
Cause we're worth it

Mercy I


5 Years

09-17-2016, 11:01 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2016, 10:51 PM by Evelyn.)

After her little talk with Kharnage, she knew that there was no way she was going to make it back south and to Gethin. He could most likely be wondering where she had run off to, and now she was all beat up and far too tired. A yawn broke open her jaws and she flopped on her side, licking at the blood from her maw. Most of the blood that was covering her coat belonged to Avalon, but it looked like she had been in a blood bath. The dark male was most likely going to kill her, and be really worried. Mercy couldn't help but chuckle, tossing back her head and letting out a really tired howl for him. As she waited, she flopped down and started to paint. Her muscles hurt so much, and she didn't feel like moving at all.

While she waited, he thought about what he had said to her, the words that had slipped out of her maw. He loved her, he had said it and there was no way of taking it back. She still felt so conflicted, she had loved her brother and he vanished. She had loved her parents, until she saw who they really were. She loved her pack, and that was dead and gone now. If she fully admitted to her feelings about him, would he disappear too? She hadn't said it back yet, she couldn't. She had been so confused at the time and now... what? Mercy had no doubt that he would have come to get here if Avalon had beaten her, like that could ever happen anyways. She smirked softly, but tried not to think on it anymore. Hopefully he had been able to hear her.


Art by Otackoon

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


09-17-2016, 11:51 PM

Lift off this blindfold, let me see again

After the fight they had when they had finally reunited again, there was no way that Gethin was just going to sit on his ass in the South and wait for Mercy to come back. He had hung back for a little while, still not quite certain of what steps to take after the whole "love" thing, but in the end he had started to slowly follow the trail of her scent. He didn't want her to feel like he was stalking her, even though he basically was, so he took his time, pausing from time to time to sightsee or at least pretend to. It didn't help his overthinking of course, but what could you do? Mercy went a lot farther than he had expected, but he didn't stop trailing after her.

Suddenly her voice caught his attention and disrupted his rambling train of thought. He didn't think about the tired strain in her voice or how strange it was for her to be calling him like this. He just took off and ran forward toward her. He also tried not to think about how she had him completely wrapped around her paw now as he sprinted to find her. Luckily he wasn't too far away and found her within a handful of minutes. He spotted her pale form- which wasn't nearly as clean and white as it was when she left. Worry shot through him and he skidded to a halt at her side. "What'd you get yourself into now?" he asked, slightly breathless from his sprint. His ruby gaze searched her for injuries and he dipped his head to lick away splattering of blood that was clinging to her cheek. Everything from their last meeting was set aside for a moment, all his focus setting on her.

And bring back the water, let your ships roll in, in my heart she left a hole


Mercy I


5 Years

09-18-2016, 12:30 AM

It didn't take very long for Gethin to show up, which had Mercy looking up with a black marked brow raised. Had he been in the area? She had no time to question it though, as he asked what she had gotten into. She leaned slightly into his touch, struggling to raise herself up. In the end she just rolled on to her belly, putting her head between her legs. Her face was the only part that had gotten cut up, and it was nothing that would scar over. Mostly it was just the bruising and the soreness in her muscles that was knocking her off her high horse. "I went to go have a little fun, and the bitch of an alpha tried to force claim me. So I tore a nice chunk of her shoulder off," Mercy said in an overly sweet voice, grinning at Gethin to show her bloodstained teeth. She was a special sort of creature, that was for sure.

With that out of the way, she looked the handsome beast up and down, an accusatory look tossed his way. "And how did you get here so fast, mister? Following my trail?" She asked, her voice a soft purr. With shaky legs she pulled herself up, walking over to him to nibble at his throat. The scent of blood was still around her, and it had been so hard for her to keep herself in check with Kharnage. It was easier to think of him as Lykos' brother, but now everything that had built up inside her was screaming to be let loose. Tipping her head down, she placed harder and harder nips down his neck until she chomped down on his shoulder, hard enough to break skin, but not to draw blood. "Were you just up for a chase, or can you not stand to let me go?" she whispered, lifting one of her sore legs and drawing her claws down one of his legs.


