
hit me with your best shot



4 Years
Extra large
08-17-2016, 08:31 PM

Being a large creature with thick black fur wasn't exactly fun when summer rolled around. And so far, this summer had been especially hot with its lack of rain. Ricochet was sick of doing more panting than regular breathing, so she retreated north for a bit of relief. After a day and a half of walking, here she was. Cool air all around her and tall evergreen trees providing lots of welcome shade. Perfect.

Ricochet sighed a bit and shook out her ebony coat as she settled down on a nice, flat patch of stone. She shifted her weight and splayed her hind legs out to one side as she lounged, stretching her front legs out in front of her and parting her jaws in a nice, big yawn. She didn't hesitate to make the yawn vocal, letting out a long throaty sound of relief that ended in a little grumble as she looked all around her. The young woman had never been here before. Why hadn't she? It was nice here. Pretty secluded, and the view wasn't bad either. Even so, Ricochet was sure it wouldn't be as appealing in winter. She hated snow.

"Talk" "You" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

08-19-2016, 01:00 PM

Ever since her run in with Avalon, she had been lingering up north for a little bit. Mercy wasn't too keen on heading back down to the south, there were too many bad memories down there that she didn't feel like dealing with. She hadn't seen Gethin in awhile either, but she steeled her heart to that. It was just like she thought it would be, the moment she opened up, they left. It's always what happened. Sure, she had wandered off first, but he hadn't even tried to look for her. She sighed, walking through the forest. There was no snow on the ground here, but it was at least cooler than it was everywhere else. Her white coat wasn't as bad as a black one, but since she had been hanging up north a lot, her fur was rather thick and plushy. It would take some time for it to go back to her thin summer pelt. Weaving through the pines, she wasn't really looking for anything in particular. Or... looking at all. Her eyes were on the horizon, and she wasn't looking where she was going. Wrapping around one of the trees, she tripped over something and landing on her neck with a thump. Growling, she jumped to her paws and whipped around, seeing what had gotten in her way. When she saw that it was another wolf, she backed up, blinking her purple eyes slowly. Oh dear, that wasn't the most graceful entrance... Looking at the larger, darker female, she gave an embarrassing smile, her elongated tail raising to wag behind her. Mercy was usually a very graceful wolf, it wasn't often that she was knocked down like that. "Umm... hi," she said softly, her cheeks growing hot under her white fur. Really, this was so out of character for her.


Art by endless-adventure

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



4 Years
Extra large
08-19-2016, 03:43 PM

Now that she was finally free of the humidity and the heat of the sun, Ricochet let herself start to really relax. She lay sprawled across the cool stone, yawning again softly as her mismatched eyes grew heavier. The shade was nice, and these woods were so quiet. She lowered her head to rest on her extended front legs and started to drift off. After all, a little extra sleep never killed anyone. Ricochet had been sleeping peacefully for a few minutes when suddenly something hit her. Like, really hit her, hard enough to yank her right out of her sleep and send her rolling off the stone into the dirt and pine needles of the forest floor. Her eyes were wide open now, and a snarl was rolling steadily off her lips. "What the hell?" she snapped, pushing herself slowly to her feet and shaking off the grime that had gotten in her fur. Her lip was still curled instinctively as she looked up to see who had so rudely awaken her. Whoever it was, they were about to get their ass kicked.

Or, maybe not. Her snarl lessened when she saw the snowy babe in front of her, and the brow above her one green eye arched with interest. "Hey," she said, a bit bluntly. But she didn't sound as pissed as she did before. It was a start. "Do you make a habit of tripping over wolves while they're sleeping, or was that little surprise just for me?" Ricochet grinned wryly and flicked her tail behind her. She couldn't help but show a little interest. This woman was nearly as tall as she was. Not to mention she looked pretty tough, with a kick ass scar on her back. What might that be from? Probably a fight, but Ricochet would never waste an opportunity to do a little teasing. "Looks like someone was holding on a little too tight," she couldn't help but chuckle as she eyed the scar. "Tell him not to use his claws next time."

"Talk" "You" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

08-25-2016, 04:48 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2016, 04:48 PM by Mercy I.)

Anger was pretty expected, after all she had just tripped over her and toppled her to the ground. But as soon as the younger girl picked herself up, her tone changed. Oh boy, she knew that voice. She had used that voice so many times. The very young girl was making a move on her, and while Mercy wasn't one to talk, her black marked brows still shot up. An appreciative grin crossed her lips though, she was as young as this girl was when she had found her first lover. She seemed like a girl after her own heart already, and they had just met. "Easy tiger," Mercy said with a playful growl, her elongated tail wagging behind her. "And I can trip over who ever I want to, it makes for a quick icebreaker," Okay so, maybe she shouldn't be playing along with her little game, but this was too much fun. Looking at this girl was like looking at a younger her, and she was impressed that she was holding herself so well. Ah, youth. If only she knew how dark this world really was.

