
A Business Meeting [Aerie]



4 Years

08-21-2016, 04:03 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2016, 04:18 PM by Peregrine.)

Peregrine could hardly believe it, if not for the lancing pain that would twinge through her whenever she moved without caution. Damn wounds, she thought with a bitter huff, irritated that she was not healing faster. Then again, had it been even one full day? So perhaps she was impatient, but one could hardly blame her. After Myriad's scattering she had scoped out the terra and found it somewhat lacking. The sweltering summer sun had sent her somewhat farther north to the banks of the Rio. A glorious forest and lush swaths of vegetation lined it's banks, though the water level had already begun to dwindle under the sun's brutal reign. This place seemed as good as any.

She sat there on the edge of the water, the toes of her forepaws dipped in. Tsiry sat nor far away, musing on her own. The young wolf had grown since she'd met her, and now had gone and burdened herself with a pack. Was she truly ready? Tsiry let out a scoff, one she didn't intend to explain until Peregrine turned her head to look at her small friend. "You've really done it this time," Tsiry laughed, unwilling to say a single word more. Peregrine would know what she meant. True to form the wolf smiled and shrugged. "Perhaps," she agreed easily, and then tipped back her head.

Tsiry had not yet gotten used to the eery, deep vocals wolves would sometimes produce, and the howl that her friend let lose was particularly chilling. To her it was a sign of danger but to Peregrine it sang of a new beginning, and summons for any curious enough to come see what all the fuss was about. She hoped that Roekia, Sparrow, and Ricochet at least still lingered close by, but could not say for any of the others. Would Ren linger, or follow his family to wherever their paths led? What of the other members of Myriad, what of complete strangers? She supposed only time would tell, so with the Rio at her back and the sun scorching it's path across the sky above her, she waited.

"Talk" "You" Think

Rœkia T


4 Years
08-21-2016, 05:00 PM

Rœkia had been sticking to her friend like glue while the other recovered from her injuries. She was giddy over the new pack. It was going to be so nice to have a base from which to operate and an entity that could grow a reputation for trade. She was gathering up more herbs while Wolf was flying reconnaissance when the call rang out. She raised her head, dandelions hanging limp from her jaws. The call sent chills down her back, chills of excitement. She'd never witness the birth of a pack from the beginning and she certainly had never befriended an alpha before.

Quickly the woman stuffed the herbs into her knapsack before taking off in direction of the howl. Wolf flew along above her as they strode toward the river. Grinning she approached her friend. "You rang, your highness?" She winked at the woman.

"Talk" Wolf Think


08-21-2016, 05:54 PM
Riv had fallen, and Nixie had extracted herself from the crowd. She had seen her sister leave the gathered, and while Nixie wanted so badly to follow, had the overwhelming feeling that her sister didn't want her around. Nixie had acted a fool, or maybe she was in the right to act the way that she did. She had spoken for her brother, showed no support for her alpha, and even attacked the dumb blind healer because she had pretty much heckled her into it. Zephy surely hated her after all of that. She had let her sister down...

So instead, she quietly followed the girl who had beat Riv. She kept some way behind, though whether or not she had been spotted along the way because of her coat was yet to be seen. She didn't want to be alone. She didn't want to live in a world she knew nothing about. Would these wolves teach her what Myriad failed to teach? As the first echo of the woman's howl sounded, Nixie quietly approached the scene. Dual toned eyes found the victor, and another stranger. She said nothing as she stood there, paws shuffling in the dirt as she felt nervous. She'd never felt this way before. Would they accept her? Would they chase her off? She had been part of the other pack, what would they think?


08-21-2016, 06:28 PM

The rumors that the wolverine had brought her sounded like a pleasant surprise. News of a pack challenge, a victory, and a new pack rises. The women who lead this new pack had been talked about among the loners. She was a trader and by the sounds of it her pack would be rather interesting. It drew the interest in the albino female and her husky companion. She swore that she would never be able to live in a pack, but she was curious to see about this new one and find out if it would be different or not.

