
Aha! {Festival Spar}


08-09-2014, 11:24 AM

It was on a whim he supposed that he wandered to these lands. A festival of sorts going on, encouraging fighting and all. A place to test strength and perhaps see who held it. Kau was confident, yet the massive male also wondered if perhaps he was too overly confident. He had not kept his skills as sharp as they would have been if he remained in Lyenne, and yet, part of him desired for this so strongly. To bleed, to feel the pain. Perhaps... to allow some of that pain to ebb away. Kau wasn't so sure what he wanted anymore. Just when he thought he was over his grief of what he believed to be Avion's death he was going mad with longing and dangerous act again.

The male would stop, deciding that this was far enough. Purple eyes were narrowed, head tossed back as he let out a ringing howl for his opponent. Thor. He didn't know any other wolves present here. He had not exactly taken much time to go out and meet the locals of the land. When he finished with his summons Kau would roll his shoulders, popping the bones. What was this illness he seemed to have contracted? Had Avion placed such a hold on the ex-heir? Love... what a strange beast it was.

It could make the strongest men crumble into a pile of mush.



1 Year
08-09-2014, 12:16 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had been a shadow to Thor after she had found him here at the festival, far too intrigued and curious to think of staying behind in the prairie. For a while she had tried it, designating herself the honorary protector of her siblings in the large brown male's absence, but when nothing happened there along the borders of their makeshift home, and knowing so much could have been going on that she was missing at the festival, Bera had given up her pretense of protector and gone to follow after her idol and brother.

It had all been strange and rather thrilling. There were so many wolves here gathered together, all sharing in a moment of peace and enjoying the good weather the gods had seen fit to give them. She could hardly believe they were all so chatty and social, expecting almost at any moment for a fight to break out, for dominance to be challenged, for someone to say the wrong thing and disrupt the jovial mood. But none broke out on their own. Instead the fights were coordinated, encouraged in a structured setting that had drawn her in from the moment the young brown pup had heard about it. A part of her had wished to jump at the chance to participate but she knew her skills were, for the time being at least, limited. And as soon as she had heard Thor would be participating she knew she could not miss it, even for a spar of her own.

Bera had drifted away from Thor's side as the spars commenced, watching them all with rapt attention from afar. There were so many different types of wolves, so many different styles of fighting, that she was eager to see them all, to take notes where she could and learn from their successes and mistakes. She wandered with a wag about her tail, a light within her vibrant green eyes, and an excited smile upon her lips, taking it all in and feeling that itch in her paws to have her own turn. It was too late now, but soon, she hoped, she would be old enough to jump in and show what she could do.

She was all focus and attention until the call for Thor rang across the lakeside field, what was left of her ears twitching and turning to angle toward the noise. Who was this, this wolf her brother would fight? Curious, wondering where he had gotten to in her inattention, she set out to find the wolf in question, her growing legs, not quite gangly yet but leaving her rounded pup days behind, loping along until she came before him. She stopped short, a combination of intimidation and awe seizing her the moment she saw him. He was huge, bigger even than Thor, and from the way he was already posturing himself she had to believe that he knew what he was doing. She had thought to say something to him before the match, what she had not decided yet, but now seeing him Bera was not sure she could. Her voice felt lost, quieted in the man's presence, and without a word the brown pup moved to sit off to the side and wait for Thor to show up and get the spar started.



4 Years
08-10-2014, 05:35 PM

Seeing Bera as he padded towards his opponent, the brute grinned at her. "Thinking of joining us, Bearcub?" he teased, amusement evident in his voice. He didn't mind the audience; hopefully the other brute wouldn't mind it either.

Stopping once he was no more than a couple wolf lengths in front of Kau, Thor squared himself off with the other brute. He wasn't a big fan of the whole circling thing, preferring to face his opponents head on. Perhaps a bit jovial for the occasion, the brute cast a toothy grin in Kau's direction. Excitement lit him up like a match. Years of warring had instilled this in him. He was pleased with the prospect of testing his strength against someone else's, thrilled with the opportunity to draw blood.

