
I'm not ready for this (birth)



8 Years
08-09-2014, 06:58 AM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2014, 08:22 AM by Qanik.)
Anyone who might want to like show up to find her and help her that would be cool. She's pretty old to be having her first litter so things aren't going to go all that smoothly for poor Qanik.


in defense of the innocent

Though subtle Qanik could no longer deny the signs her body was giving her. Somehow, at her age and with just one mating, she had managed to become pregnant. It wasn't terribly obvious, not like she'd expected it would be. Her sides held only a gentle swell, easily mistaken for pudge, the aching joints could have been simply a herald of age, and she'd always had issues with depression so why should her moodiness have alarmed her now? It wasn't until some time after she'd begun to feel the pups moving that she'd realized. It wasn't just a chronic upset stomach, or another symptom of age, or any of the things she'd tried to tell herself, no.

She was pregnant.

She'd withdrawn from the pack somewhat to deal with it, even moving to a new densite outside the newly named Regium's borders within one of their former territories, uncertain and frightened but just wanting to be alone to come to terms with it. She'd longed for a family, but not like this. Not alone and lonely, no mate, no partner, just her and the pups conceived in a single act of thoughtless passion and a foolish need to be wanted.

She was alarmed now at the sudden clenching, squeezing feeling low in her abdomen, waking her from her fitful sleep. What was happening? Was something wrong? The pups couldn't possibly be coming already, she wasn't ready, she hadn't spoken to anyone about them and no one knew where she was. Her paws clawed at the ground in agitation as the contractions continued at a much greater intensity that she'd expected. She must have slept through the milder stuff, somehow, only to be woken when they began in earnest. What was she supposed to do? She knew nothing about birthing babies. Her breath whined through clenched jaws, panic holding her stocky body rigid with fear. What was she supposed to do?


cowardice is the only sin



4 Years
08-09-2014, 09:04 AM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2014, 09:21 AM by Huata.)
The caramel pelted dame walked through the land that was known as Waterfall Peak. The place sure was beautiful and elegant to say the least. The calming smell of the water that sometimes hit against her face caused her to smile. But, the scent of blood soon caught her off guard. Was someone eating? Perhaps a fight was going on? The fae was not so sure.

She walked a bit more of a distance until her eyes widened slightly. A dame was lying down on her side, a whimper and whine of pain echoed throughout her ears. She was giving birth, and she didn't seem to have a mate that would help her right now.

Huata approached the fae and sat down beside her, "Don't worry, I'll help you," she spoke and began to help the white woman with the birth. She began to place some wet moss that was near the stream onto the fae's forehead gently to help with the sweat that must have been staining her pelt and help cool her off as well. She walked a little bit behind the fae and watched as well as listened for anything she needed to worry about or something that would be good as well.



5 Years
Extra large
08-09-2014, 04:29 PM

The only reason he even let his paws take him to the north was for his family, they needed a new place to live, a new home to conquer, a place for his children to grow into the strong young Destructions they were. His tall form would take him over the beautiful landscape, his eyes scanning the vast land of loners. He?d skirt past at least one distinct pack, noting there were probably more strongholds within the North. He knew little of these lands, and with his exploration would gain more knowledge.
The journey would not be without its surprises though, he?d catch a whiff of the white mistress he?d spend an intimate time with. He would become more curious about her as he realized the mingled scent of pregnancy. Brows would raise in anticipation, did she bear his young within her womb? An amused grin would appear on his features as he let himself follow after the trail of her scent.
He wasn?t the first to arrive at her chosen birth site, another strange fea would make her way to the older she wolf?s side. Soliloquy was rummaging about the North too, the older brother would wonder where he might have been at the moment. Would be happen back along in time to see the birth of his second litter? Who knew. Scorpion would shake his features as his long legs brought him closer, allowing his form to peek into the filling den. He?d keep quiet for now, mostly just curious if she was about to birth his spawn.




8 Years
08-16-2014, 01:36 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2014, 01:43 PM by Qanik.)
OOC: I don't really care about posting order at all, and Mouser and Laz, don't feel like you have to wait until she "officially" gives birth to you guys to post your pup's birth and feel free to make that birth as difficult as you care to. It may be a bit before I can actually post in here again so yeah. I'll work around what you post.

The pain ate at her as the contractions grew stronger, closer together. Her body was not ready to give birth, yet still it sought to expel the pups from her. She writhed in their grip, a groaning whine escaping her clenched jaws. The sudden voice of a stranger pulled at her preoccupied warriors reflexes, swinging her head to snap at the voice's origin before she could register it. She pulled the blow before it could land, wrenching herself back, but it was a near thing. A horrific, ripping pain accompanied the movement, a wet gush of blood staining the pale fur of her hindquarters. Conditioned as she was to pain Qanik still cried out.

