
Crown Of Thorns



4 Years
09-09-2016, 12:20 PM

It was early morning when Lionel woke up. A yawn slipped past his muzzle and he peered outside his den to be met with sunlight. The heat of the day hadn't quite set in yet and the russet yearling decided he wanted to take advantage of it. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do today, but it was going to be something. So he left his den, after a nice long stretch, and then set out towards the falls to see what he could do.

A part of him wanted to see if he could find one of his siblings. Alfred would surely want to do something and Heather was a fun playmate. He hadn't really spent a lot of time with Roza either, but that was also an idea. In the end though some flowers stopped him in his tracks. They were growing not too far from the falls and an idea formed in his head. Heather would like those, right? So he set to picking some of them.

Just handing her a bouquet of flowers seemed rather boring though so once he'd gathered enough he set them all down. He wasn't sure how he wanted to do it, but he was gonna make her a crown of flowers! So he sat for a little while until an idea came to mind. Leaving his bunch of flowers he began looking around at the lower trees and finally spotted what he was looking for. There, nestled in between two branches, was a rather large bird's nest. The young ones had already vacated and the parents could always build another one better than he could. Raising up on his hind legs he managed to push it out of the tree with his paw. Once it had landed he snatched it up gently in his jaws and then carried it back to his bouquet.

With his birds nest now he set to hollowing it out. The bottom was the first to go and he did this carefully so he wouldn't ruin it. He then thinned it out so it wasn't quite so thick and by the time he was done it was still intact. Feeling quite proud of himself, he sat and admired it for a moment before he began taking the flowers and placing them in it. Some of the stems had to be cut to make them shorter, but in the end he finally managed to weave a bunch of them in there with the twigs. By the time he was done it was already noon, but as he sat and looked at the crown of flowers filled with all sorts of colors, he felt an amazing amount of satisfaction. He hoped Heather liked it!

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: ouBhbyt.png]
[Image: Hr8G61Z.png]



7 Years
09-09-2016, 11:26 PM

She still hadn't fully gotten back into the swing of things since returning from her trip, and since her brother scolded her at the meeting for not tossing up a training she knew that she needed to get on that. She was just still so tired, they had pushed it on the way back to Fiori. All she wanted to do was curl up beside Athena after all that time apart, but duty called. Amalia had always been an early riser, so as the sun started to drift into the den she was up. Carefully peeling herself away from her larger mate, she placed a kiss on her forehead before wandering out to her herb den. The summer had been very dry, and a lot of the herbs that needed a more wet environment had already died. She frowned as she eyed her stocks, and knew that she needed to fill up on a lot of things. Letting out a sigh, she headed towards the Sunset falls first. The river that bled into the falls was deep enough that it hadn't dried up too much, so the water was still flowing. It was there that she hoped to find most of her damper loving herbs. Yawning, she stopped to stretch her legs before heading off at a leisurely walk.

On her way to one of the lower pools, she spotted the sunny orange of her brothers coat, only this boy was much smaller. Her dark blue eyes narrowed when she realized that it was Lionel, which brought a joyful smile to her face. Abandoning the task of plant hunting for now, she made a beeline for her nephew. As she grew closer, she saw that he was working with a birds nest, weaving flowers into it to make a pretty little crown. Her smile only grew at this, and she stopped at his side. "What have you got there?" she asked suddenly, her smile taking on more of a mischievous look to it. Was he hard enough at work that she was able to sneak up on him? She hoped so, it was fun to play with the yearlings! It didn't make her feel old, which is why she had sat on her brothers tail in their spring meeting. Letting out a soft giggle, she aimed to place a big, sloppy kiss on the top of his head, before trying to flop her smaller body on top of his. Her bottom legs kicked to the side as her front legs just skimmed the terrain, her elbows just by his ribs. Her little bunny tail wagged behind her, another laugh bubbling up from her throat.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
09-12-2016, 02:44 PM

Lionel was intent on what he was doing so he'd all but forgotten his surroundings. He wasn't worried since he was in Fiori's territory after all so there wasn't anything to be afraid of. He certainly hadn't heard his aunt creep up on him and he jumped as he heard a voice come from nowhere. He turned to look at her and his surrpise turned to a grin as he looked at her with his blue eyes twinkling with pride.

"It's a crown I made for Heather. I hope she likes it!"

He'd barely gotten his words out, he'd missed the mischievous grin, as she giggled and then kissed his head. Gross! This must have been what it felt like for Heather when he'd slobbered all over her. Giggling he shook his head. It'd just have to dry on its own. But that didn't seem all she was doing before she managed to flop on his back.She was laughing and as his own stomach pressed to the ground he found himself laughing too. His Aunt certainly behaved just like a kid some times, but he didn't mind. It made her a lot more fun.

