fae.


08-11-2014, 02:13 AM
At first, the young dame didn't even want to here his explanation. But once the story came out reasonable, she dropped her hackles and took a few steps back. Then, she sat with a sad look now glued onto her face. Even sadder than before. Guilt, regret, and sympathy grew in her chest and she couldn't help but feel like running away when she spotted those tears upon the sand. Her dark tail tucked up between her hind legs, before she slid down onto her stomach and tucked her chin between her forelegs. It all came to her- and it nearly made her cry. If she ever saw Chione, Hercules, or Hypnos being fed on by birds...or her father or mother, she'd hate them. Forever on. Kill them and eat them for a long as she could manage. So now she understood...and it was making her heard feel like mush.

"I'm...I'm so sorry. I didn't know..." To be even more sincere with her dear apology, she slowly made her way over to the boy, lowering her head and dipping her muzzle beneath his chin. Then, to lift it with her own, a smile stretched across her inky black lips. "I just get really overwhelmed when others...scare off my birds. But now I understand your situation, and I apologize." The young girl really was sorry...but she didn't know that else to do. What else to say. She was indeed new to this world. And this yearling probably knew a hell lot more than she did.
Eunomia looked to lighten the moment, so, she nudged the boy with her shoulder and smiled. "Hey, lighten up now. I bet we could snag an egg from one of those nests on the ground...then take it and toss it around?" She didn't know baby birds grew in those round things. She just knew what they were called. Eggs. And she knew that when you dropped got messy quickly.

ooc is fun!

Template by Kite on SoulsRPG



2 Years
08-11-2014, 02:19 AM
Aeolus could hear her apology and feel her gentle nudge. He couldn't help but nudge her as well, and he would give a slight smile. "No need to apologize. I know you like birds now, and you have every right to like them, but I don't. It just brings back bad memories."

The next thing he would hear was her talking about the eggs in the nest. He could tell she did not know that baby birds grew in those things, and he shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I don't want you to hurt them. Little birds grow in those eggs you see in the nests, and I don't think you want to hurt them," she spoke as he lied down. When he thought about the eggs, his stomach growled loudly and he became a little embarrassed, "Pardon me, I'm a little hungry."