
Crash and BURN

Mercy I


5 Years

08-17-2016, 07:35 PM

So this was the pack that Lykos had told her all about. Her nose wrinkled at the stink of it, the added smell of rotting grass added to her distaste of it. Licking her chops, her white head rose as she glanced into pack lands, purple eyes narrowed. She didn't smell Lykos right now, but if they thought this weak border could stop her, they were wrong. Plus, she wasn't here for her once-apprentice, oh no. She was here for his mother. With a smug smile, she walked right past the border without a care in the world. Marching right in like she owned the place, she wandered through the pines. She made sure that she left a strong trail, brushing across every tree she came across. Breaking out into an easy lope, she wound around the next tree a few times before taking off again, leaping on top of a tall rock and marking her territory there. A carefree laugh left her maw and she dragged her scent all across the area, only to trot right back where she came from. No matter what direction Avalon came from, she would be coming across her scent inside her pack territory.

Mercy folded herself down neatly, licking the dirt that had gathered around her ankles. Taking her sweet time, she curled her elongated tail around herself, and then lifted up her head and called for Avalon. After her song, just to be a little shit head, she stood back up and followed her trail back a little bit. She made sure to follow her own scent back, before ducking behind a larger tree and hiding herself. Another laugh left her lips as she peeked out from her hiding place, just waiting to see Avalon.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-17-2016, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2016, 08:23 PM by Avalon.)

It was strange to see that even the north would lose its snowy blanket. Avalon was making her rounds, and what she noticed on her way was that Yfir's borders were...not as strong anymore. Almost like they were going stale. She supposed they weren't incredibly strong to begin with, but she was still confused. Did they move for the summer? Did the decide to no longer share borders? It was somewhat of a relief. They wouldn't have to keep guarding that particular side anymore, but that didn't mean she would go lax in her patrols either. A howl would then sound for her, and Avalon would recognize it to some degree. Then, a screech above would jerk her from her thoughts, gaze finding Tanaraq soaring towards her. She was glad to have met the raptor, she was quite helpful in keeping an eye on things. "There's been a breach at the border ahead." The bird circled overhead, and Avalon would quicken her pace.

Someone had dared trespass? Her lip curled, yellowed teeth bared as she lumbered along. Upon reaching the scene, she could smell the intruder all around her, and it caused her fur to bristle and a snarl to rip free from her throat. The scent wasn't immediately recognizable, it didn't take long for her to recognize who it belonged to. What the hell was she trying to do?! "I know you're here, Mercy!" She called, her form stepping across the soft ground in search of the intruder. She didn't have to search long, however, before Tan alerted her once again from her position within the trees. Amber gaze narrowed, and she would slink forward to try and sneak up on her.

She had not been in a very good mood lately, and if the Mercy chose to be hostile, then she'd have to force her out. Though why nobody else had caught the scent was beyond her, but she was incredibly displeased. Finally, she caught sight of white fur at the base of the tree that Tan was perched on, and Avalon would not hesitate any longer. Rushing forward, a snarl ripped free from her maw in an attempt to surprise her, mud and slush spraying forward as she came to an abrupt halt behind the woman, hackles raised. "You should have waited at the borders! We don't take well to trespassers, Mercy!" She growled, waiting a moment for her to turn around before deciding what to do. She was sure that Mercy would be surprised to see that she wasn't the same quivering good girl she'd once been, no. Far from it now.
"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Mercy I


5 Years

08-18-2016, 06:20 PM

She waited in complete silence, just hoping to spot a little peek of the multicoloured woman. But before too long, a large bird came and sat in the tree above her, cawing rather loudly. She looked up with narrowed eyes, trying to shoo the bird off by growling at it. Quickly raising up on her back legs, she placed her front paws on the bark of the tree and quietly growled at it. "Go away bird, you are going to spoil my cover!" she hissed softly. But when it just sat there and looked down at her, she sighed and plopped back down on the earth. Mercy's frown dipped lower as more and more time passed, was she not even going to show up? It would seem that no one even cared about her smell all over the place. Ha, what a strong pack this must be. She was about to turn and leave when she spotted Avalon, right behind her. Ah, so the old woman was trying to play a trick on her? Mercy had missed her earlier words, having been preoccupied trying to get the damn bird to go away. She looked over her shoulder at the stupid thing, it was its fault that she had been caught. But when the alpha's snarling words reached her, she turned around with wide eyes and a shocked expression on her face. "Wow! Look who finally grew some old lady balls. Too bad it came to you so late in life," she sneered. Blinking her eyes like she was innocent, she played with her paw in the mud. "But I'm right here, Avalon. What ever do you mean about trespassing?" Batting her lashes at the older wolf, a sly smile crossed her lips. Oh she was enjoying this far too much. She had been too quiet for too long, and her blood began to pump quicker through her veins. Would a fight break out now? Probably, she had no doubt that she would just egg her on even more.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-19-2016, 01:01 AM

Did she just call her an old lady? She narrowed her eyes on Mercy, and she knew all too well the kind of attitude she had. The way this woman carried herself was one of the reasons why Avalon respected her. She wanted the confidence that alot of the wolves in Imperium had, and while yes indeed it had come later rather then sooner, she finally had it. "You did not just call me old, Mercy. It's only a matter of time before you start growing grey hairs, but me you'll never be able to tell." She smirked, lessening some of her previous anger as her hackles slowly lowered. The expression the woman had when initially found had not gone unnoticed, and Avalon had never expected such a look from someone like her. It was pleasing, to say the least. That this time, she ruled and Mercy drooled. Yep. That was one way to put it. She had also learned to catch on to these types, thanks to the company of Valentine of course.

