
Hot Pink Persian Carpet



3 Years
07-24-2016, 01:25 PM
The rich, fertile earth felt soft underneath Sileas's paws as he walked over the lush forest floor around him. With every step that took the male further into the trees, his eyes grew wider and wider. Above and all around him, Spring had swept full force through this wood, leaving an absolute explosion of colour in it's wake. The male had never seen anything like it. The blooms were beautiful, their colours not only gracing the tree tops but the ground too, creating a pink carpet for him to walk on. Along with the delicate yet strong scent, the man was completely overwhelmed by the little colour paradise he had stumbled upon.

Since arriving in these lands, he had been wandering aimlessly. He had only met a few other beings since arriving and whatever short conversations they'd had had only confirmed his suspicions of the common tongue here. He thanked the stars that he'd always been a quick learner and hope that he wouldn't encounter too much more difficulty with the language. In his home, only a few people were fluent in the language they spoke here and he'd had to make do with what he'd learnt when he was younger and what he'd picked up along the way. If luck was in his favour he'd meet some new people to practice on.

Somewhere he guessed was near the heart of the forest, Sil finally stopped for a rest. Sitting down under one of the redbud trees, he murmured to himself, clearing the raspy undertones from his disused voice. "Nach eil seo faodail direach sgoinneil? Chan eil mi air rud sam bith mar seo fhaichinn riabh." (Isn't this a lucky find? I've never seen anything like it before.)



4 Years
Extra large
07-24-2016, 03:03 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2016, 01:31 PM by Karabela.)
Navigation - Rock Garden

Wind hummed through the grass, sending it rippling in the sunshine of a lazy spring afternoon.  Karabela had decided it was time for her to wander for a bit.  She wasn’t doing much good in Abaven after all.  For whatever reason she’d been having trouble getting focused on her pack duties and found herself burdened with a sudden insecurity.  Where had that come from?  She was exactly where she wanted to be, in the rank she wanted to be and as far as she knew she wasn’t looked down on by anyone despite the rifts that seemed to be forming between the Destruction family and the other members of the pack.  Was it perhaps the fractures in the Destruction family herself that had put the woman on edge?  It was a bit disconcerting to see such conflict between members of the ruling family.  Raba felt like she should do something but… what could she possibly do?  She was a wanderer and a fighter not a negotiator.

Meandering down into the Rock Garden, Karabela leapt onto a short nearby boulder.  The warmth of the stone felt good on her paws after the chillier mornings she’d spent up north before working her way back toward Abaven.  She knew what she needed.  Companionship and forward drive.  Somewhere her ambition turned to complacency but when one had reached their goals what was she going to fuel that drive with?

Karabela continued to sit upon her perch, feeling the sun and wind on her fur and breathing in the air devoid of anothers….. hang on.  Her brow furrowed.  There was another scent.  Well now who could this be?  Another trepid explorer?  Bounding off her perch she swiftly followed the scent to it’s owner, a large chocolate brown male. “Hey there!  You out enjoying the nice spring day?”


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



3 Years
07-24-2016, 04:10 PM
(ooc: Ach! Sorry Luns. Completely wrote this for Redbud Nook xD I'll just carry on. Sorryyyy)

Sil was only sat a few moments before he took off again. The sheer vibrancy of everything around the male filled him with such energy that his legs practically moved themselves. he moved at a swift pace, though slow enough the still let him devour his beautiful surroundings. It seemed he had judged the size of the "forest" incorrectly, as he soon emerged from the pink copse to see it was much, much smaller than he realised.

Blinking against the sudden direct sunlight, he looked backwards his mint gaze wide. Smiling to himself, he continued forward. It still amazed him that even now (not that he was particularly old ) he could be completely caught unawares by wonder. With a quick shake of his head, the male focused on his new surroundings.

Rocks, as far as the eye could see, but not in a boring way at all. Boulders dominated the skyline in unique shapes whilst slabs littered the ground. It was so surreal that he had to pause a moment to take it all in, especially the scent of a wolf which was growing stronger by the second. Following his nose, Sileas turned just in time to see a pretty female come into sight. She was certainly tall, perhaps even the tallest wolf he'd ever seen and had a dark coat with a few lighter markings, from what he could see.
“Hey there! You out enjoying the nice spring day?”

Taking a few steps forward, Sileas smiled. Although he hope it didn't show, he had to take  moment to translate the woman's words in head, and then formulate a reply. She seemed frinedly, and he wouldn't be one to turn away company.

"Yes, I am. Today is a beautiful day, is it not?" he replied.



4 Years
Extra large
07-26-2016, 05:37 PM
ooc: sorry it’s a bit short ><

The man was slow to respond but he seemed friendly enough. Excellent! She could really do with some company as of late and maybe then she could get her head focused. “It most certainly is! We better enjoy it while we can. Summer will be here with it’s sweltering heat before we know it.” Summer… where was the time going? She could hardly believe that it was spring, that she was now a woman. “My name is Karabela, what’s yours? If you don’t mind me asking you uh… you don’t seem to be from around here.” She’d noticed the odd manner in which he’d spoken and made the guess that english was not this man’s first language. He spoke it well but there were still shifts in the words that hinted that the speaker was of foreign origins.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



3 Years
07-26-2016, 06:36 PM
ooc: that's absolutely fine!

Sileas almost audibly sighed in relief as the woman seemed to understand what he'd said. Even though his English was improving it still always felt like a bit of a gamble to try and speak it and for it to make sense. The woman replied promptly though, agreeing that it was indeed a nice day. He found himself smiling, something he had not done in his solitude wandering for quite a while. This female's sheer... vibrance was infectious. She mentioned the Summer heat and Sileas nodded. The heat was already building in the air.

