
where my homies at

Absinthe 1

09-11-2016, 06:10 PM

The heat of an Eastern summer was something she missed from time to time, a reminder of better times. Sort of. Now, she was feeling nostalgic and very hot. A good swim in the sea was the cure for the latter, but the former had none. Her toes brushed the sandy sea floor as the islands approached. There had been a rumour that her mothers had settled on these islands for a while to raise a litter. Fiamette and her siblings, who the girl had yet to meet. She pulled herself onto the shore, salty water dripping from her sopping pelt. The blazing sun no longer felt overbearing, but pleasant. Bracing her legs in the hot sand, she shook out the heavy water from her coat.

Of course, there was no hope of finding her long gone mother here, but it would be nice to see where they had lived for so long. Not to mention, hot sand between her toes was never a bad thing. Head and tail held high, she plodded towards the foliage of the largest island in the chain. Apparently there were some exotic animals living around here, which were intriguing in themselves. She was looking forward to finding them, even if it took her a few days. The violet damsel had nowhere to be, and could take her time searching for mysterious creatures. Granted, that didn't mean she was going to be patient enough to wander this island for that long with no results. "Here, weirdos," She crooned to the forest around her. "come out, come out, wherever you are!"

The flora was delightfully vibrant. Flowers of all shapes and sizes sprouted from plants on all sides of her. Pausing in her path, she lowered her snout to a particularly large blossom. It was a pale blue colour, lightening in hue as it radiated outward from the centre. A soft aroma teased her nostrils from within the bloom, and she hummed appreciatively. "Good on you, little flower, for smelling so nice." She murmured.




3 Years
09-11-2016, 06:50 PM
How did I let you slip through the cracks?
How did I let you stab me in the back?
You were my brother, you were my friend, I pray,
"no salvation for you in the end".

Black fur... green eyes... whispered endearments... words that had both made his heart sing when first spoken, and now ache so many months later... words that he couldn't remember... Words that built him up, and words that dashed his hopes and dreams... The male jolted up with a gasp, blue eyes blinking around him as he listened to the beat of his own heart in his chest. The blood was roaring through his ears, and he found himself panting. His head was pounding, and he groaned softly as he shoved his face in between his paws. Was he ever going to be able to put the puzzle together? He was hoping that if he was able to pull himself together he'd be able to move on from this pain once and for all. It was like an awful dream that he couldn't escape. The cause of it was unknown to him, but the echos of it's disaster still ricocheted against the fragile confinements of his brain, and threatened to burst out of an eye socket. Lord forbid that happen.

He was just debating going back to sleep when heard the feminine tones croon out to the forest. Rounded audits perked on top of his crown, blue eyes snapping back open as crown turned left then right to see if he could spot the being that the voice belonged to. "come out, come out, wherever you are!" The male found himself lifting to his feet, not sure why he felt compelled to answer her call. Perhaps it was because he wanted to stray away from the sleep that still had it's clutches anchored into the outer edges of his brain. Unsure of which way to turn, the male began to move through the trees, his ocean blue gaze sweeping from left to right. It didn't take him very long to locate the femme that had called out for the 'weirdos' to come out.

Is she talking to a flower? He mused to himself, those rounded audits on top of his crown turning back to press against his crown for a moment. "I'm here, but I assure you that I am not a weirdo." Casthiel says, standing to his full height, and canting his crown ever so slightly to the right. What would she do now? He was curious, though he remained ready to flee just in case she turned out to be the weirdo she had been calling out for.

Walk, "Now you're just a memory" in my past is where you will stay

You're nothing but a memory
Someone like you, is gonna die alone

Absinthe 1

09-11-2016, 07:13 PM

Footsteps behind her drew her attention, perked her audits and told her someone was approaching. The wind was not in her favour, so all she knew was that there was someone approaching. A voice arose behind her. Masculine, and hesitant. She turned to face the stranger, expression quizzical. He was pale of face, and his eyes were brilliantly blue. Not unlike the flower. Nice. He looked nervous, uncomfortable, even. Nothing the lavender femme wasn't already used to. "I'm here, but I assure you that I am not a weirdo." He said, standing tall. His head tilted to one side curiously, like he was waiting for her to do something. One brow quirked, a smirk toyed at her inky lips. "I don't know, you look like a weirdo to me." Southern lyrics drawled smoothly, tail tip flicking idly.

It was hard not to be an asshole, apparently. Complete strangers weren't even safe. She gave the male a once over, curiously seeking out anything that might have made him visibly special. He was white all over, save for a cape of charcoal across his back, staining his tail. It looked like those baby blues were his saving grace.




3 Years
09-11-2016, 07:23 PM
How did I let you slip through the cracks?
How did I let you stab me in the back?
You were my brother, you were my friend, I pray,
"no salvation for you in the end".

"I don't know, you look like a weirdo to me."

Rounded ears flicked back, and blue eyes widened with some surprise at her words. He supposed that it could be worse, but couldn't she have been a little more polite? Haunches would fold beneath the male to dump him onto his rump, and he took a seat with a soft snort. Blue orbs gave the violet femme a once over, taking in her bi-colored eyes, and the splash of white across the left side of her face. Around her white eye was the white out-lining it, and he had to think to himself that he'd never seen another female that had looked like her before. His blue chasms lingered on the earring in her ear for a moment before he dragged his gaze back to her face. His maw parted then to allow lyrics to fall from his tongue. "Ah, but I wasn't the one who was just talking to a flower." Came his musings, rounded audits flicking on top of his crown.

"'Pleasantries' aside, my name is Casthiel. And you are?" He prompted, hiking his right brow as he poised her a question.