When Mercy tried to play innocent, it sent Avalon's eyes rolling. "Oh? I suppose your scent got up and walked all over my territory?" She could only imagine what might have happened if a group had come by while Mercy was playing in her yard. By law, they would not have let her off so easy. Or at least, they shouldn't if any trespasser was caught in their lands. And if Avalon had caught anyone having tea with an intruder, they'd certainly be in huge trouble worthy of severe demotions. Allowing trespassers to remain on your home turf was a breach of trust, after all. But Mercy? She was lucky she had been caught outside. Despite her scent being all over within the time though, Avalon wouldn't be so forgiving. It would make her seem weak if she let friends or acquaintances or whatever just come strolling in whenever they felt like it.

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Mercy I


5 Years

08-19-2016, 01:37 AM

Mercy just laughed as she mentioned grey hairs. "Sorry to break it to you, chicky, but we get white hairs, not grey. And what am I covered in?" she asked, looking down to look and around herself. "Oh look, white fur! Ha, would you fancy that?" Giggling, she took a few steps closer to her, squinting her eyes to look closer at her face. "You look pretty tired though, have you taken your old lady nap? I bet that's why you're so cranky. Go on, go take your nap. Us young kids can wait, you know." To say that she was a little shit was an understatement. She was pretty much the biggest dickhead ever to walk this earth, but she didn't care. This was too much fun, and it was plain to see that being called old was a soft spot for her. She was only three years younger than her, but it was still enough to rub in her face. Taking a few more steps towards her, she looked her up and down once again. "Are those wrinkles beside your eyes? Oh my, perhaps her healer could make some poltice for you or something. No one wants an old bag of wrinkles as there alpha!" She snorted, dancing backwards from her to get out of her snapping range.

Sitting down, she picked up her right paw and licked it, chewing out a burr out of the hair between her paw pads. Peering up at her when she mentioned her scent, she let out a mock gasp, looking around herself. "Oh no, that must have been my evil twin! She must have set me up! The horrorrrrr!" she howled, falling down to her back and kicking up her paws in the air. The facade only lasted a few moments before a wild burst of laughter left her. Raising to her paws, her eyes narrowed slightly as that ever sly smile on her maw. "But no one else seemed to care about my scent," she whispered, even though she wasn't being fair. She had called for Avalon, everyone would have assumed that their alpha had it. But it was still an opening, and she was going to see just how many buttons she could push. From what Lykos had told her, and from what she had seen in Imperium and their fight, Mercy viewed her as weak. Was she going to prove her otherwise? Taking a few more steps towards her, her lips curled back to reveal her yellowed teeth. "No one even dared to stop me, because they were too afraid. I bet I could take on three of your lousy pack wolves and still come out on top." her voice was a low whisper, a dangerous tone filling the space between them.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-19-2016, 05:00 PM

Okay, so maybe she'd made a mistake in fur color (because someone's RPer was tired and thinking of hoomans!) but then again, she wasn't around old wolves very often. On top of that, staring down her own nose she only saw her gray fur. She quietly stared at Mercy as the woman went on to be a smart ass, Tanaraq watching with narrowed eyes as Mercy stepped closer to her wolf. Avalon stood there, hidden amusement in her eyes as the woman went on about her age. Though truthfully, she didn't care. She had accepted it some time ago, and she'd been through a shit ton of things worse then Mercy trying to bag on her age. Though she supposed she'd have to give mercy a point or two for trying. "You're either really bored or really lonely. Because surely nobody is this bad at trying to tease someone about their age." Tan stared down at Mercy, a chortle of laughter leaving her as she wore an amused look. While the raptor didn't know the history between these two, it was still pitiful at how hard the white bitch was trying.

Avalon would snort with laughter, casting a quick glance up before she turned her attention back to Mercy. She was certainly putting on a display about the scent, and it was all getting to be real tiresome. This is what she had looked up to? The woman acted worse then a child! Not even her own kids acted like this! But if she really wanted it, then Avalon would play along, especially if what Tan said might be true. "Or, maybe they did care. But you stink so bad they didn't want to suffocate from the stench. Best to avoid rotten things." She replied coolly.

She wasn't keen on getting into a fight, but Mercy was starting to push it. Did she come out here and call her just to try and mess with her? Or was it for something else entirely? As Mercy drew closer baring her teeth, Avalon's hackles rose again, her eyes narrowing. "Oh? Would you like to test that?" If she really wanted it, then Avalon would give her what she came for. She had things to do, and playing games with Mercy was not one of them. "At least I have a pack. So, what else do you want to try and prove?" She would end her statement with a cold stare. A clear indication that she was not in the mood to play her childish games. And yes, maybe she hit a sore spot with her words, but right now she didn't care whether or not it stung Mercy.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Mercy I


5 Years

08-19-2016, 05:33 PM

Okay, so maybe she was being a child. But truth be told, she was bored. She had had nothing to do lately, and she had wanted to see if what Lykos had said about his mother was right. The thought of joining another pack was painful, she was tired of feeling like she didn't have a purpose. Imperium had given her that, something to fight for and work towards. Borders to patrol and little shits to keep in line, not that she was any better. Intruders to chew the noses off of, just things to do and keep her mind occupied. But now... now she felt so utterly lost. She had nothing to do and no place to go, nothing to drive her to do something about it either. But out of all the packs she knew were out there, this one seemed to be the best option. That was, if Avalon wasn't as weak as she had pinned her out to be. So perhaps this was a test of sorts, dipping her toes in the water before she dove right in. Mercy had had, and still did, a lot of respect for Valentine. She would not follow someone that she didn't think were strong, she didn't want a leader she could walk all over. She hadn't really known what she had come here to do, but as time went on, it became more clear. She was about to snap at Avalon when another voice called out, someone... above her? Mercy's head whipped up, spotting the bird who had found her out. A deep laugh bubbled up from her throat, her purple gaze flitting between the two of them. "So, that's how you found me. Have a bird to do your dirty work for you, Avalon? Is keeping your borders clear really that hard of a task that you needed to assign someone to watch from above? That's pretty pitiful if you ask me," she ignored the raptors laugh, she didn't care about that thing. It might have sharp talons and beak, but she would tear it apart if it even thought about getting close to her. It didn't strike her as odd that the thing, probably a she she didn't really care, could talk. Mercy had seen other wolves with companions like that before, they seemed to be hidden everywhere around Ardent or something.

