
A Story I Know Nothing About.



1 Year
09-20-2016, 08:06 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2016, 08:13 PM by Gnar. Edit Reason: added translation )
The Chainsmokers - Don't Let Me Down (Illenium Remix)

It was late. The sun had faded from the world and the moon taken it's place in the sky atop the heavens with all the stars dancing around it. One of those stars up there was him. Her father. She didn't know which one, but it was probably dancing with two others, his mother and her mother. The woman she was named after and the one that birthed her. Maybe he was finally smiling. But which ever one he was, she knew he was one of the ones overhead. His soul would return to this place, she was sure of it. Maybe it had followed her, been the wind at her back that blew her here with haste. Maybe it had come in with her. Such were her thoughts as she looked up at the sky through the clearing in the trees, a circle that gave way to the sky above. She bore his spitting image as she stood on the soil of Ardent, what had once been Alacritis. Save for the scars across his nose that she lacked, at least she had that. One way or another, He was home.

Such were the woman's thoughts as she sat before the pool, looking up at the sky. She was young. But despite her youth, her eyes, they just seemed so much older than she. There was an old aura about her. Even as she looked up at the sky, sighting down that brown snout of hers, she held the same expression that she always did. Neither friend nor foe, neither welcoming nor hostile. Neither warm nor cold. The stones around her that danced with strange markings, she'd seen ruins like this out in the wilderness, not often but once or twice. They were always beautiful. Her tail would give the occasional wag as she looked upwards, trying to find them. She'd been beautiful enough for him to name her after the woman, and she was tied to this place, and Serrah to him. So she was sure of it. The three of them were up there somewhere. Together as he longed for. It gave her a overwhelming sense of peace and ease. To know that they would never go back to that place where they went when their eyes went ten thousand yards down range ever again. They were free now.

Slowly, she brought her eyes back down to look at the white stones around her, dancing with the strange writing that they carried. Her voice would calmly fall from her lips against the stone. "шептать меня ваш Истории." Whisper Me Your Stories. And after a moment's longer gaze, she rose to her feet and slowly brought her gaze to the memory pool before her. Her head would aim towards it as she slowly began to walk a circle around it's border, the faint light rising up from it. So this was the home of her father. The place that he loved so dearly despite all the pain it gave him. All those stories about the world, and this was the place that he had tied his soul to. Her face never once changed as she looked at all the broken and fractured memories that swam before her, of many wolves over hundreds of years, generations on generations of Zaraidd who had taken up against the darkness and loved this world and all the light in it. Her linage. All culminating to a brown wolf with three scars across his nose standing atop a mountain looking down at Alacritis unfolding before him as the cold, snow kissed wind of the mountain blew through his fur. He was young, and full of life and light and energy. And the land he looked out on was so beautiful. She could see the appeal. Many might not say it, but Newol was Gnar's Hero. So he succeeded in his goals in that regard. The woman would find her name here, he'd said when he'd sent her on her way. And so here she would make her bed and find a home. One way or another. Sitting down again before the memory pool, she turned her gaze back to the sky. There was a soft urge to howl. But she hadn't sang once in her life, so her voice was meant for something special. She wouldn't let it loose here. She would save it for now, and simply bask in this quiet moment of hers. It had been a long journey here, and she was tired. But sleep wouldn't find her yet, she wasn't ready to surrender to this day just yet.



4 Years
09-20-2016, 09:09 PM

Safir had made her way to an area with a pond it had another younger wolf looking into it. She heard them speak a strange language that she hadn’t heard before, she had heard a couple of strange ones before but not that one. She decided that she wouldn’t approach the wolf quite yet she had had enough strange experiences with foreign wolves. She would find a spot behind the wolf being hidden in the tree line, waiting to see what would happen in the mean time. She behaved like this in situations like this way too often she always hid to see what would happen later, she hid too often because she was afraid that she would get hurt but had she ever gotten hurt with the way she handled other wolves. She didn’t know why she always did this but at least it had kept her safe, she shook her head to clear her thoughts this really wasn’t the time to have an existential crisis.
[Image: ojtJhNT.png]
[Image: safir_pixel_by_reflectedmemories-d8nbhy0.png][Image: ylVIm7C.png]



10 Years
09-21-2016, 01:47 AM
Though her wandering had considerably lessened, it seemed she was still not entirely done with it. There was an ache in her soul that compelled her to move. Such strong feelings were rarely cured quickly. Today, or should she say tonight, was rather interesting as her slender legs had carried her on a path to one of the few places she had already visited before and actually bothered to remember. Cae knew it when she saw the familiar stones, covered in strange carvings she did not understand yet the fact that they must have had some important meaning was not lost on her.

Soon the weary traveler found herself approaching the pool of water that had captured her attention during the previous visit. She took note of the strange female who stood nearby, and a quick sniff of the air told her she may be less alone than she first thought on arrival. A gait scent drifted on the wind though she could not be sure where it came from of if the other was still hanging around or had recently moved past. Deciding not to concern herself with that for the time being Caelum seated herself on the opposite side of the pool of water, looking at the brown toned wolf with dark markings and offering a friendly tap of her tail on the soft earth as her greeting. She wasn't sure what to say at the moment since introductions weren't really something that came naturally to her.



1 Year
09-22-2016, 07:11 PM
Tristam & Braken - Frame of Mind

The brown pelted woman would remain quiet as the other, much older female approached. She didn't since any animosity in her aura, didn't hear any violence in her voice, didn't see any hate in her eyes. So at face value, she had no reason to greet this woman with any such thing. And as for the scent lurking in the shadows, as of the moment, it showed no sign of wanted to be acknowledged, and so she would treat it as such. Slowly, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath in through her nostrils, parting her maw as she exhaled through her mouth, tasting the air of this new land, the home of her Father. Then, her eyes would open and her snout fall to meet Caelum. It was interesting to see that her first wolf she would meet here would be so nice to behold, even if her appreciation for the aesthetic did not show on her face. She addressed this woman with the same face that she addressed the world with at all times. She was not warm and welcoming in her demeanor. BUT! More importantly,

She was not cold nor hostile.

She was a blank page, and what Caelum saw there she was in total control over, in the way of her own actions and words. This was Gnar. But, at the very least, the white and black female had greeted her, and so she was do the returned favor. With that notion, Gnar closed her eyes and her snout tilted down as she slowly bowed her head in return, before returning to meet Caelum's gaze. The eyes that seemed so out of place and old on her so young of a face never leaving her. She had the feeling that the other woman had no words at the moment, so instead she would start the exchange, in her eccentric nature with her cool voice. "Shall we exchange names, stranger?" It was a simple enough question. And perhaps Standard falling from her lips would help to ease the other from the shadows as well.



10 Years
10-06-2016, 08:46 PM

Caelum took the opportunity to observe the younger female as she awaited a response, noting the well built frame and muscled body but her attention was mostly drawn to the general posture and feeling she got from the other woman. It was a sort of unwavering neutrality. Curiosity filled her as she watched the odd young female with increasing interest. While she saw no hostility or uncertainty, there was also no warmth.

A few words would fall from the others lips, inquiring about an exchange of names. Only a slight pause hung between the two creatures before she responded with a soft voice and a gentle smile, "Well I suppose it would be the standard thing to do. My name is Caelum, and yours?"

She would follow up the pause where she waited for the other's response by tilting her head and inquiring "Do you live near here? I haven't seen many wolves around here recently" Her tone was nothing but warm, and her words were accompanied by a friendly wag of her tail. Though she didn't always seek out company nowadays, she wouldn't turn her nose up at an opportunity for some conversation and a chance to get to know more of the individuals who lived in this land.
