
in a different place



10 Years
Extra large
07-31-2016, 09:55 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2016, 09:21 PM by Áki.)
Áki's chest heaved visibly with each step he took, his limbs stiff with exhaustion. Climbing a mountain was no easy task, and many wolves would inevitably find themselves turning back when they realized what big a task they'd taken on. Of course, he wasn't at the very top, just at the point where two of the mountains met - and he'd found the perfect view. One particular rock that jutted out near the pass, tested and proved to be solid beneath his weight, offered a lovely view of the world beyond. Pine trees and mountains dotted the skyline, and in another direction he could spot the horizon, where the land met the sky and seemed to trail on for infinity.

It was beautiful here. A content grin painted his features as he caught his breath, slowly but steadily, as he came to rest on his haunches on his newfound rock that he'd clambered onto. He knew there was no way he could make it to the very top, but he could go a bit further after some rest, he was certain. A heavy sigh left his lips - a satisfied sigh, as his crimson gaze swept over the lands. This place was finally, after years, starting to feel like home. He still missed traveling with the tribe, the family he had been born into, but he knew he could return if he ever needed. Being on his own, though, had been rather enlightening for him.

table by argent/neffs

note: set in Dreamers Col



6 Years

08-17-2016, 04:43 AM

Faite had gone as far north as she dared to scout around a bit before she decided to return home. She knew she'd be needed at some point between her newly appointed alpha duties and her mother being sick. She wasn't much of a healer though and in all reality all she could do was sit back and hope that Surreal would get better with time. She was aging though with the arrival of summer just around the corner. Her mother would be eight this year and probably wouldn't live to see a ninth. The thought brought bitterness to her. She knew she was supposed to outlive her parents, but it didn't make her any happier to think about it. She loved both her parents and the thought of either of them dying was too much to bear at the moment.

So instead of sitting home and watching her mother wither away she'd set out towards the north. It was one of the only areas she hadn't yet explored and she definitely had a yearning to. The vast and untamed wildness of the arctic called to her and to be honest she missed the mountain terrain. The west was so hot and flat in areas that it was almost boring now. Not that she disliked the Vericona Plains or Wolfpaw Lake, but she definitely wanted to look at something different. Her lungs missed the cool mountain air and she could still remember the pleasurable feeling of a painful ache in her legs after going through the mountains of the east. If the north was anything like the east then she'd surely get that feeling again.

Her hopes did not let her down and as she made her way up the mountain she felt herself panting with exertion. While her lungs held up it was still difficult work and she reveled in the feeling. The workout to her leg muscles felt good and no one would find her complaining about it. By the time she'd reached a narrow pass she was already quite out of breath. She hadn't noticed that there was already someone up here with her until their scent hit her nose so suddenly. She looked around warily though and paused in her tracks. She could smell him but she didn't see anyone.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



10 Years
Extra large
08-17-2016, 07:44 PM
The world looked even better from this vantage point, somehow. From the mountainside he could see the vastness of these lands, could see the trees melt into the horizon, see valleys and hills and infinitely more. He felt small up here, which was a rarity for the massive brute, and the feeling was refreshing. The air was crisper, more pure somehow, and he took a deep breath of the northern air, enjoying the feeling of it filling his chest. He did need to rest - his legs were achy from the climb and his breathing was still more labored than it ought to be.

The difficulty of the climb was invigorating to him. Perhaps he ought to come to these parts more often! He was lost in quiet reflection for a long period of time, surrounded by the serenity of nature. The sounds that filled his perked ears was pleasant - a gentle breeze, varying in intensity, whistled through the small trees that grew here, occasionally disturbing the rocks and sending stray ones tumbling down the cliffside.

