
I Think This Line Is Mostly Filler


08-08-2014, 08:46 PM

Sleeeep. It was a beautiful, godly sent thing. The boy could sleep like nobody's business, appropriate considering the god he was named after. Sleep, laying around, rest... all very nice things. But he couldn't do that all the time, even if he wished that he could. Eating was a necessity... as was play. At least in some ways. Hypnos wouldn't lie, he enjoyed being in the warm sun and getting attention from his mother, who he lovingly referred to as 'Momma'. Any explanation otherwise was shrugged off, through one ear and out the other at this age. As for the salmon tinted male, his brother, well, Hypnos had just decided on a new nickname for him, and one that he thought was perfect.

Favoring the weak, deformed back right leg the boy would move along, trying to explore. The sand here was hot and stretched on and on, but Hypnos did what he could to ignore it. For the better part of the day he'd remain in the den, dosing on and off, and then come out to play as the sun began to set and the earth beneath his paws started to cool. His tail would give an interested flick behind him as his gaze settled on some black beetle scuttling across the sand. A playful growl would leave the boy, who was a bit further from the den than he would normally dare venture. He'd try to lower to the ground, moving a bit awkwardly due to his back leg as he tried to stalk the insect.


08-09-2014, 11:41 PM

The boy had finally grown enough to leave the den and venture out. However, he seemed less than thrilled with the idea. He slept as much as he could, and the dark woman found herself growing annoyed with his laziness. She lounged outside the den, musing over how she could change it. His leg had not gotten any better, remaining weak, barely able to support his weight. That would certainly need changing. His tiny would form break her from her thoughts, turning her attention to him as he scurried out of the den. She would watch as he chased a beetle, his movements awkward and clumsy. She would frown briefly before allowing a small smile to play on her lips. Watching with amusement, she would remain silent for a moment, simply watching his innocent puppy fun. Sooner or later, all the fun would be put aside and real training to take place. If he was to ever survive, he would need to strength his hind leg, whether or not he wanted to. "Hypnos." She would beckon him gently, still finding motherhood to be a strange thing. But nonetheless, she found herself growing fond of the child, and wanting to defend him with her life. Supple bodice would lounge lazily in the dying sun, waiting for her adoptive son to join her and give her his full attention, there was much they needed to discuss.



08-15-2014, 06:43 PM

Hypnos' stalking game was only allowed to continue on for a short while before he heard a voice. The soft beckoning of his mother, a call that would always be answered. The boy would lift his body up, turning his head in her direction with a gentle smile on his face. He looked a little more alert as he looked to her, tail wagging slowly from side to side. She was a wonderful mother, and he adored her. Adored Apollo as well. He wasn't sure what he would do without his family, even if they weren't his immediate ones. For Hypnos they were the only family he knew, and the only ones he would ever need.

An awkward scampering-stumbling run would bring the boy to Chryseis' side, nearly crashing into her when he tried to stop. He'd sink down, giving a soft whine as he shifted his weight to his left to get it off his leg. For his adopted mother Hypnos would do anything. Even in his laziness if she had the desire to speak with him and he was a distance away he would get to her side as fast as he could so he would not make her wait. There was no doubt the boy loved the black and gold woman. He would lay his head upon her leg, looking up at her with sea green eyes. Head would tilt slightly to the side, tail giving its slow, almost lazy cat-flick of a wag. "Yessum Momma? Watsit?" A smile lingered on his maw, giving her his undivided attention.


08-15-2014, 08:54 PM

He stayed somewhat in the distance, away from the pup and the woman who brought him here. He was still so mixed up in his feelings towards this situation, and the argument he had with his father helped nothing. He knew that this pup was his brother, and its not like he disliked Hypnos, he was just... indifferent. He felt bad for the child, his disformity was not an easy one. He did however, get a kick out of watching Chryseis with him. She seemed to be concerned about the boy being lazy, and he smirked at he watched her from a distance. He enjoyed watching her trying to mother the spawn, it made him think how she would be if they ever had pups together. He did want to start a family, but his dear Chryseis had other things planned for them. He would comply with her until she got what she wanted, but he did want a family at some point.

The albino beast turned to look at Hypnos, flinching slightly when he called her momma. Would he ever know his true parents? They very wolves who dumped him in a river to die? He didn't think so, but Chrys had a plan for him. He fit along quite nicely in her little plot, and he wanted to tear down Olympus now more than ever. New rules would be put in place if he had a say in it.

talk, think


08-17-2014, 06:57 PM

A smile would tug at her lips as her adoptive son would halt, forgetting his game in exchange for her. His movements were awkward and clumsy as he moved as quick as he could. It was one of the rare moments when he abandoned all laziness in exchange for efficiency. Soon all that would change. He was growing every day, which meant that his leg would need to work overtime to keep up. He would bound towards her before flopping down at her feet, his tiny head resting on her leg as he peered up at her. Momma. She was still not accustomed to the name he had so lovingly given her, but in his eyes, she was his mother, he had no idea what his true parents had done to him, he was far to young to know just yet. And sadly, far to weak. He needed to grow stronger, and older, so that she could twist his mind to take on the dark plans she had for him. "My dear," She would lick the top of his head gently before continuing. "You are old enough now that it is time for you to start learning some new things, don't you think?" His laziness had not gone unnoticed, and she knew that only way to coax him into working, was for him to believe it was partially his idea. She had yet to test the theory however, and she hoped it would work.

