
inhale and hold



6 Years
Extra large

10-06-2016, 11:43 AM

He'd been exploring for a few nights now, having passed through the narrow strip of land that connected the two continents. Auster certainly seemed to hold more promising lands than the barren wastelands becoming of the east in Boreas. So far, he'd seen grass greener than any field he'd ever set eyes on- even greener than the knolls in the South. For a hunter, the land seemed fertile and perfect.

Wanderlust still inspired those heavy paws to continue moving, wanting to get to know the foreign lands as quickly as possible. All of Ardent was foreign to him really, never having been to the West or the North, but something about Auster spoke to the giant's heart. He finally came to a stop when coming across the standing, runic stones seemingly placed by something even more colossal than he. Intrigued, he found himself captivated by their presence and nearing the center of the circle to which they surrounded. They were so alike the ones that laid out in the jungle he'd grown up in that he had his breath momentarily taken away from him, and an audible gasp leaving his body as he released the air once he'd realized he'd been holding it. His ruby gaze peered to the sky, his heart racing. Was this Katar's doing? He was a firm believer that everything happened for a reason.

His skin prickled into goosebumps beneath his fur as he shook his coat and neared the stone bearing etchings, a colder rush of air breezing over the fur of his nape that gave him a visible shiver. A feeling of peace washed over him, moving him unlike any other as he smiled in remembrance of the fonder days of his life when his deceased mate was still living. Somehow, he felt as if she lived on when he was here and watched over him.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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2 Years
10-08-2016, 07:32 PM

She was on the move again. Reina once curled comfortably in the open field, resting from a long tiresome day. She could have slept through the night had it not been for the instinct that kicked in. She was up on her paws, bolting across the field. It had always been this way, taking a break from her travels for a few days before suddenly sprinting off again. The dark woman just refused to settle down when there was much to do.

The rouge woman now stood on a new land, different than the one she stumbled upon only a month ago. Her body wet from swimming across to meet this area. She panted lightly, eyes wide and glazed across the new territory. It was different than what she was used too, but she pressed forward, either way, her dark body dripping as she moved. Her golden orbs were curious, taking in everything that surrounded her. It was a strange new land, unlike anything she had seen before.

This was not like her home; this moorland that seemed so flat to her. No, once upon a time, she was born and raised the tallest mountain she had ever laid her eyes on. All of the tribe rested within the safety of the mountains during the cold nights, then ventured off to the forest that resided below. Reina exhaled softly from the memory;  it was so long ago and she choice to leave them behind.

Continuing her jog, Reina craned her neck forward, inhaling the air. She paused immediately as she recognized a scent that lingered. Her eyes shifted, then her head turned to each side to look around. He was here. His scent was faint, but it still meant something to her. Her pace remained the same; she was in no hurry to meet with the large male.

It did not take her long, but as she approached, her lips parted open to speak, “Why is it that I have to find you everywhere I go?” She first said whiling coming to a halt. There was a distance between them, but her tail wagged slowly when she spoke. Her face did not reveal much of her happiness. She remained expressionless but she was pleased to see him, really.  

original code by merci; code editing by sheeplet; image by StarShadowist



6 Years
Extra large

10-11-2016, 09:25 AM

He had been lost in his thoughts well enough to not pay attention to scents on the winds, though the sound of her paws pulled him from it well enough to stand a bit taller and spin around with intent to face her. His ears pulled upward, stretched toward the sky and slightly angled together so that he could hear what was directly in front of him. His face held the same look of indifference to the world around him, though it was evident from his body posture that the beast was in one of his calmer states. His pelt was smoothed without the presence of any hackles despite being startled and his tail was hanging limply at his hocks.

As he looked over the other, he recognized her not to be a stranger and a gentle smirk pulled at his lips. When her question came, he'd cant his head slightly before letting his ruby gaze leave her visage in favor of the runestones standing around them. He chuckled at the irony his mind had pieced together from this event, but nodded to her in greeting and returned his attention to her features. "Is it merely coincidence? I could almost safely assume that I've acquired a stalker."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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2 Years
10-18-2016, 08:37 PM

She blinked slowly, eyeing his movement from when he finally turned to face her. The rouge woman made a quick examination of the massive brute; no fresh wounds were laid out across his body, just the old scars she noticed when they first met. He was well, physically. His posture toward the dark woman was one she had not seen before. Rather than remain stiff and distance, she felt her muscles relax as well, her face remaining the same of course.