“My name is Karabela, what’s yours? If you don’t mind me asking you uh… you don’t seem to be from around here.” Ah, so the woman, Karabela (quite a unique name, in the male's opinion), had noticed that he was foreign. It was to be expected, he knew, and even if his accent and the ways his C's and B's caught in his throat then the delay before he replied would give it away. With a more sheepish smile, Sileas turned his gaze back to Karabela as he replied.

"You are correct, Karabela. My name is Sìleas and I come from somewhere further North than here. I hope my poor English isn't hard for you to understand." He panicked for a moment. He hated to be a burden on people, especially people he didn't know well, if at all, like this golden-gazed woman. Shaking his thoughts from his head, he focused on trying to smooth over the bumps in his speech.
"I can already feel the, the hotness in the air. I can tell the Summer here will be much warmer than those at home. Whether that's a good thing or not, time will tell." he said, with a goodhearted grin tacked on the end.[/color]



4 Years
Extra large
07-29-2016, 07:25 PM

Karabela shifted on her feet, toes subconsciously testing the ground beneath them. She was loving terra. The grass felt amazing between her toes though she hadn't noticed much in the way of medicinal herbs yet, not that she'd know them when she saw them. She wasn't sure when she started taking in territories and weighing out their pros and cons. It wasn't like Abaven was going to move anywhere.

The man introduced himself as Síleas. Hey, now that was a neat name! The man stated he was somewhere from further North and Karabela half wondered if it was near the area her mother was from. She remembered some of the stories of Rhesia and the land to the far north. She shook her head. "Not at all! Your English is really good. So what brings you down this way?" She nodded at his mention of summer. Indeed, it was shaping up to be a hot one so all the better to be out and about enjoying the mild spring while they could.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



3 Years
08-03-2016, 09:46 AM
The gentle breeze around him did well to cool Sil off. He loved the summer months and all the vibrancy they brought to the world, but if he didn't half overheat! He was hoping the full blast of summer's warmth would hold off for a little while longer, if only so he could travel around the area freely and without seeking out shade every hour. Taking a deep breath, he savoured all the scents around him, so different to those from his home.

The female replied that his English was good, and although he didn't fully believe it, Sileas relaxed a little bit. If she didn't mind his mediocre English, he wouldn't. The woman then asked what he was doing in the area. He didn't mind telling, he was very much enjoying this conversation.

"Well, miss. Right now I'm just travelling around the East. i want to have a real look before I start looking for a pack to settle in. What about you, a' ghraidh?

ooc: "a' ghraidh" is a common endearment people use. It just means dear/friend.



4 Years
Extra large
08-04-2016, 09:37 PM

Karabela listened politely her tail wagging absently behind her. She enjoyed listening to the man's accent and it was nice to spend time with someone new to the land. He stated that he was traveling around the Eastern lands before looking for a pack to settle in. Oh, really now? She grinned. She knew just the pack! Well… hopefully. "Me? Oh… I don't know. I just needed to get out for a bit. I love exploring and nothing clears the mind quite like a new land to take in. You know it's funny you should mention a pack. I happen to be a member of Abaven, it's a pack southeast of here. I'd be happy to take you there if you wanted to check it out." Hopefully they could get a handle on the inner pack drama. Karabela wanted to make a good impression but the last few times the pack had gotten together tensions were running high between the members of the alpha's family as well as that family and the pack members who weren't related. Not to mention there was still the unsolved mystery of what had happened to Finch.

"If you don't mind me asking do you have a particular set of skills?"


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



3 Years
08-05-2016, 06:57 AM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2016, 06:59 AM by Sìleas.)
He smiled as the woman replied, a grin on her own face. She stated that she was just out for a bit of a wander. Much like himself, then. He nodded, agreeing with her about a clear mind after travelling. He felt so refreshed himself, after travelling so far, especially now that winter was over and done with.
"You know it's funny you should mention a pack. I happen to be a member of Abaven, it's a pack southeast of here. I'd be happy to take you there if you wanted to check it out." Sil's ears perked up a that. A pack? He knew that there were at least a few in these lands, but for the first person he met to belong to one, and one nearby as well! He grinned. Although he enjoyed travelling a lot, he craved to be back in a pack, putting his skills to use. Karabela was very nice so far, he'd have no qualms in letting her show him her pack.

The woman then inquired about his skillset. His tail wagging happily behind him, Sileas replied excitedly.
"Thank you very much, Miss Karabela! I would love very much to meet your pack. This is very kind of you." He said, his nose scrunching up as he smiled. "I am a healer, a' ghraidh. I was trained in my home pack. he said. "What about you, Karabela? What is your... passion. he continued, pausing to think of the word he needed at the end.



4 Years
Extra large
08-12-2016, 07:02 PM

The man perked up in interest at the mention of Abaven and Karabela felt a touch of pride. Was she about to recruit her first member? Well, she's at least show him where it was and let him decide for himself if it was the right place for him. Though… maybe she really ought to tell him that they were going through a bit of a phase at the moment though how would she even really explain any of that to an outsider? No, probably best to keep it to herself for awhile. "Excellent! Let's see… there are two ways to get there. One through the Stone Steppe the other through the Firefly Lake. Either of those strike your fancy?"

"A healer, huh? That's very nice! I've always found plants rather interesting but there's just so much to learn I've always been intimidated by it. My skills lie in battle. I'm a warrior." Though it was interesting he chose the word passion. She wondered if it was the word he meant and if it was well… she wasn't quite sure what her answer would be. She loved sparring but would she call fighting her passion? It wasn't so much a passion as it was part of herself. She'd been fighting as long as she could remember, always fighting, physically, mentally. It was like stating that she had a dark pelt and golden eyes. It was a facet of her being more so than an passion. Though perhaps that's what a passion was.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king