The two had been around the outskirts of the grand, they had been staying there for about a day so far. It was a surprise to hear the call, the summons for a claim on the land. Both looked to one another before dropping their herbs and moving towards the meeting. Was this the female Orion told her about. The pale woman could only hope that this new pack would be something different, if not she would have to grab her herbs and disappear into the wilderness again. It didn't take the pair long to find the small gathering. The pale women curiously peered at the unfamiliar faces. The fair skinned female found a shaded spot to sit in and took a seat, the the large Wolverine at her side.

Would this pack be one she could stand to live with? Would it have the freedom she desired?

"Talk" "Orion" Think



4 Years
Extra large
08-21-2016, 08:19 PM

Ricochet hadn't wandered far after the fight. She knew something big was coming. When Peregrine had won, she had been among those celebrating her victory. But now, she didn't really know how to feel. She was still happy for her friend, and wanted all the best for her, but... did she want a part in it?

Of course she wanted to be around Peregrine, and feel like she had a small part in the future that lay ahead. But after all this time of thinking her brother was dead, she had found him. They had taken time to catch up and explain everything, and then he had asked her never to leave him again. He said he needed her. Ricochet wasn't the type to care about others, like ever. But this was her brother, and she felt like she had at least some obligation to make sure he was okay. She needed to talk to Peregrine after this, and see what her friend thought about the whole situation. This would probably be the first serious conversation the two had ever held. Weird.

The large black dame walked onto the scene, smiling a bit as she saw the wolves already gathered. "Bout fucking time," she said as she came within earshot of the new alpha. "I'm here to listen, but I think you and I should talk after this. I'm not great at making decisions, and this is a pretty big one." She laughed a bit and settled on her haunches to see who else would show up. Hopefully Peregrine would see a big turn out for her new pack.

"Talk" "You" Think

Sparrow I


7 Years
08-21-2016, 11:13 PM
Sparrow followed where Peregrine led. She was still a little peeved at Peregrine for being reckless, and even more so for being so upset about it. She didn't want to admit it, but... it was kind of cool. Sparrow didn't think she knew anyone else who took initiative like that.

Yeah, it was a little cool...

And infuriating.

As she came towards the meeting, she spotted Ricochet and came up beside her, dipping her head, "Y- you came too, huh?" Sparrow smiled at the massive woman, feeling a little embarrassed.

Ricochet said she wanted to have a talk with Peregrine after the meeting and Sparrow looked towards the new alpha, "Ah- I- may want to talk to you too and, besides, I plan on going back to my family after this." Sparrow couldn't make eye contact with Peregrine as she spoke. She needed to see her family again. She really did miss them. It was about time this vacation came to an end.

Sparrow couldn't help but feel torn. She imagined Ricochet might feel similarly. Sparrow wasn't great at making decisions either. That's why this whole vacation had been so exhilarating. Sparrow had never felt like she was living her own life until she left Abaven, but now, even though she missed it, she didn't really know if she wanted to stay there forever. She didn't think she would make a good loner, though.

What about this pack? Maybe this would be a new start, but wouldn't that be betraying her family?

Sparrow glanced to Ricochet, then to Peregrine, a small smile forming on her face. It would be cool to stay with these guys, but at the same time, she wasn't sure how she felt about it. Were these two really her first real friends? Was that why she felt so strongly towards them?

It was too confusing.

Life was too confusing.



4 Years

08-27-2016, 10:10 PM
OOC: To thank those who got into this thread in the first round, I'm holding a lil contest of sorts! I'll be doing a raffle for full size manips and matching table for three winners. People who posted in the first round will be entered twice!! All those who still want to join in and post in this next round will be entered once! Will probably let this round go for a week or so! -flails-

Peregrine's stomach fluttered with nervous energy. She hoped that this first gathering would be a success but she had no idea what that success would mean. What was she supposed to be hoping for anyways? The world at her paws? Three wolves? She had no experience to measure with.

