
say you'll never let me GO



7 Years

10-03-2016, 09:43 PM

It had been more than enough time since he had seen Renhett, since she had come to his borders. With a sigh, he walked over to the thicket. The grass was so dry and brittle, and he worried that the storm clouds ahead would cause a flash storm above his pack lands. His tail swung, hitting the grass. It nearly crumbled to dust under his touch, and he tsked his tongue. Nearly forgetting about his task at paw, he turned around to inspect it, and when he bit down it did just that. Spitting it out, he glared across the dry grasses for a moment before heading towards the borders. It was time to meet this... man of sorts of Renhett, as well as seeing how she was doing. She said that she was going to mention him to the tusked man, but he wasn't sure if she had found the time. Nevertheless, it was time, Bass wasn't getting any younger.

Standing at his borders, he tipped up his head and called for Aki and Renhett. When his call was done he lowered his head, settling himself done on his rump and curling his tail around his leg and rested the tip beside his paws. Hopefully the two wouldn't take too long, he needed to go and inspect his lands to see if they were all still this brittle. One strike of lightening and Abaven lands would go up in flames.


Art by Evelyn



10 Years
Extra large
10-04-2016, 09:11 AM
Áki was unused to having to justify his actions to anyone, especially someone he didn't know. He had agreed, somewhat begrudgingly, to talk to the leader of Renhett's pack. Why he needed to see him, he didn't know - though, truth be told, he didn't know or care to know much of how packs worked. What did this strange man have anything to do with the deal that he and Renhett had made? Feeling a bit stunned, and wondering if his siblings would ever agree to anything like this, he waited warily for the call.

He didn't want to do it, but upon hearing Renhett was indeed pregnant he knew that he needed to. He wasn't getting any younger, and the possibility of raising children of his own might not exist for much longer. Who knew if this was an opportunity he would see again? Nearly grumbling to himself, a rarity for the normally jovial man, he strode toward the direction of the packlands from whence Bass called. His posture was stiff as the smaller man came into view. The stench of a well-sized pack littered this place, and he wrinkled his nose in slight distaste.

"Hello," he'd call out, cautious with his words - for his dealing with this man could paint how easily Renhett might give these children to him, as she had promised. He had no idea how packs dealt with such things. He would kill for these children, if he had to, to free them - though he had no idea if such a thing was even a possibility. He dipped his tusked head as he drew closer, remaining a reasonable distance away. "You must be the leader that Renhett spoke of?" His words were low, heavy with the Finnish accent that never seemed to fade, and laced with uncertainty, though void of anything mildly resembling fear.



5 Years
10-05-2016, 11:55 AM

Of course she felt a little bad for the man. It was as if she was presenting someone to her father. All the same there wasn't much to be done and Renhett knew she wasn't going to argue otherwise. Her delicate paws carried her next to Aki. Though she was not so intimate with him at the moment anyway. As her red eyes saw Bass she gave a smile, wagging her tail slightly. She did suppose if this is what it took to be in Abaven she would succumb to it.

"Yeah, this is Aki." she looked at the huge man for a moment. Ears flicking as she then returned her gaze to Bass. Wondering what he would say or do. Well all wolves had fleeting moments in their lives. She was sure she and Aki were the same. However she fully believed in the mutual trust that they had for each other.




7 Years

10-08-2016, 01:52 PM

It didn’t take as long as he had expected before the massive wolf showed up. Renhett had said that he had saber teeth, but seeing him for himself it was clear to see that they were tusks. Mmm… that was odd indeed. She hadn’t been joking about him being giant, but after being around Imperium so often that it was pretty hard to impress him in that way. He regarded him coolly, although there was no hostility in his gaze. Bass dipped his head as a greeting left the man’s lips, an obvious accent gracing his words. A single brown brow raised, and he eyed the distance between them. Was he wary of him? ”With those tusks of yours, I have no doubt that your bite would be worse than mine. I’m not here to accuse you of anything," he said with a bit of a chuckle. He felt a bit like a father talking to his daughter’s suitor, but this gentleman was older. If he was more so than him, he wasn’t quite sure. He mentioned him being the leader spoken of, and he smiled as he nodded. "I suppose so. My name is Bass, it’s a pleasure to meet you," he said smoothly, turning to Renhett when she entered the scene.

