
Afraid of the Dark?


09-19-2016, 12:38 PM

Giant paws trekked through the eerie silence, his lumbering form and usually unhidden footfalls silenced by the fog that lingered in this place. Dual colored ears flicked to and fro, attempting to catch any sounds that might interest him or otherwise alert him to the presence of other creatures. It was strange, not being able to hear much of anything...he was never one to sneak around, he didn't need to with his intimidating size. His nose however, still worked. But it was muffled with the fog as well. At least it wasn't stripped away like his hearing had been. There was something up with this forest. Why the hell was it so silent? The multi-colored titan continued through, eyes peeled for any sign of danger.

"What I Say" "What I Heard" What I Think



6 Years

09-19-2016, 12:56 PM

Out of all the places Faite had ever been this had to be the least favorite of them all. The place was eerily silent and darker due to the thick canopy of trees and she found that she didn't mind that so much. It offered some relief from the heat so she couldn't complain. It was the mist that bothered her. That and the creepy silence that filled the place. She could see why anything wouldn't wanna live here, but it didn't mean she liked how empty it felt. It was unnatural and just a bit unnerving.

It seemed she wasn't alone like she previously thought though. Heavy footfalls caught her attention, but they were a lot closer than she'd realized. The next thing she knew a large brightly colored wolf was about ten feet in front of her. Her eyes widened slightly at the looks of him. He had a white base coat, but it was the rainbow look to him that was far stranger than anything she'd ever seen. Regulus was the brightest colored wolf she'd ever seen, but even this wolf had him beat. That wasn't even mentioning his size. He was a good three inches taller than her brother and she could do nothing but gape silently from where she'd stopped. She'd never seen a wolf so massive before.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]


10-01-2016, 12:39 AM

Ears shifted atop his massive crown, multi-toned eyes searching through the fog that claimed this land like a snake wrapped around its clutch of eggs. This would certainly be a good place to live...even with the creepy silence. But creepy was good. He liked creepy. The woods here were cool enough with the trees blocking out the sun. Toadstools and other fungi grew around the trees, his nose quivering with the scent of rotting wood and the damp smell of the earth around him. He could definitely get used to this place. Maybe drag his victims here for a good night of fun. It was certainly something he would love to do. Tantalize and torment a woman in any way he could, but of course, she would enjoy it. He always made sure his victims enjoyed it before they often regretted getting caught up with him. Today maybe it would be different. Maybe not. Maybe he could still have some fun.

Ears flicked at the smallest of sounds, massive head turning to find a figure that would have probably blended in with the surrounding forest if his eyes weren't as sharp as they were. For a moment, he stared back at her just as she did to him, though a slight smile curled his maw as he tilted his head just slightly. He turned his body to face her somewhat, his posture strong as his neck nearly arched over his chest. "It seems this forest does hide some nice treasures within its depths." His voice was smooth, holding the charm that it often held regardless of who he was talking to. His eyes roamed her features, and he had to admit she was attractive. Maybe not as vibrant as some back in his homeland, but still attractive in her own way. He could see the muscles beneath her coat, a low inaudible rumbled sounding deep in his chest. Already she was teasing him, and yet she didn't know it. But it seemed most women in general did that to the needy giant. "Does the forest wolf have a name?" He was curious, though also wanting to strike a conversation to learn more about her.

"What I Say" "What I Heard" What I Think



6 Years

10-07-2016, 02:50 PM

The giant noticed her and Faite eyed him until he bowed his head in greeting. A smile tugged at her face as she bowed her own head politely. She still couldn't get over how massive he was. She was sure that if he stood in front of her it'd be like craning her head to get a good view of the sky above her. What was it like being that tall? She hadn't even been aware there were wolves who could get bigger and more vibrant that Regulus. It was certainly a thing to marvel over and she couldn't help but wonder if the man was from around here.

"It seems this forest does hide some nice treasures within its depths."

She smiled softly at him. It seemed like he'd been referring to her, but it was a little hard to tell. Honestly she couldn't see anything else around here that would classify as nice (unless you were a healer) so she decided that he was complimenting her. It was strange to think about. She didn't get flirted with, at least she didn't think she did, or get nice compliments. She just viewed herself as ordinary, plain, boring almost save for her free nature.

"You just have to know where to look for the nice things." She said with a chuckle. "I'm Faite by the way. Who are you?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]