
forest weary

Selene I


4 Years
09-22-2016, 07:00 AM

There's something inside her. Something inside her system that makes her.... makes her feel something strange. The girl moves with her head high and something strange in her chest. Fuck. Fuck it hurts. Quick feet over tall grass, moving through the oaks and the leaflitter beneath them. Selene's head is spinning as she pushes herself deeper into the forest, farther away from the edges, farther away from the threat that had to be out here. Her heart is pounding and she's scared. She's damn scared. There's something in her chest that's not happy. Not one bit. She's trying to catch herself but it's not helping. It's not working.

Everything feels strange to Selene. The scorn of the moon realizes that it's getting darker around her. It could be the forest, it could be the outside world. No matter what, it feels... strange. Strange. Scared. She's scared, and she doesn't know what's wrong. Fuck, fuck, fuck... there's an empty, gnawing, throbbing feeling in her chest. It's terrible. Selene feels terrible, and she keeps running because of it. She keeps running, she keeps racing. It's awful. Inside, she's awful. The woman moves with her head high and her eyes wild. Heart pounding. Feet pounding on the ground. She's trying to find rhythm. She's trying to find balance.

Selene can't. She keeps chasing herself over the ground, trying to run from the very shadow at her feet. It feels awful. It feels terrible. Everything is awful, and she can't get a grip on herself. To make things worse? Of course, things were always getting worse on days like this. Things were always making themselves worse. Thunder. Somewhere in the distance, thunder rolls. Selene keeps running.

[Image: PeVC6RS.png]