She had danced back from Avalon, and she calmly sat down, looking the older wolf up and down as she spoke. Her eyes rolled at her words of smelling, her shoulders just shrugging casually. "Even if I do smell, I did quite a few laps into your territory. If your wolves turn up their nose at that, what else are they overlooking, mm? You have young kids, right? What if they had been nearby and I wasn't such a nice intruder? I could have snatched one up and no one did a thing. If all I had to do was howl for you by name to turn them away, then what else could I get away with?" Quickly her silver tongue worked, even though she knew that there was no blame in her pack mates. Would their leader turn around and doubt her pack just from a few spun words from an almost stranger? Mercy was smart, sometimes, and she knew exactly what she was doing. This was a test, and so far Avalon had done nothing but get on her nerves, her and that dumb bird of hers.

Avalon spoke of having a pack, and Mercy visibly flinched like she had bitten into her flesh. A dangerous growl left her maw as her lips curled upwards, her eyes narrowing into fine slits. Avalon had been part of Imperium once as well, for whatever reason Valentine had seen some potental in her. She was thankful though, she would have never met Lykos otherwise. But if she was going to start plucking at her cords, she wasn't going to play so nicely anymore. "A pack of what, though? Anyone could run a pack, hell, Lykos could run this pack better than you. Protecting someone you hardly know, who was a traitor? Just how far do you think that is going to carry you, Avalon? Just how long before your pack crumbles to the ground? Do all your children need to oppose you before you realize that you are doing something wrong, that you aren't strong enough?" She spat, snarling while her head lowered to align with her spine, her lips folding back as her hackles rose. "Valentine is the strongest wolf I have ever known, and if his pack can fall, surly yours won't last a season longer." She was seething now, drool dripping from her bared fangs. Avalon asked her what she wanted, to which Mercy laughed darkly at. "I wanted to test you, to see just how strong you are. Looks like I came to the wrong place, you are nothing like your son." It took her all to reign herself in, but she didn't think that Lykos would much appreciate her tearing off his mothers face. Unable to just walk away, she squared off with the other female, unable to take a single step.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-20-2016, 01:36 AM

This was getting really pitiful. She stared at Mercy as she commented about not guarding her borders, and the alphess scoffed. "Most who come to the borders don't hide like a child!" She spat. She didn't have to explain anything to Mercy or try to justify herself. She knew exactly the kind of game Mercy was trying to play, and the alphess would have none of it. Then Mercy would go as far as to make her members seem like they weren't doing their jobs. But the mention of her pups made a growl rise from her and she took a step towards Mercy, teeth bared. "You know nothing about respect! You dare make a threat on my children and disrespect me and my pack?" Clearly, that's what she was doing. And yet, when Avalon had been in Imperium for that short time, she didn't see much of Mercy patrolling. So who was she to talk?

And then, she'd gotten the satisfaction of seeing Mercy flinch as her words hit home. Good. That was what Avalon wanted. But then Mercy lashed back, and Avalon grew livid! Clearly Mercy had been told some things, and she knew exactly who had talked just by what Mercy was saying. The only one she knew who had the most hatred for the traitor she was harboring was Lykos. That was it. She was tired of being walked on. And now, it seemed that Lykos had been lying and acting this entire time! It saddened her inside, the fact that she now felt she couldn't even trust her own son! "I see you've been talking to someone that lives here. Thank you for that information. How does it feel to be a rat?" Her voice had turned icy, her entire demeanor seemingly changed from amusement to an icy calm. Perhaps...a little too calm.

"I looked up to you at one point. And why that was is beyond me. You're nothing but a sour, pathetic, brooding bitch who does nothing but bully others for her own enjoyment. But as long as you have an admirer, someone who idolizes you and wants to be like you, then what does it matter right?" Yes. She knew Lykos adored Mercy too. It was obvious when they were in Imperium, and even now when Mercy pretty much sang like a canary about it. Well, if Lykos thought he was so much better then everyone else and had the same twisted mind like this woman, then why the fuck was he still the heir? Obviously I made the wrong choice. At least I know now that he takes after his father!

Not once did her gaze waver nor stray from Mercy's, though she was holding herself rather well for this kind of confrontation. Even when Mercy continued to drool (like a loser) and grow angrier. "I respect Valentine. You, on the other hand don't deserve respect the amount of a grain of dirt. You haven't earned it! Valentine lost his pack due to something beyond his control. Not from lack of strength. Nobody tore it out from under him." Her lips curled back, fiery amber gaze finding the light she desired for so long. "I've no reason to prove anything to you! And if he feels the same way, then you've both got another thing coming!" She was referring to her son at the last part. Though she wanted to be in denial about it, Lykos had been the only one going around playing detective on Vereux. She had said she would handle it, and she would! So if he also felt her unfit to be an alpha, then he was unfit to be the heir.

~Fight starts here~

No longer would she stand by and allow someone to talk to her like that. No longer would she stand by as they all laughed at her. If they thought her such a bad leader, then they would quickly find out what she was capable of.