When the other noticed her scar, she chuckled darkly at the words that she said. "You have a lot to learn, kid. There is nothing as too tight. Have you ever fucked a guy covered in mix of yours and his blood?" she asked, a single brow raising again. "You haven't lived until then." her voice dropped to a dangerous whisper as she took a step closer to her. She thought that she knew what it was like? Oh no, she had no idea just how many dark secrets were wrapped around the pale female. A very toothy grin was offered as she leaned in close, her jaws parting and snapping closed a hair from the strangers nose. Chuckling, she withdrew, sitting on her rump and casually eying the younger girl. After a considerable pause, she shrugged her shoulders, looking back to eye the large pink scar. "But that one is from my fight with a real tiger. My other scars are a little more hidden than that one," Mercy's voice was a lot lighter before, and she was acting like she hadn't said a thing. Was she probably corrupting the young one? Most likely. It was never wise to leave children unattended with this one, let alone ones who flirt. She was a mere student speaking to the master.


Art by endless-adventure

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



4 Years
Extra large
08-25-2016, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2016, 06:34 PM by Ricochet.)

God, she loved it when they played along. Ricochet was impressed with how quickly the snowy woman recovered, especially considering she'd just tripped over someone and uttered out a pretty awkward greeting. She bounced back with an "easy, tiger" that had the ebony girl grinning from ear to ear, and a chuckle slipped past her lips. Icebreaker, sure. "Not a very safe habit to make," she said with a casual little shrug. "Some tempers aren't so easily tamed by a pretty face. I'd say you got lucky. Or maybe I did," Ricochet flicked her tail again as her bicolored eyes roamed appreciatively over the strong and yet feminine figure before her.

As it turned out, this bitch was as naughty as she was. Ricochet couldn't seem to wipe the grin from her face as words tumbled darkly past the lips of the older woman. She was experienced, alright. But her words garnered no interest in the brutish woman. "Nah," she said. "I don't fuck guys. The blood sounds fun, though," she amended with a chuckle. She hadn't lived until then, huh? Maybe it was time to see how experienced this woman really was.

She smirked as the woman leaned closer and snapped her pretty jaws less than an inch away. If she was trying to scare or fluster Ricky, it wasn't going to work. She simply let out a flirtatious rumble in her chest, eyes glinting with mischief when the snowy woman leaned back again. "Ever fucked a girl? Way more fun, in my opinion, especially if you get one of the vocal ones," Ricochet purred, her tongue flicking out to dampen her lips and she grinned afterward, hoping the woman was savvy enough to get what the gesture hinted at. "I'd say you really haven't lived until then," she said, her voice a dark murmur.

"Talk" "You" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

08-28-2016, 08:37 PM

My my, it would seem that this girl was more dirty than she first thought. Her black marked brows shot skyward before an easy chuckle slipped through her lips. "There isn't much you can tell me about anger, pretty sure I know more than my fair share," she spoke of a pretty face, and Mercy couldn't help but glance at the younger girls form. Ah, what a clever little girl. "It would seem like you are not a stranger to a pretty faces, either," Mercy said with a purr. The similarities between the two personalities was uncanny, she really was just like she had been in her younger years. It was probably very, very wrong of her to play into the young dames game, but she couldn't help it. It was a dance she knew the steps to very well, and it was nice to run into another female who could keep up with her. Usually when she met other women like this, it ended in a fight, or just didn't start at all. But there was something different about this dark damsel, and it had her intrigued.

She grew even more curious when the other said that she didn't sleep with men. Oh? So she played for the other team then, eh? Interesting... Mercy herself had yet to lay with a wolf of the same sex, but that wasn't without trying. She played the same game with them, but it just never seemed to turn out well for her. Maybe she was too much to handle, or maybe she just hadn't met the right woman. If this girl was a bit older, she might just dive all the way in. But if she kept talking this way, it wouldn't be hard to sway her otherwise. Besides, it wouldn't seem like she was the first, anyhow. A wolf was not born this good at it, that back talk had to have a starting point. Mercy nodded in agreement, blood was fun. "Macabre paintings on my coat in someone elses blood, and then howling out someone's name. Now that is a good night," she said with a toothy grin, a shiver running down her spine. She looked the broad over once more, humming softly to herself. "But you've got quite the mouth on you, little girl," she hissed out the words, a single brow cocking to put more emphasis on the words. "Weren't you ever taught to not talk to strangers like that? More so strangers who like to bite?" She asked in a silky tone, letting out a sultry giggle. She was pretty much preaching to the choir, she had been a year old herself when she had not one, but two pretty serious relationships.