She continued to watch him, her lips curving downwards to form a frown at his ridiculous remark. "Don't flatter yourself."" The she-wolf scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I enjoy traveling alone. Letting the wind take me where I need to be; you just happen to be one of the very few I happen to run into from time to time."" The she-wolf finally approached him; her gaze flicked forward to observe the scenery. "What brings you way out here?"" She paused, turning her head to glance over at him. "Searching for a home?" She inquired. The dark woman was curious. The constant roaming would eventually come to an end and she will need to serve her purpose.

original code by merci; code editing by sheeplet; image by StarShadowist



6 Years
Extra large

10-18-2016, 09:07 PM

Her scoff was returned with a grin as he listened to her, his expression playful and his eyes cheerful as she denied his accusation of stalking. He heard her words, though part of him couldn't help but be curious as to whether she was telling the truth or not. If she wasn't following him on purpose, then Elias couldn't help but wonder if there was a greater meaning for their reoccurring encounters.

He flicked an ear toward her question as he moved around the circle of stones he stood in, taking his time to inspect each one up close and take in the scents that lingered upon them. Mostly just squirrels had left their mark here, and various birds but he was hoping for perhaps some sort of sign that another of his own kind might linger here. He finally turned back to her and neutrality returned to his visage, "I guess you could say that. Though, the lack of prey on the northern continent is my real reason for traveling this far south. Not really searching for a home, but more.. of a 'camp'. When this place's promise of easy survival runs out, I'll move on to the next."

In truth, Elias didn't have the slightest idea what he was doing in his life but he was determined not to let himself be anchored down to any one place again. His home growing up would always hold a place in his heart, but his pack had been far too attached to that land. They'd decorated it in the bones of their ancestors only to watch the volcano destroy all that they'd cherished. Nothing in this life was a guaranteed constant, and he would not allow himself to become so easily committed to such an idea again. He met the woman's golden stare while he remained quiet in his thoughts before finally, an inquiry was voiced. "And you? Reina, was it? What brings you this far south?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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2 Years
10-19-2016, 08:00 PM

It was his grin that made her feel more at ease. After her words had rolled from her tongue, the massive brute’s smile made her feel more at ease. It was the first she had felt like this since her arrival. Even before she entered the land, she was never one for friends or any form of companionship. To her, it held her back from what she truly wanted. Gazing at the male now, she began to wonder what she sought in this life.

Her movement started off slow, and her eyes drifted away from the larger wolf to observe the stones that were found on the ground. The dirt was dry beneath her paws, and her body moved silently to investigate what might lurk nearby. Her investigation ended rather quickly when Elias spoke up again to answer her question. “Interesting concept. I suppose that is what drives some of us to keep moving rather than staying in the same place for an extended period of time.” The rouge woman replied, slowly resting her rear against the ground, her tail flopping against it.

His inquiry caused her to stare intensely at the male. She searched within his gaze for what he had in mind for his question, but when she found none, she decided to answer him. “A purpose of some sort.” She first said, a soft sigh escaping her lips. Reina has told this many times before and yet, she still found nothing. “Like you moving from place to place to set up your camp, I roam to seek a purpose in my life. It could be anything, joining a small gang of wolves simply for survival or… a pack. Packs and tribes are a lot alike; working together, making enemies, something I can work for,”

“So… To answer your question: I traveled far south in search of a pack of some sort. I would be willing to do some training to keep the strength up.”

original code by merci; code editing by sheeplet; image by StarShadowist



6 Years
Extra large

10-31-2016, 11:17 AM

His ears perked with her response, it wasn't something that the man had been expecting though he remained in a calm expression as it was not that big of a surprise, either. Most wolves sought out packs and companionship, it was the way of the wolf- even he found himself missing the feeling of being surrounded by strength and loyalty. He'd just entered the rogue life, however, and he wasn't sure how eager he was to start up another pack without facing the issues that had made him leave in the first place. He had a lot of self improvement to get out of the way before he could even consider, and his thoughts trailed back to how afraid he'd been to spar with Faite. He'd been afraid of hurting her, though now that his sister was in his company again and he'd gone through so many days of doing well.. he thought perhaps now would be a good time to work on what he'd come out here to cure, especially now as she mentioned training.

"To be a part of a pack that strives for success across generations is a great purpose to have, but lacks personal glories. Glory in strength and accomplishment helps both yourself and the pack, so training might be a good start." He would cant his head slightly, strong features of his chiseled face pulling together to make for a look of near confusion and curiosity, "How is it that you plan on training, Reina? You wouldn't happen to need a sparring partner, would you?" A small smirk curled the corner of the lips closest to her before he relaxed his face, waiting calmly for her answer despite the fluttering feeling of nervousness within his stomach. If she said yes, could he keep control over his anger?

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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