The alphess would fall into her fighters stance then, hackles raised along her spine, thick fur making her appear much more larger then she already was. Her head lowered to align with her spine, tail flagging out for balance as it too fell in sync with her body. Her ears pinned tightly to her skull, and her lips peeled back to reveal her own set of fangs. Her face scrunched up, making the alphess appear fiercer then she was sure she ever looked as well as to make it harder for the white bitch to get a grip on her face. Her eyes narrowed to fiery slits, head pulling back slightly to roll the layers of fat and fur on her scruff. Her chin tucked over her throat, shoulders rolling forward to further protect her neck as well. Legs widened to hip and shoulder width apart, knees and elbows bending for more fluid movement. Lastly, toes splayed across the ground and claws bit the earth for traction, weight distributed evenly across all four limbs.

Now, it was time to pimp slap this bitch! The close proximity and face to face direction of the pair would hopefully help Avalon in launching a surprise attack on Mercy. After all, last time Mercy had seen her, she was more of the innocent and meek type. Now though, she was a wolf full of ferocity who would not let someone take advantage anymore. Was this what Valentine had seen in her? Was this the potential he had mentioned? Either way, win or lose, she would show Mercy that she was a different wolf playing a whole different ball game.

Avalon would move quickly in an explosion of mud and debris, a fierce snarl ripping from her throat as she launched herself at Mercy. She wanted to try and smash into the woman head on, and being just slightly taller then the cocky female, she would try to use that little bit of leverage. Left shoulder jutted forward as she aimed to slam it into Mercy's throat like a javelin in an attempt to choke her and drive the breath from her lungs. Simultaneously, she (Avalon) aimed to slam the whole of her wide chest straight into Mercy's chest as well, an attempt to further wind her, bruise her, and potentially knock her back.

Next, she would tilt her head slightly to the left. Jaws gaping open as she sought to bite down on the left side of Mercy's face. Top fangs sought to bury themselves an inch or so below Mercy's ear, while bottom fangs sought purchase just beneath her jaw line. Avalon wanted to attain a solid grip, to gain control of Mercy's head if not give her some new scars to remember her by. As she strove to do this, she would then lift her right forepaw and attempt to slam it down on Mercy's left forepaw. Her goal was to try and crush her inner toes, an attempt to break them and pin her down. Avalon's weight would redistribute to her other grounded legs, body tensing to keep herself from being knocked over. If Mercy thought she could get away with that mouth of hers, she was wrong.

She would not play nice today.

Avalon versus Mercy for FORCE CLAIM

Round: 1/3


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Mercy I


5 Years

08-21-2016, 04:06 PM

Her anger just grew and grew. She knew that it was a mistake to come here, to test this alpha before her. But she had wanted a home, a place to belong and protect. Mercy had been a fool to think that anyone as weak as Avalon would prove to be any different. She was just like the rest of them. With a sinking feeling, she knew that she would never belong in another place like she had in Imperium. She was too angry, too bitter and quick to bite. She knew all these things, but had no real want to change. Never again would she have a place to call her home, not unless Valentine or one of his kids started a pack. The pale dame had no desire to lead a pack, she wouldn't be any good at it. But the blue giant had trusted her, given her a purpose and pushed her to do better. Avalon? She would probably keep her caged up, only letting her go when there was someone she wanted dead, or really hurt. The female was no ones lap dog, and she would beat this woman to the ground to show her that. She was not going to sit here and listen to her yammer on about how she knew nothing about respect. A snarl ripped through her throat, her head lowering as she stared down at the slightly larger woman. "I know a shit ton more about respect than you could ever hope to! I never made a threat against your children, but you can go burn in hell for all I care!" Mercy roared, her tail lashing behind her. The tree that she had been hiding before was still at her back, the ends of her tail brushing up against its rough bark.

The alpha kept making it worse and worse for herself, when Avalon called Mercy a rat, her insides boiled with her growing rage. Red clouded her vision, and she was no longer thinking straight. She was going to go after Lykos now, she had given away the fact that he had been talking to her. With narrowed eyes, a strange, icy calm seemed to cover the woman for a few moments. "A whole lot of respect he must have for you, if it was that easy for him to talk to me," she said, her tone as cold as ice. She bit her tongue from saying more, but it would have been so easy to say more. About how it was clear that he cared for Mercy, and the only reason that he had joined her stupid pack was that he felt like he needed to protect them. If he wasn't so fucking royal to the bitch that birthed him, he most likely would have stayed with her. At least, that's what she thought, and at one point what she wanted. "That kid is the only good that has ever come out of you opening your legs," she shot back, her body quaking with the burning emotions inside of her. Would the boy hate her now, now that she had betrayed him and opened her big fat mouth? Her biggest fear was being completely rejected in this world, although at one point she hadn't cared. But now, now that she saw what a relationship like that was like, she wanted to hold it close against her.

When Avalon spoke again, the strange calm that had covered her in ice completely shattered. Once again she was snarling, her lips curling back once more from her teeth. "I never asked to be looked up to! What a pathetic life, you must have had, to look up to a bitch like me. I never wanted anyone to be close to me, or to turn out like me. You think you have me all figured out, but you haven't got a fucking clue about me! You don't know half of the shit I have been through, and what I have done to get here today. It's pretty fucking heartbreaking that you saw a loose cannon like me and held fast," Did Avalon not realize that she knew just how messed up she was? Did she think that her whole life was a mystery to her own mind? No, she knew exactly what was going on, and that is what made her so much more dangerous. She had an unsalable lust for blood and sex, and knew exactly how to get what she wanted. Her body vibrated with each growl that slipped out from her maw, a hunger to make the woman scream out in pain was growing by the moment. The more she talked, the more she wanted to tear her face clean off. She was going to give this hoe something to remember her by, even if she had to carve it into her face.