He slid into his defenses, the little modifications in stance rolling over him like a well worn jacket. The brute lowered his head so that it was even with his chest and tucked his chin. His heart rate went up, adrenaline coursing through him. Staying calm in a fight wasn't exactly the brute's strong point. That his sanity was still clinging to him was a marvel. He ground his teeth, feeling on edge. Holding his tail out behind him, the brute rolled his weight forward so that it was held over his front limbs. Thor bent his knees, body tensing as he dug his nails into the dirt. He smiled again, this time the gesture taking on a hard edge. "Your move," he rumbled, letting the caller go first.

"Speaking" Thinking
[Image: 2z9gv88.png]


08-24-2014, 04:19 AM

A girl would show first. A pup... A child. Purple orbs would flick to the brown girl, a frown on his face. She seemed to be intrigued, perhaps in awe of his size. It was not the first time a kid would look at him in such a way. The male would not speak to her, nor smile. He was focused on the task at hand and nothing more. Ears would prick up however, gaze shifting to another that would enter the otherwise occupied area. This had to be his opponent, the one named for one of the so called gods he heard of. In Kau?s mind there were only a few true gods... And this male, sharing a name or not, was certainly not one of them. He would bleed like any other wolf.

By how the man addressed the girl he would figure she was kin of sorts. A daughter, a sister, a cousin... Did it matter? He had so many family members himself and didn?t give a damn about any of them. Purple hues would seize the man up, taking in his size and what his possible strength might be. At least he was not some shrimp... He would probably provide a worthy challenge. Ah... Now that was something that Kau was interested in. He was also rather handsome looking... Not one hundred percent suited to his tastes but certainly a juicy number. But he wasn?t here to flirt, now was he? It was time to get to business.

?Best of luck.? The words would come out with a touch of eagerness. His opponent would set his defenses and Kau would focus on doing the same. Brow would furrow in concentration, determination, as purple orbs narrowed to reflect a similar manner. Tipped ears would lay flat against his skull, head sliding downward toward his chest, aligning with his spine, with his chin tipped inward a bit more to protect his throat. The massive male would scrunch his neck, rolling shoulders forward and lifting his tail to align it with his spine as well. Kau found his center by distributing all his weight between his four legs, tightening his core in preparation for what was to come. Knees would bend at the joints, claws digging into the earth in anticipation.

It was on.

Kau would move forward, giving no hesitation for what he aimed to do. Head would drop a bit further -- his height was a disadvantage against most opponents. The massive male shifted his body to the right, aiming to strike Thor?s left side shoulder to shoulder in a frontal slam. His own left foreleg, once close enough, would seek to slam down upon the other male?s front left toes with his full weight, aided with a bit of strength from the charge. Finally Kau?s jaws would seek Thor?s left side, between the area of the spine and the center of his side. The male?s bite was also about a head length past his opponent?s shoulder. He wanted to gain a good hold on the other?s flesh or at least tear into it good.

Rounds:: One out of ---? {Up To You. :3}
Attacks:: Frontal slam {left shoulder to left shoulder} after Kau shifts to the right in a charge, slam of left forepaw upon Thor?s left forepaw, bite aimed upon Thor?s left side past his shoulder {with hope of gaining a hold}

Defenses:: Brow furrowed, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, head aligned with spine, chin tipped forward, scrunched neck, shoulders rolled forward, tail aligned with spine, weight distributed, core tightened, knees bent
Injuries:: None yet.
Notes:: Good luck Laz! Don?t worry about defaults from me if you need more time to post. Sorry for the delay on my end. Also, if you need a diagram I?d be more than happy to provide one.