This chick had some serious lady balls. She snapped her teeth by her nose and she didn't even flinch, making Mercy lean back with an appreciative look in her purple eyes. As she listened to the dames words, her ears pulled forward in interest. A dirty, dirty girl indeed. The innuendo was not lost on her, she understood quite well what she was referring to. Her own tongue flicked out to dampen her own lips, which she then smacked together loudly. "I haven't, but not from a lack of trying," she said in a casual voice, shrugging her shoulders slightly. She stood up then, taking a few more steps closer to her. She hummed once again, walking around the girl in a tight circle. "Unless you wanted to change that, my little dark devil," she cooed, leaning forward to whisper it in her ear. Okay so, maybe she was tossing all caution to the wind. But it was obvious that, if it did go further, that Mercy wasn't her first. She would hate to be the one to corrupt someone, maybe only a little, but this girl was already far gone. She might as well enjoy what she had been offered. Walking back to the girls front, she tilted her head to the side. "I'm Mercy Guerrero, by the way. My parents had an odd sense of irony, apparently," she said with a dark growl. That was a topic she did not want to breech on, and the reason why her last name had changed.


Art by endless-adventure

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



4 Years
Extra large
08-29-2016, 04:26 PM

The teasing went on and on, merely steps and twirls in the dance that neither woman ever seemed to grow tired of. However, it was clear that the snowy dame was far more experienced; she had taken her place as leader in this little tango, and for once Ricochet was happy to allow it. She wasn't used to someone else being the instigator, and she found that she rather liked it this way. Being toyed with felt wrong. Which is why it seemed so right. She would chuckle as the statement was made that she was no stranger to pretty faces. "You're right, sweetheart," she agreed. "But so many of those pretty faces tease and never follow through. You understand." Surely with all of the experience this woman spoke of, she had to have suffered through a tease or two. Not that teasing couldn't be fun, but why buy the ticket if you're not going to stay for the show?

Her lip curled a bit when the words little girl came into play, but she stayed quiet. She knew she was young. She knew she spoke with a dirty tongue, and had thoughts and desires far beyond her years. Maybe she had a screwed up mind. Maybe there was no maybe involved there at all. She was a dirty little girl, but so what? She knew who she was and didn't give a fuck what anyone else thought.

Ricochet had to admit that it thrilled her a little to see the surprise and intrigue that passed through those violet eyes. She seemed interested to know that the ebony girl in front of her had no interest in the opposite sex. But what really thrilled the younger woman was the curiosity. The snow white dame admitted that she'd never fucked a girl, but it wasn't from a lack of trying. The dark girl nearly shivered at the whisper that graced her ear, but she held it back to keep from giving the woman any satisfaction. Instead she just smirked again. "Irony indeed," she said with a deep chuckle. "You seem pretty merciless to me. And my name is Ricochet, in case you were wondering." She turned away and climbed back up onto her patch of stone, lying down on her side and letting her legs splay casually out to one side. She got comfortable and let out a small yawn.

"So what brings you here today, anyway?" Ricochet asked with a raise of her brow. "Personally, I came to escape the hellish heat down south. And I came to take a nap, but since you interrupted that..."

"Talk" "You" Think

R for Ricky

Mercy I


5 Years

09-02-2016, 09:22 PM

Her nose almost turned up when the younger woman called her 'sweetheart'. It wasn't a term she used unless she was purposely trying to be a bitch (it did happen on accident sometimes), but she resisted from doing so. She half wanted to come up with a more condescending pet name for her, but she left it at that. Perhaps this girl just saw it in a different light, and she wasn't about to open that can of worms. So she just smirked, nodding her head when she spoke about knowing what it was like to be led on. It wasn't her favorite thing, but she did it to others sometimes. For her it was hard to say no though, and it wasn't hard to convince her to do any kind of dirty, naughty thing. Mercy was curious to see if this girl had more resolve then she did. A self indulged wolf, she was, but it was too damn good to turn down. That was, unless she was really pissed off or turned off, which was the former more often than the latter. Teasing was all fine and well when there was an end result, but to be turned away when you were right there made her angry. "You know a lot more than one would think of a wolf of your age. But I must say, I was quite the same way," she said with a purr, her eyes almost glinting with appreciation. Wolves like them were a rare breed, it wasn't ever day that she got to meet others like her. And if she did, it usually ended very badly.

Mercy snickered when she saw her reaction to being called little, her lips flipping up in a rather toothy grin. It was like she was daring her to fight her on it, an open invitation there. She was tempted, this girl had bark, but did she have bite as well? They spoke of blood and being held too tightly, and much more naughty things, but still. It wouldn't be the first that she met someone without the teeth to match their talk. A single black brow rose, seeing if the darker female would pick up what she was putting down. If not, she had no problems vocalizing it.

Richochet seemed to skip passed her sweet, lingering words, but she hid her disappointment. Clever one, she was, trying to hide everything from her purple gaze. Was this going to be a battle of waiting each other out? Because she had done this more than once, and could out sit any rookie. Ricky turned away from her, and she watched as she re-positioned herself on her perch of sorts. Mercy smirked, slowly shaking her head back and forth. Was she that determined to appear above her? She laughed again when she mentioned her interrupting her laugh, but shrugged her shoulders at her posed question. "Hiding from my demons and ghosts, I suppose," she said casually, folding herself gracefully onto her rump, her long tail curling around her side.


Art by endless-adventure

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.