


08-06-2016, 05:42 PM
Where - Where was she? She could've sworn she crossed back at the right point! But... she didn't recognize anything. Nothing felt the way it should - nothing she saw, felt, heard, nothing. Even the ground underneath her paws was unfamiliar. She couldn't even smell any wolves from where she was. She just wanted to prove to Kass, Rommel and Remy that she was ready for the journey up North that they were talking about - to Yfir. And now... now she couldn't find them!

She whined softly, sitting down where she was. She was upset, unhappy, and desperately wanting to find them, but... but she couldn't if she didn't think. She wasn't sure how she got where she was, but she would try to get back... somehow. Her head tilted back to stare up at the sky; the vivid colors stood out to her, and she smiled. Oranges, reds, and blues all mixed for what was a gorgeous sunset; the clouds were wispy and took the colors very well. She was so happy to know the names of the colors; Kass taught her them, and they were definitely happy memories for the small girl.

It made her feel a bit better, the sunset sky, though it also scared her. She wasn't supposed be gone long... only long enough to grab one of the branches from the many flowering trees in the orchard... and indeed, she still had that branch beside her. It was a bit... wet from swimming, but all the flowers were there still. She leaned down and breathed the soft fragrance of the flowers, before peering at the color; it was a light purple color, and absolutely beautiful. But now... now she couldn't find Kass to give it to him. Frowning, she sat up, sighing again. Ohh, what did she do?


art by kebabpekonirulla



4 Years

08-08-2016, 09:49 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2016, 09:51 AM by Peregrine.)

Peregrine was entranced by the pale forest which surrounded her. Her mind felt hazy, as if she'd eaten some funky mushrooms (again) and she was having a bit of a rough time navigating. Everything looked the same, just as pale, just as lifeless. The sunset floated above her in vivid contrast. Perhaps it's saturation had sucked all the color from this land. She wouldn't be surprised, honestly, if that sort of magic existed in the world. What other explanation was there? Tsiry sat on her back, tiny digits clinging to her mane while her eyes cast about around them. She was a bit unsettled by all of this as well. Peregrine had nearly convinced herself to turn back when she caught sight of a young girl up ahead, coat pale and tinted with bits of... blue? Yup, this place was definitely magical. It was decided.

Creeping closer, Peregrine noticed she looked... sad? Her eyes were downcast and she seemed quite interested in a single twig bearing purple flowers, one that she guessed had come from outside this pale place. Interesting. She frowned, and on impulse cleared her throat. The thing was probably upset, she didn't want to startle her on top of it. Blunt as ever, she asked, "Are you a bit of myth? This place seems unlikely to exist outside of legends, I can't make heads or tails of it." Tsiry poked her head upwards, appearing around Peregrine's fat head to get a better look for herself. Peregrine gave Tsiry a bit of a jostle to warn her that she was about to sit down, and the lemur sprung away, grasping an ivory vine before hauling herself up into the canopy. She had the decency to keep herself a good few yards away from the girl, knowing that some valued their personal space more than other. She waited quietly for an answer.

"Talk" "You" Think


08-08-2016, 10:42 AM
A quiet sound caught her attention, and she lifted her head, sniffing to see if she could figure out what it was. There was nothing, though, but there was something, she knew it. Then someone started speaking, and she turned towards the source, which was standing directly facing the wind and her... which means that was why she didn't smell anything. With just a bit of concentration she could then smell the other; before she had just been lazily sniffing, expecting to smell it immediately. Nope, not when the wind would carry her scent to the stranger and the stranger's sent away. Her gaze focused roughly on where the wolf was, though she couldn't see much of anything; the wolf - the woman - was too far away. She couldn't even really make out any colors, even when she squinted; it was all just a pale blur... wait - there! she turned more, and saw a much darker form, that was vaguely in the shape of a creature. Could that be it? She focused on that, hoping it was indeed the wolf, when she answered the very interesting and curious words of Peregrine.

"I - uh..." she trailed off, uncertain. The wolf sounded so certain and serious. What did she say? She met little to no creatures since Kassander, and she knew she was near starving when he found her... this - she didn't know what to do.


art by kebabpekonirulla



4 Years

08-08-2016, 11:33 AM

The young fae seemed to have trouble locating her, that much was obvious by her broad sweeping glances and her narrowed eyes. Discomfort was evident on her face, and Peregrine frowned as a tiny bit of pity lanced through her. Uh no, that was unnecessary. Pity only ever got her into trouble, and most creatures wanted nothing to do with being pitied either, so she shoved that back down to the depths from which it had arisen. "Hey, sorry. Would it help if I got a little closer? Or not, that's fine too." She wanted to make it evident that she wasn't going to hurt the girl, especially one so much smaller than herself. It was hard to pin down her age too, which frustrated Peregrine to no end. Why was she so bad at that?!

Pere wanted to ask if the young one was okay, or if she needed any help, but wasn't sure how quite to phrase it. She tried to figure out if the stranger was in good health otherwise, but couldn't determine much from either her build or her coat or anything else for that matter. Wow, was she ever useless. "My name is Peregrine, by the way. I was just passing through." Tsiry chose to remain silent, also brooding on the odd wolf. She didn't do well with anything unnatural, and in the lemur's eyes odd-colored wolves definitely qualified as such.

"Talk" "You" Think


08-08-2016, 02:02 PM
The offer of the wolf was one she was immensely grateful for, and she nodded a bit. "P-Please," she spoke softly, her eyes downcast as she spoke. She really did hate this hindrance of hers at times; with Kass it was easy to forget, with Rommel and with Remy. She learned, she played, she was happy; already, only a day gone from them and hopelessly lost, she was upset and unhappy, and scared. To have this kind stranger reminded immediately of the kindness of Kass, Rommel and Remy when they first found her; she cuddled with Rommel the first time that day, and he'd been so warm and it had been enough to sleep and forget her hunger until Kass returned.

The stranger introduced herself at the perfect time, because all over again Cirrus was feeling sad and miserable. "I-I'm Cirrus," she stated quietly. She didn't state her full name, but she didn't feel the need to - it would do nothing for her, anyways. Cirrus was who she was, though technically all of it was who she was. "I'm lost," she admitted quietly, one paw reaching out to drag the branch closer so she could play with the soft petals.


art by kebabpekonirulla



4 Years

08-13-2016, 12:58 PM
Peregrine stepped forward a few paces as soon as the youngling agreed, now that it was obvious she was just scared and alone. She introduced herself, but her voice was low and her head downcast and Peregrine had something of a hard time understanding her. She blinked, frowned, then opened and shut her mouth twice before she finally decided what to say. "Shouldn't you be orange, then?" After all, who would name a blue and gray wolf Citrus? But hey, who was she to question the decisions of any family who had left their blind yearling alone in the woods. "Well, it's nice to meet you Citrus. If you're lost, you're welcome to come along with me for a while. I might be able to point you in the right direction." It wasn't like Pere was going any one direction in particular, and indebted family member sometimes gave gifts! She liked gifts, but could only hope the young fae wouldn't be so much of a downer the whole way there, if she even decided to take Peregrine up on her offer.