
how'd you lose that light?


08-07-2014, 10:05 AM

There had been rumors lately - rumors of Valhalla being claimed by another, of many of its members now being homeless. Hel's first thought had been of her family, of course, and she had thanked the gods that the ones she cared about had not been hurt. But then Hel had found herself thinking of the girl that she had once almost considered a friend. It was impressive for Hel to have grown so close to another, and she had forgotten her in the chaos of abandoning her home and creating another. But now that Hel found herself wondering about Cecily, she as truly worried about the other. And considering how rare it was for Hel to care for another outside her family (thus far in her life, Cecily was quite possibly the only one), she knew that it was a big deal that she was worried about the other.

It had been a spur of the moment decision for Hel to leave her family's current home and head for Valhalla's old lands. Luckily for the youngster, she had stumbled across a scent trail. It was stale, but trackable. She would find her friend and assure herself that Cecily was fine - and then never come back. It wasn't like Hel was that worried about the other youngster. She would never betray her family by caring so much about an outsider, right?

The youngster stopped only when she found herself standing at the border of a mystery pack. Though Cecily's trail continued past these lands, Hel didn't continue onwards. Despite her impulsive desire to bypass the borders, rebellious nature shining through in that moment, Hel knew she would have more luck finding Cecily if she requested permission to enter these lands. And so the youngster sank back on her haunches, tilting her head back to howl as loudly as she could. Her thin, reedy voice rose up over the horizon, calling for any and all pack members.



08-07-2014, 11:06 AM

Venus had taken time to rest near the borders, lying peacefully on the emerald grass. Her back pressed against the ground and limps carefully tucked to her abdomen. It was dusk - her favored hour. Tiny orbs of fire had begun to shine through the inky canvas. Purple swirled into onyx creating a mass that resembled a marble. Tonight was a full moon. The land would soon be illuminated solely by the rock once the sun's dying light completely faded behind Alacritis. Blades of grass tickled her sides as each one bowed in the breeze.

Counting the stars as they came into view added some sort of peace to her mind. She felt as if she belonged elsewhere. Her heart yearned to travel beyond what was so familiar. Perhaps, she simply belonged in the stars where the gods could embrace her. Though, tonight's peace would not remain. A howl close-by would mess up everything. It would taint the soft whispers of the trees when Alacritis's breath passed between their branches. Lazily, Venus rolled to her stilts and shook the soil from her otherworldly pelt. Her limbs started carrying her to the call before her mind even told them to do so - it was automatic now.

She arrived at her destination, answering the call of an onyx figure. She would easily blend in with the shadows that night cast upon all the world. Venus did not have the powers to tell this female to stay; however, she did have authority to tell the gal to leave if she posed a threat. Even puppies can be dangerous. Spies for other packs, usually. This is what drug her here - to protect Bass's lands. Ah, in a way she was still a puppet, a slave.

Venus now stood directly in front of the stranger. Forelimbs resting merely two feet from her's. Marbled eyes sought to meet the summoner's eyes. The alpha will be here in a moment. Maybe I can entertain you until then. Tell me about yourself, stranger. I am dying to know. Her last sentence was embraced with obvious sarcasm. To her dismay, the newcomer had to be female and a pup. She had little patience with those.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts



7 Years

08-08-2014, 01:46 AM

Bass had been on the other side of the territory when the howl sounded out for members of Abaven, meaning that he had to race the whole way to try and get there quickly. He was surprised to see Venus there, and even more shocked when he heard the sarcasm in her voice. He was still wary of her since the incident, and he eyes her as a brow rose, not saying a word as his golden gaze slide to the caller. "Hello there stranger, I am Bass Destruction and Azat of these lands. What is the reason for your call?" He asked with a simple tilt of his head. The darker dame seemed to be distracted by something, and Bass had no doubt that she had come here seeking something - or someone. Curiosity he gazed at her, trying to resist looking over at the dark and creamy female beside him. They had yet to talk after the whole situation, and it but him a little bit ill at ease. He was unsure of where she stood, but it brought to his attention that they needed to have a chat after all this.

Sniffing the air, he picked up the faintest hint of Cecily on her fur. It was hardly noticeable, but the boy had been pampering her since she showed up skinny and matted on his borders. Her scent clung to his nose, so it was easy to pick it off of the stranger. "Do you happen to know Cecily? Perhaps that is your reason..." He mused out loud, offering the young girl a small smile. There was a soft spot in his heart for Cecily, and even the idea of her knowing him made him loosen up a bit.


08-10-2014, 08:39 PM

ooc: venus is beautiful omg i might be in love with her face

Hel looked blankly at the female who appeared, emerald eyes narrowing slightly. "My name is Hel Frost," Though her voice was bubbly and happy, Hel was on edge, not sure if she trusted the black and cream colored wolfess. She looked suspicious - then again, Hel trusted few wolves and even fewer wolves who weren't in her family. And this female didn't look very friendly, "I'm lookin' for my friend! Who are you?" Hel sounded faintly suspicious as she eyed the stranger, muscles bunching as she prepared to flee if she needed.

Hesitantly, Hel would turn her attention from Venus to the other stranger as the next wolf made an appearance. She wasn't sure what an Azat was, but Hel was guessing this stranger would be more helpful than the snooty one - and so Hel focused her emerald gaze on the cream and brown marked wolf, eyes widening as she listened to his words. Cecily!!!! Hel's tail wagged almost nervously as the girl looked up at the male.

"Do you know where she is? We were . . ." She choked a little, not sure what to call Cecily in those moments, "We knew each other in Valhalla before my family left... I wanted to check on her." Hel explained it all hastily, the words practically tripping over her tongue in her rush to get all the words out. Hel needed to know if Cecily was okay - she didn't want to waste her time here if Cecily could not be found.
