
Throw your ideas at me!



9 Years
Athena I
08-27-2016, 12:19 AM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2017, 11:41 PM by Leo.)
Here's a list of my characters with some details for each of them. Click on their name to go to their profile <3

  • Age: 4 Years
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: ?
  • Pack: Fiori
  • Things to know: Amaia speaks mainly Spanish and some broken English!
  • Looking for: Love interests, friends, someone to help her with her English, anything!

  • Age: 7 Years
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Pack: Fiori
  • Things to know: She's Amalia's mate and they have lots of kids! She doesn't get out much these days, but that doesn't mean she can't. Threads would probably be somewhere nearish to Fiori though.
  • Looking for: Open for any ideas!

  • Age: 4 Years
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Pack: Celestial
  • Things to know: She's a little sweet cinnamon roll of a wolf, but she's trying to make herself grow up more and be more responsible.
  • Looking for: Friends, crushes that might turn into a love interest, more connections in Celestial, anything!

  • Age: Pup (will be 1 this winter)
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: TBD
  • Pack: Lirim
  • Things to know: He's still young, but getting more adult-like by the day! He's very chivalrous.
  • Looking for: New friends, threads with family, friends that could develop into crushes later, training of all sorts

  • Age: Pup
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: ?
  • Pack: Lirim
  • Things to know: Still a pup! She'll have to stick close to Lirim for a while still. She's an aspiring healer and I'd love for her to get an early start on her training.
  • Looking for: Healing training, new friends, pack threads, ect. Open to ideas!

  • Age: Pup (Will be 1 this winter)
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: ?
  • Pack: Celestial
  • Things to know: She was born missing a hind leg so it would be unrealistic for her to venture too far from Celestial. She'll start to get out more as she gets older though.
  • Looking for: Threads with family/siblings, possible new friends, possible future crushes, healing training.

  • Age: 7 Years
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Pack: Celestial
  • Things to know: She's blind, but she gets around fairly well. She just started a family with Castiel and is very protective of her children.
  • Looking for: I'd love for her to get to know more of Castiel's family! Also need threads with her kids, practice with healing, and is just open to suggestions

  • Age: 6 Years
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Pack: Fiori
  • Things to know: He's Fiori's alpha, has kids, wife went missing a while back. He's very friendly and social and loves making friends. He's in love with Carletta.
  • Looking for: More friends, threads with pack members, connections with other packs, practice spars.

  • Age: 1 Year
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Dunno yet!
  • Pack: Abaven possibly?
  • Things to know: He's pretty much a blank slate still. He's a generally sweet boy, but he's very naive and susceptible to influences.
  • Looking for: Anything!

  • Age: Pup (Will be 1 this winter)
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Dunno yet!
  • Pack: None yet
  • Things to know: This is one of Solaris' children. He's a brave little ball of fire that thinks he's hot shit so be ready to have your hands full if you want to thread with him!
  • Looking for: Anything!

  • Age: 2 Year
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Pack: None
  • Things to know: She has a female cardinal friend named Abby who is like a little bird sized mom! She's on the road with Ganta at the moment. Potential dramas are brewing ;D
  • Looking for: Lots of friends, lots of threads, all the lessons, anything!

  • Age: 3 Years
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Pack: Abaven
  • Things to know: She really wants to get to know more of the Abaven wolves and figure out how to be more helpful in the pack, but she's kinda trying to figure out how to fit in still too. She feels really distant from her siblings, but doesn't really know why. She's just figuring life out!
  • Looking for: Abaven threads, family threads, spars, exploring, crushes, anything!

  • Age: 6 Years
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Pack: None
  • Things to know: He's had a bit of a hard time. He left after seeing his sister die, ended up falling in love with someone while he was away, and his mate passed away from an illness shortly after they had children together. He's just returned to Boreas to try and find a pack to live in to keep his kids safe.
  • Looking for: A pack to live in, new friends, possible love interests, someone to help him with the kids.

  • Age: 5 Years
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Pack: Fiori for now
  • Things to know: He might be going to live in Abaven soon, but not sure when that'll happen! He has a major crush on Finch.
  • Looking for: Some threads with peeps in Abaven, threads with Finch's family, threads with his own family, spars!

  • Age: 1 Year (Will be 2 this winter)
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Pack: None
  • Things to know: He's pretty straight to the point and blunt for the most part. He's definitely not the bubbly, feely type.
  • Looking for: My original idea for him was to have him find someone that he grows attached to and gets feelings for (as much "feelings" as Uvall can feel). That doesn't really meld with the Abraxas plans so there could be some drama there? Maybe he can find several women he feels that way over and gets protective and possessive of them all? I don't know, throw ideas at me!

  • Age: 5 Years
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: Not sure!
  • Pack: Lirim
  • Things to know: She's kind of recovered for the most part from her rape, but she's still pretty iffy on strangers. She's still too kind to be mean to anyone and make them go away though!
  • Looking for: Healing points threads, new friends, threads with her kids, threads with family, threads with Lirim peeps, someone to potentially be a mate