
The Weight of our Hearts



1 Year
09-21-2016, 09:25 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2016, 12:11 AM by Darrow.)


He strolled in the warm light of the early afternoon, his steps aligned with that of his larger brother, eyes darting to and fro as he caught the motions of the world. From the erratic movements of a butterfly, to the smooth glide of the Robin. He wanted to take all of it in, savor the soft colors of the leaves, and the lush tones of the birds. All of this world before him was committed to his memory, hoarded away to be saved carefully in a little box in his mind, to pour over in the quite movements of solitude he often found in his days.

The taste of the wind always brought colors to his mind, and as he watched it dance patterns in the leaves, he did as he always did, and tilted his head to the side. Yawning as he took in a breath of it, his yellow ears brushing his near twin as he breathed in deep. "The wind tastes white today. An auspicious color" he decided. It was, after all, the color of their father. When he looked up at his brother, his soft blue eyes meeting that of his brothers duel toned shades, it was the expression of love and trust. Arch always found too many emotions, hopes, dreams and fears shimmered beneath the gaze of wolves and he often couldn't bring himself to meet that rush of information. With Ro, it was different. Perhaps the shared much the same heart already,  and there was no extra burden to bare.

"Speech" Thought "You"


09-27-2016, 12:28 AM

Large paws stepped quietly upon the ground, the air warm this summer. His fur brushed his brothers, the pair walking close together as they often did. If one didn't know better, they would think that they were literally attached at the hip. He smirked lightly with the thought as the larger boy flicked his tail across his siblings hip. He knew how the mind of his little oddball worked, the gears always turning as he took in every scent, sight, and sound and turning into something that few could comprehend. But Roc understood, even if he didn't see the world the way that Darrow did. He smiled when his brother described the color of the wind today, head turning to glance at him and he nodded; dual toned eyes locking with his for a moment before he returned his attention to the world around them. They had done a lot of traveling for sure, and everyday was a new adventure. Their wandering paws taking them to wherever they wished. They never really had a set destination in mind, unless they were headed to a favorite spot to relax, hunt, or just goof around together.

But now that they were here, all of it would change. They would be led through woods full of dancing willow trees. The very faint scent of water tickling his nose, but with the heat of summer strong and glaring down upon the lands, water had been quite scarce. He was sure that as Fall approached, they would probably encounter a late summer storm. And if it came to that, then hopefully they would have found a place where they could take shelter as the world unleashed whatever hurts it had to restore itself. Golden ears flicked as his dual toned gaze roamed the woods, nostrils flaring as he felt the pull to find the water source. Whether they would be successful or not in actually finding it would be dependent on how dry it actually was. Unless of course, they were able to find the source that usually fed the many small dry beds that indicated the passing of water that he was sure was usually around during other, less blazing seasons. "Do you think we will find water today?" He glanced at his brother for a moment, wondering if he could hear or smell it. He was more in tune with nature and the world itself after all, that he was sure Darrow would probably be more likely to detect whether or not it would be worth it to seek out the faint trail.

"Speech" Thought "You"



1 Year
09-27-2016, 03:43 PM


Ro had a broader view of the world, well Darrow was confined to the one around him. It had been his brothers idea to search for their fathers family, well Darrow was simply content to wonder, see, and learn. It was good to have a purpose, a place to seek out, without it Darrow would have simply wondered until his feet gave out. With a memory like a painting, it was easy for Arch to learn, but it was understanding that sometimes gave him trouble. He added emotions and fancies to everything he saw, giving it a fantastical gleam, and well sometimes that helped him see the hidden depths of things, it was Ro that could see the world for what it was.

His brother put a question to him, and Arch shrugged his slim shoulders, his eyes following the trail of a bird in the open blue of the sky. “I vote North” he decided, it was the direction the bird had been coming from, before it had passed over them and vanished into the expanse of the endless sky.

"Speech" Language "You"