
Um... Well...



3 Years
07-26-2016, 06:59 PM
OOC. Basically any Celestial wolves are welcome to come and scare the daylights out of this tiny shy girl. Bri, your call when/if you want Reg to come and get her.

She had been gone just under a year, she had made the snap decision to visit her family and made the long trek to Ahlon. Once more among her family helped to heal the pain she had been struggling under when she had run into the purple devil. But as the seasons had bled into each other the spring of her third year brought with it a familiar feeling and her thoughts once more turned to Bacchus.

She had not seen him before she had left and she felt a need to try and find herself once more in his company. So she had once more found herself in the place of her birth, and as she trekked she had come to the conclusion that she needed a place to call home before she began the real search for her knight.

Luck knew she had a cousin who had a pack, Abaven if memory served but she couldn't really remember any of his family and besides she was concerned there would be to much interest in who she was looking for and she got the distinct feeling Bac didn't exactly align with the majority of the Destruction's interests. No she could only think of one other wolf she could count on.

Only problem was she had no idea where Regulus was.

In the time since she had arrived via the north till now she had stopped on the edge of every border she had found and debated with herself about calling for an alpha, she had been sure he had been part of a pack the last she had seen him but that didn't mean it was still true.

Finally she had rationalized to herself that at the very least an alpha might be able to help point her in the right direction and she made the choice to finally work up the courage to ask for help at the next pack she found.

Which was why she was here, standing nervously beyond the border of a pack she didn't know. The tiny girl was fighting against her natural inclination to flee. She needed some where to start looking, for both of the males.

Finally she sighed and tossed her head back, a call ringing from her lips. As she lowered her head she felt the panic set in. Now she just had to wait, that was almost worse.


[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]



8 Years
07-26-2016, 07:35 PM
She had been searching for something to do, some company, and in general someone to talk to. She had hoped to find Dagger and spend some time with him. She had also been feeling somewhat down lately, missing her other siblings and her parents. She wished that they would all come here so that she could be with them again. Although the female knew they wouldn't all fallow her and Dagger's footsteps. Her ears perked at the summoning call. Cocking her head to the left she quickly decided to go see who the call came from.

She was not the alpha, nor would she ever claim to be, but perhaps this female who called could use some friendly company until Reg arrived. Trotting forward the female easily made good time in arriving at the borders. Holding her tail at a neutral stance she allowed it to wag back and forth slowly. She smiled kindly at the female before her and she sat down.

"Hello, welcome to Celestial borders. I'm Acapella and the alpha should be along shortly," she greeted.
* Is completely Blind due to Maim by Greed, looks like her eyes are always closed. *
Acapella has a Dhole companion that is almost always with her unless stated otherwise.
Greed is allowed in any of Ella's threads regardless of the tag.



3 Years
07-26-2016, 10:00 PM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2016, 10:02 PM by Luck.)

The figure that approached was unfamiliar to her, which was pretty much what Luck expected. The woman was close to the same age as she was and taller than the Destruction; neither of which surprised her too much.   Still none of these expected outcomes really helped to stop the panic in her from flaring up stronger. Oh Gods how had she managed to convince herself she could do this?

The tiny wolf plastered the most friendly smile she could on her face, which is to say it was awkward and much too wide to appear natural. The waver in the woman's tail did summon a genuine weak return from Luck's own banner. The unknown woman sat down and Luck found herself settling upon her own haunches.

“Um, Thanks.” She stammered awkwardly. “I'm looking for- I mean I'm Luck. I'm looking for someone, actually two someones- I mean two wolves. I mean I'm looking for them separately, I don't expect them to be together- ” Luck cut herself off, knowing she was just going to keep tripping over her words. How was was going to do this again when the alpha got here!


[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]



9 Years
08-04-2016, 10:27 PM

Creed's time as an Alpha was drawing to a close and with it came a short amount of relief. H'ed enjoyed serving beside Regulus, but he was growing too old to continue it and come Summer he'd be eight. With spring coming to a rapid end all the male really wanted to do was sit back and relax. He'd already talked to Regulus about it and he'd readily agreed to let him retire. With one less worry on his mind his brain had already begun to focus on other things. Like Kav...

He'd stop himself mid-thought before it could continue. He'd been spending more and more time with the woman and with each day he found a strange sense of fondness for her. It was a different change but not unwelcome and with it came a happiness he'd never had before.