Bite bite nom nom down below

She went on to talk more and more about respect, but Mercy was no longer listening. Already she was in her fighting stance, her head and tail level with her spine. Her chin tucked towards her chest, ears folded back and her purple eyes narrowed. Slowly she spread out her legs until they were evenly placed, each limb bending as her toes spread, claws digging into the muddy ground for further traction. She set her weight evenly across all fours, her hackles still raised in anger. She stood stalk still as the stupid woman yammered on, just waiting for her to make the first move. Mercy was ready to tear into her, to open a bit fat wound that would scar horribly. But... where? Her narrowed eyes scanned over the slightly taller woman, looking for a good place to cut her up. Her face was ugly enough, she didn't need any of her help there. She could take off an ear or even try to blind her, but then she would be an even shittier alpha. Mmm... It wasn't until Avalon charged towards her, left shoulder out, that she made her choice. A smile turned up the corner of her snarling lips, her mind was made up.

Since they were standing pretty close, there wasn't much time for Mercy to react. Feeling the tree behind her tail, she knew what she was going to do. Quickly her back legs took a few large steps to her own right, her left front paw staying firmly in place as the rest of her body pivoted towards her own right. Now, hopefully in an L like shape with Avalon, her front legs took two steps backwards, Avalon's left shoulder just barely missing her. Mercy hoped that with her short and quick burst towards her, that the taller woman would run face first into the tree that was now at Mercy's right. Because of this moved position, Avalon's bite grazed across Mercy's left cheek, opening shallow wounds just below her left eye. They were only minor cuts, but the smell of her own blood was enough to send Mercy into overdrive. Without much hesitation, her own pale jaws opened as she reached for Avalon's left shoulder, trying to keep her chin as close to her chest as possible to protect her throat. Mercy was aiming for her top jaw to sink in just above Avalon's left shoulder blade, her bottom jaw two inches below her top. The younger dame was hoping to bite down hard and achieve a solid grip on her opponents left shoulder, wishing to do further damage than just a simple bite. Because of Mercy's moved position, her left fore paw was out of reach of Avalon's front right paw unless the older woman was planning to cross her legs. The pale woman then lifted her own front left paw, aiming to slam it back down to the ground on top of Avalon's left fore paw, aiming to crush the little bones in her toes. Mercy also hoped to put a lot of pressure on said paw, rendering the taller woman unable to use it in a similar assault. Her weight shifted towards her right, maintaining her balance across her three grounded limbs.

Because of their hopefully still close proximity, there wasn't more that Mercy could do to her opponent. She hoped that Avalon was unable to stop quick enough to avoid crashing into the tree, hopefully slamming her face against the rough bark. In a last ditch effort to further harm the woman before her, Mercy's right shoulder jutted out, hoping to dig between Avalon's second and third rib. She was aiming for some bruising that she could use to her advantage later, as well as cause discomfort. Through all of these attacks, most of her defenses remained in place. This was only the beginning, Mercy would tear at this woman until she begged for her to, well... give her mercy. Fat chance, oh how she loved the irony of her name.

MERCY vs AVALON for MAIM (scarring of left shoulder)
Round 1 of 3
*Note* Me and Dragon agreed on a four day default time.



Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-24-2016, 07:11 PM

Anything else Mercy had said had gone in one ear and out the other. Though if Lykos thought he could get away from betraying the family, and her, so easily. Then he thought wrong. Win or lose, she was a loose cannon. Nothing would escape her wrath after this, and although she was more pissed off then she'd ever been before, she could feel her heart breaking at the thoughts that her son truly did not care about anyone but himself. Did he truly like Mercy that much to tell her things? Things that may have hurt her if she'd heard them? Perhaps so. Then again, Lykos hadn't seemed very...loving. If at all. Perhaps it had all been nothing more then an act. Perhaps he was the one waiting to come into power to try and take away what she'd worked so hard for. Perhaps that was why he accused Vereux so much, to use him as nothing more then a scapegoat to cover his own actions. And it would be a mother's heartbreak, that would drive her on.

Amber gaze widened slightly as Mercy moved away from the tree, her shoulder missed and her teeth merely grazing the white woman's left cheek. Which was far from what she had originally tried to do. Avalon would then abruptly turn her head to her left as she made the first split decision move to try and avoid the tree. Her claws dug into the ground, left paw holding her position as she pivoted to her left. Since her right paw had missed Mercy, she would quickly set it back on the ground. She wouldn't completely go unscathed, however. For with her pivot to the left, her rear end would make contact with the tree, leaving a mild bruise on the right side of her hip, but the adrenaline was pouring through her. A tree would not stop her momentum for more then a second, nor would it stop her from tearing into Mercy either.

With her new movement, she had managed to turn her position to face Mercy once again, the tree on her (Avalon's) right. She wanted to leave no time for Mercy to react more then she already had, so once again she would coil her hind legs and spring towards the woman in an attempt to keep their distance as close as possible. Avalon would quickly lift her front end up (also in preparation for her next attack), displacing Mercy's attempted bite from her shoulder to the left side of her chest, just off-center. Avalon would wince slightly as Mercy left behind moderate lacerations, and Mercy's attempt at smashing her paw would also miss due to Avalon's forepaws raising up and out of the way.

At this point, Avalon made sure her defenses remained intact. Her ears kept pinned to her head, eyes remained narrowed as her face scrunched up, bunching the skin around her face and eyes for better protection. Hackles remained raised along her spine, tail flagged out and aligned with her spine for balance. Her head lowered over her neck, chin tucking over her throat as her scruff bunched up. Her hind legs spread evenly apart for better balance, claws digging into the dirt and her toes spread.