Still, to say she was pleased that Roekia out of all of them showed up. Roe had been one of the first wolves she'd met in Boreas, and the earthen fae really did consider her paler counterpart a close friend. Her 'greeting' gave Peregrine a good laugh, but she only deigned a paw waggling in her general direction. Your highness, huh? That was a good start. After her came a wolf around her age, primarily blue in color. She might have been shocked to see it if it were not startlingly common in these lands. It took a moment before it clicked that this fae had been at her fight, and the smell of her pack was still clinging faintly on her fur. Peregrine raised her brow but didn't question it too much. She didn't look like she was about to start a fight, after all. Peregrine actually smiled as she considered the guts it must have taken. An albino fae followed, slipping in quietly. Then, with a relaxing in her shoulders, Ricochet and Sparrow arrived. Both of them seemed happy in their own ways, but... well, the wanted to talk. That couldn't be good, could it?

She waited a moment longer, hoping for the arrival of others but found herself somewhat disappointed. Perhaps the shy ones would creep in once the borders were established and the claim was proven solid. Well, she could hope anyways. Peregrine hummed in thought, mind churning on the problem at hand. Finally, realizing the silence was drawing out, she smiled and allowed her eyes to flit across the mixed gaze of those in front of her. What a mixed bag... Her smile became a thoughtful grin. Time to get into it. "Well, well, well. Glad to see I didn't do all of this for nothing. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Peregrine Myre. I'm claiming this land for this new pack, Aerie. Any interested in joining," she allowed her eyes to scan over the wood line, checking for others lurking on the outskirts, "should know that this pack will allow you great freedom. Among our four primary roles is that of a scout, who serves the pack by ranging far, meeting strangers, collecting information and intel for us all. Warriors will protect and provide, leading our ranks in battle and bringing down large prey. Healers and are the wisdom and the heart of the pack. For those who feel capable in all or most of those areas, the role of a trader will also be available, who's job is to collect valuable resources for the pack, whatever they may be. From food and herbs to honey and relics."

She paused, giving them a moment to take it all in.

After all, who would join a pack without knowing a thing about it? Once she herself felt her mind was back in order she began again. "Some of you have never heard me speak before, and some know me very well. For the former, I'm not a stiff tyrant and I'm not a dignified diplomat. I'm a trader, and this pack is likely going to be a bit unorthodox. Wolves who feel comfortable toeing the line between what is right and what feels good will likely do well here." She looked over the group once again, and once again out into the woods. "I'd be happy to answer any questions, if there are any." She hoped for anything but silence. Well, that or them turning tail and heading for the hills, that would definitely blow. She waited, her curiosity holding her in place.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
08-28-2016, 07:53 AM

Cerridwen had been wandering the southern territories of Boreas for several days now. She had not been searching for anything or anyone in particular. In fact, she hadn't spoken to another wolf in quite some time, not that she was complaining. Despite her solitude, she had overheard rumors of a pack overthrown by a female now creating her own. Although she never considered pack life before, Cerridwen was intrigued as to the identity of this wolf.

A sharp howl caused her ears to swivel upward and towards the direction of the call. Could this be the notorious wolf circulating the conversations between passerbyers? Thinking for a moment, Cerridwen decided to investigate the invitation. She came across 5 wolves, all their attention towards a rust colored female with her back towards the Grande. She arrived just soon enough to catch her name, Peregrine.

Cerridwen didn't come as close as the others, instead lingering back far enough to not gain any attention, but close enough to listen. It was obvious now that this was the wolf beginning a new pack. Her claims of freedom intrigued Cerridwen, but she still couldn't be sure if she was willing to commit to serving a pack. Despite this, she still felt compelled to listen to the rest of her speech.

html © dante.


