
No, not today



10 Years
Athena I
08-29-2016, 10:28 PM

Baine really needed a distraction. She was sleeping a bit better now with some help from some herbs that Zuriel showed her how to use so she wasn't so tired, but that didn't help her worrying mind from thinking all the worst thoughts all the time. She set out from the ravine where she and her family lived, determined to do something with her day other than sit around and worry. Maybe she just needed fresh air! But the more she padded through the plains the more she began to think that wasn't the case. It was too quiet and the only thing to do when she was walking in the quiet was think and that didn't solve anything.

An idea hit her and she knew just what to do. She needed to meet someone new! There were a ton of wolves around here that she hadn't gotten to personally meet yet! She loved meeting new wolves. Her stomach was kinda growling too though. Maybe she could meet someone and they could hunt! Two birds with one stone! Reenergized by her new plan, she picked up the pace and kept an eye out for anyone that might wanna do just that with her. Finally she spotted a brown and white wolf in the distance and her tail wagged behind her as she turned to head toward the kinda-stranger. She had seen her around at meetings and stuff, but she'd never actually introduced herself. She gave the kinda-stranger a soft bark to get her attention as she trotted up behind her, giving the other girl a happy smile. "Hey there!" she greeted, stopping in front of her a couple of feet away. Her head tipped to the side and her brows pulled together with thought. "Wait... Don't tell me... It starts with a L... right? Lucky?" she guessed with a hopeful grin.

"Talk" "You" Think