
Metal to Rust



4 Years

08-23-2016, 06:43 PM

Peregrine was having a grand ole time scouting the areas that lay around her new home. It was crucial in her eyes to know as much about the landscape they lived in as possible, but she had no where near enough scouts to help with that. The idea of recruiting was somewhat of a foreign concept to her. So far she'd been waiting around, hoping for the best and welcoming those who were starting to trickle in. She hoped to expand her borders too, and this place seemed a prime location to claim, though she did not like the idea of an impassable river separating one side of her pack from the other in the event of heavy rains or what have you. Still, the hunting was marvelous, for those with the ability. Perhaps she'd stick with 'summer playground' a while longer.

She kept her eye on the swath of grass before her, waiting for any hint of movement. Either the herd of bison had fled the heat or just up and disappeared, but either way she'd managed to lose track of the entire herd. Sighing, she cursed her utter lack of hunting sense. For all that others had tried to help her luck was abysmal and her lack of attention was... an issue, for sure. Something she was willing to work on if given the proper motivations. As it was, the sun was just beginning to creep past midmorning, and soon the day's heat would be in full swing. Perhaps better to retire before then...

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Dire wolf
08-23-2016, 08:01 PM
Even though seasons had passed since the fall of Imperium Angelus was still caught off guard by the presence of non pack members on formerly claimed land. It was for this reason that he was keeping tabs on the woman's movements as she wandered around the land. The giant was well aware of the new pack's existence. How could he not be? He was close to both the battlefield and the Rio Grande, and he'd heard both the call for a fight and the claiming howl. He didn't know who this woman was, but he strongly suspected she was connected in some way to the new pack.

Aw, what the hell. He may as well go be nosy and see if he could get answers for all of his questions.

The giant's long stride easily ate up the ground between him and the woman. He approached perpendicular to her left side. The wind was in his favor now and he was able to glean a bit more information about the woman. It confirmed a few of his assumptions; she was a woman, and she belonged to the new pack whose name he had not yet learned. Not just that, he realized as he got closer, but she was the alpha. "Interesting," he thought to himself. Angel couldn't help but look her over with new eyes. Now he was obligated to be nosy.

"If you're looking for the bison," he called as he drew closer, "As it warms up they head to the low ground between the knolls, and to the river to cool off." Her interest in the bison was a guess, but he thought it a pretty good one given the location and the way she was looking.



4 Years

08-24-2016, 07:47 PM

Peregrine was deep in her thoughts when the voice of a stranger announced their appearance. Peregrine almost choked on the surprised gasp she sucked inwards, managing to limit herself to a few quiet coughs instead. The man she'd swiveled to see was one of the biggest wolves she'd ever seen, matched by few others. His coat was comprised of a dark slate palette, and he was as big as a bull. Peregrine's surprise gave way to a frazzled peal of laughter. "Gods! Scare the spots right off my ass, why don't you," she groused good-naturedly. Peregrine forced her shoulders to relax. After all, if he'd meant her harm he wouldn't have announced himself, right?

Well, she hoped so at least. At long last Peregrine processed what he'd actually said and was able to respond. "Bison, right. Well I wasn't so much looking as using the pretense of looking to laze about, but I suppose it's close enough. Thanks all the same! It seems like you're familiar with this area?" She certainly hoped so. Of all the lands she'd seen in her short time in this realm the southern lands seemed quite hospitable, but to say she knew them would be a bit of a stretch. She sat back on her haunches, pondering the best segue to start picking his brain. She supposed an introduction might help. "I'm Peregrine Myre, not that you asked. I lead Aerie, this realm's newest pack." Okay, so maybe she was a bit prideful. It had been quite the journey after all, except if she'd been walking before she was moving at a dead sprint now and didn't appear to be slowing down any time soon. This man was just another step along the way.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Dire wolf
08-27-2016, 09:18 PM
Not for one second had he considered the possibility that he might scare her. He was kind of a big guy; it was awfully hard for him to go unnoticed so he just kind of assumed - arrogantly, maybe - that wherever he went he was noticed. Her surprised reaction was almost enough to give him a start and her words, when she collected herself, were almost enough to knock him over because they were so unexpected. He had almost scared the her ass? The brute had to resist the urge to glance at the aforementioned glutes, not because he doubted that her ass had spots, but simply because she'd drawn attention to it.

"I..." For a moment he wasn't sure what to say. Between his surprise at her words and the temptation to look at her ass, Angel couldn't decide how to react. He recovered quickly; smoothly transitioning from gobsmacked to spirited in a matter of heartbeats. "Forgive me, I didn't realize ass-spots were as easy to scare off as hiccups." It was a weak attempt at humor, but it was all he could muster with so little forewarning.

Her next couple of statements gave him a glimpse into exactly what kind of person he was conversing with. Every word out of her mouth so far had been laced with confident sass leading him to the impression that he was dealing with a very spirited person. With a hint of an amused smile on his lips, he said, "Sounds like my kind of scouting." Angelus nodded in response to her question. He saw no harm in telling her the truth. "I grew up here."

Aerie, huh? It was a pretty name and it paired well with the beauty of its leader. "So far its been a pleasure, Peregrine. Can't say I've ever almost scared the spots off someone's ass before. My name's Angelus, but," a faint smile returned to his lips, "you can call me Angel." He paused a beat, then said, "You fought for your pack, didn't you?"



4 Years

08-30-2016, 07:02 PM

Peregrine had always found the concept of 'delicacy' to be a tricky one. How was she expected to be 'delicate' with her actions or words when they were not physical things? Or at least that had been her argument for as long as she could remember. In this case, the incredibly large male seemed more than a bit surprised at her outburst. A flushing heat grew beneath her fur... Unpleasant.

Luckily, he opened his mouth and something funny came out. She chuckled, "Oh yes, they're terribly flighty features. A real pain in the.. well, you get the picture." She sent him a wink and hoped it would be well received. Testing the man's mettle seemed like it would prove to be quite the entertaining experience. He approved of her unusual scouting anyways, and that alone was good enough for her until she heard that he had grown up in these lands as well. Her ears perked, standing alert and upright atop her head. "You don't say? Well in that case perhaps I'll try to con you out of some information." Another smile, mercury eyes molten with interest. It must have been her lucky day. He introduced himself as Angelus, or Angel, and she almost (almost) laughed. An angel, huh? How fitting.

Curiously, he was interested in how she had won her pack. She nodded, followed by a shrug. "I did. Of the packs I'd crossed paths with one was described as weak, lacking structure. It seemed a good bet, and it was. Here we are." She shrugged again, wondering if he was going to give her that same look that everyone else did. Surprise, sometimes disbelief. She left out the size of the wolf she'd fought, one nearly as big as he was. It seemed pointless. Well if he's going to say anything bring it on, she thought, while subconsciously squaring her shoulders. Aerie was hers now and anyone who doubted she was fit to lead would just have to take it from her.

"Talk" "You" Think