
You Make my Heart Flutter like a Tilt-a-Whirl



6 Years

08-03-2016, 02:31 AM

Finally, they'd been able to get away from the pack for a little while without having to worry. She'd been planning their getaway for some time now, and been keeping her distance from Steel on purpose. Not for fear, nor to hurt him; simply to build the anticipation of spending this time together when they finally got the chance. She'd been busying herself tending to the pack, feeding the many hungry mouths that needed it. And there were a lot. That alone caused her some worry, but she had to be confident that everything would work out. Her season had come, and the hormonal cycle was in full tilt now, pulling her emotions in every direction at once. She desperately needed to give in to her biological desires. And she couldn't wait to reach their destination.

As they traveled, Esa found herself unable to keep a steady pace - she bounded from one interesting landmark to the next, hardly different than an excited pup. But then a thought would come over her mind, and in a melancholy shift of moods, she would find herself meandering rather slowly, emerald eyes cast to the ground. She would bump into Steel, feeling the warmth of his coat against hers. And then, like clockwork, she'd feel the tickle of excitement build within her, and with a giggle, she'd prance ahead once more. She just hoped that she was not the only one so hopelessly affected by her heat.

The days were growing longer as Spring progressed, yet even after leaving home early their journey had been long, and the sun was nearly touching the horizon as they approached the lake territory. That didn't bother the raven-coated woman, though - she knew that Firefly Lake was most beautiful starting at dusk. They would have plenty of time to settle in before the lightning bugs came out to play and the stars would glitter by the millions. When the tall reeds came into view, Esarosa paused in her stride, giving Steel a chance to catch up to her and her erratic pace. She knew it, this place would be just perfect for a romantic evening, just the two of them and nothing else to worry about.

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[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

08-08-2016, 09:09 PM
They'd been waiting for this moment for quite some time. The thought sent his stomach into a fit of butterflies, especially now that the time had come. It didn't seem any less special since it was planned - their den was certainly big enough for such activities now that they'd expanded it quite a bit, but they'd wanted to go somewhere away from the pack. They'd be alone, with no fear of being interrupted. He tried to keep the eager smile from his face as they traveled together, his flesh tingling with each touch. Her eagerness was contagious, and he found himself moving with a slight hop to his step.

Her scent didn't help him at all. It felt like someone had poured hot water all over him - he nearly panted as they walked, though it was not purely from fatigue. It was a difficult feat to resist burying his nose into her fur with each step. Feeling too excited to resist, he'd bump his snout on the lower half of her side, where her belly met her hind leg with a low chuckle. He could tease her, right? She certainly wasn't being shy about teasing him.

Luckily, it wasn't long before they reached the lake, though the journey felt like it'd taken much longer. It was a pleasant enough evening, and the sun would soon begin its descent toward the horizon. "You chose a good spot," Steel would murmur approvingly, nudging her cheek lightly. "I approve, my love."



6 Years

08-14-2016, 03:54 PM

A low chuckle left Esa's lips as she felt Steel's nose touch her body, teasing her playfully. She loved how close they'd become, how despite the butterflies fluttering in her belly, she didn't feel shy in the least around him anymore. When he came to her side to view the lake where they would spend the night, she looked toward him with a smile as he said she had chosen a good spot. "I approve, my love." Okay, she was still getting used to that. The words still caused a thrill of excitement for her. She couldn't believe that just one person could make her feel so loved. She wasn't sure just how she had managed to charm the stoic man with her silly antics, but she felt lucky to have gained his affections. "Glad my handsome stud approves," she said, her eyes glittering mischievously as she leaned toward him to nibble on his neck.

Prying herself away from him, she bounded toward the lake, thirsty after their long travel. Feeling frisky, she waved her tail in the air, purposely spreading her scent heavily in the air around her. She glanced over her shoulder at Steel with a teasing grin, hoping that the scent of her heat got to him; she wanted him to want her more, if that was even possible. She was thoroughly enjoying this. Normally during her heat she was reserved, keeping to herself and trying her best to hide her scent. Not this time. Splashing into the water, she went in until the water touched her belly, and she lapped at the water thirstily, feeling the cooling sensation on her limbs.