Art by Otackoon

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


09-19-2016, 09:28 PM

Lift off this blindfold, let me see again

All he could do when Mercy told him what she had done was sigh and shake his head. He was sure that she was going to be the death of him one of these days. She was covered in blood, the rusty color still clinging to her teeth as she grinned at him. "Well at least you taught her a lesson," he commented while he started thinking about how he was going to get her cleaned up and find her some food. Maybe he could find a few herbs to help with the soreness as well-

His thoughts came to a screeching halt when she questioned him, the tone of her voice clicking with him at once. He knew her well enough at this point to be able to read her body language and voice easily. "I had to keep track of you somehow," he replied, barely paying attention to his own words as he watched her come over to him. He wanted to insist that she lay back down and rest since she was clearly struggling to do move, but she nibbled along his throat and silenced any objections he had. Normally he wouldn't be so easily affected, but he hadn't been with anyone since the last time he and Mercy had fucked and that was quite some time ago now. Hell, he hadn't even talked to anyone other than Mercy. She had become his whole world and he almost hated himself for it.

He grit his teeth and tried to keep himself in check as she nipped down the length of his neck. He knew what blood and fighting did to her, but somehow he was still surprised it all. Maybe it was just because of how their conversation had gone the last time they were together that was throwing him. Now that he thought about it, he was honestly a little surprised that she had called for him like she had. The quick bite she placed on his shoulder disrupted his thoughts again, pulling a quiet, sharp growl out of him. It seemed like it was always zero to a hundred with her. "I'm never gonna let you go," he replied truthfully. "You're gonna have to kill me if you wanna get away from me."

And bring back the water, let your ships roll in, in my heart she left a hole


Mercy I


5 Years

09-27-2016, 01:18 AM

He shook his head at her like a tired mother scolding her pup, but she just grinned at him. He said it was good that she had taught her a lesson, and she just laughed. Of course she did, there would be no way in hell that she wouldn’t try to inflict pain on someone who tried to claim her. But everything changed when she changed topics, Mercy knew that he knew her well enough by now. She was sore and desperate for rest, but there was something from stopping her. She had been so good with Kharnage, but now she wanted to be so bad with Gethin. She wanted to forget about their last conversation and just go back to what they were good at. Talking was not their strong suite, but fucking? Mmm, she almost quivered just at the thought of it. Her need for him was like an ache in her chest, and it drove her forward to forget her pain. She wanted more, more bloodshed and even more wounds to be inflicted on her. She had walked away with so little, it was rather disappointing that Avalon couldn’t do much more than scratch her face a few times.

He commented on keeping track of her, which made her growl softly at him. "I’m glad you came, baby," she purred, hearing his teeth rubbing against each other. She knew that his driving point was low right now, both of them were usually quite the little sluts, but she hadn’t been with anyone since their last time. It was an all time record, she was sure. Already the fire in her belly was burning hot, her hackles standing up at the feeling of his fur against her own. He growled and she nearly just turned around right then and there. But no, Mercy was all about drawing it out until she couldn’t take anymore. She pulled back slightly when he said that he wouldn’t be easy to get rid of, her eyes half closing as she drew her teeth slowly down her cheek. "Then show me how much I mean to you," she whispered, longing for his touch. So far it was her all over him, but she wanted his teeth in her skin until their bodies collided into one.


Art by Otackoon

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


09-27-2016, 10:43 PM

Lift off this blindfold, let me see again

Gethin had carefully built up his self control over the years so that he could slowly take his time with the women he was with and get them to trust him and willingly agree to stay with him. Mercy was the only woman he had ever encountered that was able to throw all that work and all that self control out the window at a single blink of those violet eyes. He hated and loved that about her all at the same time. Right now he hated it because he wanted to take care of her first and make her rest, but he loved it cause it just solidified why he was so fixated and entrapped by her all the time. His eyes closed for a moment and a low growl rumbled in his chest as her teeth grazed his cheek and her whispered words reached his ears. What little resolution he had left went tumbling off a cliff.

