
All on my own



5 Years
09-01-2016, 05:56 PM

Crimson eyes enclosed by thick black eyelashes stare blankly into the foggy distance of the soulless forest. No emotion is present upon the dames porcelain like features, not even the rustling of bushes in the distance can break her void countenance. The warm summer sun slips through the tree tops to prey upon red babes body, and for a moment she appreciates the forests clammy climate. She could always stay cool here despite the blistering heat of the summer sun, as long as Artemis's demons didn't flush her out. Often times they would play tricks on her, the voices of what once was preying upon eager ears. Some nights she would see Artemis's ghastly silhouette breaching the fogs border, but to her disappointment it was always the forest playing tricks on her. Yes, the incidents took a tole on her emotions, but this was her home, and nothing could deter the vixen from staying where she feels she belongs.


Slowly the babe reclines into a laying position, her small belly nimbly kissing the damp earth. She stretches out her toes and digs her nails into the dirt, an erotic sensation coursing through her body. Being in heat and not having a single friend in the world wasn't a gratifying combination. Yes, she had her two companions to chat with, but they couldn't fill the void in her heart that she felt every summer season. Until she could birth her first litter she would never feel a sense of fulfillment. Hopefully this season would bring change to her life. She needed it.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



9 Years
09-04-2016, 04:25 AM

Having nowhere to be at the moment, no place to go home to, Xephyris was wandering the lands, and he'd found himself in a very gloomy forest. Despite the warmth of the season, it seemed cooler here than most other places, and something about it was dark and unearthly; perhaps it was the fact that it was so eerily quiet. It was a fascinating place, but he had to be careful to keep his silver eyes on his paws and step carefully to avoid stumbling over uneven ground and tangled roots. As he moved along at a deliberate pace, he noticed a tantalizing scent on the air, a fragrance that called to his baser instincts. He halted in place, breathing gently as he considered his options. Should he take a break from his work, put his goals on hold momentarily? It had been tolling to constantly be scanning territories and meeting new wolves, and this would be a much more interesting way to spend his time.

Smirking to himself, he decided he would have a little fun today. Changing his direction, he followed the scent trail left behind by this female, his smirk growing wider as her scent grew stronger as he found his way closer to her. At last he saw her, her vibrant coat color standing out in stark contrast from the bleak and murky atmosphere. She was laying down in what appeared to be a rather comfortable position, her paws stretched out and nails digging into the mossy ground. Squaring up his shoulders, he approached her slowly, muscles rippling under his coat. He stopped a few feet away from her, his partially raised tail gently swishing back and forth as he smiled at her, his silver gaze seeking her vivid scarlet eyes. "Hello there," he greeted the crimson she-wolf, his voice a low rumble, "I heard you were looking for some company." His head tilted to the side, silver blue-flecked eyes searching over her uniquely colored coat and petite, feminine body, before he looked back to her eyes.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



5 Years
09-10-2016, 01:12 PM

Maroon ears flick backward as the sound of approaching foot steps infiltrates her senses. Her head is quick to follow as she tosses it back to look in the direction of the intruder, her crimson eyes dilating to adjust to the forests bleak lighting. Based on the scent she predicts the being is a male wolf, which wouldn't be surprising seeing that she was drowning the forest in her alluring perfume. How could any male resist their instincts- the impulse to reproduce and carry on their lineage?

She remains perfectly still as she waits for the man to appear, and does not move when he does. As his form emerges from the thick fog her eyes impulsively devour every inch of his large frame. There wasn't anything special about him. His pelt was mostly grey, his build was slightly above average, and he did not smell of a pack. His voice was charming though, and his words cracked a smile upon the babes exquisite face.  "This forest tells lies." Her voice is void of emotion when she speaks to him, but her right brow raises in amusement. "But perhaps you can tell me whom is spreading these rumors?" Elongated tail flicks upon the earths surface as she waits for the mans reply. Obviously no one had told him that she wanted company, so what reasoning could he possibly come up with?

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



9 Years
09-12-2016, 01:06 AM

He didn't miss the way her fiery eyes wandered over his frame, and he felt both a nervous twinge in his belly, as well as a thrill. What did she see in him? Was she impressed, or bored? He couldn't take his eyes off of her; she was stunning, and he was already enamored. The fragrance she was emitting was intoxicating, and when her voice reached his ears, he felt delighted yet again. She was pleasing and attractive to each of the senses. He smirked, watching her lovely tail flicking upon the ground. A low chuckle escaped him as her smooth voice called him out on his opening line. "This forest is haunted," he murmured, pausing for a moment before chuckling again, "Alright, you got me. I was looking for company, myself... lo and behold, I found you by chance."

Okay, it wasn't just by chance. He had been following the trail of her perfume for some time, and he'd finally discovered her. And he was glad he had, but would she be as amused? For him, the game had already begun, but knew he'd have to work hard to get her to play along. He placed one forepaw just a little closer to her, inhaling her scent greedily, his silvery-blue eyes raking over her body. "The name's Xephyris," he introduced himself, tilting his head with a sly smirk upon his maw, "What should I call you.. other than gorgeous?" He watched her with interest, wondering if she'd humor him.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



5 Years
09-12-2016, 04:05 PM

"This forest is haunted," HA! She scoffs at his words, her mind reeling as she thinks back to the multiple times this forest has played dirty tricks on her. This man didn't know the half of it- but she did not want to ponder on that thought for vert long. She was in heat, and a satisfactory man was standing before her asking for her attention. There was no need to ruin their encounter with talk of her demons. "Mmmm, you call it chance, I call it fate..." She murmurs with a devilish smirk on her lips. The gods had their way of planning her life out, she has no doubt in their wishes. There was a reason this man stumbled upon her, and soon she would find out why.

Slowly the vixen raises her body from the earth to recline onto her haunches, her elongated tail flicking delicately to lay on her front feet. She follows his eyes as they hungrily devour every inch of her petite frame. It was obvious that he admired her beauty... but how could he not. She is a goddess, a vixen, the prime example of undisturbed beauty. Not a single scar or blemish littered her exquisite embodiment. "You may call me Fiamette. She says gently as she extends her right paw toward him, offering him the chance to greet her with a kiss as any gentleman should do. Her facial expression has turned from void to inviting, and her body language is soft and composed. Being in heat had a way of putting her in a marvelous mood when a man started knocking at her door.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"