Lifting her head, her emerald gaze sought out his ruby reds. "Come on, Steel, the water feels great!" she urged him, if he hadn't already decided to come after her. Hoping he would come, she crouched down slightly, waiting for him to come closer to she could splash him. She was feeling wholly playful and elated, wanting nothing more than to spend these carefree moments with him doing whatever they liked. And perhaps the water would provide a very interesting setting for them to get more intimate.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

08-14-2016, 09:56 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2016, 10:01 PM by Steel.)
Before I was found I felt like I could drain the ocean
Before I was found I didn't wanna breathe out

Steel was still largely unused to feeling such ecstasy around anyone; he'd always craved his solitude, and often he considered the company of others to be a bother. But Esarosa had changed all of that. He wanted to spend as much time with her as he possible could. She was silly and free, though serious when the moment called for it, and her attitude brightened his own considerably. He'd decided long ago that she was perfect, in any way, and it still baffled him that she chose him of all wolves to spend her life with.

He found himself grinning as she faced him, her words making his stomach twist in a tight knot. He grunted with audible approval as she nipped at his neck, his grin widening. It was obvious that she intended to tease him, and she was doing a fine job at it - he watched appreciatively as she turned and leaped away from him toward the lake. It wasn't difficult for her to excite him, especially not lately, and he would trail after her with no hesitation. She could do enough teasing for the both of them; he had no interest in returning it, not today.

Steel would join her in drinking from the cool lake, standing belly-deep in the water now, though it seemed she was not just interested in drinking. She wanted to swim, too. He thought of their adventure in the pond, with the frogs, and found himself laughing softly. He never found her without some sort of odd idea, and though he often only joined begrudgingly, he did find himself joining her in the end.  "You're crazy," he laughed, clearly teasing her - if anything, she was likely the more normal of the two. But without hesitation, he'd wade deeper into the water with her. The initial chill wore off quickly, and he found himself wading towards her. Feeling playful, thanks to her own carefree antics, he'd lift a paw quickly from the water and slap it back down, aiming a spray of water in her direction.

Now my soul beats a sound loud enough to quiet the thunder
A love with no doubt and now I'm never gonna slow down



6 Years

08-15-2016, 07:25 PM

Esarosa could tell that her efforts to tease him were effective. She was no temptress, but it was easy to flaunt her heat scent, and knowing how the rest of the evening would play out made it that much easier. As she made her way further out into the water, to where her paws just barely grazed the ground, she drifted lightly, and then looked to find that Steel was following her. He had called her crazy, jokingly of course. Grinning, she swished toward him - she was definitely going to splash him now! But before she could lift a paw, he had beat her to it, much to her surprise, his laughter filling her ears - her ears which now drooped and dripped from the wave of water he'd sent her way. Giggling, she shook her head to clear some of the drops away, and shifting her balance to her hind legs, she lifted up her forepaws and grazed a foreleg across the surface of the water, aiming a big splash of water in Steel's direction.

She wished this day would never end. She wished that they could always spend their time this way. She could think of no other place in the world she'd rather be, than right here with Steel. Feeling her chest constrict with a sudden rush of excitement and affection, she surged through the water towards her love, her forepaws reaching out for the front of his chest as she floated toward him. What a fascinating sensation, her mind wandered just momentarily, to be swimming toward the one she loved, instead of bounding along on solid ground. She'd been swimming plenty of times before, but not with someone else, not like this. Her mind coming back to her current position, she reached forward with her nose and showered Steel in loving kisses, having to contain her joy so that she didn't squeal like a little girl in his ear.

Finally she pulled back, allowing him a second to breathe as she smiled at him, eyeing the handsome, red-eyed beast. "I love you so much," she breathed with a dreamy sigh. She had been thinking they'd have a bite to eat, and wait for night to fall and the stars to come out before they got down to business... but maybe they didn't need to wait for all that. Besides, the water would be cold by then!

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

08-15-2016, 07:54 PM
Before he'd met Esarosa, Steel hadn't known it was possible to be so happy. To love someone so openly, and without abandon - and to have that love returned just as thoroughly. It made his stomach twist into uncomfortably pleasant knots, made his head spin and his heart soar. He wasn't the type to find joy in much, but with Esarosa? He could find nothing but. He let out a gentle chuckle as the water sprayed on her face and she shook it away easily. Oh, this was what all his struggles had been for - he would do it all again tenfold to get here. All the pain and the heartache, all the lonely nights and the heavy weight of loss that had weighed down on him.

