
Same old song and dance {MEETING}



7 Years

07-25-2016, 11:43 AM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2016, 09:54 AM by Evelyn.)

Time and time again, his pack seemed to fall to the wayside. They would grow stronger only to fall twice as fast, and twice as hard. Bass was tired of trying to pick up the ashes over and over. If no one wanted to be here, then why were they all here? Why was he wasting his energy on keeping Abaven alive if no one else wanted to put in the effort. He couldn't do this alone anymore, his paws were dragging and the years were stacking up against him. Half of his life had already come and gone, and he couldn't look past his exhaustion. His own family seemed to prefer to be elsewhere. The pale man could still remember when he started this pack, how optimistic he had been about it. How quickly he had gained members, and even managed to keep some of his family close. But they were all gone now. He had no idea where Rhythm went, or if Chord ever planned to return. Motif had left when her mate grew ill, but still he hadn't heard anything from her either. All of his siblings had left him all alone in Ardent, and he was feeling the pain of separation. Sparrow wanted to wander, and Starling was still gone. Only Finch and Lark seemed to be the ones who hung around, Pipit and Merlin as well. Had he failed everyone? Was this all his own doing?

With a heavy heart, he pulled himself up on top of his den, tipping back his head and calling out for all of Abaven, or those who remained anyways. After his call, he lowered himself to his belly, upper limbs dangling off of the cool rocks. The sun hadn't even risen to it's highest point yet, a bit of a chill in the air. Placing his head on his paws, he waited, without much hope of anyone showing.

ooc// Edit: Extended until the 8th

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years

07-25-2016, 12:33 PM

That... Now that was a voice she hadn't heard in a long time. It was sheer luck that she returned when she did - otherwise, she would have been across the the continent. She hadn't expected to hear Bass' voice - much like the quiet in the rest of the pack, there was a distinct lack of a leading wolf who was there for everyone. It made her frown, which was not something the white wolf did often. Was Bass tired of leadership? Would it be better for the pack to have a new leader, or to fade away completely? She did not want that to happen, but it seemed like it would be better for the pack than the straggling they were doing now.

Unless, of course, this meeting was announcing Bass' return as a leader and as an active member of the pack. Then he could, she believed, spur the others into activity instead of this dreary dragging about that was going on. But it depended on him - all on him. No wolf wanted to follow an alpha that did... well, nothing. And by the gods did Vali hope that Bass was through with doing nothing. If he fell into the quiet, moping creature he had been for the past season, even she couldn't pledge that she would stay.

When she arrived at Bass' den, hopes rising, she took one look at the man... and they fell again. The hope that was in her eyes deepened to sadness as she stared at Bass, before she looked away, her eyes squeezing shut in pain. Of curse. He wasn't out of it. And it hurt, to see her friend like that, but he had not wanted anything to do with her, either. Was there nothing she could do? No one she could turn to for help? She swallowed hard, sighing softly as she plopped her butt down. She was the first one to arrive, but she was sure - hoping - that more would come.


[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



9 Years
07-25-2016, 02:50 PM

Everything had gone so quiet since Bass had been scarce, and if he remembered correctly, since the last meeting they had when that one woman showed up. His mate? Or former mate? He couldn't quite remember. At least, he was pretty sure that was when Bass fell into his slump. Since the pack had grown quiet, Dart had taken to wandering around doing patrols or occupying his time with fishing. It was a great time killer, but it often reminded him of the emptiness within the pack as well.

So when he finally heard his old friends call, Dart took off and abandoned his fishing. The fish would always be there, but Bass? He wanted to see his old friend after being scarce for so long. When he arrived, there was one other she-wolf present, and Dart felt excited until crimson eyes fell on his friend. He frowned a little, but he kept that hope in his chest. He himself had felt depressed at one point because he was getting old and had yet to find love. But he learned to accept that it didn't always happen. Approaching Bass, he sat as close to him as he could and dipped his head. No matter what happened, he wanted to stay. Even if he ended up being the last one,  and if everyone else left, he would stay. He was always loyal to Bass, and nothing would change that.