08-29-2016, 07:19 PM

Arsenal had felt quite a bit of curiosity at the howl, and so, he had traveled towards it. He knew nothing about the fight, seeing as he had never been to the battlefield. So, he had heard nothing about a new pack until this moment. He may as well see how it was, right? And, if he didn't like the pack, he could always just say so. He wouldn't get attacked just for that, would he?

Picking up his pace, Arsenal hurried to where the howl. He arrived late on the scene, just fast enough to hear the female's intentions. Wait, hadn't he met her before? Their interaction had been short, but he had. "We meet again." They had never really been introduced, but still, Arsenal offered her a weak smile. His mismatched gaze searched the crowd for any other wolves he may know, landing on one.

Wait. This was a joke. It had to be.

His paws dragging him towards his sister, he lowered his voice. "Ricochet? His voice still quiet, he continued. "We have to talk soon." With that, he fell silent, not wanting to disturb the meeting anymore than he already had.


Rœkia T


4 Years
09-01-2016, 09:48 PM

Rœkia couldn't help herself and she fidgeted as more and more wolves poured in. Well, well, it seemed Peregrine had quite a few more friends than she'd first imagined and she wondered what relation the new alphess had to all of them. Rœkia took in the sights and scents of the new wolves. Wolves that were likely to be her future packmates and wolves she would need to know more about. She could feel Wolf shifting on her shoulder, his head tilting in the usual manner of birds. It seemed a few of them wanted to talk to Peregrine in private and for kicks she turned to the other woman and stated, "I'd like to talk to you after this as well. I have important gnome questions to ask you." She winked to let the other know she was joking before the meeting officially began.

There was one wolf in particular that had caught Rœkia's attention and she quickly looked away, it was faint but there was no mistaking that scent. Abaven. Now what was one of Abaven's little pixie's doing out here? Rœkia's thoughts drifted lightly to the Abaven girl she had poisoned sometime back. Well, this was going to be interesting.

Rœkia soaked in Peregrine's words and sat with a quiet grin on her face. Now this was her kind of pack. "You already know I'm in 100% Peregrine. I should like to pursue the rank of healer, you are fairly familiar with my skills already but let me know if you wish to test me."

"Talk" Wolf Think



4 Years

09-11-2016, 06:33 PM

Peregrine patience appeared to pay off. A few more lurkers would come forth from the woods, one of which was an absolutely beautiful fae (Score!) and a darker, vaguely familiar male who greeted her with familiarity. Peregrine wracked her brain. Most interestingly of course was that he seemed to know Ricochet. Peregrine would blink at that, but seeing them side by side showed similar features. Was this a relative, perhaps? Pere pursed her lips, telling herself she'd ask later if she remembered. It would likely surprise few to hear that Peregrine was never one to draw things out, nor was she a fan of unnecessary pomp.

She nodded at Roekia, agreeing to talk to her after this wrapped up, and smiled as she declared her intent. "I know you would make a marvelous healer for this pack, Mags." She turned her gaze to the others, raising her brows and offering a half smile. "If anyone else knows the path they would like to follow tell me now. Otherwise let me know soon, I know it's a big decision. If you don't feel like any of those paths suit you let me know, I'd be more than happy to cater to specific skill sets. I'd also like all of you to get to know the territory and the lands around us. Your new packmates, too," she added with a wink. "Also, I impose no regulations when it comes to leaving pack lands as long as you're here for meetings, ceremonies, and in the meantime are providing for the pack in whatever way you can. If anyone has anything to say, say it now. Otherwise, meeting adjourned. Any of those who wanted to speak with me personally stick around, I'll speak to you all as soon as I can." She sat and waited for the first of them to make a move.

Gods, she didn't even know all of their names. She supposed she would get to know them all in time, and only if they really wanted to stick around. No point in putting much effort in before then, but she hoped they would all seek her out at some point so she could soothe her curiosity. She was also somewhat concerned with what her friends would chose to talk to her about, but tried to keep herself from fearing the worst. After all, what was the worst that could happen? She'd bounce back, just like she always did.

"Talk" "You" Think