
I'm A Songbird With A Brand New Track



4 Years
Extra large
07-31-2016, 07:51 AM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2016, 08:00 PM by Karabela.)
ooc:  Navigation Alias Islands

Water lapped at her ankles, the heavy spring rains causing the path to the island to dip below the water, not to far, just a few inches but it was still a bit disconcerting.  Thank goodness she wasn't bleeding or anything.  The last thing Karabela needed was to be attracting sharks to her location.  Up ahead she saw her target, Alias Island.  With the sun just coming up behind it and the mist rolling away she had to admit it was beautiful from a distance.  Snow-capped peaks and forested terrain.  Of course snow still meant snow melt and she'd have to be sure to watch her step.  This was the northern-most point of the Eastern territories and she was bound and determined to know everything there was about this region.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



5 Years
08-14-2016, 02:01 PM
I rise above it all and
I'm not coming down

The arctic creature was not amused with the lands this continent had to offer. Even the north this year had been disappointing and the winter not harsh enough. His adventures hardly held any merit and he had yet to find his older sister. He knew she'd be easy enough to spot with her blue-gray pelt and delicate features and yet he hadn't had any luck. Wherever she was she certainly was doing a good job of being lost which was more than irritating to the russet colored male.

He'd crossed the narrow land bridge leading to this island. He'd noted the snow-capped peaks of the mountains and regarded them with an amount of disgust. With the way everything had been melting lately he doubted it'd be thick snows and everything would be slushy. Everything would be dangerous and not worth the trip, but he went anyways. He couldn't smell Una's scent anywhere, but there was still a slim chance she'd managed to make it here. If he could find even the tiniest trace of her he'd be happy.

Instead all he'd found was nothing but a vast amount of emptiness. The terrain was pretty enough, but they held no wolves it seemed. So finally his paws carried him towards him to the middle of the island where a large crystalline lake glittered beautifully. It was here he'd sit and take a rest while he debated his next move.


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[Image: 3pAOohN.png]



4 Years
Extra large
08-19-2016, 09:26 PM

Karabela shook the water from her fur as she finally reached the rocky shore. Carefully she licked the remaining salt water off her ankles, pondering the unique taste. Slipping into the pine forests she made a beeline for the mountains. She didn't know why but they were quickly becoming one of her favorite features. There was just something so grand and majestic about a range of mountains and they simply begged to be climbed and explored. Ivory Ridge would be in the mountains, that much she knew though it wouldn't be this range. The island was to far out of the way and to small to support the kind of pack she hoped to raise but there were a few notable mountain ranges in the east that she would readily make her home when the time came.

Approaching a crystalline lake, Karabela bent her head for a swift drink before carrying on her way. She'd caught the scent of mountain goats in the area and the thought of sinking her teeth into one was making her hungry. Of course… that might have to wait til after she explored the strange wooden structures that rested a ways up the nearest slope. She was on her way there when she noticed a rust-colored man sitting along the lake shore.

"Hello there! It's a pretty lake huh? Do you live in this area?"


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



5 Years
08-20-2016, 02:44 AM
I rise above it all and
I'm not coming down

Ton was rather absorbed in his own thoughts. He hadn't heard the approach of company until a voice called out to him. He'd flinch ever so slightly but it was the only sign that he'd give to her that she'd managed to surprise him. His head would turn away from the lake and he'd observe her quietly. She was intriguing to look at, but overall his expression would remain neutral. He'd look back at the lake after he realized she'd mentioned it and he'd nod slowly. He supposed it was pretty. In his opinion it would look better if it was frozen over. It was what he had been accustomed to in his old home, but he'd already learned that these lands were nothing like where he'd come from.

"It has an intriguing beauty to it I suppose." He'd answer. This area was at least nicer than the muddied slop he'd come across before. "Though I don't live here. I'm a nomad of sorts really."

He wasn't really a nomad, but it was the only way he could think of to describe what he was. He didn't live anywhere. He had no pack to call home and he couldn't even find his sister. He was damned to wander until he either got lucky or she found him. Whichever came first really. He had ideas to go search the north again, but she could be anywhere by now so at this point he wasn't sure where to look.