4 Years
Extra large
07-25-2016, 05:00 PM

Karabela was in a bit of a mood. The rainy day before had only exacerbated her feelings. She felt… ashamed. She’d made an idiot of herself when she’d tried to hold a meeting on her own and was desperately craving the chance to try again. She just didn’t know how. Her golden gaze tipped skyward. Her mother was probably embarrassed by the mere sight of her. She needed to redeem herself. She needed to connect with the wolves of Abaven in a way she hadn’t managed before. Somewhere along the way she’d grown lazy and complacent…. no…. complacent maybe but not lazy. She was tired. Tired of feeling unsure of herself and her place in the world and tired on the physical level from the nightmares that plagued her on nights when the moon went dark. Her mother and her cousin slain in front of her… to save her. They saved her life so that she might be a force in the world. A force for what she wasn’t sure but it was time to make something more of herself. She was alive for a reason… now was the time to start finding out why… for better… or for worse…

Karabela arrived at the meeting and dipped her head in greeting to Bass before quietly taking her seat.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



11 Years
07-25-2016, 10:12 PM

He was ten now. Ten! And he wasn't sure how much longer he had to go. He would try to stay strong and go for as long as he could, that was for sure. But even so, would he have anything to show for it? He had lost his mate, his only child, and his sister. He had nothing anymore, except for this pack and his rank. He had no legacy, nothing to keep his memory was....depressing to think about, but he wouldn't show it to the world. Bass maybe, but not today. Not when there was a meeting to be had.

He arrived to find only a few others, though he had assumed that Bass' family would have been among the first to arrive. It would seem, that was not the case. He knew Bass had been in a depression for some time, and he understood why. How could he blame him? He would find a seat near the front, maybe he'd be quick enough to catch him after the meeting or something to talk to him.




4 Years
07-30-2016, 04:39 AM

He cursed under his breath. The summer's heat didn't help. He should have been the one to call this meeting. He should have been the one to help reawaken Abaven. Another opportunity gone and wasted, just like every other moment he had let slip by. He wouldn't be surprised if Bass had lost his faith in him. He had been waiting for the pack meeting this whole time, planning to commence his new responsibilities once the pack awoke from its slumbering state, but he couldn't wait. He couldn't expect. He had to take action.

So you better get your ass to that meeting. With the sun beating down on his back, he promptly arrived at the gathering area. Not the first to arrive, to his disappointment, though there weren't exactly that many of Abaven left anyway. Perhaps more would show up soon, though he doubted it. Just look confident, he told himself as he took a seat on the edge of the small crowd, dipping his head to the Primo.




11 Years
Dragon Mod
08-03-2016, 04:15 PM

It had been a while since they'd had a meeting, and while he didn't really know Bass as much as he would have liked, the alpha had his support since he'd been taking care of Quake since his idiot brother disappeared. The tall male nudged the girl awake, motioning for her to follow as he led them to where Bass had called them together. When they walked into the clearing, only a handful had shown up while the rest remained scarce. What was going to happen? They'd been dwindling, falling apart, and he was sure he wasn't the only one that noticed.




9 Years
Dragon Mod
08-03-2016, 04:25 PM

She'd been taking a nap after being out all night by the river. She hadn't been able to sleep, her memories haunting her. Her parents had abandoned her, and she wasn't sure what to think about her brother. His story just didn't make sense to her, and she didn't know if she could believe anything he said. The only ones she truly trusted was her uncle Kakashi and her uncle Bass. But was it really her fault when her true family left and lied? She supposed not.

The girl blinked her eyes open when she felt her uncle touching her, crimson eyes finding him walking away. She hadn't heard the howl, but if he was waking her up for something then it was important right? Slowly she stood and stretched, following him until the showed up to find a small group of wolves. Quietly she sat down next to him, and came to the conclusion that this was a pack meeting.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



2 Years
08-03-2016, 04:29 PM

The male quietly got up, each and every day. It was exactly the same, he was like a ghost. Looking after his sister just as his uncle was but from a distance. Since obviously he was too much like his father, someone he would much rather forget. In his sister's own time though he hoped she could understand, he had looked for them for her. Only to just.... well it was just that - he probably hadn't tried hard enough.