In the few split seconds, Avalon aimed to wrap her forelegs around Mercy's neck; left foreleg aimed to wrap around the right side of Mercy's neck and her right foreleg aimed to wrap around the left side. She sought to hug the woman close to her chest, to try and restrict her movement, and should she be successful then hopefully Mercy would have even less room to move her head. During this movement, Avalon also attempted to shove her chest straight into Mercy's face. Hoping the force of her weight would cause discomfort as well as potentially bruise her opponents nose, if not give the woman a bloody nose. Simultaneously, she would attempt to put pressure on the left side of Mercy's neck with her right elbow, aiming to cause further discomfort as she sought to force the woman down to the ground.

Lastly, Avalon's jaws opened wide. Tilting her head downwards, she aimed to place a bite across Mercy's face. She aimed her top fangs at the top of Mercy's right brow; and bottom fangs aimed to bite just below Mercy's left eye. She didn't seek to blind the woman, but she wanted to cause as much damage as she possibly could. Perhaps even blind the woman with her own blood and cause pain to the flesh and facial muscles. She'd seek a solid grip upon her opponents face if not lacerate and leave the woman with new scars for the future, or any damage she could possibly do, really. She'd shove towards Mercy, making it harder for the other woman to try and knock her backwards, her hind knees remaining slightly bent while she used her weight to potentially place Mercy's neck at an awkward angle and/or cause discomfort and strain the muscles there.

She hated having to fight like this, but Mercy had pushed it, and obviously the alabaster woman had no intentions of going easy either.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Mercy for FORCE CLAIM

Round/Move: 2/3

Out Of Character Notes: Confirmed that the tree is actually on Mercy's left lol.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Mercy I


5 Years

08-28-2016, 02:33 PM

Avalon had picked on the wrong woman. Okay so, she may have been asking for it, but it wasn't Mercy who started this fight. She was going to finish it though, that was for sure. At least she had been able to grab hold of Avalon, but it wasn't where she had been aiming for. A large smirk crossed her lips as she tasted her blood on her tongue, a driving force that pushed Mercy onward. The slightly taller woman had reared up, and after many battles, Mercy knew what was coming. Quickly letting go of Avalon, she knew that there was no hope of moving out of the way in time. Thinking fast, Mercy placed her paw back on the ground after her attempted slam missed, and then dropped down into a play bow. Her lower half was close to the ground, her rump up in the air as her forelegs slid forwards. Keeping herself that way, she glanced upwards with narrowed eyes to see what her opponent was doing. Avalon's attempt at wrapping around her neck of course missed, since she was so low to the ground. The chest slam was useless against her being under the taller woman, and Mercy's smile was all knowing. She was a very experienced fighter, she had been in many spars and could read a fight well. This wasn't the first time that she had been able to keep herself from taking very little damage, and it wouldn't be the last. The pale woman bet against herself that Avalon wouldn't be able to do any more damage to her, she was going to end this fight quickly with the alpha's blood all over her. Mercy waited until Avalon's jaws parted to make her move, quickly shifting gears and sliding her forelimbs back towards herself, and then quickly pushing off of them and lifting her front half off the ground, attempting to rear about four feet off the ground. Her weight shifted towards her back legs, her tail flagging out and parallel to the ground to aid in her balance. Her two grounded limbs were an equal distance apart, her toes spreading as her claws dug into the ground to hold her more solidly. Her ears were against her head, her eyes still narrowed. Her head was aligned with her spine, and she tried to keep her chin as close to her chest as she could. Her pale hackles were still on end, refusing to lay low during this heated battle.

As Mercy moved upwards into her rear, her jaws parted and she tipped her head upwards and towards her own right. Since Avalon had been aiming for where Mercy was, her reach would hopefully expose her throat. Not holding back, she aimed for the underside of Avalon's neck. She hoped to intercept her bite by latching onto her face, her top jaw aiming to bite down right under Avalon's left eye, her bottom jaw for the hinge where Avalon's own jaws met. She hoped to bite down hard and achieve a solid hold, gaining control of the slightly taller woman's head. At the same time her front arms sought to wrap around Avalon's neck, her right front leg against the left side, and her left front limb around the right side of her neck. Mercy wanted to interlock her paws behind Avalon's head, hopefully making it impossible for the woman to escape her bite. It was insane to think that this alpha thought she could beat her, Mercy had won once before and she would yet again.

MERCY vs AVALON for MAIM (scarring of left shoulder)
Round 2 of 3



Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-01-2016, 02:31 PM
Surprise flickered across her features as Mercy suddenly dropped. Making every one of her attempted attacks miss. But of course, Mercy was the more experienced fighter. She lived and breathed fighting. And while Avalon had some experience under her belt, she was no seasoned veteran. She would have loved to have a warrior with this kind of experience among her own, but she doubted that would happen after this. Assuming of course, that she lost. But something told her that she might not win against this woman unless some miracle happened. And while she did have her companion, she wanted it to sit this one out.

Through the split seconds that fell between them, Avalon ensured her defenses remained intact. Her ears were pinned to her head, eyes narrowed. Her jaws were parted for both attack and defense. The skin around her face and eyes was bunched and wrinkled to further defend her face, an enraged snarl pouring from her maw. Her hackles remained standing, tail flagging out behind her, spine as straight as it could be while her head had slightly tucked down, chin pulling in to tuck over her throat. Her hind legs were equidistant apart for better balance, toes splayed and her claws biting the earth.

If Mercy thought she could get her so easily (though maybe she very well could), she thought wrong. In a flash of teeth, Avalon's jaws remained parted as she redirected her bite. As Mercy came up, Avalon would quickly pull her head back enough to see her opponent, as well as potentially get her face out of the line of danger, and roll her shoulders upwards (kinda tucking slightly like a turtle) bunching the padded fur and skin around her neck and shoulders.

Mercy's teeth would cut into the extra skin and fat just below Avalon's jaws, her fangs cutting the skin and tearing up a patch of fur. leaving moderate cuts. Once Mercy's jaws snapped shut, Avalon made her move.