4 Years
08-27-2014, 07:34 PM

His opponent would rush towards him and Thor would ready himself for the coming attack. His world narrowed until there was nothing before him but his towering opponent. The brute would tense, his chin tucking further, shoulders rolling forward to deepen the protective shield around his neck; eyes narrowing and ears flattening in a subconscious effort to save his easily damaged assets from harm. Sensing that Kau, the much taller of the two, would use his height against him, Thor crouched down, legs coiling squarely under his body in preparation of his counterattack. For balance, his tail was held stiffly out behind him. The brute's fur rose all over, his hackles standing taller than the rest to shield his spine from crippling injuries.

It begins.

At the last second, Thor would spring up, front paws leaving the ground as he took Kau's shoulder slam in the left forward side of his chest. He rolled with it, leaving short tracks in the dirt as he let his opponent's momentum push him. On the heels of the slam, Thor felt teeth dig into the fatty skin of his upper left shoulder. To compensate for balance lost and to avoid getting further unsettled, he took a big step backwards and to the right (putting his whole body slightly more to the left of Kau). The air left his lungs in a grunt, pain blossoming across the entirety of his chest and flaring up along his shoulder. Having removed them from harm by rearing up, the brute's toes would go unsquashed.

There was no time to consider the damage done.

Aided by his spring up (his brothers were giants; he was no novice at facing wolves taller than himself), the brute zeroed in on Kau's neck. In preparation of his counterattack, Thor leaned his forward weight to the right in the hopes that it would strengthen the blow he was getting ready to deal, should it land. His left paw would seek to snake passed the right side of his opponent's face with the intent of digging his dewclaw/side of his paw into the muscle just behind the brute's head (the top portion of the brachiocephalic muscle) while the right paw would attempt to take a more damning path, aiming to land with all the force he could muster in the lower left side of Kau's neck, just above his forward shoulder (the trapezius muscle) in the hopes that the brute would become unbalanced. The intent wasn't to bearhug his opponent, instead, he hoped that by pushing hard from the one side while providing resistance to the other Kau would be forced to roll with Thor's attack or risk injury to his neck.

Meanwhile, Thor's jaws would part as his head darted to right, teeth flinging wide as he sought to catch the brute across the left side of his face. Knowing that it would weep tremendously, he aimed to dig his right canine tooth into the delicate skin of Kau's forehead while seeking to bury his lower right canine into the skin below his violet eye. This was only a spar and while he didn't wish any significant harm upon his opponent, he was willing to seize any opportunity that came his way to secure a victory. After all, there was a bear cub to impress.

Round 1 of 2

Attacks: The third and fourth paragraphs xD (Essentially, his left paw is poised to grip the upper right side of Kau's neck and hold it in place, his right foreleg is poised to slam into the lower left side of Kau's neck to unbalance him and his right canines are poised to tear up the skin above and below Kau's left eye.)

Defenses: Tensed body, tucked chin, shoulders rolled forward, narrowed eyes, flattened ears, crouching down, tail out for balance, hackles raised

Injuries: Bruising to the forward facing part of his left shoulder, bite wound to upper left shoulder

Notes: Oi. Pm me if you have any questions or need a diagram...and if you need a diagram, no laughing at Lazzy's poor art skills, okay? xD

"Speaking" Thinking
[Image: 2z9gv88.png]


09-17-2014, 03:28 PM

It was the collision of two massive forces -- two males, one of earth tones and he of white and black moving across this temporary battlefield. All that mattered to Kau here was strength. Words would not do, ?friendly? spar or not the male came to put forth effort. He would live, but he would not slack in the fight because of that. If he did then what would become of him when the time came where he would actually need to fight for his life? Hell, it might even be against this male here; he had to be ready for every possibility.

