
Tear Your Heart Out; Start Again

Marina I


7 Years
09-19-2016, 08:02 PM

In the end the woman had fled from seeing her children again. The moment she caught sight of Zephyra’s coat… The woman became scared. Scared of rejection. But the longer she waited… gah! The woman gave a soft whine. Though she longed to see her babies again… perhaps the best thing was to let them walk their own path now. To walk on their own two feet. For surely they likely hated her by now. Disappearing when she did… but…was that really her fault?

Of course it was.

Marina had come to a stop by the edge of the battlefield, ears flicked back as frustration welled up in her heart. What was she doing with her life. Where was she going with it? Claws bit into the soil as frustration gave way to anger. She once had everything… a pack… family… now… now what? Where should she go from here to try and rebuild? A snarl ripped from her throat as Marina narrowed her eyes. “Dammit!” The woman cursed.

What she needed was something to rekindle the flame in her heart. Some sort of fire… something that gave her purpose once more. She didn’t necessarily want to rebuild Borealis, no, but she did long for something to change. It had to… or surely she’d go mad once more. She could feel agitation prickling at her skin. Perhaps a spar was what the woman needed? Something to get her mind off the current state of affairs…

So Marina raised her muzzle to the sky, calling for those who might accept her challenge for a friendly spar. Who knew? Perhaps something more could come of it. Even a new home…

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



3 Years
Extra large
09-21-2016, 10:47 AM

Normally the large man wouldn't come to such a place. It stunk of packs scrabbling over each other. Wolves fighting was one thing, but claims was something he didn't want to be apart of unless he was doing the claiming. As his lightly colored paws hit the ground, the scent of a female struck his nose after the call hit his ears. His tail with a white undertone would flick as he came face to face with a rather peculiar woman. Her coat on the top like a man had a wide array of colors. That of which, made his odd markings look like child's play. Of course he was much taller than she, which he wouldn't pay mind to the dominant feel of the man just came off as he stood there. It seemed she too, was a loner. Probably in search of honing her skills, but he was always one for bets.

"Lovely lady, seems like an odd occurrence we ran into each other." he began as his eyes looked her over. "If I win would you travel with me? I have ambitions to make my own pack, though you are in no obligation to stay if you think it doesn't suit you. But you'd be well taken care of with me. " he didn't usually want to drag around another wolf. Yet if she won it was all the more proof she could take care of herself. As the male would settle himself into his defenses, he would wait and see if she would take the first move.

0/4(?) for companionship.
Hakon v Marina.


Marina I


7 Years
10-03-2016, 07:44 PM
A man came, and quite the proposal he gave her. Marina would flick an ear back as she listened, thoughtful as she considered her options. She had wanted a spar, had she not? This man was just upping the ante a little bit with a wager. Marina shifted, turning her whole body towards the stranger. There was roughly six feet of distance between them currently; a good distance to start with. The rainbow marked woman wore a playful smirk on her lips, her brow arching as she looked him over in turn. “I may not be one for odd coincidences…” Marina began. “But I think I’ll accept your proposal. Best of luck.” There was something within her that had rekindled, a fire of sorts. She narrowed her eyes, letting her instinct take over.

Defenses were the first key to any battle; Marina knew that. Her ears folded back against her skull, her eyes narrowed and she raised her hackles. Shoulders were rolled forward, digits splayed, claws bit the earth, and tail rose out behind her like a banner to help with her balance. To aid with the balance her legs were also spread in a widened stance, her weight evenly distributed, and her head lowered to align with her spine. Finally the she wolf parted her jaws-- for they were the business end for her today.

In an instant Marina lunged forward. A snarl ripped from her throat as she let that other part of her take over, that part known as Rainbow Syndrome. Her body shifted to her right, the male’s left, as she aimed to ram into him full speed with the left-center area of her chest into his own {left-center chest area}.. Furthermore she twisted her head to the left as well, aiming to have her jaws clamp down upon the male’s upper left shoulder in a deep, gripping bite. She also sought to not only ram and bite the male, but to push her left foreleg into his own left foreleg to try and shift his balance.

Round:: 1 / 4
Marina vs Hakon

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]