
Ashes Of The Innocent



4 Years
Extra large
09-14-2016, 10:14 AM

Mortar had all but given up on finding a new family to stick around. Other than his sister that was it. He had every intention of trying to find Caliber and Arsenal, but in the mean time he was just going to explore. If Ricky held true to her promise she'd find him one way or another (he couldn't imagine she'd be happy about it) so he'd stopped trying to track her down again. He hated the idea of intruding upon her life and being a nuisance to her. He didn't want to push her away and make her hate him.

So he took to traveling to help pass the time. A part of him wanted to visit Donostrea's old lands, but he decided against it. Dragging back old memories and feelings wasn't going to help him so he took a different route. Eventually he came to the sea. Toes dug into the sand as he stopped at the waters edge. It was noon so the hot sun beat down on his pelt mercilessly, but a cooler sea breeze swept across the ocean which helped cool him. He peered out towards the horizon and he could see an island.

He played around with the idea of a swim. He was curious to see what was out there and it didn't look like it was too far of a swim. The downside was drowning, but Seraphiel had taught him to swim. He'd be okay, right?

He supposed he'd figure that out.

The large wold waded out into the water until his feet couldn't touch the sand anymore. The water was unusually warm, but it felt better than the sun so he couldn't complain. Eventually he passed a coral reef, something he'd never seen before, and as he swam past he grinned down at the fish he could see. Eventually his paws touched sand once more and he drug himself up onto the island. The first thing he noticed was how bright and colorful it was. The second ... well that part wasn't so fun. The many sounds of different birds rung in his ears and he realized this must be a haven for them. Trying to ignore them he plopped down in the warm sand to let his pelt dry and to take a rest before he continued his journey to explore.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
09-14-2016, 07:01 PM

Just like before, Deacon found himself in a new land that was much different than the ones he'd been in before. Black pelt wet with water, the male dragged himself out of the saltwater, his nostrils flaring as his paws sank into the wet sand that covered the beach. His nails dug into the porous sediment, his hunter green eyes flashing with exhaustion. Audits were pressed firmly against the apex of his cranium, and he swayed slightly where he stood, limbs trembling. Carefully, he strode onto the warm grasses that laid just beyond the beach, his audits coming off his crown, flicking around as he lay upon the strips of emerald foliage, a soft smile on his face as he listened to the raucous cacophony from the birds above his cranium.

He didn't know how long he laid there, but soon, he found himself drifting off to sleep, his body relaxed and content. Of course, he was on alert, but he didn't think he was in any kind of danger. His nose twitched a few times as he drifted off to sleep, his cranium resting on his outstretched forelegs, his wet banner stretched out behind him. He was still wet, but dozing in the hot sun was quickly drying out his wet fur. After about ten minutes, the black male was completely dried out, and he was stretched out on his left side, the white pentagram on full display.

Deacon had already had the swim that he didn't necessarily want, but he wasn't going to complain. It'd felt nice, actually. The pads of his paws were raw from walking and the saltwater had stung the raw patches. But, at the same time, the water cooled off his heated skin, gave him reprieve from the humidity and heat, even if it was a short-lived reprieve.

He felt tons better now.

Twenty minutes in total had passed before Deacon sat up, his audits flicking to and fro, his weight pressed onto his elbows, and his left hip, his crown turning toward the wolf swimming toward him. Green eyes glinted in interest, and he slowly stood to his paws, still partly hidden in tall vegetation, his nostrils flaring, nose twitching as he tried to scent the new wolf. Quietly, he remained hidden, still watching the other male, birds singing out to each other above him in the canopies. He snorted gently before he strode out of the vegetation, ignoring the small bolts of pain that drifted through his paws with each step. After just a few moments, he came to a stop, sitting down on his haunches as he sat upon the grass, just a few strides from the other male. "Hello." He woofed softly, audits perked high atop his cranium.

text. "speech."



4 Years
Extra large
09-16-2016, 02:07 PM

Mortar hadn't been expecting company.