So the two forms would meet, fur mingling as Kau?s left shoulder met with the left part of his opponent?s chest. Momentum would carry the two males, him forward, and Thor back, for a short distance. Purple gaze was narrowed, brow furrowed with determination. Ears lay flat against his skull, hackles remaining raised. Everything just rolled in succession -- the male stepping back and off to the right and his attempted slam upon the other?s toes, to mingle with his frontal assault, would miss, leaving a brown paw to settle in the dirt. Just before the other pulled back, and out of his jaws, Kau?s fangs would sink into the flesh of the Thor?s left shoulders, sinking in a moderate amount, though when the other moved back he would release his hold. At the angle presented it would not be wise to keep

Tail still remained aligned with his spine, his core tightened and breathing steady as he could keep them. Shoulders rolled back into their defensive position, his own paws digging into the earth as he planted himself, weight evenly distributed. Brute strength and overpowering his opponent -- that was what Kau desired.

The other would actually seek to rise, to gain purchase and hold upon his body so that he would have access to Kau?s face. His head lowered, knees bending, as both paws of the other male sought their position. By weight there wasn?t much of a difference between the two;; maybe ten or so pounds. It was height that gave Kau his leverage... Or at least so he believed. Kau lowered his head down to chest level, trying to push forward, in hopes of slamming into Thor again, to off-balance him now that he was on two paws instead of four.

Thor?s left paw would miss his brachiocephalic muscle with his head lowered so far, risking his scruff, but Kau didn?t care. If he could knock the other onto his back or side he?d be able to win this with no doubt in his mind. Instead the brute?s left paw would hit the top frontal part of his right shoulder, though Thor?s right paw would gain it?s intended target. The paw would slam into the lower left side of his neck, and though it would not unbalance him with his weight planted, it certainly would heavily bruise. Thor?s pressure on his neck would compromise Kau?s straight forward assault, and head would go more to the right even in his attempted ram.

That just left where Thor?s jaws landed with all of the movement going on. Fangs that sought his face would be above his head now, missing with his lowered head due to where they were initially aimed. But it wasn?t over yet. It was all going to depend on if he could unbalance this male, or if he could hold his ground with where his paws were and his almost equal weight to the male he was facing.

Rounds:: Two Out Of Two

Attacks:: Attempting to ram into Thor to knock him to the ground.

Defenses:: Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, brow furrowed, hackles raised, tail aligned with spine, core tightened, shoulders rolled forward, weight evenly distributed

Injuries:: Heavy bruising to the trapezius muscle on the left side of his neck.

Notes:: I?m sure this has a tone of clarity issues and probably powerplay issues. Just really wanted to give you something Laz so we could finish this. -Flails.- If you need a ref for where things are just skype me. I dunno... I kinda feel like Kau didn?t take anywhere near enough damage. :c

Songlist For Round Two:: [Decisive Battle by Tomoyo Mitani] ;; [Kick In The Teeth by Papa Roach] ;; [Monster by Skillet] ;; [Crossing Fate from Togainu No Chi Soundtrack] ;; [Bad Blood by Creature Feature] ;; [The Murderer by Alesana] ;; [Change The Formality] ;; [Sick Of It by Skillet] ;; [You?re Going Down by Sick Puppies] ;; [What Goes Around by Alesana]



4 Years
09-22-2014, 01:43 PM

His opponent would release his grip on Thor's upper left shoulder and the brute would grunt, feeling the pain lash down his side with renewed vigor. Without stopping to check, he could only guess at the damage done, but the punctures felt deep. There was no time to dwell on it though, and the only thought that was spared was to note that it would be in his best interest to keep it from harm through the rest of the fight.

Perhaps realizing his success with his first shove, Kau moved once more to slam into Thor. His strike was successful, although with the already limited space between them, perhaps not as successful as he'd been hoping for. Still on his hind legs, Thor would absorb the blow across the lower right portion of his chest. Pain would blossom there; the promise of a modest bruise to come. Feeling his balance being tested, Thor would allow himself to be pushed instead of trying to fight it. He rolled with the shove, taking a step back and pulling his forelimbs free of his opponent; seeking once more to have all four paws solidly planted on the ground while using Kau's shove to put several inches between them.