The sound of another wolf stood out clearly to him. At first he wondered if it was perhaps a goat - what a fine meal that would make! His stomach rumbled as he sniffed at the air. It took a moment for him to catch a whiff of the scent, and instantly his stomach fell in disappointment. It was not prey after all. After a moment of consideration, he felt more positive about the chance of having some company. With a fluid movement, he leapt down from the ledge he'd found himself on, turning the corner to face the stranger suddenly. He hadn't expected her to be so close, and his eyes widened as he regarded her. "Excuse me!" he exclaimed, chuckling out loud. "I didn't realize I had company." Teeth were revealed as he flashed her a wide, unabashed smile.

table by argent/neffs



6 Years

08-19-2016, 02:13 AM

Faite was shocked when the sound of something heavy hit the ground near her. Ears would flick forward attentively and she gazed forward until that something came around the corner. She'd been expecting it but surprise still filtered through her as she stared at the larger wolf. She seemed to have surprised him too and she didn't miss the look on his face as he'd rounded the corner and found her there. Speaking of his face her bi-colored eyes would shift automatically to the teeth things that protruded from his mouth. Her eyes widened then as she stared at him.

Excuse me! She gathered enough senses to stop staring at the large wolf for a moment. I didn't realize I had company. He'd grin at her and slowly she found herself mimicking the gesture. Her tail waved softly behind her as she realized he was friendly. She still couldn't stop herself from staring again and she'd glance at the intricate markings that covered him and then automatically go right back to his face.

"It's alright! You just surprised me a bit." She'd smile at him now. "I'm Faite by the way." She'd pause hesitantly before posing her next question. "I hope I'm not offending you, but what are those coming from your mouth?" She'd gesture to the teeth things.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
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10 Years
Extra large
08-20-2016, 06:42 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2016, 06:44 PM by Áki.)
The stranger was considerably smaller than him - at least by a full head, if not more - though this came as no surprise to him. He and his family came from a bloodline of large wolves, and strong wolves; you had to be, to survive the more northern climates that he was accustomed to. In these warmer lands, wolves didn't need to be quite so bulky.  His gaze roved over her, wondering how difficult the climb had been for her. She didn't look like she was about to topple down the mountain, which was a plus.

His grin widened as her expression shifted as she eyed his tusks, a hearty laugh escaping his throat. Aki was used to be looked at wide-eyed and confused quite often. He only grew agitated when his presence was met with fear, for his demeanor was generally pleasant upon first meeting a stranger. The questions could get a bit old, but he was happy to have company, especially on a day as lovely as today. Sharing this view with someone else wouldn't be at all unwelcome.

His tail wagged behind him in a wide arc as she spoke. "Not too many wolves enjoy mountain-climbing, it seems," he mused aloud with a lighthearted chuckle. "It's a shame. No other way to see so much of the world at once."  Hopefully she could appreciate the beauty just as he did. His head tilted to the side, casting his gaze over the landscape below, which was really quite breathtaking. "It's a pleasure, Faite. My name is Aki," he'd reply to her name easily. "And.. I was born with these. My father had them, too. A gift from the gods, I like to tell myself. You could humor me and pretend you believe me, if you want." Or more likely, it was just an abnormality; but it amused him to pretend there was some spiritual reason for his mutation. He gauged her for any kind of reaction, wondering what she could learn about this woman so soon after meeting her by her reactions alone.

table by argent/neffs



6 Years

08-20-2016, 11:00 PM

Faite would move to plant her rump to the ground. She had been met with a friendly demeanor so she doubted his attitude would change unless she did something. She didn't intend on pissing off the friendly giant so she was going to assume she was in the clear here. Not unless he got upset with her for staring, but so far he looked like he was used to it. She didn't sense any irritation at least. Instead she was surprised when he went so far as to laugh. His tail was wagging at least and her own mimicked the gesture while a smile was plastered eagerly to her face.

"I used to live in the mountains in the easy, so I decided this would be fun and good exercise."

It felt good to rest her aching legs. She would eye him and wonder how it was for larger wolves and climbing. Regulus probably would have had an easier time at it than her, but he also weighed more. She was pretty fast and she had a fair amount of endurance. Considering she hadn't ran up the mountain she'd done pretty well. It was taxing but she had enjoyed every minute of it.

He introduced himself and she'd dip her head softly and was thankful that he'd returned his name. Aki would go on to explain his tusks. He didn't seem at all offended by the question, one he probably got a lot, and she listened attentively. She found it amazing that his father had them too and that there were probably other wolves like him. How much of the world was she missing? She wasn't sure if they were god-sent, she'd never thought much about any gods, but who was she to argue.