He was silently glad that Mercy's opponent hadn't done more actual damage to her than she had. That face made him not feel nearly as bad as he would have as he immediately stepped forward so that their chests were pressed flush together and he curved his neck around hers so that his jaws could grasp her scruff between his teeth. That first real contact sent fire through his veins and sent a tremble down his spine. It had been far too long. His teeth cut through her skin and he pressed his chest harder into hers with a growl. He didn't know how he was keeping himself from just climbing onto her right that very moment, but he was. She wanted him to show her how much she meant to him and damn it he was going to do just that. It might not be what most outsiders would view as love or affection, but for the two of them this was the only way he knew how to express how much he loved her.

He let his chest leave hers as he let go of her scruff for the moment so that he could walk down along her side. He left small bites as he went, slowly making his way down her body. His teeth scraped the skin on her shoulder, all along her spine, down the front of her thigh. He left a particularly sharp bite on her hip and another low growl left him as he sank his jaws into the skin there. Their love bites had never been gentle and he certainly wasn't going to start now. This was the girl that wanted him while she was sore and covered in an opponent's blood. Little nips weren't going to cut it.

Finally he let himself circle around behind her and climb over her so that his body rested lightly on top of hers. He was still careful to keep a good portion of his weight on his hind legs since he was still aware of how bruised and sore she was, but his front legs still hooked tightly around her and his claws dug into the soft skin on her sides. He grabbed her scruff in his jaws again and pulled her back against him as his teeth sank into the mouthful of skin yet again, his bite lightly tearing her skin as he pulled on her scruff. Finally he gave into himself and let himself have all of her, wanting nothing more than to show her exactly how much she meant to him.

- fade to black-

And bring back the water, let your ships roll in, in my heart she left a hole


Mercy I


5 Years

09-28-2016, 03:03 AM

Her whispered words sent him over overdrive, and a sharp shiver ran down her spine as he reacted to her needy advances. He growled and shut his eyes, and before she knew it they were going right into overdrive. His neck reached around hers and he bit into her scruff, hard enough to make her let out a gasp that was mixed with a moan. With his teeth in her skin, she wanted nothing more than for more of him. More and more, everything he had to offer. She craned her neck back and ran a trail of harsh nips on the side of his neck and shoulder, anything that was within her reach. He pressed harder against her bruised chest, and she flinched ever so slightly. The pain almost made her head spin and her legs give out, but she wasn't going to let this go. There was no way that Mercy would drop this until she had what she wanted -- what they both wanted. The pale women knew that Gethin wanted her just as badly, from the way he quivered with delight and the growls that tumbled out of his mouth. She almost wanted to say fuck it and just get down to the good stuff, but it was more fun when it was drawn out like this. It made the end result that much more satisfying, plus there was hardly anything Mercy liked to do more than tease a man and drive him nuts.

He let go of her scruff all too soon, but made up for it with the love bites that he placed down her side. He drew his canines slowly over her shoulder, rewarding him with a breathy moan as her body shook. He followed the shape of her spine and the curve of her thigh, before his teeth sunk into his hip. Mercy's jaws parted in a silent scream, her spine arching as she leaned into his teeth. Her breath hissed between clenched jaws as blood flowed freely from her new wound, the fresh smell of blood making her nostrils flare. With half lidded eyes she turned around and bit down hard on his rump, feeling his own crimson liquid coming to coat her tongue. She lapped at it like the thirsty bitch she was, savoring the taste of him on her lips. Pulling back, she tried to catch his eye as she licked his blood off of her already blood stained maw. Snapping her jaws shut again, she rose a single black marked brow to see what he would do next.

Clearly he couldn't wait any longer, because soon enough he was behind her already. Inviting him in she moved her elongated tail out of the way, wiggling her rump as much as her sore muscles would allow. A low, sultry laugh left her lips that turned into a high pitched moan when he bit down on her scruff. When he pulled it back her head lifted with the movement, blood dripping down her neck. And then finally, finally, they once again became one.