"You haven't happened to have seen a blueish gray female with markings similar to mine perchance?" He'd turn his attention back to the woman. He doubted she did, but at this point he was willing to ask everyone on this continent.


[Image: pWd9xJD.png]
[Image: 3pAOohN.png]



4 Years
Extra large
09-01-2016, 08:33 PM

Her voice pulled the man out of his thoughts and she followed his gaze to the lake and she listened with interest as he spoke. "Oh? A nomad? Are you traveling to somewhere in particular?" She'd heard of several kinds of nomads. Those that wandered with no direction and those that followed herds of particular prey animals and she wondered which one the man was. "I used to be something of a nomad myself… then I settled but, well it never really leaves you." Karabela doubted she'd ever stop wandering from time to time though part of her longed for peace and contentment in just setting down roots. She'd supposed for so long her restlessness had to do with her past but more and more she supposed this was just how she was.

The man asked if she'd seen a blueish gray female with similar markings to his own. Hmmm… Karabela's brow furrowed as she tried to think back. She shook her head. "I'm sorry, I don't think I have. My name is Karabela by the way, Karabela Thyre. What might yours be? If you're up for a little exploring I was thinking of climbing up the mountain a ways to look at those weird wooden structures. You'd be welcome to join me."


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



5 Years
09-06-2016, 08:59 AM
I rise above it all and
I'm not coming down

He'd glance towards the dark female as she asked him if he was traveling any place in particular. He'd used the term nomad rather lightly and hadn't bothered to really think on it. He really didn't have a destination in mind. He just knew he wanted to find his sister and after that ... well he wasn't sure what he was going to do. So he just shook his head. "Nowhere in particular. I just let my feet and nose lead the way. My family used to follow herds, but I've been separated from them for a while so now I just go wherever." An ear turned to her attentively as she had spoken and he pondered her own reasoning for wandering, but he decided not to ask. She'd mentioned settling and he could easily smell the scent of a pack on her. The smell of other wolves was woven with her own scent. He hadn't visited any of the packs though so her scent was foreign.

To his own disappointment she hadn't seen his sister. He hadn't expected her to, though it would have been a nice change for someone to have had. Una was proving to be very difficult to track down and with no solid leads he was running out of ideas. Had she remained in these lands or had she managed to go home? The question bothered him. If she'd gone home how was he to get there. It was something he'd have to think about later.

"I'm Tonrar Qilaq." He'd introduce himself. "Sounds like an adventure I'd be up for. Lead the way." He said while rising to his feet.


[Image: pWd9xJD.png]
[Image: 3pAOohN.png]



4 Years
Extra large
09-11-2016, 11:17 AM

Karabela could understand wandering aimlessly. She'd done the same when she'd been separated from her family and from Imperium. Just going wherever her feet would take her. She let the world move her where it would while her mind took the time it needed to take stock of her new situation. She wondered if the man was in a similar situation and her thoughts drifted to her siblings, to Sabre and Falx. She hoped they were well wherever they were but she sincerely doubted she would ever see them again.

Karabela wished there was a way she could help this man. She could offer to help him look she supposed or to at least keep an eye out while she wandered herself. The man introduced himself as Tonrar Qilaq. "Nice to meet you Tonrar!" She started heading toward the cabin, her long, dexterous limbs carrying her up the rocky mountain side with practice. All that time spent in Fenrir's Maw was beginning to pay off. "You know, Tonrar, if you want I'll try to keep an eye out for Una as I wander. If I see her I'll be sure to let her know you're looking for her. Do you you have a place you usually go back to that I could direct her towards?" If he didn't this would be tricky. She wondered if he'd be interested in staying with her for awhile or even joining her pack.

Reaching the ground the cabin rested upon she went up to sniff at the decaying wooden sides and the strange holes in it that reflected the sunlight off a surface she could see through but not pass through. Standing on her hind legs she peered in to see an odd assortment of objects laying inside. "This must be a human den… a really old one." She didn't know of any other creatures that created such structures and this most certainly was not the work of nature. "Say Tonrar, do you intend to remain a nomad or… have you ever thought of settling down? Having a homebase of sorts?"