"What are you doing out here Aunt Ama?" He'd ask her curiously with his tail thumping on the ground. It was a good thing she was pretty tiny. He'd be pretty squished right now if she was bigger than him.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: ouBhbyt.png]
[Image: Hr8G61Z.png]



7 Years
09-13-2016, 01:29 PM

He went on to say that he had made a flower crown for his sister, and her heart nearly melted into a neat little puddle at her paws. Why were they so darn cute? She just wanted to scoop them up and snuggle them, never letting them go. Her smile only grew bigger, and she didn't miss the look she got when he got a nice, slobbery kiss on his forehead. This only made Amalia giggle, flopping on him in earnest. That was the nice thing about being so small, she could pretty much lay on whoever she wanted and she wouldn't squish them! She wiggled her little body across his pack, leaning down to nip at his ear softly. "You are far too adorable, Lionel. Of course Heather is going to like it! I could just eat you up, really," The tiny woman gushed, her front paws tapping on the ground. She honestly couldn't handle how adorable he was, or any child for that manner. It made her miss when her boys were small, and even her girls were growing up too fast! It just wasn't fair. So she would just have to love on her nieces and nephews for now until they were too big too. The pale woman pouted at the thought, why couldn't they just stay babies forever?

When the orange male asked what she was doing here, she blinked and looked back at his features. Oh right! She should probably answer that. "I was coming to look for some herbs by the falls, but then I saw you and had to come say hi! You're so nice and cozy too!" Ama said with another laugh, putting her red coloured head down to snuggle into the back of his neck. Her tiny rabbit tail wagged behind her, her rump wiggling right along with it. "What about you? Are you just here to make the crown?"

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
09-13-2016, 05:40 PM

She nipped at his ear and he grinned before flicking his ear away from her with a chuckle. She was so silly! He was lucky to have such an awesome aunt. He doubted other kids had aunts that played with them like this or were as small as her. She was definitely the perfect size for it. His mood brightened even more as she agreed that Heather was going to like it. He'd been slightly worried it was too girly, but he'd put a lot of time into making it. Surely she'd love it!

"Aww but you can't eat me! Then you won't have an adorable nephew to love on anymore." He beamed at her jokingly.

It seemed to take her a minute for his question. He'd tilt his head to the side as he peered back at her as she blinked at him. It was almost as though she'd spaced out for a moment. An ivory ear flicked towards her as she mentioned herbs. Oh! He should have known that. She was the best healer in the pack after all. He found himself blushing when she called him cosy and snuggled into his fur. "I'm not that cozy." He protested. "But I was kinda bored and Heather's was a bit depressed a few days ago so I wanted to make something to cheer her up." He paused for a moment and added, almost to himself, "I wonder if I caught her a friend like Roza's... would she like that?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: ouBhbyt.png]
[Image: Hr8G61Z.png]



7 Years
09-27-2016, 01:12 AM

He flicked his ear out of her way, and she pouted at him. She just wanted a little taste of the silly boy! Letting out a giggle, she rolled over so that she was sprawled on him on her back. With her belly in the air she flopped her front of her chest. Amalia was glad that she had come here today, it was always nice to spend time with her nieces and nephews. When she commented on eating him up, he told her that she couldn’t do that because she wouldn’t have an adorable nephew anymore. "You know, you just might be right! Can’t I just have a little nibble? Then you will still be here and I can say that I can say that I sort of ate you up," she said in her teasing voice. Stretching out, she rolled off of Lionel and cuddled into his flank. He was just so soft she felt like she could take a nap right here forever and always. Her ears perked when he said that he wasn’t that cozy, which caused the tiny woman to shake her head in a vicious manner. "You are the most cozy, I promise. That big poofy coat of yours, mmm, so nice!" She squeaked, laughing as she smiled at him.

The grin didn’t last long though, when he mentioned that Heather had been depressed lately she frowned. That wasn’t good, a girl that young shouldn’t be getting feelings like that. He mentioned that he was bored, but she was way more concerned about Heather. Rising to her paws, she looked around the falls with squinted eyes, her ear twitching when he muttered something about catching her a friend. Companions seemed to be few and far between, and it was often a bond that could not be forced. "I think the crown will be good, love. How about we go and gather a herb that will make her feel better as well? And then we can go and find her," she suggested, stretching her little legs as she went back to looking around. She had seen some St.John’s wort around one of the springs higher up, which would help with Heather’s depression. She wouldn’t give it to her until she assessed her though, it would be foolish to give her such an herb if Lionel was just exaggerating a mood swing.

"Talk" "You" Think