Art by Otackoon

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


10-10-2016, 06:06 PM

I flew into pieces, and she flew into me

Gethin was no healer, but he had taken care of his brother enough back in the day to know a little bit here and there. He didn't ask Mercy if he could take care of her, he just set to work like it was second nature to do so. Thoughts about their last conversation and worries over what trouble she had gotten herself into were all set aside for the moment. He loved her. Whether she liked it or not he was gonna take care of her for at least a little bit. After he slipped off of her he started slowly working his way up her body, gently and carefully cleaning each of the bites he had left and any that he could find from her previous fight. By the time he made it back to her face the edges of his lips were stained red from the mix of the blood he had pulled from her during their fun and the blood from her opponent he had cleaned off of her in the process. His eyes found hers for a moment and a slight smile twitched at his lips. "Stay here, alright? I'll find you something to eat. I don't know if there's any herbs around here or not, but I'll keep an eye out while I'm at it." He licked away a spot of blood off her forehead before he turned to head further into the trees, glancing over his shoulder briefly to make sure she wasn't gonna move.

It didn't take him too long to hunt down a rabbit for her, but just as he suspected there wasn't a whole lot to find as far as herbs went. Well, at least not for ones he knew. The place he had grown up in hadn't been as far north as this was so he wasn't entirely familiar with this place. He trotted back to where he had left her with the hare hanging from his jaws. He sat it down at her paws before taking a step or two back and settling down on his stomach to wait for her to eat. "No luck on the herbs I'm afraid," he added as an afterthought. He glanced around at the large trees that surrounded them, just really noticing them for the first time. He had been so focused on Mercy that the rest of the world hadn't really mattered. Even now all he was really doing was looking out for any other wolves or animals that might be in the area to make sure they didn't bother them while Mercy ate.

saying, "Play me a song, it's been too long since I've heard you sing"


Mercy I


5 Years

11-05-2016, 02:27 AM

With a grin she flopped down on the earth, her legs unable to hold her up any longer. They quivered below her as she shifted to rest on her hip, glancing back at Gethin wit half lidded eyes. She hardly heard what he was saying at all, but was paying enough attention to hear the pitch in his voice rise into a question. Sure, whatever. Nodding her head, she rested it on her paws and closed her purple eyes. Before he even left she was out, a soft snore vibrating out of her nose. She was beyond the point of exhaustion, making her slumber void of any dreams of any kinds. It was just a comfortable blackness to wrap her up in it's embrace.

In too short of a time she heard him speaking, a groan slipping out of her jaws as she rolled over. Five more minutes, that's all she wanted! That was, until the smell of fresh prey hit her nose. Raising her head, she peeked open one eye to look at the rabbit that he had caught for her. Not trusting her legs, she extended her front paw and wrapped it around it, pulling it closer to her while glancing up at the gray male with hazy vision. Blinking at him, it didn't take too long for her to give into her hunger and she quickly devoured the rabbit. Licking her chops and feeling slightly rejuvenated, the dame stretched out her legs as a yawn split open her maw. Snapping it shut quickly after, she kicked over onto her back to peek at the man beside her with a cheeky look on her face. "Thanks doll face," she murmured, laughing slightly at the nickname she tossed at him. Extending her legs all the way up, every part of her shook as the pull of her muscles burned with an almost pleasing feeling. Grunting, she flipped back to her belly as her tail brushed slowly across the ground. She didn't hear anything about herbs, but she wasn't too concerned. She hadn't been able to do much damage control before passing the fuck out, so she twisted her neck to try and inspect herself. "You made it worse, didn't you?" Mercy asked with a purr, tossing that cheeky look at him again.


Art by Otackoon

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


11-10-2016, 11:07 PM

Well sometimes I go out by myself and I look across the water

His ear twitched at her voice and his ruby gaze got pulled back toward her when she thanked him... using a new pet name. A short snort of laughter left him at that and he gave a little shake of his head. "You're welcome." He never knew quite what to expect from her. Maybe that's what kept him so interested. One of the many reasons anyway. His eyes followed her movements as she stretched and got settled back onto her stomach. If it had been anyone else they probably would have been upset when they looked back at the damage he had done, but this was Mercy. Only Mercy would tell him he made it worse and grin at him for it. He chuckled softly and gave her a little nod. "Maybe a bit,"he replied quietly as he pulled himself onto his paws to cross the few steps that were between them so that he could take a closer look at the bites he had left once again now that he could focus on something other than getting food into her. They certainly weren't that bad. Nothing to worry about as long as they didn't get dirty.