Avalon's jaws were still aiming downwards, but instead of going for Mercy's eyes, her jaws would seek to find Mercy's own jaws. Avalon would attempt to deliver a crushing bite, not enough to break Mercy's muzzle, but to cause enough pain and damage to make her bleed and submit. Though she doubted the latter would happen. Her top jaw sought to bite over Mercy's top jaw, and her bottom jaw sought to slide beneath Mercy's bottom jaw [Counter]. She aimed to bite down as hard as she could. In the process, she hoped to push Mercy's head down and twist it to her (Avalon's) left and potentially put Mercy's neck in a strained and awkward angle.

Avalon hoped to achieve a solid grip with her bite, and should she succeed, then she would set her other move into motion. With her previous lean towards her own left (from when she previously attempted to shove her weight against Mercy's neck), she would let her weight continue to move her. Her head and top half pushed forward and downward, her right foreleg in the air while her left foreleg regrounded. Avalon's weight would redistribute to her now three grounded limbs, and as she let her weight bring her closer to the ground, then she'd seek to bring her right foreleg over the left side of Mercy's neck once again. She aimed to once again, apply presser against Mercy's neck and bring her flopping down to the ground. And with avalon's previous movements, Mercy's left foreleg would come over Avalon's right foreleg, and Mercy's right foreleg would slide off of avalon's left shoulder.

Finally, with one final effort, Avalon's hind legs would push her forward. She'd attempt one last time to shove her chest into Mercy's head/face, hoping it would strain the womans neck even further, bruise her, or suffocate her with her thick fur. Anything was possible, and it was the Alphess' last ditch effort as she began to tire.

At this point, there wasn't much else she could do except hope...



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Mercy I


5 Years

09-05-2016, 11:50 PM

As she dropped towards the earth, she caught the surprised look on Avalon's face. She grinned, but she could feel her adrenaline starting to wear out. She knew that she needed to bring this to an end. But as she reared up to latch onto her face once more, she got nothing but a mouthful of fur and a little bit of blood. Letting out a growl, she spat out the clump of black and white fur. Well well, she was a slippery little snake, was she not? Avalon was getting good at staying away from her strong jaws, but as was Mercy. Because her teeth had not been able to hang on to the loose fur and fat, Mercy quickly retucked her chin towards her chest, no longer wanting to risk exposing her throat. Her lips curled upwards to bunch the loose skin around her eyes and her lips, protecting them further. This moved her out of the way of Avalon's impending bite, but she didn't leave completely unscathed this time. Avalon's top teeth skimmed over the left side of her muzzle, leaving moderate lacerations about an inch upwards from her nose. The alpha did not get the hold that she was aiming for, but at least she actually got her this time. The skin was thin there, and her opponents teeth cut in deeper than Mercy desired. Blood flowed freely from her top jaw, and she was lucky that Avalon's teeth hadn't met the even thinner part of her bottom lip. Because of her wrinkled lips, the laceration was not in a straight line, but would be rather crooked and spotty when she relaxed. It hurt to keep her lips curled, but Mercy used the pain to fuel her on. This was all she needed to keep going, the stinging of her open wound only making her want to bite harder.

Mercy blinked her purple eyes when Avalon returned her left front limb to the ground, leaving only her right forelimb in the air. Mercy's own left leg draped across her front right leg as Avalon's said arm managed to wrap around her neck, her wrist folding across Avalon's right elbow. (confirmed with Dragon that this is where her arm landed) The white dame could feel the pressure that the slightly taller woman was applying, but she was about to fight back. Her grounded hind limbs remained so, spread equally apart and her knees bent slightly. Her tail remained tucked into her chest, and she aimed to keep herself in a solid position. Her back toes spread as her claws dug into the earth, her eyes still narrowed and her hackles still raised. Pale ears remained firmly against her skull, trying to keep her head as aligned with her spine as possible. Her core muscles were tense to keep her upright position, all her muscles straining to stop her from falling. Quickly, Mercy shifted her weight to her own left side, pushing against the pressure that Avalon was applying. She attempted to pull her own left limb towards her left, hoping to push back into Avalon and tip her over. The mutlicoloured females chest pressed into the top of her own chest, nearly at her neck. Since they were so close, there was no bruising at all. The white female could feel that her opponent was trying to push her to the ground, but she wouldn't have it. Rolling her shoulders forward, she parted her jaws and twisted her head towards her own right, once more hoping to bite into Avalon. Her top jaw aimed for the left side of Avalon's neck, close to the leftmost side and about an inch down from her would be captors jaws. Her bottom jaw aimed about three inches across from her top, more close to the very center of the woman's neck. Mercy wanted to gain a solid grip there, hopefully aiding the smaller woman in pushing Avalon towards her (Mercy's) left. At the same time, Mercy's front right leg once again aimed to wrap around her opponent's neck, right where it met her shoulders. With her own weight shifted towards her left and hopefully pushing against Avalon, she wished to topple the woman over and into the tree that was still nearby, also to Mercy's left. Maybe she would even smash her head on the trunk and just pass out.

MERCY vs AVALON for MAIM (scarring of left shoulder)
Round 3 of 3



Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

The Judge


09-10-2016, 02:32 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2016, 02:59 PM by The Judge.)





-2 where on the throat is she aiming for?  Near the jaw?  Further down?  
-1 if Avalon is moving her head to the left she'd be seeking the right side of Mercy's face

Total: 7


-2  Don't forget you need to attempt to close the distance between you and your opponent.
-2  Avalon is directly facing Mercy, how is she getting her shoulder to Mercy's throat?  Is she offset slightly? Is she twisting?  Neither of these movements can work as you state she is also trying to slam her chest perfectly into Mercy's in the next line simultaeously.  