Qualm arrived at the meeting, finding himself gravitating towards the only wolf he knew. Tinaro. While Tinaro was a fighter and Qualm a healer it made no difference to him. A pack mate was a pack mate after all. The male took a seat silently, looking over to his sister and uncle he flashed a smile - he wouldn't let them see what was underneath. He loved them and that's how it would remain.




11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
08-03-2016, 04:35 PM

What was this? Bass calling for a meeting? The masked man remained where he was for a time, not really wanting to show up to the meeting. Why should he? The pack was already falling apart, turning into a ghost town. Who would even be there? Huffing, the beast lumbered towards his alpha anyway. Might as well see what it was all about. Large paws stepped quietly across the ground, cream form emerging into the small group. Not many were here, which didn't surprise him...finding a seat on the edge of the group, he sat  and waited for the meeting to start.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
08-03-2016, 04:46 PM

Abaven was on its last legs it seemed, really everyone was at fault. Decim knew he didn't do much as he had tried. Maybe it was just the thought of his old man - where was he right now? Regardless he wanted to do Abaven right. A meeting being called, then he would be there. As he rose to his paws he came upon the crowd, young and old gathered among Bass. It seemed he had a heavy heart though as he took a seat where ever he could find. What would the future hold he wondered out loud. What would be next in line for his own path among all these things.




4 Years
Athena I
08-03-2016, 09:17 PM

It was hard to shake Piper's cheerful outlook. Even when things were looking bleak it only phased her for a moment before she brushed it off and continued on. However, the silence lingering over the pack was wearing on her. She was having a harder and harder time finding her siblings to hang out with... or anyone for that matter. Her ears perked and head lifted to listen to her father's voice when he called for the pack. The tone of his voice made a frown pull at her lips and she got to her paws to head toward him. Her paws her surprisingly hesitant. She wanted to be there for him. At times she felt like she was trying so hard to be supportive and keep him cheerful, but there was little pay off from it. She hadn't quite realized that she couldn't do that on her own. Maybe if all of her siblings were helping... But no.

She finally arrived, expecting some of her siblings to have been there already since she had taken quite a bit longer to arrive than she usually did. Her frown deepened, her brows pulling together and creasing her forehead. Her bright gaze landed on her father and her heart sank when she saw him drooping over the edge of the rocks above the den. A quick glance around made her realize that the only wolf that was there that she recognized easily was Tinaro. Where was everyone?

Ignoring everyone else in the crowd and the voice in her head telling her that it would probably be more socially acceptable if she just took a seat with them, she padded toward her father and made her way up to the small overhang that he was perched on. She settled onto her stomach beside him with her side pressed to his, leaning her head down and pressing her nose to his cheek. She gave him a worried glance as she rested her head on her paws much like he had.

"Talk" "You" Think


08-03-2016, 10:48 PM

Liviana wasn't really sure what to expect when she heard Bass's voice calling for the pack. Her home pack had very few formal meetings for the entire pack. Her family often met and then any news that pertained to the pack would filter down to the other families by word of mouth. She padded toward the crowd with mild curiosity. Her lilac gaze drifted across the wolves that had gathered, one brow lifting as she began to notice the air of worry and discontent. She knew she was quite possibly the newest member of the pack so she wouldn't know any of the backstory or extended problems the pack was or wasn't facing. It did make her a bit concerned though. Had she made the right choice? Only time would tell she supposed. She settled on her haunches with a swish of her tail at the back of the crowd, her gaze settling on Bass. She gathered fairly quickly that the young girl beside him was probably a daughter of his. Interesting. She continued to quietly watch the wolves around her while she waited for the meeting to begin.

Art by Evelyn



7 Years
Extra large

08-08-2016, 09:58 PM
Lark had grown to absolutely despise meetings. Nothing good ever came of them. He was tired of the drama that seemed to be attracted to every damn meeting. He was pretty sure, though, that his mother wouldn't show up this time - and Starling seemed just as absent as ever. Huffing quietly to himself, he would bring himself to head toward his father's call after a long moment of conaideration.