"Well I'm not going to argue with you about it." She joked lightly with a chuckle. "If anything is going to be god-sent its your tusks."

Walk, "Talk" Think

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10 Years
Extra large
08-22-2016, 09:06 AM
If he didn't move so freely over the lands, he was certain he would feel a dozen years older by now - though he was sure he had quite a few left in him. The ache in his limbs was a pleasant feeling, a reminder of his mortality and more reason to keep on going. He'd met such a wide array of creatures lately, too. They seemed to consistently be friendly and he was pleased in the companionship he'd found, however fleeting their relationships might be. This girl seemed eager also, mimicking his smile, and he found himself laughing again.

Life was a lovely thing, so why not laugh as much as possible?

"The mountains breed the strongest of wolves,"  he explained certainly, assessing her again. The wolves born in the more southern lands were softer, both physically and mentally, it seemed to him. "And here, I find myself feeling more alive than ever." Wondering if she shared the same sentiment, he regarded her for a moment. Rather than sitting down like she had, he'd move to the side, finding a few loose boulders and leaping to the top of them with a fluid movement.

She didn't sound as though she didn't believe him, and he was pleased with that. His expression softened as he looked beyond them to the horizon again. "I can only hope,"  he mused thoughtfully, shrugging his shoulders. However they'd come to be, he had learned to embrace them - they weren't entirely useful, but they were certainly unique. He'd never really tried using them to fight or hunt, though they likely looked more dangerous than they actually were. "Is this as far a you've gone up?" he'd ask suddenly, curious if she dared venture higher or if she was content where they stood now.

table by argent/neffs



6 Years

08-23-2016, 10:09 AM

He seemed quite older than her, but overall he still seemed rather young. He had a certain edge of wisdom to him that she immediately respected. As he explained that the north bred stronger wolves she nodded. Her thoughts would immediately flicker to Creed. He'd been born in the north. She'd questioned him about his family once and his stocky body and fluffy coat had made perfect sense. He was a part of Glaciem before the war had began and it gave her clarity that he was as hardy as he was. Even his coat didn't thin out in the summer like most wolves. She didn't envy him in that regard at least. So she readily found herself agreeing with Aki. To live her, she imagined, you must be tough lest you die. It wasn't the same as a cushy lifestyle in the south where prey was more plentiful and the weather less harsh.

"I suppose with impending death around the corner you'd find ways to live." She chuckled.

She'd watch him with curiosity as he moved away from her. Her head followed Aki as with one swift movement he hopped up on a pile of boulders with as much grace as she'd seen from anyone his size. He answered her after looking at the horizon and her gaze would follow his own. It truly was beautiful up here and she was glad she had made the journey. It had certainly been worth the trip.

She didn't look back at him until he posed her a question. The answer came easily to her lips. "I've been trying to familiarize myself with the north. This is the highest I've gone though in terms of climbing mountains. I'd certainly love to see more of it though. It's quite breathtaking up here." She'd smile at him easily. If that was an invitation to go higher up with him she'd readily accept it.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



10 Years
Extra large
08-29-2016, 07:36 PM
Faite seemed to agree with him, at least on the surface, and he wondered if he'd found a kindred soul of sorts. Even if only in some ways, it was refreshing to be around someone similar to him. He grinned at her words, amused, though struck by the honesty of the statement. "Exactly!" he'd half-exclaimed with certainty.  Impending death was certainly the perfect catalyst to finding the drive to live. That was too true.

For a long moment, he stood still - breathing in the crisp mountain air and letting his gaze rove over the horizon. From this height, he couldn't see a single animal, though he knew the lands were brimming with creatures of all kinds. Even only seeing trees and hills and mountains, for miles and miles, the world looked full of life.

Her words made him tilt his head to the side, glancing down at her with a slight grin. "You'd love to see more of it, you say?" he'd ask, swiveling his body to face her now. "Are you all rested to see more of it yet, or should we take a longer break?" Playfulness sparkled in his eyes as he waited for her response. He would be okay without traveling further, but why not, if they were able?

table by argent/neffs



6 Years

09-07-2016, 01:46 PM

Aki seemed pleased with her statement and she couldn't help but mimic the grin. As he looked around she took the opportunity to do so as well. She couldn't see much but the view from the mountain was something she didn't get to see from the western lands of Celestial. The terrain was vastly different and she was quite enjoying her adventure.

