
Innocence of Silence


10-16-2016, 06:39 PM
The child had decided that it was time to start working on some things. She still felt unsure about the other girl her adoptive father had taken in, but quickly Nah was beginning to warm up to Qualm. She looked up to him, especially since he’d been kind enough to take a stranger under his wing. Not just a stranger, she reminded herself, but two strangers as a matter of fact. But today was not for Qualm, Nah thought. No, she wanted to see the woman in charge of this place. Ivory Ridge it was called? Yes, she was the one that Nah was interested in at the moment.

The young girl had decided that she liked Karabela. Being in power... That was something that the young one wanted to strive towards. Maybe not rule a pack, but certainly hold a position of power. Her green eyes shifted towards the leader’s den though if she knew anything about an alpha she was likely to be patrolling or doing something else important. Nah gave a thoughtful frown. Well... That was no fun! Perhaps she’d just need to hunt her down?

So the girl padded closer to Raba’s den, catching her scent. It was time to put her tracking skills to the test.



4 Years
Extra large
10-22-2016, 10:52 AM

Karabela made her way back to the densite with a rabbit swinging from her jaws. It certainly wasn't as big as she'd like but beggars couldn't be choosers. At the moment she just intended for it to be a snack and was mulling over if she'd keep the pelt and dry it or not. On one paw it would be a long and tedious process for such a small pelt but on the other that make it all the more worthwhile to do. She also hated to waste anything. Though… her time was also precious. The Chieftan slipped up onto a ledge before pausing for a break. She'd caught the rabbit in the lower portions of the mountains which meant a climb back up. Whew! A few more seasons of this and she was going to be ripped.

Scrambling up towards the densite Karabela paused as she saw Nah sniffing around near her densite. The woman cocked her head to the side. Now what was the little tyke getting up to? Raba glanced around before seeing a crevice in which she could safely stash her prize for a few moments. Licking the fur from her maw and gauging the wind, which was in her favor, she slunk silently down to the den site, her dark coat mottled with white and red seeming to blend into the dark stone of the mountain. Creeping up behind the girl she shouted "Boo!" then pulled back and waited to see the girls reaction.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king


11-20-2016, 10:25 PM
What Nah hadn’t expected was for Karabela to sneak up on her. The child jumped, spinning around, though instead of just looking startled a little snarl came from her throat. Hackles rose, ears pinning back as tail lashed back and forth almost like that of an angry cat. The child straightened as she saw Raba though, her green eyes shifting upon her with a bit of uncertainty at first before a sweet smile came upon her features.

“Miss Raba!” The pup was glad to see her alphess though. Even if Karabela had practically scared the wits out of her. “I was hoping to find you. I know I’m still a bit young but… I wanted to see if you could train me in fighting. Pleeeeeeassssseee?” The little one put an emphasis on her request, ears lifting as she looked at the other female. If she was trained by their chieftan than surely she’d be destined for greatness, right?



4 Years
Extra large
11-22-2016, 09:52 PM

Karabela giggled as the girl jumped in fright. Ok, that was mean but sometimes Karabela couldn't help herself and part of her found herself longing for the nostalgia of growing up with her own siblings and playing pranks, getting into fights… joys that left far to soon. She was pleased at the girls reaction though, the instinctive hackles raising and ears pinning back. It was a good reaction to have. Her ears perked forward as the girl asked if Raba would teach her the arts of battle. Oh, she hadn't realized Nah was interested in learning to fight. Karabela hesitated. She'd never really thought of herself as a teacher and she wasn't entirely sure how she would go about this but she didn't really feel she could turn the girl down. Ideally she would pair the girl up with Tonrar, their Defender but he was currently training her niece. Oh! There was Birna as well, perhaps she would do for a more long-term session.

"Ok, Nah. I can try and get you started but I'm very busy as an alpha. Tell you what though, I'll give you a quick lesson and then I'll introduce you to my aunt Birna. She's an amazing fighter!" Karabela had no idea how well Birna would do with an apprentice but she was sure the stern, old woman could lighten up a little.

"So tell me, Nah, what do you know about fighting? Do you know about your defenses?"


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king