He could turn it all around, now. He was turning it around. They were starting a family. Nothing could stop the feeling of elation that filled his heart now. Steel snorted as he felt cool water splash against his face, inhaling some of it by mistake and coughing lightly. It did nothing to shake his mood, and he shook his head side to side before opening his eyes to peer at her.

The water fight didn't last for long. Before he could do anything else, as he stood there paddling in the shallows, she began showering him with affection, which he did nothing to fight against. Another chuckle left his lips as she watched him, his teeth revealed as he grinned wide.  "I don't know why," he admitted, not wanting her to pity him, but he really honestly didn't fully understand it.  "But I love you too. So much." Pulling back from her slightly, he moved his paws until he found a more shallow area to stand, so he could get a better look at her.  "What will we name them?" The question came quickly, and his eyes sparkled as he looked at her - it was a valid question, if not a bit sudden.



6 Years

08-15-2016, 09:13 PM

Esa perked as Steel grinned widely, hearing his words and tilting her head. "I don't know why." He would say in reply to her saying she loved him. He always had such doubts, but she wasn't going to nag him about it. Maybe one day he would finally realize his worth, especially in her eyes. For now, as long as he was happy with her, that made her happy, too. Him just being here with her, agreeing to go along with her shenanigans, made her happy. So much so, that she didn't have the words for it. She didn't know or understand half of what she felt inside, but she didn't want to question it - she simply wanted to feel it, and to follow its every whim. So far, it hadn't led her astray, and she trusted this feeling in her heart more than anything.

She smiled vibrantly when he returned the words of love, and as she joined him in the shallows, she tilted her head at his next question. She was taken aback, but not in a bad way. She hadn't even thought of it herself. What would they name their little ones? Her heart swelled as she realized how much Steel had really been thinking about the family that would soon be theirs. "Well, I suppose that'll depend on their genders," she mused softly, coming to stand close to his side, "Steel, do you have any names from your family that you want to pass down? My father's last name was Bade, so I kinda took that on for myself, but..." She'd never really thought about whether she would pass that name to her children. She supposed she'd never thought this would be relevant in her lifetime. And now she'd definitely have to start thinking about names - after all, the names wouldn't just magically come to her when the little ones arrived, and she wouldn't want them to go nameless for any amount of time.

And how many would there be? Would they be all girls? Or all boys? Or a mixture of both? Her head began to spin as she thought of how many there might be, and everything she'd have to do to prepare. She hoped the litter wouldn't be too large, but she was willing to do whatever she had to in order to care for them and raise them. And with Steel by her side, she knew everything would be just fine. He may have doubted himself as a potential parent, but she knew that his paternal instincts would be sparked when the time came, and that he would help her do everything that needed to be done. "So, do you have any names in mind?" she asked curiously, tail swishing through the water.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

08-16-2016, 08:45 PM
It was very possible that his doubts might never disappear entirely. They might fade, but to vanish completely seemed unlikely to Steel. He'd lived a life of uncertainty and distrust, and though he trusted Esarosa - he didn't always trust the world around them. But for right now, if felt like those doubts were entirely nonexistent. Nothing mattered more than the woman before him.

Esarosa seemed surprised at his words. Perhaps he ought to try to surprise her more often. He was the more predictable one, while she was was more prone to being spontaneous. His grin widened as she seemed to consider it.   "I'm not sure," he said quietly, moving forward to press his cheek to her own briefly.   "My mother was Silent, and my father Bronze." Steel didn't talk much about his family, though he'd explained his situation briefly to her; his life had been a simple one, and he'd lost his parents far too soon.   "But I don't think I'd want to use their names. And there's no surnames in my family that I've ever heard of." It was a strange concept to him, but many wolves seemed to have them.

The thought of choosing names, though a bit anxiety-producing, also flooded his chest with warmth. They would have children.. he knew it.   "I'll have to think about it for awhile." Steel's grin grew as he nuzzled into her cheek, placing a gentle lick on her face. He was sure they'd come up with something in the time they had, though it might not be easy. It was an important decision, after all.   "How much time will we have to think about it, you think?" His voice was teasing, and playful, as he nipped gently at her tender throat.. perhaps implying he wouldn't argue against them moving things along more quickly.