Though he wouldn't be alpha for long, the Right Wing still made his border patrols regularly. Today was no different. Today there would be a change though which caught his attention easily. A howl rang at the borders for an Alpha which wasn't something that occurred often. With quick languid strides he'd head towards the call. The aging male came across a rather interesting sight. Acapella had been the first to arrive and he gave her a friendly tail wag. He'd entered as Acapella introduced herself and he waited until Luck had spoken her bit stating she was looking for two somebodies.

"Well Ah hope we can help ye Luck. Who are ye lookin' for and we'll see if we know them."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



12 Years
Extra large
08-06-2016, 08:59 PM

He was patrolling, checking the borders, and adding his own scent in a fresh layer when he heard the call. It was familiar, in a way, and he turned quickly, knowing he would be able to pick up where he’d left off. It was a ways along the border, and he kept a brisk pace until three figures came into view. His brow points jumped slightly as he recognized Acapella; his cousin had been nigh on absent for over half a season, and he’d not heard a peep from her. Something he’d have to address. Creed was also there, and as Regulus came to a stop beside the older male, he offered a friendly bump of his side to Creed’s before his fathomless sapphires turned to the woman who stood on the other side of the borders.

“Luck?” Sure enough, the tiny Destruction stood, clearly nearing her breaking point of nerves, before them. He padded forward to greet the little female, tail breaking into a gentle wag of greeting. Nervous as she might have been, it was a glad thing to see her alive. But what was she doing here? Had she found Bacchus? A quick test of the scents told him no. Here to visit Varda, perhaps? That would be good for the Master Hunter.

“Is everything alright?” He couldn’t help the natural concern; she looked scared, after all. And.. whoa. He gave a quick, clearing snuff through his nose, shifting automatically upwind of the female as he realized the other thing that rode her scent in place of the silver, slate, black and white male she’d been with last time. Heat. Spring must have been her season. It was Solveiga’s as well, come to think of it. And Kavdayas… The community slash family den was smelling rather ripe, and he had to admit that he’d been spending a bit more time outside, or sleeping in his cousin Alsander’s old Cliffside den to avoid the effects.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



8 Years
08-07-2016, 07:36 PM
Listening to the female it was easy to tell that she was vary nervous. She tried to remain as harmless looking as she could in hopes that the female could relax some. She then heard an approach from the pack lands and looked to see Creed join them and she smiled wagging her tail in a greeting to the older male.He spoke up to the nervous female and Acapella nodded her head in agreement. She was glad the male came when he did because Acapella still didn't know a lot of wolves around here and he would be more help then she could.

Shortly after the large form of Regulus appeared also answering to the female's call. She wagged her tail in greeting to the alpha as he stepped in. He in fact recognized the female which would hopefully be a good thing. Maybe she would be a bit less nervous now that a familiar face was here. For now she remained quiet allowing the men to take over for now.
* Is completely Blind due to Maim by Greed, looks like her eyes are always closed. *
Acapella has a Dhole companion that is almost always with her unless stated otherwise.
Greed is allowed in any of Ella's threads regardless of the tag.



3 Years
08-07-2016, 11:42 PM

Well this was going totally opposite to her plan, turned out she also vastly underestimated how much anxiety she was capable of experiencing. That understatement would immediately be blown out of the water as yet another new wolf approached, a much older male who carried himself with enough confidence to project the idea that this male was at least a higher rank than Acapella. Ooooh Gooooood.

He offered to help, accented tones doing little to sooth the now visibly shaking girl. There was a question of who it was she was looking for and Luck once more attempted to summon her voice, with about the same results. One of them- He's uh-” She faltered for a moment, maybe a description was better? “He's big- I mean taller than me... I mean much taller than me, everyone's taller than me...” She allowed herself to trail off rather than keep rambling. Okay, so maybe it'd be easier to start with a name? “He is called- I mean he's named Re-”

This time it wasn't nervousness that stopped Luck in her tracks but rather the sudden dropping of her jaw as the wolf she had been struggling to identify sauntered into her view. First bumping the older male then finally turning his gaze on her. The way her name rolled off his tongue suddenly pulled Luck's voice from it's cage. “Regulus!” She found herself unconsciously moving into his greeting, seeking to press her nose into his shoulder if only for a brief moment. The waver in her tail was much bigger this time, and much more natural.

“Yes! I mean I'm fine.” There was a real, genuine grin upon her tiny features now. Though it shrunk some as she noticed him shifting slightly; it was to be expected but that didn't stop the sudden pit in her stomach. Need she remind herself that Regulus was not Bacchus. Luck cast a nervous and self-conscious glance at the other two wolves before speaking directly to Regulus once more. “I was actually hoping you might be willing to help me.”


[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]