Centering his weight, Thor's toes would splay in preparation of the assault he was formulating. His eyes, still narrowed, would take in Kau once more, searching at a glance for a flaw that could be manipulated. Unwilling to give his opponent time to think, Thor was quick to begin his attack. He settled on a course of action, body tensing and knees bending as he sought to rush towards Kau. Coming in at an off-centered (slightly to the left of Kau, based on their past positioning), head on position, Thor lowered his head and rolled his shoulders forward, intent on driving the side of his right shoulder into his opponent's left forward facing shoulder in the hopes of damaging the tendons or even dislocating the shoulder. Behind him, his tail would rise to become level with his spine in preparation of the jarring, and possibly off-balancing, impact.

Simultaneously, Thor's head would snap to the right, his ears pinning as his jaws sought a second target. Lips would curl back to reveal merciless fangs as the brute would seek to bury his canines into the left side of his opponent's neck, just above and behind his left forward facing shoulder.

Round 2 of 2

Attacks: Attempting to drive his right shoulder into Kau's left shoulder, attempting to bite into the left side of Kau's neck

Defenses: Weight centered, toes splayed, narrowed eyes, body tensed, knees bent, head lowered, shoulders rolled forward, lips curled, ears pinned, tail raised

Injuries: Moderate bite wound to shoulder, moderate bruising to left shoulder, mild bruising to his lower right chest

Notes: ---

"Speaking" Thinking
[Image: 2z9gv88.png]

The Judge


10-09-2014, 12:54 AM

Thor VS Kau

Round 1


CLARITY: 10 / 10


DEFENSES: 7 / 10

ATTACK: 7 / 10

INJURIES: 10 / 10

Round one Kau Total: 44 / 50


CLARITY: 7 / 10


DEFENSES: 6 / 10

ATTACK: 8 / 10

INJURIES: 10 / 10

Round one Thor Total: 41 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 8 / 10


DEFENSES: 7 / 10

ATTACK: 4 / 10

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Round two Kau Total: 36 / 50


CLARITY: 9 / 10


DEFENSES: 8 / 10

ATTACK: 7 / 10

INJURIES: 6 / 10

Round two Thor Total: 40 / 50


Kau: 80 /100

Thor: 81 /100

And the winner is...

Thor!Kau must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Kau- Brusing on the left side of his neck and chest, possible bite on the left side of his neck

Thor- Bite wound on the shoulder, brusing on left shoulder and chest

First off, sorry for the delay, guys. I might have kinda forgetten about this x_X Anyway, good fight! As you can see it was reeeeeally close.
Keno: First post was fine and you already listed your mistakes for your second post in the notes so you know what you did. Only other note is to try to avoid doing a one move, very simple attack like that because it won't earn you any extra points.
Lazuli: I love your writing style, but your attacks were hard to read at times. My suggestion would be to just dial down the wordyness just a bit so that the attacks can be more straightforward to read. Also, be careful to make sure all of the defenses you want in your post are actually stated in your post.
- Shelby <3


10-14-2014, 12:27 PM

While Kau had been successful in driving his opponent back to the ground the male was beginning to feel the spar was dragging on just a bit too long. His opponent gave him no more time to think on more than that however, considering the brown male was already on the move. He would barely do a quick correction of his defenses before the other male would ram into him, causing Kau to grunt. In his thought he hadn?t even prepared a counter attack, leaving Thor?s own to mercilessly land. Fangs would bury into the left side of his neck, and he?d let out a low growl. But he didn?t move to tear away, or make further attack of his own. No... He was done.

?That?s enough. I submit, Thor. You?ve shown your strength.? His words would rumble, his defenses being released to have his body go to a normal position. His opponent would hopefully back down after hearing his words of defeat. But Kau was not upset, no, in his eyes shown something akin to happiness. Pleasure. He was glad to have fought a worthy opponent here. It made him believe his time had not been wasted... And the Kedieo male would wait, wishing to give just a small bit of praise to the other when he let go before Kau would take his leave.