
Fair Weather Friend



9 Years
10-11-2016, 10:39 AM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2016, 10:39 AM by Storm.)
Herb Hunting: Agrimony & Boneset

She was feeling vary revived from meeting Bass and joining Abaven. It was one step closer to getting settled into her adult years of life and finally being able to create some long lasting relationships with others. Being a lone wolf had been rather lonely even with the companionship that Jack had provided. Now she had hoped that she could meet others and get to know the pack better. She also had some work ahead of her, but she was thankful for it. It helped her get over the butterflies of being a new member and worrying about doing things properly. She felt relieved to be presented this opportunity to be a healer for the pack and she was going to make herself useful.

After Bass had led her here the silver women and the raven had gone on the search for a good spot for a den. They had traveled to the more center of the territory where the lake was located, moved far back from the shore in case there was ever a case of flooding, and had found an abandoned den that had to have been used by a bear last winter. It had been a little overgrown with shrubbery but the two had worked at clearing things away from the entrance of the den. Then Storm had worked on the inside widening the den and making areas for storage for herbs and things she and the raven would collect. While she was doing that the raven gathered moss and soft grasses for her bedding. Once the two of them finished, and since it was still daylight out, they lounged around their den. It was an ideal spot, the den within the roots of a large tree where the raven would perch and watch from above.

All this had been accomplished yesterday and today the two would get started working on gathering herbs. This would be a great way to get to know the first territory of the pack and to start working on her reserves of herbs. Once she got to know a wolf or two that could help her outside of the pack territory she would expand her search of herbs. The silver women traveled away from her den, down towards the river bank looking for dampened soil that had vegetation growing. She would start by looking for Agrimony which thrived in dampened soil. The women had no sight, but her nose had become vary useful in finding herbs and in some cases she used feeling to find what she needed. Sometimes the raven was a help, but mostly in finding spots where the herbs grew.

Once reaching the vegetation by the lake she put her nose towards the ground, while she let her face feel the plants around her. Above the raven was perched within a tree, quietly watching around them.

"Talk" "You" Think
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[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times