Total: 6


+1 each seen

Total: 10


+2 shoulder slam -1 powerplay (see pp note on positioning)
+1 chest slam
+3 bite +1 grip attempt
+1 paw slam +0  maim attempt (they're so close in size and Avalon would not have the momentum/power necessary to break the toes)

Total: 7


- First round

Total: 10

Total for Round One: 40/50



-1 Avalon would already be past it if the tree were to Mercy's right

Total: 9


-2  There's a far bit of movement going on for being in that close of proximity.  To end up in an L shape would take more than a few steps and then you also have the stepping backward as well.
-1  "reached for Avalon's left shoulder, trying to keep her chin as close to her chest as possible to protect her throat"  The act of reaching undoes the tuck

Total: 7


+1 each seen

Total: 10


+3 bite +1 grip
+1 paw slam +0 maim attempt (they're so close in size and Mercy would not have the momentum/power necessary to break the toes)
+1 shoulder slam

Total: 6


first round

Total: 8

Total for Round One: 42/50




-2 did Mercy succeed in getting her grip?
-2 where on Mercy's neck is she seeking to lay her paws?  More toward the head or shoulders?  This can make a big difference in how Mercy is able to respond and the kind of leverage Avalon has.

Total: 6


-2 It might be how it's worded but again it feels like to much movement, she's stopping herself from crashing into the tree, pivots, charges forward then rears up again all in close proximity.
-2 you need to give your opponent time to respond to your first set of attacks.  she is already trying for a chest slam, she would have to pull back to shove again

Total: 6


+1 each seen
-1 you did not readjust Avalons weight and balance when she reared up

Total: 9


+1 arm wrap
+1 chest slam
+2 elbow to the neck with weight and strain (-1 for clarity issue)
+3 bite +1 grip attempt
+0 for shove, see pp note

Total: 7


-0 mild bruising to right hip [3 ooc days to heal]
-2 moderate lacerations to left side of chest [2 ooc weeks to heal]

Total: 8

Total for Round Two: 36/50



-2 Avalon is still above her if she were to raise 4 feet off the ground straight up she'd likely collide with Avalon's chest.  Is she pulling back in someway to avoid being hit?  Avalon is also probably closer than a four foot distance so I'm not quite sure what to do with this snippet of text.
-1 "As Mercy moved upwards into her rear" I'm not sure what to do with this  xD I'm not even for sure whose rear we're talking about
-1 "Not holding back, she aimed for the underside of Avalon's neck"  This was a bit confusing at first she's aiming for the underside of Avalon's neck then for Avalon's face.

Total: 5


-2 again remember that fights move quickly and your characters are in close proximity, also that Avalon is pushing down with her arms so even if Mercy isn't in reach she is coming down fast meaning it's unlikley that Mercy has the time to duck, push her forlimbs forward, pull them back and then spring up.  

Total: 8


+1 each seen

Total: 9


+3 bite +1 grip
+1 arm wrap

Total: 5


-1 moderate bruising to neck or minor lacerations to face [1 ooc week to heal][judges deduction due to pp considerations]

Total: 9

Total for Round Two: 36/50  




-2  Did Mercy successfully get a grip.  It seems to me she did but based on the counter I'm going to say that she caused lacerations but failed the grip.  Make sure to be specific about what parts of your opponents attacks are successful and which ones aren't.  I need to know if Mercy's jaws snapped shut over air, fur or fully on Avalon's neck.
-2 A counter occurs before an attack and as you already have Mercy's bite landing it can't be countered and throws the damage and results received into question
-2 how does Avalon stop her forward momentum?  Remember her upper body is going forward and she was trying to shove and slam into her opponent, how does she correct for this?  
-2 where on Mercy's neck is she hoping to lay her right arm?  Again whether it is near the head or shoulders will greatly change Avalon's leverage

Total: 2


-2 "She aimed to bite down as hard as she could. In the process, she hoped to push Mercy's head down and twist it to her (Avalon's) left and potentially put Mercy's neck in a strained and awkward angle. " The second part of this attack is entirely dependent on the bite succeeding and isn't directly part of the bite itself.
-2  Watch the movement!  Remember you had her pulling back in the first part of your post but now her momentum is carrying her forward again?

Total: 6


+1 each seen

Total: 10


+3 bite +1 grip -1 clarity issues -1 powerplay issues
+1 chest slam
+1 paw wrap

Total: 4


-2  moderate lacerations to underside of upper neck [2 ooc weeks to heal]

Total: 8

Total for Round Three: 30/50



-1 "She attempted to pull her own left limb towards her left," front or back limb?
-2 How is she shifting her weight to her left?  Is she balancing just on one leg?  The way the post is written makes it seem like both of her front legs are off the ground so balancing on one leg doesn't seem a very strong position.

Total: 7


-1 Mercy would likely need to do more than just tuck her chin to avoid the bite

Total: 9


+1 each seen

Total: 10


+3 bite +1 grip
+0 paw wrap, Mercy is up on two legs and off balance while Avalon is on three it is very unlikely she'd be able to overbalance Avalon from this position

Total: 4


-2 moderate lacerations to left side of muzzle [2 ooc weeks to heal]

Total: 8

Total for Round Three: 38/50


Total = 106/150

Total = 116/150

And the winner is...


Avalon must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out, and Mercy's maim is successful



Doing something a bit different because as you all know I am a slow judge and this took my whole Saturday just about.  You will see the deductions and healing times above as well as fight notes.  Good work guys!  This was a pretty exciting fight, very close!  You both have been doing this long enough I don't really have anything in particular to add other than make sure to watch how much movement your characters are doing when they are in such close proximity.

- By [Lunarcat7]