
A Giant In A Giant's World


08-14-2016, 03:42 AM

Nope. He wouldn't do it anymore.

He'd magically made it to the meeting, feeling slightly better than he had, but afterwards he'd found himself tired and meandered lazily back to his den to sleep some more. Headaches still came and went and he still had the sniffles so he'd rested some more. The feelings of uselessness continued for a few more days and finally Dagger couldn't take another second of it.

He had to get out of this stupid den.

The headaches had subsided and all he was left with was a stuffy nose. Not seeing a point in keeping himself confined anymore, he didn't believe himself to be contagious, he exited his den. He'd made it somewhat near the lake and was rather pleased with his handiwork. It was large enough to house him and another wolf his size and he got a nice lakeside view. It meant he was a little farther away from the plains where most of the wolves slept, but he enjoyed his solitude. He didn't rest well enough as it was an the company of a shared den system with multiple wolves wouldn't help that.

He was happy to leave his den behind though and instead headed towards the lake. It took him only a few minutes to reach it and when he got there he realized he was at a loss of what to do with himself. He hadn't seen much of Acapella lately. He debated on visiting Surreal, but she was sick as well and he didn't want to bother her if she was resting. After that he didn't know many other wolves except Regulus. That was his fault of course - definitely something he realized he needed to fix. He was ready to do so much. He had yet to test for a rank or make friends. The time of lagging behind on things was certainly over. He'd make sure of it.

Walk, "Talk" Think



3 Years
08-18-2016, 10:42 AM

The last time Luck had been here she had been occupied by helping Solveiga and hadn't really had any chance to fully see what the territory had to offer, though at first she had been wrapped up in the excitement of searching, looking to see what herbs might be useful here she had eventually found herself growing more drowsy. The warmth of sun heating her small frame and she had dragged herself up onto the stone in the middle of the lake, admittedly with some difficulty.

And there she had lain, curled up, dozing peacefully until the presence of another wolf intruded upon her light sleep. Blearily Luck was roused by the gentle sound of footsteps and the scent of another wolf. Luck blinked, brilliant blues scanning the land around her with the sort of confusion that tended to pair with being woken up. Her gaze landed on a form she didn't recognize and her mind snapped suddenly to wakefulness. With a squeak she tried to scramble backwards but found herself instead falling into the lake. Luck panicked for a moment then as her head broke the surface she sputtered, gazing around in surprise.

Why did this sort of think keep happening to her?


[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]


08-19-2016, 04:01 AM

Needless to say Dagger hadn't really been expecting company. The bulk of Celestial's wolves seemed to stay within the Vericona plains so he'd really expected to be alone out here. It wasn't that he minded the company, he really longed for it, but he wasn't sure what to do about that. He was sure he could make friends easily, train with them too, but he wasn't sure where to start. How did one go about making friends? He felt like the pack shouldn't be such strangers to him. Again his fault.

Splashing caught his attention and he padded around a rock and looked at the ripples in the lake. A moment later a head burst free from the lake and Dagger took a step back surprised. Eyes widened as he stared at the girl and his maw opened slightly as he gaped at her. He didn't recognize her for a moment, but then he realized he saw her at the meeting.

What was she doing in the lake?

"Unintended swim?" He questioned jokingly, a light grin tugging at his lips.

Walk, "Talk" Think