6 Years

08-17-2016, 12:15 AM

Esa listened with great interest as he talked a little bit about his family - it may not have been much, but it was still fascinating. She smiled with amusement as he mentioned his mother's name. Was that really true? "My mother's name was Silent Snowfall!" she exclaimed, tail swishing - a twinge of sorrow as she tried to remember the things she'd heard about her mother, "Most of the pack called her Lady Snowfall, but her close friends called her Silent." Any time that her adoptive mother, Bright Moon, had mentioned Esa's mother, she had called her Silent. As she swallowed the feeling of sadness, her thoughts roamed back to her amusement that their mothers shared the same name. She continued to listen as Steel mentioned his father's name, Bronze. "Mine was Nuri," she quietly interjected as they conversed. She flicked her ears, trying not to think about the fact that he had probably passed on by now - he'd had his children very late in life, and the stress of leading a pack had been taxing on him. Ears perked as Steel went on to say his family had no surname, and he wasn't really interested in using his parent's names. However, it was good insight into potential related names.

She nodded her head in agreement as he said he'd have to think about it for a while. It was a question that had caught her off-guard but, now she realized she really had to put some thought into this. Perhaps they could brainstorm together, when their minds weren't distracted on the current moment. She grinned as his next question came, with a teasing tone. How much time would they have, indeed? "I think... Not much longer at this rate," she replied with a grin, tilting her head back as he nipped at her throat gently, her tail flicking to and fro. Her head canted to the side, and she pressed toward him to shove her face into the fur of his neck. The sky was darkening, some of the first stars of the night making their twinkling appearance.

There was so much more they had to talk about, and things she wanted to ask him. How many did he think there would be? Did he prefer sons or daughters? She was fine with either - after all, this was her first time, she had no idea what it would be like to raise any pup. But she could barely control her thoughts, her hormones raging, her body wanting to do nothing more than draw him in - they didn't need to eat, they didn't need to relax. They could do that after, and sleep well tonight. She breathed in his scent, so familiar and comforting to her now, with a heavy sigh escaping her. When she opened her eyes and lifted her head to look up at him, she saw the tell-tale flicker of the fire flies coming out from their daytime hiding places. The dim glow reminded her of that first rainy night she and Steel had spent together, and the flickering bugs that had surrounded the pond as they sought shelter from the weather. She loved it. For her, it was the perfect setting, adding to the haze that began to cloud her mind. Then she pulled away from Steel, blinking her emerald eyes at him before turning away, her tail waving as her legs swished carefully through the water. She wanted him to come after her, so she glanced over her shoulder with an innocent "come hither" look glittering in her eyes.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

08-21-2016, 07:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2016, 07:54 PM by Steel.)
She seemed happy to hear about his family, and he smiled in turn at her joy. “A coincidence,” he mused aloud, tail wagging behind him. Steel hadn't considered naming their children after his parents, and it seemed Esarosa didn't really want to either. “I never felt like surnames were necessary. We can use Nuri, or come up with one of our own. Or use none. Whatever you want.” He shrugged gently, not feeling strongly either way, and willing to do whatever she wanted or was most comfortable with.

Steel felt a surge of warmth and excitement grow in his chest at her words. Esarosa tipped her head back, granting him easier access to the flesh of her throat. He growled lightly, though the sound was far from aggressive - it was raw and passionate. It was incredible to him that she trusted him so deeply and he reveled in that trust, knowing he would do everything in his power to never break it.

All thoughts of anything but the present quickly faded away. Later, they could talk about what they'd name them, and how they might raise them. He had no doubt that they would be on the same page about those sorts of things, and truth be told.. Steel wasn't a terribly decisive man. The thought of having a family was amazing enough to him; he couldn't imagine not being happy with whatever Esarosa chose for them.

He watched her for a long moment, warmth shining in his eyes as she pulled back briefly. The sun had begun it's steady descent below the horizon, and with night quickly setting in he found the desire in his chest burning more steadily.

He didn't hesitate as she moved through the water, trailing after her with ease through the shallows. He would follow her to the ends of the world, he was sure of it, without looking back. Eager to feel her touch again, he would increase his pace, nipping gently at the tip of her tail as he rounded to her side.



6 Years

08-22-2016, 03:11 AM

Still smiling, she laughed a little as he mentioned the coincidence they had discovered. Now that the whole topic of naming had been brought up, she couldn't wait to see her little ones, and speak their names for the first time. What she would call them, precisely, was still open for thought and discussion. Something that they would ultimately have plenty of time to decide upon, and they had plenty of name themes to choose from. She nodded in agreement that surnames were unnecessary. She wouldn't mind using her father's surname, to pass on his memory in a way. She'd always had a lot of bitter feelings toward her family when she was young, but over the years and with growing maturity, she realized how much she truly missed them.