Bi-colored gaze would shift in surprise as a wolf strode towards him. The wolf was smaller than him, but mostly everyone was nowadays. In reality it was he who felt smaller. An ear would flick back nervously and he fiddled with the fact that he hadn't smelled the man. The beach tended to wash scent away and he disliked the idea that someone could sneak up on him so easily.

Eyes would drift towards the dark male and automatically they zeroed in on the strange white markings. He'd study it for a moment and rose from his seated position. He tried offering a friendly tail wag, but it wasn't much of one. A few swishes before it went back to its lower state behind him. He found himself gnawing on his cheek when the male came to stop and sat on his haunches. He didn't seem hostile or angry. In fact he just seemed as quiet as himself, though past that he couldn't get much of a reading off of him. So far he was quite mysterious.

"Hello." He mimicked the wolf's greeting before slowly sinking back on his own haunches. His fur was still damp from his swim and was still clumped in the areas where it was longer. Fiery gaze would study him for a moment and Mortar found himself feeling quite awkward. "I'm Mortar." That was a good start, right? He felt so out of touch with wolves. He'd been on his own for a while now and so far it wasn't have a good effect with his already horrible social skills.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
09-19-2016, 06:41 PM

Deacon wasn't sure he had wanted to entertain the idea of company.

Well, it was too late to decide he didn't want company.

Hunter green chasms met bi-colored ones, the two differently colored ones laden in surprise. The first thing Deacon noticed was their difference in heights. Where he came from, he was the biggest. He had simply been following in his father's footsteps. Unfortunately for the black male, he was every bit his father's son, the spitting image of the abusive adult. Hunter green chasms caught the movement of the other male's audit flicking back nervously, and Deacon's forepaws shifted upon the sand, an awkward silence weighing down on both of them. Oh, how awkward could Deacon get? His nostrils flared as he inhaled the scents around him, noting that he didn't smell like himself, but rather, he smelled like the beach and the sea.

Deacon watched quietly as the male's odd bi-colored gaze automatically zeroed in on the white pentagram he carried around on his right breast, and he stood to his paws, taking a few steps back. Audits would fling back against his crown, banner tucked between his hind limbs. He was self-conscious about the marking, especially given the fact that his former best friend gave him the marking. He broke his friend's heart and then left the pack, left the land. He hadn't gone back, and it was almost a year ago. The male before him tried to offer a friendly tail wag, but Deacon was still afraid he was being judged, so his audits pinned tighter, body stiff and heart racing in his chest.

The male said hello before he sank to his own haunches, and Deacon noted the black and gray male was still damp from his swim, and the longer areas of fur were clumped. Deacon's audits finally relaxed and unpinned from his cranium when Mortar revealed his name, and a breath of relief was forcibly expelled from the smaller male's lungs. "I'm Deacon." While he was growing up, he hadn't had anyone but Casthiel, Adelle, and Sammy, so he was pretty awkward around other wolves he didn't know. Like right now.

text. "speech."



4 Years
Extra large
09-22-2016, 10:11 AM

Mortar peered at the other male as his ears flung back after he'd looked at the strange white marking on him. His own ears flung back in uncertainty. Had he offended him by looking at him? It was hard not to notice it after all. His pelt was all black and it was so stark against his coat. Was he supposed to not look at it anyways? He hadn't meant to stare after all. His gaze would shift away from it and instead he watched with increasing anxiety as Deacon rose to his feet, ears pinning back further on his head, and his tail tucked.

Oh god... he had offended him.

From Mortar's perspective it looked like the other wolf was just about ready to attack him. He looked so defensive and unfriendly right now. He couldn't tell if it was just them both being awkward or if he really was angry at him for staring. The thought made his breath hitch in his throat. He didn't want to fight anyone. He didn't even know how to fight.

It wasn't until the other wolf unpinned his ears that Mortar relaxed a little. Okay, so maybe he had overreacted a little bit. He'd look down at his paws and shift his paws in the sand a little bit. He focused in on the tiny granules sticking to his damp fur before he peeked back up at the darker wolf as he introduced himself as Deacon.

"Nice to meet you." He said slowly, wondering where to go from here. "Do you live here?" He asked curiously, peering behind the male towards the terrain.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]