There was a pleasant smile on his face when he greeted her, his tail tapping on his paws as he looked between the two. Now he could start to feel the awkward emotions rise, and he knew that it was up to him to carry on the conversation. "I called you both here because I would like Renhett to stay within Abaven borders. I know that she is carrying your children, and I want to offer her the protection that a pack can offer. I am not saying that you would be incompetent to care for her, but there is only so much you can guarantee as a loner. You would have visitation rights of course, she can meet you at the borders or you can howl and come on in. But… I want her in Abaven," His voice was firm, his lips pushing together. There was a bit of worry tying into a knot, that Aki would deny him and keep her away from him forever. Bass was unsure if he could beat the red marked stranger in a fight,


Art by Evelyn



10 Years
Extra large
10-11-2016, 08:41 AM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2016, 07:30 AM by Áki.)
Though quite certain he could handle this on his own, he was grateful for Renhett's presence. He offered her a grin as she moved to his side, his gaze briefly sweeping over her. She looked a bit more plump now, but it was really quite hard to tell since she wasn't terribly far into her pregnancy. As Bass greeted him, he'd turn his attention back to the pack leader, curious and wondering why exactly he had been summoned. He'd attempt to have an open mind, even if internally he wished he was anywhere but here right now.

Bass's words made a slight frown touch his lips. Was it that obvious that he was uncomfortable here? Áki wasn't one who hid his feelings well, so he should've expected it - but his words took him a bit by surprise. But he laughed regardless, a hearty chuckle that rumbled in his chest. "Perhaps," he said simply, not wanting to say more to imply that he wasn't at all afraid if it came down to that. It seemed a more jestful comment than a serious one, so he held his tongue. "Aki Jarvela," he'd offer his own name with ease. "And a pleasure to meet you, as well, Bass."

What Bass had to say wasn't far from what Renhett had originally told him. She was to stay in Abaven until the children were born. "I respect that decision," he rumbled gently, nodding his head. Needing permission to visit Renhett was... fine, if not something he'd ever chose for himself. "I.. simply want to know you will not decide to keep my children." Though he didn't know precisely how packs worked in that regard, what he did know was that they were often protective over things they had no claim over.. especially other wolves.



7 Years

10-16-2016, 03:35 PM

He was glad that Aki seemed to be comfortable enough to offer him a small laugh, his own lips twitching upwards in a smile. His head nodded slowly as he explained his fear on Renhett joining Abaven; being kept away from his children. Bass could understand that, if anyone tried to take his kids away he would go batshit crazy and take lives without regret. "No, I will not keep your children from you. That will be something between you and Renhett, I have no possession over them. I would like to request that they stay here until they are at least weened, if that is acceptable. You can stay within our borders at that time as well, if you wish. I only want to see that they are healthy and cared for as well as Renhett. Then you can go through with the deal that you two have made," His yellow eyes cut towards the female as he said that. She knew very well what he thought about this whole thing, but unless the large man gave him a very strong reason to, he would never keep him away from his own kids. Moving new puppies could be dangerous though, and they at least needed to be able to survive without their mother before he would allow them to leave. But would that be enough for the tusked man? He didn't want to leave Renhett out in the open and exposed when she grew larger, a pregnant woman was a pretty easy target. Bass waited patiently, giving Aki as much time as he needed to think about it.


Art by Evelyn



10 Years
Extra large
10-18-2016, 07:51 AM
Bass didn't seem like a bad man at all - hell, he clearly cared about Renhett enough to make sure that this situation seemed to check out. He didn't seem to want Aki to justify his own lifestyle, nor did he question the arrangement that he and Renhett had made, even though it was quite unconventional. He wasn't sure he'd be conformation with trying to convince anyone of either.. he'd never had to convince anyone of anything that he did; he simply did it. But he appreciated Bass's concern, as a father might for his daughter, which was certainly the way Renhett had described their relationship. He offered another grin in return, tail batting against his hocks gently.