While she gazed down at the boy, a familiar scent filled her nostrils. Apollo. Ever since she taken the child, he had kept his distance, seeming indifferent to the newest edition to their little pack. She could hardly blame him, they shared parents, and those same parents had thrown Hypnos into a river to die. There was definitely some hard feelings. Her gaze didn't leave Hypnos, those an ebon ear would shift into the direction in which his scent had come. Would he join them? Or continue to lurk in the shadows?



08-29-2014, 12:41 AM

His small form would remain still as he waited for her to speak, to hear her soft voice. Any bit of affection from his momma was so precious and wonderful, his love for her already so strong. He knew enough that things weren?t right... That his leg wasn?t strong as it should be. Hypnos figured that out simply by watching his momma and Apollo... Seeing how they walked compared to how he moved. But his momma didn?t seem concerned. No, she never looked at him different for his awkward movements. At least, not that Hypnos would see.

Her question caught him off-guard a little, and seagreen eyes would lower, not meeting hers for a long moment. He?d then look up at her. ?I... Maybe... ? He?d pause. Do ya fink I?m strong ?nuff?? The boy would glance towards his own leg, lowering his ears. ?Do ya fink... Mah leg?s gonna get good? That I can...?? It was hard just playing sometimes, when he found the energy and motivation to do so. If his momma thought his leg would get stronger, and he?d be able to do well though... He?d definitely want to try.


08-30-2014, 10:43 PM

His sea green gaze would leave hers, in favor of something less significant as he thought over what she had said. When he finally looked up at her again, his words were hesitant. His gaze would shift to his leg before returning to her. A gentle smile would curl her lips as she peered down at him. She would reach forward, pressing her nose to his cheek. "My love, I know you can. You are capable of doing anything you desire." She would quietly encourage him, her expression brightening. She knew that he needed to believe in himself or he would fail. Only his determination could get him through the next few months. Life would not be easy by any means, but she needed him strong and capable.

Rising, her limbs would push her upward. "Come, lets go for a little walk." She would nudge him before turning to begin their little walk. She would shorten her stride so that she didn't leave him behind, he would have a hard enough time keeping up. She would peer down at him, an encouraging smile tugging at her lips. Apollo, much to her disappointed had still not joined them. But whatever, she could do it herself if needed. Refusing to be distracted, the temptress would refocus her attention on her adoptive son.



08-31-2014, 06:37 PM

Hypnos's eyes would light up as his mother pressed her nose to his cheek, her words giving him all the courage he needed. Hearing her say it, that she believed in him, was all the hope Hypnos needed. If she believed in him he would make it all possible. He would work to become strong, stronger than anyone, and help protect her and make her happy! The plan was perfect in his young mind, and he would smile so widely, tail wagging back and forth a mile a minute. It wouldn't be easy, though Hypnos didn't understand yet how hard it would be, but he would fight to overcome any challenge so that he could stand tall with the people he loved.

Hypnos would get to his paws, stumbling a little at first as he adjusted his positioning for his deformed leg, and then set off, the movements still awkward, though he was trying to set the leg down like the others. Focusing a bit more on it than he normally did. If it made his momma happy... that was was what mattered to him right now. His ears would prick up, sticking close to her form as he could, though he'd have to work much harder to do so. Hypnos would smile back at her, eagerness written on his face again. "Do ya fink ya kin teach me som'in? Or Polly? Trackin' or hunt'in or..." He would trail off, frowning. "Momma wheres Polly?"


09-08-2014, 07:09 PM

He would follow obediently, stumbling at first before finding his balance. He would question her and she would chuckle good-naturedly. He wanted Apollo to teach him as well. She would not object to such a thing, the boy would need all the training he could get. Suddenly he would pause, asking where the albino was. She kept herself from frowning. "We will both teach you whatever it is you want to learn." She would smile down at him, watching his movements carefully, assessing whether or not he put any weight on his mangled leg. As for his last question, she would wait to reply for a moment."I'm not sure where he's at, but wherever he is, I'm sure he'll come visit." Tones fell easily, not once hinting to the little white lie she told him. Honestly, she had no idea if Apollo would be joining them, even though he was nearby. She tried not to push him too hard, his grief was understandable, but sooner or later, he would have to face the facts, especially when Hypnos damn near constantly asked about him, she could only distract the boy for so long. She would walk along, her gaze sweeping the horizon before returning to her child. "Are you putting weight on your leg?" A brow would arch but otherwise her face remained neutral. She knew the only way he would build muscle was for him to actually use the limb, if he didn't, then he would be crippled for life.



09-17-2014, 03:44 PM

Hypnos found it hard to walk at the smooth gait his mother did, but the boy was determined to not let that detour him away from trying his very best to become better at it. Chryseis, his mother, had faith in him. That alone was all the boy truly needed. He wanted to make her proud. Wanted to make Apollo proud and be able to stand beside them through all things. He was young now, but if he did not grow strong how could he do that? But he would! He?d grow very big and strong and be able to stand against all who threatened his family. Their safety. He would take a breath, giving a nod, as a smile spread across his face. ?I wanna learn errythin?, momma. Hunt n? fight, and memicine too!?

He would wince whenever he put a bit more weight on his leg than he was used to, but every now and then he would try. It was weaker than the rest... So it had to work harder. But if he didn?t work it at all it?d just get worse, right? It seemed that way, from when he?d lay around verses when he tried to play a bit more. His tail would begin to wag some, his sea green eyes shining brightly. ?I hopes so.? The boy was wagging his tail. ?I loves you both a whoooole lot!? He was panting a little, mostly because whenever he walked with her he tried to focus more on walking as she did, and his leg was hurting. He would lower his ears, glancing downward.

?Y-yeah... A little... It hurts when I use it...? He would shake his head, then look at her, trying to smile. ?Buts I?ll be okies! It?ll get better.?
