
home is where the heart is


10-15-2016, 11:25 AM
Swans. Swans were nasty, poorly tempered creatures. Frankly Fortune has no love for them, as they aren't like ducks. Ducks will play with you, they'll chase you back. On the days she isn't hungry, Fortune will play with them. Playing with her food, maybe. Still, Swans don't play. They're ornery, and when she's hungry they're the prime prey.

There's an amount of finding when there's prey involved. Fortune is primed and graceful as she creeps up to the shore to look for nests. There's power in her muscles, deep in her bones. Low and slow, there was something fantastic and beautiful about the girl. She's young and she's gorgeous. A finely, carefully muscled creature that's careful about everything. Gaze locking onto a male swan, she's breathless and ready. A finely tuned machine. So ready.

shock & awe



5 Years
10-16-2016, 02:50 PM

The male walked not even paying attention to his surroundings and lost within his thoughts. He was worried and dwelling within the worry about his family's future. Mom was still sick and he was beginning to feel like she would never be around again, realizing this sickness could in fact kill her. The thoughts were depressing and yet no matter how hard he tried to occupy himself the thoughts seeped back into his mind. With the pack being so quiet he had no one to work with, no one to help him remain occupied so that he wouldn't focus on his depressing thoughts. Faite had been out doing her duties and so far had been the only one to work on his training with him, now that she was busy he was lost at who to train with.

He decided to focus on his other skills, hunting. Though the male would never be good at the small fast moving prey, his size was going to be important in bringing down much larger prey. Problem was he couldn't do it alone. Varda was demoted, Acapella had left the pack in search for her brother, and the other hunter he didn't know much about. In honesty he couldn't remember her name, had only briefly seen her, and had heard rumors that she was a distant relative. He knew she had been busy with the stock pile of small game they had back at the dens, but he had seen vary little of her because she had been keeping busy.

Moving forward the male headed to the lake hoping he could maybe fish a little bit and maybe find something to keep his mind off things back at the dens. The male slowed his pace when he reached the waters edge and then waded in, paying no attention to the swans not far from him. His eyes remained focused on the water, making slow movements deeper until he reached a good spot, then he stood still and waited. Again keeping no mind to the swans he hadn't noticed the large male's attention drew to him and he had begun to swim over, steady and quietly.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]


10-16-2016, 07:45 PM
Honing skills. Stalking swans. You know, the usual. Fortune isn't opposed to things like this. In fact, she was really pretty happy to be with her family. She's here to hunt for them, to keep an eye on them. To keep them safe. That's what family is for, right? Fortune is an Adravendi. That's what matters. The name had carried her this far, and it was going to carry on long after she was gone. Family was everything. Fortune would be empty without it. Without her purpose, the brave was nothing. Nothing at all.

So she kept everyone stocked. She kept them taken care of. That was what mattered, they were well kept. She's pleased with herself. No one would go hungry for as long as she was here, but they needed a bigger hunt. A bigger prey animal, something they could celebrate. Something they could all gather around, something they could have an amazing time tracking down and taking down and eating! A whole pack affair in the end... so Fortune could meet them all. So she could adjust to them all and make them... hers.

The young man, Fortune smirked when she watched him come in. The swans were ill tempered, but should leave the youth alone. She calls out softly, grinning. "A little cold for a swim, young man." But her tail is wagging. Fortune is teasing.

shock & awe