"Then we will have no problems," he rumbled happily. He wasn't totally thrilled that they'd have to stay here until they were weaned, but he knew that was best for them - he was not stupid enough to take them from their mother when they still needed her to survive. He'd half-hoped that Sabine might still be producing and, if he found her, she could nurse them.. but moving them would be dangerous, surely, and he hadn't seen his sister in some time. This would have to do, then. "I'd like to stay with them after they're born, and will bring no trouble." Stay within a pack's borders? His stomach tightened; he was not part of Abaven and would not be, but staying with Renhett and his children did not sound like a terrible idea, even if pack life was nauseating to even think of. "You won't even know I'm here." Though the rest of the pack might end up noticing the mammoth tusked wolf, though he would not be a threat as long as no one else proved to be one either.



5 Years
10-18-2016, 06:01 PM

Renhett listened to the two of them talk. She was feeling a little, well awkward. Not that it was something that happened often. Watching Bass though she did hope this all would work out. She probably wouldn't be making any deals like this ever again but she felt Aki had deserved the help. If anything he would raise a beautiful child with his culture and she wanted to see that happen be a part of that. She smiled lightly and looked at Aki. "Consider ourselves friends Aki, I know packs made you uncomfortable. But even after the pups are born you're free to talk with me if we cross paths." she then looked at Bass with a wag in her tail she stood up.

"Bass." she hopped forward and wanted to seek her nose to his shoulder. If he so allowed at least, she was indeed happy. Happy that'd she be in Abaven though usually pack lives never worked out for her she would test it out like anything else. "I'll be a healer for Abaven - I can handle mental illness just as well as physical wounds now." so maybe that'd be a bit of help.




7 Years

10-19-2016, 05:03 PM

Bass nodded at Aki, pleased that he was gracious enough to accept everything that he was putting down on the table. "You can stay as long as you like, but I doubt you will go unnoticed. I apologize if my members swarm you with questions, but it's not every day that they see a tusked wolf like yourself, or even one of your size," he said with a chuckle. He could see Merlin swamping Aki with a million and one questions like the usually did. Other than that, he didn't think that anyone would be too bothered by him. However, it was so nice to have Renhett back home. Would his children even remember her? His oldest litter had been pretty little when she first left, so he had no idea if they had even interacted in those days. Turning to her when she spoke, he dipped his head in understanding. "Of course, the rank of Medico is yours. There is another healer who joined the pack as of late, a blind woman by the name of Storm," was it rude to use her blindness as an identifier? His ears flicked back slightly, but he moved on. "I asked her to hold a training soon, would you be able to assist her? She's new to the area and I don't think she knows where all the best plant finding spots are," His nose wrinkled slightly at the thought of bitter herbs. It wasn't an unknown fact that Bass was stubborn when it came to healing, and his disinterest in them as well. Even as he aged it hadn't changed.

His yellow gaze drifted back to the larger male, his tail wagging a few times behind him. "Thank you for being so accommodating, Aki. If there are any concerns you have, don't hesitate to howl for me. I'm generally always within the borders," As much as he thought that Renhett was making a mistake, it didn't make him hostile towards him. Plus, he seemed to be a really genuine type, he doubted he would double cross Renhett. Bass had been wrong before though, and he would be lingering during their little... deal.


Art by Evelyn



10 Years
Extra large
10-25-2016, 04:37 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2016, 04:46 PM by Áki.)
Renhett seemed to visibly relax as they spoke though saying she was comfortable right now was a far stretch. Aki didn't mean to cause any trouble, even if Bass doubted his intentions and didn't agree at all with the plan they had made together. He accepted it, despite not liking it, and seemed to be less hostile than Aki initially anticipated. "Friends indeed," he agreed heartily, his smile growing. He would not teach his children that their mother was not part of their lives - they could certainly chose to meet her if they wished, and likewise if they chose a life that was not at all like his own, that was their choice too. He was grateful, too, as she addressed Bass. She was healer, something he hadn't known, and might prove useful someday as he had little knowledge of such things.

Bass said he could stay as long as he liked. 'Trust me, I won't stay any longer,' he thought to himself. He was not comfortable living in a land ruled by another, not one bit. "Not a problem," he chortled gently. Aki didn't mind attention one bit, and wouldn't pretend otherwise. If the attention was directed at his children, though, he imagined he might feel a bit different about it. Protective, perhaps. It was an odd thought, even now.   "And I ought to thank you, Bass. I know this is not.. typical," he offered with a shrug. He had no qualms about being different, but he knew it often was strange to others. Thankful, he dipped his head gently as a farewell. "Your understanding is greatly appreciated."