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



5 Years
09-12-2016, 02:42 PM
I rise above it all and
I'm not coming down

She seemed very enthusiastic around strangers. He was a bit more stand-offish but friendly all the same. She seemed pleased to meet him and he nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well." He'd reply as he took after her. She seemed quite at home with the rocky surfaces and he found himself following after her easily. She was heading towards the strange structure and he'd stare at it as they climbed. His attention was only broken when she spoke again.

"I've been staying in the east in the mountain range if that helps any."He'd answer her. He'd meant to go back north where the climates were ones he was used to, but he'd never gotten around to it. Exploring had taken over and the mountains were vast and full of things to be discovered. He hadn't quite found it within himself to leave it all behind yet. Not to mention it was the height of summer so he had plenty of time until winter when the snows would be at their heaviest in the north.

They'd reach the cabin and he followed her. The thing seemed to be made out of trees, but it looked almost like a cave instead. It clearly hadn't grown that way considering everything seemed to be rotting away. He'd pause and watch as she peered into the thing and he'd tilt his head as she mentioned a human den. He gave her a quizical look. He had no idea what humans were, but he didn't ask. Instead she flashed him another question so he answered that instead.

"I've thought of settling down, but I haven't found a place yet. What about you?"


[Image: pWd9xJD.png]
[Image: 3pAOohN.png]



4 Years
Extra large
09-17-2016, 07:23 PM

Karabela circled around toward the front of the cabin, her snow white paws carrying her up the steps to where a door hung halfway off it's frame. She moved cautiously. Karabela always felt uncertain around human dens, they were so strange and disconcerting and it was difficult to know if the place wouldn't just collapse on her. She was glad they were ancient history now. Her mother assured her that humans disappeared generations before and she needn't worry about them. Shame though, she really wondered what they looked like. She always imagined them to be something like featherless storks. Karabela glanced back at Tonrar as he mentioned the mountains to the east. "Is that so? That's where I've been living lately."

Sniffing the entry way for a moment she carefully stepped into the dust and junk filled cabin. Huh… leaping onto a bed she giggled a bit as it moved awkwardly up and down beneath her before coming to a stand still. Her tail twitched. What sort of springing ground was this? Lifting her forepaws she slammed them into the surface to start it moving again. "Man there are some weird things in here. What do you suppose this is Tonrar?"

She looked up at his question and grinned. "Well… yea, or I did. I joined a back but lately I've been motivated to do more with my life and I intend to form my own pack in the mountains, in Fenrir's Maw… you know… you'd be more than welcome to join if it interested you."


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



5 Years
09-18-2016, 04:34 PM
I rise above it all and
I'm not coming down

Tonrar would follow her idly as she moved around to the front of the structure. His brown colored nose would twitch every so often as he sniffed around, but in the end nothing of interest would catch his attention. Other than the building being absolutely abnormal to him, nothing smelled out of the ordinary. Instead he'd focus on the opening as Karabela moved without fear before telling him she'd been living in the same place.

"That's convenient." He spoke softly.

He followed her into the cabin with light steps. He'd peer around it for a few moments before glancing back at his companion. To his surprise she'd jumped up on something quite soft and he'd eye it as it bounced under her. So it was squishy? Brows would furrow as she asked him what it was and he rolled his shoulders in a shrug.

"Beats me. It looks comfortable so maybe something slept on it?" That was his best guess at least.

He was more surprised to hear that she was planning on making her own pack. An ear would flick in her direction as he moved about the cabin some more. Most things seemed broken and the place was dusty and clearly unused. If it didn't look like it was about to fall apart any minute he might have considered staying in it. Well, he would have considered it if she hadn't just offered him a home. He'd look back at her with a thoughtful expression.

"I hadn't thought of joining a pack in this land, but if I can't find my sister I'll join up with you and your pack." He'd spent months searching for Una already. If he didn't find her within the next few weeks... well joining a pack and moving on with his life didn't seem like a bad idea.


