
These bad habits, they die hard


08-06-2016, 11:56 PM

Her charcoal paws stalked toward the steaming hole in the ground, her head twitching to the side as she peered at it curiously. How weird to have something so warm somewhere so cold. She was maybe a dozen feet from the geyser itself when a small rumble of the earth made her pause. Moments later a column of water shot out of the hole toward the sky and a grin split across her muzzle, a delighted cackle cutting through the air. "Well would ya look at that!" she cried, bouncing in place as she giggled wildly again. "Could've head my head blown clear off!" Her tail flicked behind her and she turned around so that the Devil's Spout was at her back. Too bad no one was around to share in her discovery with her... Or was there?

The thought brought that crazed grin back to her lips and her bright gaze darted across the landscape. Surely someone had to be around here! She padded off, her nose sniffing at the air till she finally caught the scent of someone. Perfect! She darted off in the direction of the scent, spotting the male quickly enough. "Hey!" she barked, giggling as she bounced toward him. "Have ya seen this water thing? Crazy, right?!"

"Ira Talks" "Rava Talks" Think