She was a little surprised by his question. She hadn't exactly expected him to offer to go see more of it. She couldn't find it within herself to deny herself a temporary traveling companion she with a smile she nodded. "Nope I'm all ready to go." She answered him. She was sure she still had the energy to keep going. She was boundless with it and even if she was tired she couldn't say no. She was going to get all the exploring done before she had to return home. "Lead the way."

ooc: and horribly short reply!

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



10 Years
Extra large
09-20-2016, 09:03 PM
The mountain pass was a beautiful place, and well worth the effort to get here. Many wolves, he suspected, might never make the climb - he understood why. It was dangerous, and the only reward was an intrinsic one, unless you were trying to hide out from someone. It was worth it enough for him and he paused before they continued on, letting his gaze pass over the landscape. The peak ahead of them seemed a tall climb, and the landscape more harsh as the elevation increased. Even here there were few trees, and the ones that had managed to cling to the mountainside were shorter and heartier than their counterparts at the mountain's base. It seemed the vegetation only got more scarce, and the rocks more plentiful, as he surveyed their path.

Faite was willing to join him, and he beamed gladly at the promise of a traveling companion, even if only briefly. Even if they couldn't make it much further, perhaps they could find an even better view! Adrenaline surged through him as he turned from her and began heading up the mountainside, moving more carefully than he had, knowing the rocks could easily give under his weight if he wasn't cautious and deliberate in choosing his steps. "You don't have to tell me twice!"  he called out, his head cocked to the side as he looked back at her before averting his gaze forward and upward again.

table by argent/neffs



6 Years

09-22-2016, 09:24 AM

Faite rose to follow him. She'd peer up ahead of them at the pass and noted all the rocks they could use to help haul their way up. The trees here seemed more firmly rooted and also more sparse. She doubted she trusted some of them, but she could imagine they would be useful for their climb. She certainly disliked the idea of slipping and tumbling back down the mountain side so she was vigilant in her search to see what footing they'd be able to purchase.

He seemed excited by the fact she was willing to come up with him. She beamed at him before following after. She was equally as careful in choosing her footing. Some of the rocks seemed unstable in areas so she was diligent in making sure she left those alone. Before she knew it she was picking her way up the hill. Grinning to herself she picked up the pace and scrambled past him. She was more than willing to make it a game to see how high they could get and who would get there first.

"I'll race you!" She grinned, not phased by the idea that it was dangerous. To her it was a thrilling game - one she was more than willing to play.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



10 Years
Extra large
10-03-2016, 09:54 AM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2016, 09:54 AM by Áki.)
It had been awhile since he'd made a good friend, he thought to himself.  Many of his relationships with others were short-lived at best, though Faite seemed the type he might be willing to seek out again. Not for primal needs, as he did with so many others, but simply because he enjoyed her company. He didn't know much about her, but she was full of life and spirit, in a refreshingly pure manner. For all he knew, she could be anyone - but her title or upbringing or relations didn't concern him. What did concern him was how she presented herself to him, their conversation, and nothing more.

They began their journey quietly. It wasn't exactly the kind of terrain that made for much small-talk - attention had to be taken with each step, and one's body had to be on full alert in case rocks shifted beneath their paws. But she did offer one final sentiment, as he saw her move past him at his side and scramble ahead of him. She wanted to race, eh? She hadn't phrased it as a question, but even if she had he wasn't one to say no to such ideas.

He didn't need to reply. Instead, he pushed on, aiming to catch up with her while keeping himself steady. He took a deep breath before working to increase his pace to a reasonable level, more of a steady trot than a full-out run, knowing this was dangerous, but the game was worth the risk!

table by argent/neffs



6 Years

10-07-2016, 02:03 PM

Faite was more than delighted when Aki seemed to comply to her wish for a game. What surprised her was her ability to coerce a presumably older man to race with her. It made her feel pretty good about herself knowing she had such an easy time making friends and her persuasion skills seemed to be doing pretty good. Though she had to admit it hadn't taken any persuasion at all to convince Aki to race her up the dangerous slope. He seemed just as willing as she was for a bit of a thrill.

