
what if's


09-21-2016, 09:41 PM
Fortune had crossed into Auster not really... knowing what to expect. There's a part of her that never quite knows what to expect. Her head is high and her steps are confident over the sandy ground. Brash and bright, she's searching for crustaceans and fish and all the soft shelled anything she could hunt. It feels lovely. She feels lovely. There's something about her today that's particularly wild. That's particularly free. She's good at shit like that. Though she's come home to Celestial, though she's been reunited with her family, she's got this wildness about her. It's beautiful. You can't argue with how damn beautiful she can be.

Today, as well, is brilliant. Sun shining down off the water, fresh sea air in her lungs. Fortune crashes down hard in one of the deeper tidepools. They're teeming with life, and she's able to catch a juicy crab in her teeth. It snaps and clacks its claws, and the woman pulls off to a flat rock to enjoy her very first catch of the day. There would be so many more, but she's enjoying pulling the small, succulent mollusk apart for now. Freaking. Delicious.

shock & awe


09-28-2016, 09:19 AM

Arsenal wasn't sure what to expect from the place he was currently traveling into. He had been in Auster some, but he hadn't been here, as far as his memory served. All the reason to explore the land in front of him, even though exploring probably wasn't the thing he should be doing. He should be looking for his siblings, his family, but he just needs some time away from them; well, more than he's already had. He was beginning to doubt that he'd ever really head towards them, but he knows that he would head their way. Eventually; as much as he resents his family, he knew he wouldn't, couldn't, stay away from them much longer. Right now, he's just traveling, a lost soul until he goes to see what his family is doing, if they're doing alright. Maybe one day he'd even join a pack, but right now he's enjoying traveling around by himself, with no other wolves to take care of.

Upon seeing the crabs, Arsenal's stomach rumbled, a reminder of his hunger. Maybe he could catch one as a snack. Before he can, though, he spots sight of the other wolf. He said nothing, but he stood still, watching and waiting.



10-05-2016, 03:46 PM
Fortune had to say, crab was probably her favorite thing just about ever. So sweet, so juicy. They were angry creatures of course, and the last one had tried to bite her back. Sassy prey were better than the ones that just rolled over and died for you. She's happy with herself, pleased, moving on to what would be target number two for the day. Another deep, warm tide pool. The girl's eyes are bright, glimmering as she tracks down the next target. More crab? Prawns? Muscles? She wouldn't know until she--

Ah-ha! Fortune pulls a full sized lobster from the water, the thing waggling in her teeth as she holds it. Rather unceremonious in her yanking, but there's delight in the way she does it. There's so much excitement. She's alive with it, prancing, dancing with the fact she's managed to catch it! Moving to the rocky part of the beach, Fortune is far less enthused when one of those meaty claws latches onto the leather of her ears. Offended, the creature tosses her quarry to the ground. It's hard enough to smash it, and she victoriously grabs the offending claw and cracks it open. Ah. Meat. Glorious meat!

She's laughing to herself, loudly and victoriously. Fortune favors the brave.

shock & awe