Esa wished she'd spent more time with them when she had the chance. However, she also knew that she wouldn't have had the same life experiences she'd had if she had have just stayed home. The alarming thought that she might never have met Steel crossed her mind, she was glad she had left home when she did, and happy the the way her life had unfolded, despite some regrets about her family. Besides, there was nothing she could do to change her past or ever get more time with her family - instead, she would create her own family, with Steel beside her. She would try to be there for her family in ways that her parents couldn't have. A momentary chill ran through her as she thought of how her mother had gotten sick giving life to Elysia and herself. Certainly her mother had not planned for that - certainly, she had planned to give them everything, to raise them with love and care. Would things go smoother for her when the time came? Lots of mothers gave birth without trouble, right?

Her worries dissolved at Steel's physical touch, his raw and passionate growl setting a fire in her lower abdomen. His gentle nibbles on her throat made her shiver. There was no way she could dwell on the past nor fret about the future when she was with him like this. There was only the current moment, emphasized by the gentle sound of swishing water as they moved and the buzz of insects around them. As she pulled back, she could see the warmth in his ruby-red eyes. As he followed after her through the water, she giggled, heading gradually deeper into the water again. Another shiver ran up her spine as his teeth touched the tip of her tail, and he came up beside her. She came to a stop, brushing her shoulder against his side, her hip bumping into his and her tail caressing the back of his thigh. She couldn't believe it, they were finally here... after all the anticipation, they were finally going to make this happen. And her body burned for it, her inner thighs aching, the feel of her pounding heart throbbing throughout her entire body.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

08-27-2016, 05:08 PM
Would any of his siblings have ever imagined that he might someday have not just a mate, but children? A family? He could only imagine the joy Ara would express when she found out. Once they were born - not if but when - they would have to take a trip to see if she was still in Fiori with her wife. He didn't know where the rest of them might be now, or if it would even be worth it to search for them. His chest swelled with pride at the mere thought of introducing them to his future children. However many there might be, whether they be male or female. It was a lot to consider, and he felt his head spinning, with excitement and passion alike. It was almost too much for him; it was hard to think and even to speak, but luckily they didn't need to say anything at all now.

It was difficult to take his time. He fought the urge to move more quickly after her, knowing he ought to savor the moment the best he could. As he nipped at her tail she giggled, and he felt warmth blossom in his chest. He loved her too deeply for him to even imagine, let alone put into words - saying he loved her didn't feel like it really explained it. He was eager to press against her again, and made no effort to hide the desire he harbored for her. Without hesitating he would bury his snout into the side of her neck, behind her ear, inhaling her scent greedily.

It was difficult to not ravage her right here. He was hardly aware of the fact that they stood in the shallows now, his attention was locked on Esarosa so thoroughly that a hurricane could've been raging around them and he likely wouldn't have noticed at all. "I love you," he'd finally mumble as he nipped lightly at her ear now, pressing more tightly against her. It wasn't long before his slightly larger frame was moving above her own, his limbs coming to rest on each side of her as two became one - and their dreams of creating a family would start to become a reality.




6 Years

08-27-2016, 10:09 PM

A slight purr escaped her lips as Steel pressed his nose into her neck, her skin burning where he touched her, and her heart flooding with an overwhelming sensation of love and desire for him. Was there any end to the depths and the heights of emotion she could feel when she was with him? So far she hadn't felt a limit - it always seemed to get better, her heart swelling to new proportions. She found it all truly amazing, and intoxicating all the same. She had no desire to hold back or resist anything; she had no fear of the strength of her feelings for Steel. There truly wasn't anything to fear.

When his soft but low voice hit her ears, followed by a light nip, she shivered as a tingle ran down her spine, a dreamy smile working its way across her lips. She turned her head to him, reaching toward the side of his neck, nibbling at him gently. "I love you, too," she whispered in return, reaching her muzzle up to his ear, licking him behind the base of his ear. It wasn't long before their close proximity led them to become tangled in one another, anticipation building in her body as she felt his chest over her back, his arms wrapping around her in a snug embrace. At last, their dreams of creating a family, the manifestation of their love, would be fulfilled - but first came this, and she gave herself fully to his embrace.


"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]