An ear flick behind her told her he wasn't very far behind. He was larger than her and probably took larger strides and then there was the factor they couldn't actually run. Her own pace was a quick trot as she scrambled up the mountain side like a strange looking goat. She used the sturdier rocks where she could and she was pleased with how light weight she was. She could stand on things a heavier being couldn't.

Eventually though her fun came to an abrupt end as she misplaced a step and instead her foot came down on a loose stone. It easily came free from its purchase on the mountainside and with it she temporarily lost her balance. Faite was not so easy to displace though and despite sliding a few feet down the mountain, she eventually was able to find some traction on the ground once more. Panting and a little breathless, she turned her head to find where Aki was and if he'd seen her mistake.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



10 Years
Extra large
10-26-2016, 09:03 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2016, 09:06 PM by Áki.)
Despite what she thought, Aki was not really one to be coerced into doing anything - though some gently prodding usually was all it took, if he was feeling the least bit doubtful about something. He chuckled, between labored breaths, as he heard her scrambling somewhere beside him as they began to race.

He moved more slowly, but his legs carried him a longer distance with each step. He was used to traversing dangerous terrain like this. His heart pounded out a strong steady beat in his chest, heaving as he panted as they continued on. Won't I sleep well tonight, he thought to himself with a snort. Aki wasn't getting any younger - journeys like this, while not impossible, were quite draining. Surely he'd be paying for it tomorrow.

The sound of stone tumbling nearby caught his attention. From the corner of his eye, as he halted rather abruptly, he caught sight of Faite stumbling. His breath hitched in his throat - such a mistake could be deadly. Luckily she recovered more quickly than he could react, which he was thankful for. The last thing he wanted to see was his new friend's body toppling down the mountainside. "Oy!" he called out, brow furrowed as he examined her from a distance to ensure she was alright. "Thought I lost you there for a moment. You alright?" Panting loudly, he moved to close the distance between them, not at all upset to take a break.

table by argent/neffs



6 Years

10-28-2016, 11:13 AM


Her head snapped to him immediately and she offered him a sheepish grin with her sides heaving. She had to admit she'd gotten a little scared for a minute. The last thing she'd wanted was to go tumbling down the mountain side. He had seen her mistake though, hence the grin, and all she could do was feel a bit embarrassed. She'd been the one to come up with the idea of a race and there she was about to kill herself in the process.

He came closer, asking if she was alright, and she examined herself for a moment. She lifted each paw before placing each back on the ground and then nodded at him. All her limbs seemed to be working just fine. She hadn't twisted or sprained anything and she certainly hadn't gone tumbling down the mountain side. "Yeah I'm fine!" She grinned at him. The adrenaline was finally beginning to fade. She then noticed that he was panting a little so she decided to sit for a moment. She let her haunches rest against the earth.

"I suppose I'm a good example of what not to do." She laughed. "The mountain is a bit trickier than I originally had anticipated."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



10 Years
Extra large
11-01-2016, 07:48 AM
His days of mountain-climbing, sadly, was likely closer to ending than it was to just getting started. Someday running up such an incline would be too difficult to do, let alone just making it up here at all. He'd probably never reach the peak of such a mountain, which was fine by him. The view here was lovely enough, and more beautiful than most wolves saw in a lifetime. Faite, luckily, only seemed momentarily shaken - and perhaps a bit bashful that she'd almost fallen. But she didn't! And that was what mattered. He grinned as she ambled over to him to sit.

"It is tricky," he agreed gruffly, nodding his head as he decided to rest for a moment too. They did have to get back down, after all. The descent was easier on the chest, but could be even more dangerous with slips and falls, especially if they went at too quick of a speed.
"But well worth the risk for a view like this." Now that she wasn't trying to catch her breath quite as much, and didn't feel like she was teetering on the verge of death, maybe she could check out the view. He jerked his head to the side, letting his eyes sweep over the horizon. They were a bit higher up now, and could see further out - all the way to the ocean now, and everything in between. "What do you think, Faite? Worth it?" A happy sigh fell from the older wolf's lips, content in their efforts and the end of their journey here.

table by argent/neffs



6 Years

11-01-2016, 03:59 PM

Faite took the moment to enjoy the view once more. They were higher up now and she had to admit that the peaks looked wonderful from this vantage point. She glanced up towards the top of the mountain and tried to imagine what it would be like to sit up there and look down at the world. She grinned softly to herself - it was probably like sitting on top of the world. One glance at Aki though told her that they probably wouldn't be making the trip today. One near death experience was enough to calm her down for the time being.