Most of the wolves of Abaven had already shown. As he drew near, his gaz drifted over the group quietly. Quite a few of his siblings were missing, which brought a worried frown to the man's lips. Quietly he'd move to sit somewhat near his father, eyeing him curiosly. What was in store for Abaven, now that it seemed so many had left them?



7 Years

08-08-2016, 10:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2016, 11:10 PM by Lillianna.)
She was late-ish, but she didn't really feel all that upset about it. Before, she'd have been the first to arrive, but now... what was the point? True, the pack was not the most active right now, but neither was Bass. IF he did nothing, then the pack won't, simple as that. And she felt no desire in proving herself to an alpha that wasn't even paying attention.

Rising to her paws, she set out for the meeting, only to find that despite her late-ness, quite a few wolves hadn't arrived yet. There was a wolf she didn't recognize, however, and she eyed her quizzically for a brief moment, before spotting Lark and heading towards him. Okay, maybe she should pick up the pace; this was the second or third time he'd beaten her to a meeting. She huffed as she neared him, determined to be cheerful even at this thing, which will likely be a disaster as well. Still, she could see already that he wasn't happy. She brushed against him, offering silent comfort, even as she reached her head up to nuzzle him behind the ear, which was actually quite the reach, but damnit, she'd do it anyways. When she sat, she sat close enough that their fur brushed even then, once again a comfort because she knew how Abaven meetings turned out. And... truthfully, the thoughts of the others when they saw this never even occurred to her.

There was already an issue with this meeting. She had looked for Bass, only to find he was laying down, with Sandpiper at his side. She'd ignored it when she first came in, but now her brow furrowed, and she stared up at him, frowning. Why was he laying down? Was he not an alpha? It looked like his daughter was comforting him and not the other way around. Was he not an alpha? Would he not stand in front of his pack? He would just lay there? This troubled the young wolf, and she sat there with a conflicted expression on her face.

"Speech" "Language" "Farrym"
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.

Finch I


4 Years

08-09-2016, 01:33 AM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2016, 07:44 PM by Evelyn.)

Finch Sartaddi-Destruction

Finch was very, very late. Truth be told, she didn't even want to go to this meeting. She did not like what was going on, and something in her heart told her that a major change had taken place. Her father was not the wolf that she once knew him to be. His once cheerful state was gone, and after everyone else grew silent, instead of him trying to pick them back up, he too grew quiet. What was a pack without an alpha? What was her family without Abaven? It had been here their whole lives, and she couldn't imagine her life without it. But we're they truly a pack, of no one cared?

Slinking in with her head low, she wove through the crowd and made it to Larks side. She pressed against her brother, a heavy sigh leaving her lips. It took her awhile to realize that Lillie was on the other side of Lark, pressed into him. She blinked heavily, looking between the two wolves with obvious confusion in her eyes. What was going on? They used to fight all the time and now they were cuddling? She wasn't sure how to feel about that, her gut twisting in her belly. So instead she eyed Bass, standing there silently. It looked like he had almost began until he spotted her trying to sneak in. Oops. Tossing a sheepish grin his way, she shrunk lower under the heavy stare of her father and Primo, her side almost mashed against Larks taller form. She could ask about these two later.




7 Years

08-09-2016, 08:43 PM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2016, 08:51 PM by Bass.)

He was honestly surprised that anyone had shown up.