His gaze trailed back up the length of her body to her face and he gave her a small smirk. "What am I gonna do with you?" he mused, mostly rhetorically. It figured that the one woman that would finally fully catch his attention would constantly be getting into trouble. But would he be this crazy about her if she wasn't at least a little wild? Mercy just happened to have enough wild in her for three wolves. He tried not to think about the unreciprocated sentiments from their last meeting as he settled down onto his stomach next to her. He didn't figure that she would be walking anywhere for a little while as least, not with how her muscles trembled when she stretched. That was alright. He wasn't in a hurry and there didn't seem to be anyone else around to bother them. They could rest here for a while. Assuming she wanted him to stick around with her.

And I think of all the things, what you're doing, and in my head I paint a picture.


Mercy I


5 Years

11-19-2016, 02:51 AM

She chuckled when he said that he had made them a bit worse, her head flopping back down. Mercy was destined to always have some sort of wound on here, there was no if, ands, or buts about it. She had a habit of getting into trouble, and even then she liked it a little more rough than most. The dame was glad that Gethin cared for her despite it, and fed her fire with his harsh nips and growls. Her tail flipped behind her as he inspected her, humming softly as he felt his ruby red gaze rake across her form. She wiggled, even though they had just finished she had a rather unstable appetite. When Gethin asked what he was going to do with her, Mercy couldn’t help but laugh softly. Reaching back, she tried to gently latch on his paw and tug on it, urging him to come and lay beside her. "You can always just do me," she said in a silky tone, fixing her hungry eyes on his. A wide, toothy grin took over her features as her tail reached out to tap against his back legs. It was up to him to figure out if she was teasing or not. While she was tired and sore, she wasn’t the type of girl to ever say no. A yawn split open her jaws again as she rested her head on her legs, her back legs kicking to the side so that she was splayed in a more comfortable position.


Art by Otackoon

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


11-28-2016, 06:35 PM

What are you waiting for? You never seem to make it through the door.

She was the most insatiable woman he had ever come across. Even though she could barely stand and she was clearly sore and beaten, she still reached over to pull him closer and shot him suggestive looks. Her tail flicked against his legs and he just sighed and chuckled as his head shook gently. "Ridiculous woman," he mumbled as he went over to lay next to her, her side pressing into his own as she kicked out her legs and got comfortable. He licked the backs of her ears and nuzzled into her scruff with a soft sigh. "Go to sleep, Mercy. We'll have more fun later if you want." There would be plenty of time to do her later. She was yawning her head off as it was. He wasn't about to fuck her into an early grave. Perhaps that was a bit dramatic, but she needed rest. His tail curved around her haunches as he settled around her and got comfortable so that he could keep watch.

He let his ruby gaze drift across the trees around them for a while, just letting his mind go blank for the time being. He tried not to think about the feeling of her warm frame against him and the sound of her steady breathing. He glanced down at her after a while, his gaze tracing every feature on her face, over her ears, and down her neck. "I love you, you ridiculous woman," he thought to himself silently, sighing before letting his head settle down on his own paws to get a little rest.

Who are you hiding from? It ain't no life to live like you're on the run.


Mercy I


5 Years

11-30-2016, 01:51 PM

Mercy snorted, but she knew that he was right. Letting out a sigh she rested her head on her paws, and it didn't take long at all for her to start snoring away. With the heat of Gethin by her side, she slipped thankfully into the darkness of sleep, far too exhausted to even bother with dreams. Her tail wrapped around his hind end as she dozed off, ears flopping back slightly. Her back legs twitched on occasion, her muscles tensing and relaxing. Even though she wasn't dreaming, her body still reacted to something. Perhaps it was the distance feeling of running, a wind tunnel in the endless blackness. However she was very deep in sleep, able to completely relax with someone else at her side to watch over her. She felt safe at his side, enough to throw caution to the wind and get the rest she so desperately needed.

-exit Mercy via sleep-



Art by Otackoon

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.