
Black widow, baby



Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamous
08-22-2016, 09:13 PM
OOC: Set immediately after the challenge.

With a rolling, lazy gait Sabine exited the battlefield. With each step away the ground underfoot became harder and the space between patches of grass grew longer. Sabine knew where she was going. She'd been to the crypt on many an occasion. There was a distinctly ethereal quality to it. While she came from a superstitious people, the woman was not herself superstitious. She knew just how well the senses could be tricked, how easily they were to manipulate. How many time had she been convinced of something only to find out the opposite were true? Still, her skepticism didn't in any way diminish the creep factor the crypt held and that was why she was heading to it and not, say, the ship she was growing rather fond of.

So why the dark and spooky crypt over the also dark but less creepy ship? Because the crypt was the kind of sweet place Sabine would take a date. Somewhere behind her (hopefully) lurked a brute with a handsome voice. She'd rather liked his narrative at the challenge and his voice, combined with the excitement of battle had been quite exhilarating. Before leaving the battlefield she'd hinted at a desire to see more of the man and made a point to make sure Ehrgeiz had better things to do than follow on her heels.

Immediately upon stepping into the crypt Sabine noticed a sharp dip in temperature. The stillness that waited before her caused the hair on the back of her neck to stand up. That, combined with the smell of blood that still clung to her fur from the battlefield set her nerves on edge. Perfect. Yep, this was the perfect place to get to know someone. Hopefully he'd bite.


[Image: bK4cZNp.png]



2 Years
08-23-2016, 01:57 PM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2016, 02:16 PM by Ren.)
Ren thought about staying behind, staying with Peregrine, or maybe even going after Zephyra. He thought about dealing with Nixie, who had tried to attack the blind healer of Myriad who was blindly loyal. He cast all of those away, instead focusing on this curious woman who could not see, but exuded an air of confidence. He followed her from fa few steps behind, taking the opportunity to examine her fully.

The first thing he noticed - back when he stood near her on the battlefield - was her height. She was quite a bit taller than him, and taller than even his sister, though not by much. The difference between their sizes was not quite so drastic as the difference between him and his other two sisters, though. What was more interesting was her markings. He was unique; his fur was a dark, deep, midnight blue that often was mistaken for black, with cream markings on his toes and under his eyes. This woman was much less unnaturally colored like his family, and had various grey markings, with earthy red in interesting patterns. Like... the stripes on her legs, and the dots above the stripes on her front legs. It was all very mesmerizing to the young man, who was used to more simplistic markings from his family.

What was most mesmerizing was the way she walked, the way she acted and the air she gave off. Confident, don't-fuck-with-me and something that just hinted at absolute wickedness. She showed an appreciation for Peregrine, as well, and the battle that had been described. And so Ren followed, eyes gleaming darkly as he followed her into the depths of the crypt.

The blast of cool air was something he had not expected, and he twiched a bit nervously before settling himself again. It felt... odd here. Mystifying, almost. It was eerie how quiet it was, and yet it seemed every claw scratch sound they made was louder than it ever could be. It made his fur stand on end, a bit, but it also made him grin. "Interesting place you brought me," he rumbled, voice low, nostrils flaring as he tried to pinpoint her location. He thought she was a few feet in front of him, but he wasn't exactly certain. Either way, he still followed.

"Speech" "You"



Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamous
08-27-2016, 06:08 PM
A toothy smile slowly split her lips as the sound of claws on stone became audible behind her. So he had chosen to follow her. Good. He had a sexy voice and she wanted to hear more of it, but knocking him over the head and dragging him off hadn't sounded like a good idea with a small crowd of wolves milling around them. He was undoubtedly smaller than her, but she doubted he was so small that she could tuck him under one of her forearms and make off with him without someone noticing.

Aw, and he knew he was being led too. Was his verbalizing that fact an attempt to put them on level ground? How cute. She purred back, "Isn't it?" Sabine's steps slowed so she wouldn't accidentally leave the man behind as she navigated the tunnels. Hopefully, even though her voice was soft, he'd be able to follow the sound of it and her pawsteps if he listened carefully. She didn't know at what point all light was lost in these caves, but she assumed that point, if it hadn't already come, would be coming shortly for him. If he wasn't already in complete darkness he would be soon enough.

"Sound," she said softly as she paused to listen for his pursuit. "Carries remarkably well in here." Sabine had no intention of letting him catch up right away and if she could help it, she intended to keep just beyond his reach. She wanted to lead him around a bit, test his mettle and see what he was made of.

[Image: bK4cZNp.png]



2 Years
08-30-2016, 08:08 PM
And then the darkness came. Slowly at first, but then all at once. It overtook his vision and he froze for the briefest moments -- he couldn't see. What would he do? It was an utterly insticntual reaction, and it took a moment for Ren to calm that fight or flight response down, to realize that he didn't need to see. He could use his ears, his nose, the brush of his fur on the stone. He was not helpless, though in a way he was. It was interesting, he thought, how wolves such as this woman are constantly in darkness, and yet still manage quite fine. The darkness that just enveloped him would be no different from anything she has ever experienced.

Her sultry voice, low and quiet, stirred a heat within him, and her words made him chuckle. "Yes, from what I feel," he murmured. He wasn't going to mention sight to her, nope. When she spoke again, he did try to catch up, his steps quickening as he sought to get at least a bit closer and catch her. "Yes, I can hear that. It is amplified, too," he answered, just as quietly. It was truly unique, and something he'd not experienced before.