With the inactivity of the pack, again, and then himself, he wasn't sure if anyone was even here anymore. He had seen a few while doing patrols, but not much more than that. Both training sessions had been a bust, but at least there were still those that still held strong. Abaven had been a part of Bass since he was a year old, and he wasn't going to just give up on them. But there was no use running a pack with members who simply did not want to be there. Even if it widdled down to just him and a few others, that was how it would have to be. He wasn't a quitter, but he also didn't feel like wasting his time. He was so very tired of the ups and downs of this pack, and lately there had been far more downs. Drama around every turn. With a sigh, he stood up, just in time to see Vali walk in. He dipped his head at the equally pale woman, trying to offer up as much of a smile as he could. She had been his friend for so long now, and he could still remember their first meeting. Now they were old dogs, both starting to get up there in age. His face took on a nostalgic look, and didn't fade away when a familiar fluffy presents at his side. He poked his nose behind Dart's ear, his mood seeming to slightly improve as more and more wolves filtered in. His tail curled around him as his legs flexed, nails clicking on the stone below him. Karabela, Hansel, and Tinaro all came in around the same time, each getting a returned greeting from Bass. He chuckled softly to himself as he noticed everyone else coming in, but some were still missing. Kakashi came first, his niece and nephew following behind. Zell and Decim, and then at last one of his own children. He let out a loud breath, he was starting to think that none of his kids were going to show up at all. He licked the top of Piper's head, trying to reassure her. It had been a bad year for them all, and he knew that it would take a little bit for their wounds to heal. But he was so thankful for all of them.

Liviana wandered in next, and he scolded himself. She had been here for a little bit, and yet he hadn't yet pointed her in the direction of Tinaro or set up introductions. He would do that today then. When Lark came in, he smiled and dipped his head at his tallest pup, but the next wolf that came in was Lillie, who pressed herself close to him. He rose a brow at the two, he could remember a time when they had been fighting over Finch, and now they were all cuddly? Mmm, what was going on there? Despite himself, he winked at the two, a laugh taking over his sour mood. Now that was something to cheer him up. The words of Sparrow echoed in his mind, but Lark was a strong willed man. He wouldn't let just anyone close to him, no matter how pretty. Taking a breath, his maw parted as he was about to start, when Finch tried to sneak in. He fixed her with a hard stare, but she seemed taken aback by who sat on her brothers side. Clearing his throat, he narrowed his eyes further at her, watching as she shied away from him. Shaking his head, he was finally able to start.

"First off, I want to thank all who have showed up today. This meeting is mostly an interest check on Abaven. The pack has grown silent once more, and I am tired of trying to raise it back up if no one wants to be here. You are not held here by anything but your own will, and can leave at any time. I cannot be the only one to keep trying to keep this pack active. Yes, I grew quiet after everyone else did, but that does not mean that I haven't been here, or that each and every one of you cannot try to spark up a training, hunting, anything. I am not the only one in this pack, nor the only one who controls it's ups and downs. We need to be a team, not a blind herd of sheep who blunder after their leader. I am not saying that my own actions are okay, but I am not the only one at fault. Training sessions that have been called have not been showed up to, and I thank those who have tried to start up the action," he pointedly looked at Karabela, Tinaro, and Vali. All three of them had attempted something, it was not their fault that no one had showed up. "A pack should still be able to run without the alpha calling every single movement. You are not pawns, but all your own wolves and all a part of this family. I am tired of feeling like I have to kick start it all over again." Bass sighed, standing up and pacing the length of the rock shelf he was standing on. "After this meeting, I want all of you to attend some sort of training, or a hunt. Karabela, can you lead a hunt outside of Abaven lands after this? Perhaps there is a herd of deer in Redbud Nook, they do like the young trees at this time of year." He asked, turning to the darker coated woman. He stopped his pacing, eyes roaming over the crowd. "Tinaro, as the new Prima Guardia, I want you to gather a group of wolves and assign spar partners." He looked around again, his golden eyes locking with Vali. "Vali, I want you to lead a herb hunting expedition outside of pack lands, but don't leave the east." These three wolves had proved to be reliable, even in the quiet time of the pack. Looking around to everyone else there, he turned to Dart at his side. Looking between him and Lillie, a sly grin came on his maw. "Lillie, I want you to take the other Pattuglia's and split them up between the hunting party and the herb hunt. The ones with Karabela will go ahead and seek out the herd, while the ones with Vali will stay at their backs to protect them from anything that may sneak up on them while they are trying to collect their herbs. Oh, and bring Lark with you, for further protection." Bass had started off in a dark mood, so it was nice to have a bit of fun. He casually nudged Dart with his paw, looking between the two wolves he had named. Could the fox see what he did? Chuckling again, he jumped off the rock and sat at the mouth of his den. "Any who wish to speak to me, or be released form the pack, come and see me now. All parties can part on their own will." He said, glancing around and seeing Livi again. "Oh! We also have a new member, welcome Liviana to Abaven," he said, pointing his nose towards the chocolate woman.