Another wolf had arrived, and her eyes had sought the figure but her pain-fogged eyes did not register the sight of the wolf who had fathered the litter, and the pale lids dropped to cover the blue orbs as another contraction shook her torn body to force her first-born child into the world. "Atka," she gasped, as much a plea to the half-remembered guardian spirits of her ancestors as it was a name. She could not see the pup, did not know if it was male, female, or even alive, and already her body was preoccupied with attempted to force out another pup.




2 Years
08-16-2014, 01:36 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2014, 02:27 PM by Atka.)


The as-yet unborn pup rested uneasily within the waters of her Home. Pressed against the ever-present Others she was, subject to their squirms and kicks no matter how little they moved. So little room for them in here, though she didn't even know what "in here" was, only that it had been getting steadily smaller and less comfortable. Then the squeezing had begun, pressing her again and again against the Others. Though she was far too young and hadn't the capacity to realize, they should have been in a different position long before the contractions began, headfirst and ready to dive out into the world, but there was simply not enough room for them to have turned about as instinct demanded. This one was closest to where the squeezing was forcing them, but facing sideways to it rather than right way out. The pressing did little but compress her most uncomfortably until the Home suddenly jostled, shaking them about and suddenly she was no longer sideways to where she was being guided, but frontways, and squeezed painfully all around, until suddenly she was released with a flood of red she couldn't see, into a cold, bright Openness. She squalled a fierce protest at the change, black-marked face whipping tremblingly back and forth in an effort to find.... something. But what? She could not see, did not know what seeing was. Could not hear, and didn't understand sound. All she knew was the cold and the Alone.



5 Years
Extra large
08-16-2014, 03:13 PM

He would watch as the blood started to pool around the woman?s hindquarters as cries accompanied the horrid pain. Through such struggles the tiny form of a wolf would slip from the alabaster fea?s womb, crying out as her mother spoke a name over her head. Obviously the child needed to eat, but being covered in blood and mucus Scorpion couldn?t allow the babe to wallow in the filth of her birth. Massive paws would step forward, as the mother was occupied with the next pup he would take to cleaning her. He?d take her gently in his jaws to move her away from the blood, hoping the little healer would be just as preoccupied. Slowly he?d begin to step back, making sure he was quiet. As though the tiny child could sense the importance of silence her cries would diminish, and without a single other thought the male would exit the den.
With his tiny newborn daughter dangling in his jaws he would escape the gory place. Prize in hand his form would return to Othello and their other pups. What would one more hurt?
-exit Scorpion with Atka-




3 Years
08-17-2014, 01:27 AM

Something was amiss. For a while now, the comfort that had once been shared inside of their home had been disrupted, close quarters making it near impossible enough to shift, to move, to even stretch without being pressed back against or meeting resistance. It had driven the need to move to grow more strongly, and now it was all but at a breaking point. And it was no longer simply him anymore. Now everything seemed to move, and the pup with it, guiding it unknowingly toward a new life with different comforts and discomforts. Into the unknown.

He was not aware of how he came into the world, but knew it the moment he was free. The shock stirred him immediately into action, and surprisingly he was met with no resistance now, free to squirm and tumble and roll about as he adjusted to the new accommodations. It was bizarre and foreign, and quite frightening at the same time. He cried, finding a voice that was surprisingly strong despite how he would grow to use it so quietly, and wriggled about as he unknowingly sought comfort and solace in the form of a weary mother.

OOC: Birth posts are hard. xD Hopefully this passes as acceptable.



8 Years
08-24-2014, 11:13 AM


in defense of the innocent

The next pup slipped from her body with much more ease, but the rush of blood that accompanied him - for it was a male - was beginning to take its toll on the white warrior. She was beginning to feel sluggish, lethargic despite the painful contractions that still seized her, her limbs and mouth feeling strange and buzzing. Her body gave her a slight reprieve after the boy slipped free, and she was able to lean with some effort to seize him and pull him across her front paws, cleaning him roughly with a tongue she could hardly feel through the spreading numbness. Everything around her had vanished as she concentrated what little consciousness she had on this one pup, the pup that blurred in her exhaustion and pain and confusion with the pup who had - unbeknownst to her, been taken away as she gave birth to this one. Had she thought of a name? She couldn't remember if she had. "M-m-miksa?" she finally spoke aloud, plucking from her memory the name of a younger brother who had been killed when her pack was destroyed. Yes, surely that was the name for this pup. She swayed, and finally tucked the newborn against her side, guiding him to nurse as pain once more crashed through her.

Was the healer who had offered her assistance even there still? She didn't know and right now she was beyond caring. This pup was stubborn, refusing to exit in a timely and efficient manner, and her body weakened more and more as it struggled. But finally, as the last light of consciousness left her, the pup was freed, slipping into the world to join his brother.

It took only a handful of moments for her to struggle her way back into consciousness, to pull the second pup toward her as she had Miksa, cleaning him slowly despite her weary shaking. Feeling a wave of dizziness passing over her she hastily pushed the mostly clean pup to join his brother before slumping back into the darkness.


cowardice is the only sin