[Image: pWd9xJD.png]
[Image: 3pAOohN.png]



4 Years
Extra large
10-01-2016, 01:27 PM

Karabela shifted from side to side, enjoying the shifting of the mattress beneath her paws. Bending her head gracefully she sniffed at it. It smelt mossy and soiled and… metallic but Tonrar was right in that it was quite soft and the spring and sway of it was quite soothing. She doubted though she could haul this thing back to Fenrir's Maw so it was probably best to leave it where it was though she nodded in acknowledgement to his statement. Maybe instead of hides, dirt and various plant mater this is the sort of thing humans slept upon.

Leaping down she began sniffing at the strange, boxy trees that stood nearby. Odd knobs seemed to protrude from them and she shifted onto her hind legs, her front legs resting on top of the dresser as she pawed at the odd items that decorated the top of it. Karabela's tail wagged lightly as she turned back to Tonrar. He'd spoken of interest in joining up with her if he was unable to find his sister. It was a bit conflicting for her. She really hoped the man was reunited with his family but she was also eager to recruit members into her pack. "Sounds like a plan to me! You know if you do find your sister I wouldn't mind meeting her. I'll also try to keep an eye out for her myself." Maybe if he found her they could both join.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



5 Years
10-28-2016, 04:05 PM
I rise above it all and
I'm not coming down

Tonrar was mostly content just to watch Karabela. He wasn't too fond of the idea of jumping on the human bed, much less look around, so he stood patiently by the door. His brilliant green eyes did scan the area though and he took in the wide boxy wood thing that had strange things poking out of it. The more time they spent in this place the more curious he became. It was such an odd place - it was hard to imagine anyone used to live here. He was also having issues picturing what this place would have looked like if it wasn't so dusty and falling apart.

Karabela seemed to have noticed the strange boxy thing too. Her unconstrained curiosity was intriguing to him. He was pretty reserved himself so he wouldn't admit that he somewhat wanted to look around. He refrained though and instead watched as she examined the thing. He doubted she had any more answers than himself and instead his ears flicked as she mentioned his sister again. He nodded slowly. If either of them ever found her. He had high hopes for it at least.

"Well if I find her I'll be sure to bring her to you. Who knows, maybe she'll be interested in joining your pack."


[Image: pWd9xJD.png]
[Image: 3pAOohN.png]



4 Years
Extra large
10-29-2016, 08:12 PM

Karabela knocked a few things off the dresser, her ears flicking forward at the thuds but soon enough she satiated her curiosity. Sneezing at the dust she shook her head for a moment. "Phew, excuse me! Ok, I think I've had about enough of this place." Trotting out the door she wandered back out into the island air. Ah…. much better. As strange and interesting as the human dwelling was she had things to do and places to be and she couldn't spend all her time exploring. Karabela grinned at the suggestion of Tonrar finding his sister and the both of them joining her pack. As such a young pack she was anxious to build her numbers and get the pack set strongly for the winter. She could weed out the weaker links later. "I'd love to meet her and of course you'd be more than welcome to join if you fancy it. Thanks again for the adventure! I probably had better be getting back to my pack, it won't do to wander for to long at a time. Farewell!"

-exit? seemed a good place to wrap up let me know if you want to continue-


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



5 Years
10-30-2016, 12:40 AM
I rise above it all and
I'm not coming down

Tonrar watched with a quizzical expression on his face as she knocked a few things off of the dresser and then sneezed. "Bless you." He said automatically. He was a little relieved when it seemed like she'd had enough of the strange human dwelling. It was beginning to feel a little claustrophobic and he wasn't nearly as keen to explore it when it looked like it was going to fall down on top of them. He didn't see anything overly useful in the place either so he had to admit he wasn't as fascinated as she had been. The bed had looked rather comfortable though he'd never say that out loud.

He followed her eagerly out of the door and was more than happy to have fresh air again that wasn't riddled with dust. He breathed a soft sigh of relief and then looked towards his companion. He nodded slowly when she mentioned she'd be pleased to meet his sister and he was welcome to join her pack. He offered a short lived smile to the wolf.

"Of course. Goodbye Karabela." He spoke before trotting off in his own direction. He had a lot to think about and he still wanted to explore some more - far away from the human place.


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[Image: 3pAOohN.png]