"Oh, it was most definitely worth it. I wish my pack had a view like this." She murmured. "I think, if I had died, I'd be happy. I would have at least died doing something fun." She joked.

She hadn't wanted to die. She was still a little too young for that, but it went to show where being reckless got you. She had meant that she would have died doing something fun at least. The thought of growing old and dying didn't feel like it was going to be a part of her life at any time. The thought of being old at all unsettled her. She was meant to be out on adventures of the rest of her life, or so she thought, and she couldn't imagine changing her schedule in the slightest.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



10 Years
Extra large
11-14-2016, 09:59 PM
Perhaps someday he might make it to the top. The journey could very well kill a wolf, as it could nearly have done today, and they hadn't even reached the peak. Aki wouldn't be too disappointed if he died without ever making it to the top, though he sure would try again before that day came.

He grinned at her words, pleased. His tail batting against the rock he sat on was proof of his contentment.   "I think the best way to die would be something like that, too," the brute agreed readily. He had no issue talking about such somber subjects, ones that might make others uncomfortable. Death was, after all, simply a part of life. Not something to be feared, or hide from, though it wasn't something anyone should go begging for either. Thoughts of his own mortality had been more frequent as of late. Unlike Faite, he was well into his life now.. he likely had years left in him, but how many he couldn't be sure. He shrugged his wide shoulders.   "I'm glad you liked it, and I'm glad you joined me."  Truly, he was. Faite definitely was someone he considered a friend now.

For now, though.. rest sounded in order. Ideally he'd like to make it to the bottom but he wasn't sure if he'd made it back before needing to sleep a bit. A happy sigh fell from his lips.   "Well, this old man needs to take a nap,"  he said with a chuckle - almost immediately fighting the urge to roll his eyes at how he spoke. Since when did he refer to himself as old? He wasn't really that old, though compared to her he certainly was.   "And I don't expect you to wait for me to wake up to make your way back home."  He would be foolish to assume anything like that. He grinned at her as she stood, stretching out his limbs. "I do hope to see you again someday. If you don't mind me asking, whereabouts do you live? Near here?" He didn't mind knowing the general area he could find someone, if he found himself hoping for their presence again, and his ears flicked curiously as he eyed her.

table by argent/neffs



6 Years

11-17-2016, 07:31 PM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2016, 07:32 PM by Faite.)

She was a little surprised when Aki agreed that he'd like to die in a similar fashion. She figured most wolves would just picture themselves turning old, gray, and eventually withering away in their sleep. For her ... well it was hard to picture herself getting old, frail, and weak. She was aware that she wouldn't stay this young forever, already she was aging, and it still felt like yesterday that she'd been a scared and lost little yearling. It was amazing how quickly time flew by, and yet she couldn't imagine dying any other way but by her own choice. She'd die doing something she loved.

"I'm glad I joined you as well." She smiled as she let her tail thump against the ground. "It's been a lot more fun than I've had in a while."

It really had been fun. Typically in her travels she was alone for the most part. Sure she met up with wolves from time to time, they talked, but she'd hardly ever gotten to do anything exciting with them. It certainly had never led to a deathly race to the top of a rock scattered mountain where you could die with one wrong step. No, this had definitely been the best experience yet.

She chuckled as he called himself an old man. She sensed that their time together, for now, was at a close so she nodded and got to her feet. She was rather tired herself, but she knew she couldn't spend forever in the north. She had a home to get back to and she didn't like the idea of being hone too long.

"I live out in the west by the desert." She wasn't totally happy with it. The desert posed its own challenges, but it wasn't as refreshing as the north. "I'll have to visit the north again soon. For now, enjoy your nap. It was nice to meet you Aki."

-exit Faite-

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]