ooc;// If you were not able to post in the meeting due to absence or what have you, you may still join the parties. I will be starting a thread with Bass for all who wish to talk to him.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
Extra large
08-12-2016, 07:26 PM

Karabela struggled to quiet her mind as she took a few more deep breaths. Like hell she was going to have a panic attack right here in front of the whole bloody pack. Pushing the thoughts of her family from her brain she focused on Bass as he began to speak. She frowned a bit as he spoke but she remained silent. It was clear how weary he was and to her it seemed his mind was elsewhere despite his insistence on focusing on Abaven. That clearly hadn't been the case. It was fine to talk of sheep and leaders but the leader of a pack was a focal point, a beacon of strength and if other packs perceived weakness in another's leader it could put them all at risk. They had a right to be worried and Raba wondered if Bass would return to his old self or appoint a steward. Karabela felt for him, she truly did. What had happened with his wife was terrible and the splintering of his family… well she knew all about that. Her thoughts drifted slowly to Sabre and Falx and she wondered how they were doing and if they ever thought of her.

Karabela looked away as Bass pointed to her about sessions that had started that hadn't been shown up to. Well… that wasn't entirely fair. The pack had shown up to her training but she'd failed in conducting it so it was really no ones fault but her own. Though she had tried at least. Spirits she could at least do that. Karabela nodded as he assigned her the task of leading a hunt. She was grateful for the opportunity to regain her honor but nervous about the task at hand. Karabela knew how to track, how to follow the signs of the land but she wasn't really a hunter. Her one saving grace would be that the hunt was to be held in the Redbud Nook, a land she favored and was growing more and more familiar with. "I'll do my best sir. Everyone who's joining this hunt limber up. We'll head to the Redbud Nook shortly. I'd like to give those who need to speak to Bass a moment to do so." Including herself.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



7 Years
Extra large

08-14-2016, 08:51 PM
Everything happened rather.. quickly. Lillie arrived, and he turned to offer her a slight smile, but instead she approached him and quickly pressed against him. He felt his heart sink in his chest. He didn't know how to feel about what had happened with them. Like with most things regarding his relationship with Lillie, he preferred to not think about it too in-depth. Now she was publicly showing affection to him? He stiffened at her touch, though dared no recoil. He'd really enjoyed what they'd shared together and the thought of it not happening because he'd offended her wasn't exactly a nice thought either. But knowing anyone in Abaven could notice this wasn't exactly that enjoyable, either. He grimaced silently, though remained at her side, even leaning slightly in to her touch to show he was not denying it.

Finch arrived before his father began to speak, and he swore she shot him an odd look before coming to rest at his other side. Both women mattered to him quite a bit, just in different ways, and he clenched his jaw as he sat quietly and turned his eyes toward his father as he began to address them.

His tone was far less strong than usual. It seemed almost dejected, and he felt his own spirits sink slightly. He knew he, too, was at fault for not being more active within the pack - but a lot had happened to distract him, this last year or so. He knew he should be sitting where Tinaro was. Calling meetings, training, and reaching higher, but his ambitions had slipped away from him. A soft, hardly audible sigh fell from his lips. He mentally told himself he would keep training more, and harder. He had to make something of himself, something his father would be proud of. Lark had always wanted to be someone his siblings could luck up to, no matter what they needed, and he didn't feel like he'd been much of that lately.

He was given instructions to join the healers to search for herbs, and he nodded curtly in understanding. He couldn't help but wonder if anyone would chose to leave. Briefly his eyes danced over the group of wolves, thinking silently to himself. And still, he couldn't help but wonder if anyone had noticed Lillie greet him so affectionately..