Walk, "Now you're just a memory" in my past is where you will stay

You're nothing but a memory
Someone like you, is gonna die alone

Absinthe 1

09-11-2016, 07:35 PM

The male dropped gracelessly onto his ass, staring at her like that was the first time anyone had ever said anything mean to him. Her brow rose a little higher, expression dubious. Was he a moron, then? He took a moment to decide how to respond, making no efforts to hide his once over of the lilac girl. His reply was unexpected, but decidedly welcome. "Ah, but I wasn't the one who was just talking to a flower." He retorted casually, which prompted the female to grin. Laughter bubbled up from her chest, twisting her features into an expression of mirth. It had been a while since someone had clapped back so damned quickly, and it was refreshing. "Alright, I'll give you that one." She chuckled, taking a seat on the ground as well.

Then, the pallid male introduced himself. Casthiel. A nice name, it had a very fantastical ring to it. He asked for her name. "Absinthe, but my friends called me Abby." She replied, dipping her head politely. After all, that was what you were supposed to do, right? She could hardly remember anymore. "What'cha doing here, Cassie?" She questioned, looking around the alien landscape. It was nothing like anything she'd seen on the mainland so far. "Not exactly a familiar territory."




3 Years
09-11-2016, 07:50 PM
How did I let you slip through the cracks?
How did I let you stab me in the back?
You were my brother, you were my friend, I pray,
"no salvation for you in the end".

Ah, so he was victorious, then. Had he been able to pat himself on his back at the laughter that bubbled into the atmosphere around them, he would have. "That's what I thought," The male chuckled, blue eyes closing for but a moment before he settled more comfortably. "Absinthe, but my friends called me Abby." Was that an invitation to call her Abby? He was going to take it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Abby." The male replied, dipping his own crown politely. So the female did know some manners. Upon first meeting the violet hued female, he could have almost bet that she had been raised under a rock. That was what you got for judging a book by it's cover. He was glad that he had remained some what tactful on his end otherwise this could have ended very badly.

"What'cha doing here, Cassie?" The nickname caused another rush of emotions to rush through his mind, and he froze there with wide eyes for a moment. 'Come on, Cassie.' The masculine voice had laughed, a lick bestowed upon his nose. 'You need to develop a sense of humor, you know that.' As sudden as the memories came, they shattered once again leaving the male just as in the dark as before he remembered that small fragment of his past. Who did the voice belong to? Who was this male? The questions were swirling around in his head so fast he nearly forgot to reply to the female. "I... I was just exploring the lands. I'm new, and wanted to see as much as I could before I decided to settle down somewhere." He took a deep breath, and stood to his paws. Perhaps the female would walk with him.

"Nor am I. How about we familiarize ourselves with it?" He suggested, his pace slow to start off with as he glanced over his shoulder to see if she would follow.

Walk, "Now you're just a memory" in my past is where you will stay

You're nothing but a memory
Someone like you, is gonna die alone

Absinthe 1

09-11-2016, 08:15 PM

Casthiel had a pretty good laugh. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Abby." He said simply. Replying with words like pleasure or acquaintance always made her wary. Anyone who spoke like that was usually really prim and proper, and didn't like doing the cool things she did. Was Casthiel one of those guys with the stick up their ass? Hopefully not, that would make this whole encounter incredibly boring. When she asked her question, he seemed to go distant. His whole expression went blank, eyes wide. It was a little unnerving. Was he crazy? Oh shit. She felt the urge to shove him, make sure there was still something rattling around in his head. However, as soon as it started, it was over. He replied, albeit shakily. "I... I was just exploring the lands. I'm new, and wanted to see as much as I could before I decided to settle down somewhere." He said, getting to his feet.

The violet girl stood as well, forced to look up just a bit to meet his gaze. Did everyone have to be taller than her? However, it looked like she was about to have an exploring partner, and that was a grand thing indeed. ".. How about we familiarize ourselves with it?" Cassie enquired as he started off, pace slow possibly only for her benefit. Listen, buddy, I used to keep pace with a giant, don't be treating me like I'm a kid. She grumbled internally, but chose to keep her mouth shut. No need to prompt any questions about her ex-best-friend turned abandoner. Instead, her mouth formed the words "You betcha, weirdo." and a taunting grin as she met him stride for stride. "Where to first?"




3 Years
09-11-2016, 08:30 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2016, 08:30 PM by Casthiel.)
How did I let you slip through the cracks?
How did I let you stab me in the back?
You were my brother, you were my friend, I pray,
"no salvation for you in the end".

The male hadn't realized just how badly he had zoned out, and had no idea that his expression had been a blank slate. He hadn't realized how close he had come to being shoved. However, he did notice when the female stood as well, and moved to match her pace to his own. He rolled his eyes playfully, and aimed to shove his shoulder playfully into her own -- not enough to hurt her, but enough to make some contact with her. He moved away promptly afterwards, and turned his gaze to look about the unexplored lands that lay before they. Where to, huh? He frowned for a moment, and began to lead the way through a tight clove of trees when a colorful bird swooped from the top of one of the nearby palm trees, and dove straight down toward the pale male and his colorful companion.

Rounded audits perked high on his skull, and he turned his crown just in time to see the bird diving down toward them. "Incoming! Duck!" He exclaimed, and ducked his crown down to avoid the bump to the crown that surely would come from being hit in the skull. The bird let out a squawk before rounding about and coming back again. The wolf let out a string of curse words as his legs bent to lower himself, his pace quickening ever so slightly. Who knew that these birds would be so territorial? He glanced over his shoulder when the bird turned back to it's nest, and snorted through his nostrils. "How rude was that?"

Walk, "Now you're just a memory" in my past is where you will stay

You're nothing but a memory
Someone like you, is gonna die alone